Chapter 12 : A Snowed in Christmas

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Diakou was busy helping kneed the noodle dough, while t chan was busy helping making fortune cookies. D was  busy chopping vetables and putting them in the beef broth. Q chan was flapping besied D. Xaoi megh was trying to roll out the dough for pinaple tarts.

" You need to flour the rolling pin." diakou said

" Oh.....Well...That helps..." D sis said as she put some on and began rolling again

" The noodles are ready!" diakou said handing them to d

" Why don't you go help t chan with the shushi?" D asked

" Okay!" diakou said running off to help

" I wonder what leon is bringing?....." d siad

" Proablly a burnt turkey......That man can not cook it right!" Xao megh said

" I hope not... It was a miracle I could sawllow a bite of it!" D said sweat dropping 

" I have never tasted something so horribly overcooked in my life......" Xao megh expa'sterated

" And let's not forget, the stuffing that was, on fire!!!!!" D said

" T chan had to use a fire extinugisher on it!" Xao megh said

" Or the frozen cranberry suace!" T chan said

" I have to wonder what he feeds Chris......" D said sweat dropping 

" Or the  boiled mash poatoes that moved in the bowl....That scarred me....." diakou said walking in

Ding dong

" I'll get it!" diakou said

" Papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Diakou said jumping up on his chest.

" OOf!" papa d said

" HIMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAA!!!!  Pfft!" Soufa chuckled walking in 

" Let me guess that boy friend of yours  is bringing another burnt turkey?" Soufa said

" GRANDFATHER!!!!!!!!!" D said blushing

" Please tell us he's not........That was horrible...Except for the moving poatoes that was just bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Papa d said

" You can ask him he's behind you!" diakou said

" Uh oh......" Soufa and papa d said sweating.

" Burnt turkey? eh?............. moving potatoes?............You'll bee happy to know ...... I bought one this year instead! And my mashed potaoes don't taste BAD!!!!!!!!!!!" Leon said in anger

" Run!!!!!!!" Soufa said taking cover.......

" Come back here!!!!!!" leon said running after the 2 men

 Chris sweat dropped as he brought in the presents......

" darn...We fought the presents......." soufa said

" I'll get them....." d said walking out and bringing them inside.

" when does santa come?" diakou asked D

" Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm.........He........Comes at midnight when your asleep!" D said

" So that means I can catch him?" Diakou said

" Wait what?!" Leon said

" He never brings the right toy! So i'll kill him and become him !!!!!!!!!!!!" Diakou said doing an evil laugh

D face paled as did every one else's .

" well here i go expaling why>>>>>>>.." diakou said

Love    ( count d x Leon a pet shop of Horrors fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt