Chapter 4 : Hide in seek with a Fishy

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time skip

Diakou was playing by the pond when suddenly she decied to jump in.

" Daikou! Wait!" d said running

" Um...Can she swim?" t chan said

" I don't think she can !!!!!" d said jumping in

"Weeeee" diakou said as she swam with the blue fishy.

Mean while up on the ground

A letter suddenly arrived

Btw she can breathe under water, and can make things become real in her dreams. Good luck! Trust me! you'll need It!

" Yeah no shit sherlock! You couldn't have told us that ealier! " T chan said dving in after D.

D had maged to catch up to Daikou

" Hi!" diakou said

D eyes widen how could sh- Unless, oh god dammit. His father had left out the part about how she could breathe under water.

" Bye bye miss, Fishy!" diakou said before swiming up with D and T chan.

" Let me guess. you can Breathe under watter.....?" d asked

" Yep. me and miss, fishy where palying Hide and seek!" diakou explained

" You are going to be the end of me . One day....." D said sweat dropping

"What does end mean?" Diakou asked

" Never mind......." D said realizing if he told her, he might just have to fight of, Godzilla......

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