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[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ - 𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦]

'now we're choking on the fumes,
spread the lie and kill the truth'


One month didn't sound like that long of a time to Thea, until that is, she realised it had been 30 days, 727 hours, 43,200 minutes and 2,592,000 seconds since she'd last seen her best friend. The very thought of it had her scrambling to hold on to the wall so she didn't drown in a tsunami of sadness and guilt. Of course, she and Rebekah had facetimed frequently since the blonde had left New Orleans for the original didn't trust that the wolf could keep herself out of trouble.

But truthfully, there hadn't been much trouble in New Orleans for Thea to get herself stuck in. The past month had been quiet, almost too quiet some might argue, and although Thea felt the sadness of missing her closest friend daily- she had found a new sense of freedom now that Klaus wasn't keeping her locked up in the compound anymore.

In fact, Klaus didn't really care much what she did these days. Since the night he'd forced Rebekah out of town and the two soulmates had confessed their love for each other, the hybrid had taken it upon himself to shut himself out of everything. He had pretty much tossed his crown to Elijah, handing him the keys to the kingdom he so desperately fought for at the beginning and ignored every advancement Thea made to try and talk.

It wasn't that the hybrid regretted admitting that he was still in love with her- because it was the honest truth. But after running Rebekah out of town, it seemed the original couldn't face his soulmate out of pure guilt and self-loathing. After all, Rebekah was Thea's best friend and he'd taken her away from her - causing her more suffering than he had ever truly wanted to and he hated himself for it.

He thought that she hated him, and so he removed himself from the picture so that she too couldn't break his heart. But what he didn't know was that he was slowly breaking hers the longer he kept himself shut away with his paintings and his whiskey. However, the wolf didn't fret on it for too long. She tried all she could to coax him out of his emotionless state but after her attempts remained futile, she moved on to enjoying her life, free of the fear of looking over her shoulder for danger.

For the past month, Thea had spent the majority of the time with Davina and Cami as the two women helped the newly returned witch to cope with everything she had been through with the ancestors. To say the wolf was ecstatic when she found out Davina had returned to the world of the living was an understatement- in fact, Cami practically had to tear the Lockwood teen away from the young witch when she first saw her in fear that she'd send Davina back under from lack of oxygen.

The wolf found that spending time with Davina and Cami was a nice distraction from the fact that Klaus was refusing to speak with her and her best friend had just been forced out of town. The two brunettes often both moped together about their hard lives as Cami teased them constantly about it. It was a nice balance of friendship that Thea found herself thankful for this past month.

The Lockwood teen hadn't seen much of Hayley this past month, which if you'd of told her a couple of months ago she'd have been phenomenally happy about it, but now, now, she felt as if she'd lost another one of her closest friends. She had stayed out in the Bayou with Eve, waiting for the next full moon to rise so that she could give her newfound family and friends the remedy that Celeste had given her to rid them of the curse.

And then the full moon came, and it worked, and she found herself a new home away from Thea. And whilst the wolf was sad about it, she couldn't help but to be happy for her. After all, that is what the two initially sought out to find when they came to New Orleans. The Marshall woman had finally found her family, her place, and if anyone deserved to be happy- it was her.

All in all, the month that passed hadn't been that bad. Though she missed Rebekah dearly, it had gone by in a flash and the wolf was beginning to pick herself back up again. And as she did so, her first mission on repairing what was left of her wounded heart was forcing Klaus to stop being a sulky brat and sit down and talk to her. So, as she walked with purpose across the hall to his room with an expression of determination on her face, the wolf had no time to prepare for the scene that would meet her when she arrived.

"Hey, Nik, I was hoping you-" the Lockwood teen began as she pushed open his door, not waiting to be called in- though the second the door opened, she had wished she'd never even bothered. Because there, stood in his room in nothing but her lingerie was Genevieve with Klaus stood shirtless extremely close to her. At the sight, Thea could feel her heart physically break all over again.

It was as if she had been plummeted into the deepest depths of the ocean without any knowledge of how to break the surface. She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. The air had been forcibly stolen from her, but she wouldn't give the pair the satisfaction to see just how badly the scene before her had hurt her. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing just how badly he had broken her.

"Weren't with a half-naked psychowitch. Seems I gambled and lost," Thea remarked snidely, a glare now set in her eyes as she stared the red-head witch down with lingering disgust and hatred. Genevieve smirked at the wolf with a look of superiority, "ten minutes ago I was fully naked," the witch responded casually, the remark almost knocking Thea straight off her feet.

Klaus' head whipped to face the witch with a confused frown, his expression furious at the lie she had just uttered- but Thea took no note of it as she was too invested in the pain in her heart and the searing jealousy she felt. In truth, Genevieve had barged into his room as he was changing in nothing but a silk robe and her underwear. Klaus was in the midst of throwing her out when Thea barged in and found them.

"Oh! Then you served your purpose. Don't let me hold you up," Thea remarked sarcastically as she nodded to the door, just as Elijah stepped up beside her, placing a comforting hand on the wolf's shoulder. The older original simply glared at his brother in disgust as he held up the witch's black heel, "I trust you can find your clothing and the door," Elijah remarked, his tone of of disgust as he held out her shoe.

Genevieve rolled her eyes, tightening the robe around her frame as she walked to where Elijah and Thea were stood, taking the shoe from the original's hand as she smirked towards Thea. The very sight causing an unnerving amount of anger to bubble within the brunette as she found herself itching to smack the smirk straight off her face. However, she was a lady...and pregnant, so instead, she stuck with her words. "I'll see to it that someone pays you for your services," the wolf commented with her own smirk as she watched the witch's expression contort into a scowl as she barged her way through the door.

As soon as she left, Thea turned back to face Klaus with a disgusted expression, her eyes cold as ice as she refused to allow him to see her broken. Without even uttering a word to the hybrid, the wolf turned on her heel and walked back towards her room causing Klaus to break out of his seemingly frozen state. "Thea-" the hybrid called after her, attempting to go after her before Elijah pushed him back with a harsh glare.

Elijah may have done anything for his siblings, but right now he was trying to fight the overwhelming desire to rip out his brother's heart for destroying Thea's. And as the two originals heard Thea's door slam closed and her broken sobs echo through the house, Klaus realised that if she didn't hate him before, she sure as hell did now. And if he had only found his voice earlier to tell her the truth, this whole situation could've easily been avoided.


After gathering a few extra clothes and necessities, Thea quickly made her way out the Bayou to join Hayley for a couple of days. Whilst the Lockwood teen would like to say she was strong and wouldn't be pushed out of her home by some meaningless happening between a red-headed witch slut and a man that wasn't even hers, the truth was that she was suffocating. Constantly fighting to try and reach the surface as she fell into a deep pit of despair and she needed to breathe.

So, after calling Hayley in a desperate attempt to escape, the Marshall wolf offered the teen a place to stay for a couple of nights – just so she could get herself back together, or at least well enough to pretend that she was okay. As she exited her car, the wolf quickly plastered a fake smile on her lips as she made her way over to where Hayley and Jackson were sat.

"Shouldn't you be out there playing Fight Club with the rest of the frat boys, Jackson?" Thea commented with a teasing smirk as she neared the pair, her eyes flickering over the Crescent wolf's shoulder to see two wolves sparring and wrestling. Jackson chuckled at the brunette as she stopped in front of them with a smile, "nah, that's just for pecking order," the wolf commented with a smirk, "they already know who's the Alpha."

Thea chuckled at his remark as Hayley shook her head, pulling the younger brunette in for a hug as she breathed happily. "I've missed you, mini Lockwood," Hayley sighed with a joyous smile as Thea hugged her back tightly, finding comfort in the older woman's arms that almost made her forget about the tormenting sight she had found this morning, "I've missed you too, Hales."

As the two pulled away with happy smiles, Jackson threw his arm over the Lockwood teen's shoulder, guiding her into the shack behind them where the rest of the Crescent wolves were setting the table for dinner. "You gotta try Tucker's ribs," Jackson stated as he lead both brunettes to the table causing Hayley to scoff in amusement, "then what? Then we're gonna go play horseshoes?" the Marshall woman teased, earning a giggle from Thea as Jackson glared at her mockingly as they sat down.

"Hey! Don't mock country living, darlin," a deep voice drawled out in mock warning as another wolf came up to join them, sitting directly besides Thea. As Thea turned her head to see who it was, her eyes landed on a familiar pair of brown eyes causing her to roll her eyes as the wolf simply looked at her with that same unnerving, arrogant smirk that irritated her to no end. Jackson chuckled as he punched the other wolf's shoulder lightly across the table, before smiling back at Hayley and Thea, "ladies, this here is Noah Mitchell. My second in command and your-" he began before he was cut off.

"Cousin – on your dad's side," Noah finished for him, his eyes focused on Hayley as he smiled at her warmly, "it's nice to see you again, Andrea." Hayley gaped at the wolf, overwhelmed by the sudden news that she had actual blood family here amongst the pack as Thea groaned internally in annoyance knowing she'd have to find a way to put up with the smirking wolf now that he was Hayley's actual cousin.

As Hayley continued to gape, both Jackson and Noah chuckled slightly causing the woman's cheeks to flush in embarrassment. "Sorry. This is just a lot more family than I'm used to," the Marshall woman commented as she looked around the busy room, before turning back to Jackson and Noah who were both wearing matching smiles, "well, maybe I can help you get used to it," Jackson responded with a hopeful smile causing Thea to giggle to herself quietly as she picked at the ribs in front of her.

"Smooth, Jack," Noah commented with a smirk, earning himself another hit to the shoulder just as Oliver joined them at the table. "Then, all we got to do is just forget that she spent half her life with humans, and the other half with vampires," the blonde wolf commented as he looked directly into Hayley's eyes before turning his attention to Thea, "and that this one over here got knocked up by the worst one of the lot," the wolf snarled viciously.

Noah glared at the wolf, not liking the disrespectful way he was talking to both women, "watch it, Ollie," the wolf warned as he began to stand from the table, glaring at the wolf threateningly. Hayley frowned at the scene as Thea shook her head in irritation, having had more than enough shit to deal with already that morning. Placing her hand on Noah's arms as if to tell him to calm down, she focused her attention on the blonde wolf with a stable cold glare, "it's okay. If the runt of the litter has got something to say, he should say it."

Her tone was cold and collected, though there was an underlying viciousness that sent a chill around the room. Oliver, as if not to seem bothered by the teen's harsh glare, leaned closer towards her on the table with an accusing look, "you know, word from the Quarter is your boy Elijah's holding some kind of power summit. Guess who wasn't invited?" the wolf asked rhetorically, looking between both Hayley and Thea who frowned at him in confusion.

"Where did you hear this?" Hayley asked as she and Thea shared a look, earning a scoff from the blonde wolf who shrugged his shoulders in response. "It doesn't matter. The point is that we're stuck here living in the swamp, while both of your vampire boyfriends are deciding who gets what in the city. But, I guess that shows how much respect he's got for the werewolves, huh?"

Shaking her head with the cold look still on her face – anger and annoyance mixing within her as she had yet another problem to try and fix. "Not for long," Thea sated defiantly as she looked to Hayley expectantly before walking out of the hut with the Marshall woman hot on her heels.


At the summit, everyone was arguing over Elijah's new terms and hardly anything was getting done – except arguing, that is. "This is our city, too! We should be able to go wherever the hell we want," Diego shouted in frustration as Genevieve yelled over him, "we would consider it an act of war!" Looking between them with an agitated scowl on his pale face, Father Kieran narrowed his eyes, "we're getting nowhere. You vile creatures cannot agree."

"Father, calm yourself, please," Elijah shouted, raising his voice to be heard over all the arguing causing everyone to quieten. Nodding his head, the original lowered his voice as he began to address them once again, "thank you. Now, returning to the issue of boundaries, you will all heed to the following-" Elijah began before he was interrupted once more, this time by a furious Hayley and Thea who stormed into the meeting with a vengeance.

"Are you serious? You're dividing up the city, and the werewolves don't even get a say?" Hayley shouted furiously at Elijah as both wolves walked down the aisle towards him. "What the hell is she doing here?" Diego snapped angrily as he stood from his chair, pointing at Hayley with a look of disgust causing Thea to snarl at him viciously with a ferocious glare, "sit, bloodsucker."

In an attempt to calm everyone, Elijah looked pleadingly towards both brunettes before beginning to explain himself, "we are not dividing the city. We're establishing boundaries-" the original began before he was cut off once again. "No, Elijah! There is not gonna be a peace if the werewolves are excluded. They want a seat at the table. And if they don't get one, I can guarantee that you will all regret it," Thea snapped, her eyes trailing over all the faction leaders warningly causing Diego and Genevieve to scoff.

As her eyes caught sight of the red-headed witch, Thea's anger rose considerably as she glared at the woman, "seriously, test me and we'll see just how quickly you end up back in that grave you crawled out of," Thea threatened, her eyes as cold as ice as she stared her down. Genevieve shifted on her seat, uncomfortable under Thea's harsh glare as the faction leaders began to argue once again causing Elijah to huff in annoyance.

Pulling the two brunettes aside to speak privately, Elijah looked between them with a soft glare, an annoyed expression on his face, "do you have any idea what it took just to get those people in one room together?" the original snapped, though Hayley wasn't having any of it as her anger only increased.

"No, actually, I don't! Because I didn't even know what you were doing out here until someone else told me. Tell me something, Elijah. Did you leave the werewolves out because of me?" Hayley asked, her eyes narrowing as she stared at the original with a look of accusation causing Elijah to scoff slightly. "I excluded them because they no longer reside in the French Quarter. My immediate concern is to end the mounting conflict here. Now, I can assure you once this treaty is solidified, it will expand to your people," the original attempted to reason.

Hayley scoffed at his words shaking her head at his response as Thea simply watched them both battle it out, "and until then, I should tell them what? Sit? Stay? Roll over?" the Marshall woman snapped sarcastically – and if it had been under any other circumstance, Thea would've found herself laughing at the woman's remark. "I would prefer that you two remove yourselves from the process all together!" Elijah snapped back angrily, looking between both brunettes how glared back at him in a mixture of annoyance and anger.

Hayley scoffed once again before turning on her heel and storming away from the original in frustration, realising she wasn't going to get through to him. Thea was just about to follow after before Elijah stopped her, his tone and demeanour much softer as he looked at the younger girl, "I saw you leave this morning with a few of your things. Are you absolutely certain that you shouldn't return to the compound?" the original asked apprehensively.

Thea laughed at his comment, "you think the baby belongs here? You think that's where she'll be safe?" the wolf asked sarcastically causing Elijah to frown. "I know my brother broke your heart, Thea. But is the bayou any better?" the original attempted to reason, though his reminder of Klaus' actions caused Thea's face to return to its previous, emotionless, cold state.

"The wolves deserve a voice," the Lockwood wolf replied, ignoring his previous comment as she looked blankly towards the original, "give them one. You know it's the right thing to do." And with that as her final words, Thea quickly turned away from Elijah and followed after Hayley completely unaware of the pair of ocean blue eyes following after her with a look of longing.


Thea and Hayley entered the compound, their arms looped together as they held their heads high. After their discussion with Elijah earlier, the original had requested their presence at the last minute get together he had decided to throw – it was a part of his plan to get the witches, vampires, werewolves and humans on the same page and so far it was working fine.

As the two brunettes entered, with Jackson and Noah both lingering protectively behind them, many party goers stopped short in awe. The Lockwood teen was wearing a silk, rose-gold, floor length dress – it was backless and daring and her boobs that had grown almost twice their usual size as a result of the pregnancy were one wrong turn away from falling out of it, but the wolf was out for a little revenge.

She wanted to show Klaus just what he had and let go – and she wanted to prove to Genevieve that she couldn't be broken. On the outside at least. The wolf kept her hair and make-up fairly neutral as she let the dress do all the work. And work it did, for Klaus hadn't been able to stray his eyes away from the brunette beauty since the moment she walked in.

"Looking for your little girlfriend?" Genevieve snarled jealously as she walked up beside Klaus, following his gaze to see the Lockwood wolf laughing with Davina and Cami causing her to scrunch up her nose in disgust. The witch was curious as to why everyone seemed to be so in love with the Lockwood teen – it's not as if she stood out amongst the crowd, if anything she was average at best. But Klaus seemed to think the world revolved around her, and Genevieve was wickedly jealous.

She had craved his attention over 100 years ago, and she craved it still – though the hybrid wasn't at all interested. "Why are you here?" Klaus replied, his expression blank as he responded to the witch, though his eyes never left the Lockwood wolf that had stolen his heart. As Klaus refused to acknowledge her, Genevieve grew even more angry and envious – she was being rejected for some stuck up brat and she wouldn't stand for it.

"I know you want something from me, Klaus. I'm not stupid," Genevieve began, her tone blunt as she looked at the hybrid who turned to gaze at her curiously, attempting to act unfazed by the fact he'd been caught out. "And I will be more than happy to help you...if you keep Thea out of the picture," the witch finished, a small smirk on her lips as Klaus' grew more angry by her proposition.

"Are you blackmailing me?" the hybrid snapped, his expression furious as he neared the witch threateningly though Genevieve remained completely unbothered by his anger as the smirk on her lips only grew wider. "Well, I guess that just depends on how you look at it," the witch drawled, shrugging her shoulders as Klaus glared at her ferociously.

Shaking his head as a humourless chuckle left his lips, Klaus was silent for a moment before he turned back to the red-headed witch, using his vampire speed to grip her by the neck and push her into the nearest wall. "Let's get one thing straight, I will not be blackmailed and manipulated by the likes of you. You'd do well to remember that you're only alive right now because I need something from you – the moment you cease to be of use, I will send you straight back into that grave you so desperately sought to escape from," the hybrid snarled threateningly.

Genevieve chuckled as she used her powers to give the hybrid a migraine, causing him to clutch his head in agony as the witch rubbed at the mark he had left on her neck. "You know, Thea said virtually the same thing to me earlier," the witch remarked with a smirk, "maybe you two are destined for each other after all," she chuckled carelessly as Klaus glared up at her viciously, still clutching his head in pain as Genevieve refused to let up.

Figuring he had had enough, Genevieve stopped with a wicked smirk as Klaus stood staring at her in immense anger, his cheeks puffing as his temper flared. Walking closer to him, the red-headed witch leaned towards him, "just think about what I said Klaus; the safety of your child, or her mother – not even you can have both," Genevieve whispered into his ear - but, as a result of the position, to anyone else looking in, it would've looked as if they were kissing.

Which is exactly what Thea had thought when she caught sight of them both on the balcony causing her heart to shatter all over again. She had been hoping that she had gotten it wrong this morning, that it was all some sort of misunderstanding that she'd caught the wrong end of – but after seeing them together, again, she knew now that she was being naïve.

Thea was hurt, and as much as she'd like to wish the thought of Klaus moving on with someone else didn't break her so badly – she was completely shattered by it. But the wolf was also angry. Angry that the woman he'd chosen to move on with was the same woman responsible for torturing both him and Rebekah. Angry that, that same witch was part of the reason she and their child had nearly burnt to death in an old house.

Furious that she'd spent an entire month pining after him, trying to talk to him only to get shut down to find out he was sleeping with some other woman. And as she turned her head away from the sight and towards the bar, she decided then that she wouldn't let Klaus Mikaelson break her any more than he already had. He didn't deserve the satisfaction.

"Dance with me," Thea demanded as she walked over to the bar, stopping in front of the familiar brunette that was lounged carelessly on one of the bar stools. "Sorry?" the wolf trailed, looking towards the Lockwood teen with a confused frown as he took a sip of his bourbon, his eyes trailing over the brunette's seemingly dishevelled state.

Whilst she still looked flawless on the outside, even Noah could see the lack of light that usually shone in her eyes. "What, are you deaf? I said dance with me, wolf boy," Thea snapped, her tone irritated as she looked at the wolf with an annoyed expression – only earning a broad smirk from Noah in response. "Sorry, no can do," Noah remarked with a look of amusement as he took another drink from his glass causing Thea's mouth to drop open in shock, "what?" the wolf demanded as her eyes narrowed at the infuriating wolf in front of her.

"What, are you deaf?" Noah mocked sarcastically with an amused smile as Thea rolled her eyes, shoving his shoulder causing the wolf to chuckle. "See, I have this rule about knowing my partners name before they force me to dance with them," the Crescent wolf began with a smirk as he looked down at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "and seeing as I still don't know yours, it seems you're out of luck," the wolf finished causing Thea to scoff in amusement.

"Please, I'm not forcing you, I'm doing you a favour," the Lockwood teen remarked with her own smirk, "you look like a bit of creep just sulking by yourself at the bar," she teased as Noah chuckled at her remark. Shrugging his shoulders at the wolf stood in front of him, Noah took another sip of his drink before looking her straight in the eyes, "perhaps I was just waiting for you to get over your pride and ask me to dance."

Thea shook her head at his comment, though she couldn't fight the smile that slowly tugged at her lips or the blush that formed on her cheeks as she turned away from him. As quickly as it had come though, it had soon left as she caught sight of Klaus walking towards her causing a scowl to replace her expression once again. "Thea, my name's Thea," the wolf rushed out as she turned back to the wolf – needing him to dance with her so she could avoid the hybrid like she had originally planned.

Noah smirked at the teen as he tilted his head to the side in mock thought, "ah, after the goddess, how fitting," the wolf mused, "though I must say, you give the original a run for her money," he flirted causing Thea to hit his arm once again, a faint blush on her cheeks as she scowled at him. "Shut up and dance with me, you idiot," the Lockwood wolf remarked with a pout causing Noah to chuckle once more before downing the rest of his drink and placing the empty glass on the bar.

Bending down slightly, the wolf held out one of his hands towards the brunette as he placed the other behind his back, "it's be my honour, oh great one," Noah teased with a small smile though his eyes shone brightly with mischief. In spite of herself, Thea couldn't fight the smile on her face as she took the wolf's outstretched hand and pulled him towards her as the two began to dance.

"Oh great one? I'm not a genie," Thea responded as she raised one of her eyebrows mockingly at the wolf as they danced around the courtyard. Noah looked down at her, one of his own eyebrows raised as he smiled at her, "oh, really? Cause you have everything I've been wishing for," the wolf replied teasingly causing Thea to giggle in amusement, shaking her head as she attempted to fight the smile that broke out on her face at the sight of the brunette wolf's infectious smile.

"Cheesy pick-up lines?" Thea teased as she raised another of her perfectly shaped eyebrows, "I must say, I assumed you had more substance to your flirting," the teen stated with a chuckle causing Noah to frown at her in mock offence as he lead her through their dance. "I'm not flirting," the Crescent wolf responded, causing Thea to tilt her head to the side with an incredulous expression, "I'm just extra nice to extra beautiful people," Noah finished with a wide smile causing Thea to shake her head in laughter once again.

"Please stop," Thea pleaded with the wolf through a fit of giggles, gasping slightly as she attempted catch her breath but the feat seemed impossible as the Crescent wolf simply looked at her as if she was being stupid. "What?" Noah asked innocently, as if he had no idea what she was talking about, "I'm just saying, if I had to choose between breathing and complimenting you, I would use my last breath to tell you that you're perfect."

Thea smiled at the boy as she hit his arm to get him to stop, "seriously, Noah!" the wolf laughed causing the Crescent wolf to roll his eyes mockingly. "Alright, alright, I'll stop," Noah conceded as the two continued to dance, "it's just, I'm a dentist in my free time-" the wolf began again with a cheesy grin before Thea stopped, cemented in her place as she folded her arms and looked towards the wolf with a deadpan expression and blank stare.

Shaking his head with a chuckle, the brunette wolf finally gave in, "fine," Noah responded once again as he held up his hands in mock defence before pulling the Lockwood teen into his embrace and resumed their dance. "You just looked like you needed a pick-me up," Noah told the wolf honestly as he looked down at her with a look of concern, a seriousness replacing the mischief that once shone in his eyes, "you've been down all day and I bet my life it has something to do with the hybrid you're attempting to avoid."

Thea held her head down at his words, her gaze filtering everywhere except the wolf's eyes as she answered him casually, "I don't know what you're talking about," the teen denied causing Noah to scoff in amusement as he nodded his head. "Right," he drawled sarcastically as he tilted his head to the side in amusement, "so I'm just imagining the vicious glare burning through the back of my head then?"

As Thea refused to respond, Noah continued with a teasing smile, "you know, I'm all for helping you make him jealous but I'd like to at least have been warned that there was a chance I wouldn't leave this party with my head still attached to my body," the wolf mocked, causing Thea to chuckle quietly as she finally lifted her gaze back up to look at him.

"Just talk to him, Thea," Noah told her after a moment, his tone gentle as he looked at her with a concerned expression causing Thea's expression to drop once again returning to its blank state. "I can't," the brunette teen denied stubbornly, and before Noah even had the chance to retort, a load crash sounded out from the other end of the courtyard.

Pulling out of Noah's arms with a curious expression, Thea walked across the courtyard to find Oliver pinning Diego up to a wall. Before Thea had the chance to say anything, Elijah suddenly appeared, pulling Oliver off of the vampire before pushing him against a table, "this ends now. I won't ask again," the original threatened just as Jackson appeared, taking Oliver's position as he pinned Diego to the wall with a stake aimed at his heart.

Fed up with the events that had occurred that day, Thea finally snapped. "What's stopping you? Kill him," the Lockwood teen shouted, her eyes lingering on Jackson before moving towards Elijah with a storm in her eyes, "Go ahead, Elijah. Do it. I mean, it's not like he doesn't deserve to die," the brunette shrugged casually just as Noah stepped up besides her, placing a hand on her arm to help calm her.

"I mean, it was Oliver who handed Rebekah over to the witches so they could torture her," Thea continued, blatantly ignoring the way Klaus was looking at her and the way Noah had stepped up beside her, "but then again, wasn't it Diego who led a werewolf massacre last month?" the Lockwood teen stated, tilting her head to the side slightly in mock thought.

"And the witches cursed the wolves, while the humans stood back and let it all happen. So, when you think about it, everyone here deserves to die," Thea concluded, her eyes trailing over all the party guests with a dark look in her eyes as Elijah sighed. "Are you approaching a point?" the original snapped angrily, his cheeks huffing causing Thea's attention to snap back towards him, equally as angry.

"My point, Elijah, is this – if we can't all learn to get along, if our families can't create some sort of community, then what's the point? Kill each other and get it all over with," the Lockwood teen responded, shrugging her arms carelessly as she finished. And with that as her final words, Thea stormed away from the scene and away from the compound – not noticing the look of searing jealousy Genevieve was throwing her at the sight of Klaus' awed expression.

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