Mal's older Sister (Completed)

By oncegirl26

181K 2.2K 561

Hi, I'm Mal's older sister. We don't get along at all. I am best friends with Uma, Gil, and Harry. Harry and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author note

Chapter 19

4.7K 64 9
By oncegirl26

With Mal

My sister is out there and who knows what she is doing!! I say to Belle, Beast, FG, and Ben.

Would she really hurt innocent people? Belle asks me.

Yes, she is so angry with me anyone who is close to me or even knows me is in danger. I say as I start passing.

What about Hades? What was that set up? Beast asks.

That's Samantha's father. I say.

Oh. Beast says. "That isn't good. 

No, it isn't my mother used to hate her because she was so much like him but then after I destroyed her life my mom began to love her even if she wouldn't admit it. I say looking down.

Your mother actual loves someone? FG asked.

She won't admit it but she loves Samantha. Maybe even Hades somewhat. I say looking down.

They are still there so we just have to deal with Samantha and Uma. Could the two be working together? Belle asks.

Yes, they are best friends. I say.

This isn't good. Ben says.

Mal, what do we do to keep evil out of Auradon? Belle asks me.

I think we should close the barrier. Forever. I say looking down.

NO. Ben says.

Ben, you don't get it the moment that barrier opened when you took Evie, Jay, Carlos, and me out she got stronger than My MOther had to ask for help. She doesn't do that. You have no idea how powerful she is. I say to Ben.

Well, how powerful is she? Ben asks.

She won't hesitate to kill someone. I say.

Does she have any weakness that we could use to negotiate with her? Belle asks.

The only way she won't kill anyone if her boyfriend Harry and their son and probably Hades and Hook leave the Isle forever. I say.

WE can't do that. BEast says.

But that is what she wants she might be evil to use. But for them. She isn't. She uses her magic to protect them and give them food that they can actually eat. I say.

Who do we talk to then? Belle asks.

The four kids we brought today. I say.

Okay, I will go get them. FG says as she leaves to get them.

Hi Mal. Dizzy says to me.

HI. I say.

So what do you want? Celica asks.

We are wondering what is Samantha and Harry like with the kids? Ben asks.

Samantha is awesome, she gives me some money and food all the time and she lets me hold Jr too. Dizzy says.

So, she isn't mean or scary towards you? Beast asks.

Only if someone is out to hurt us but Samantha had never hurt us. Celcia says.

What about Harry? Ben asks.

Oh, well Harry is a different story. Dizzy says.

As? Beast asks.

When Samantha had the miscarriage people thought that Harry and Samantha were fine but they aren't. They haven't been fine in a long time and they are using their hatred for Mal of a way to cope. Celcia says.

So this Harry is like crazy? Beast asks.

In some ways yes. But when he is with Samantha he is himself and he watches the kids and he really loves them.

What do you mean kids? I ask.

Shoot. Dizzy says.

What aren't you telling us? Belle asks.

We can't tell you. We promised Sam we would keep it a secret. She doesn't want you to know anything about her. Dizzy says

Okay, don't tell us then. Thank you. I say as they leave.

Now what? Belle asks.

We try and find Samantha. If anything she might be were the Gods are so she can get Hades out. I say.

She wants Hades out. Belle says.

NO, she wants her father that has barley been in her life out. I say.

Maleficent scepter and the Queen's crown has been stolen. Ben says.

Uma. Beast says.

NO, my mother's scepter no that has to be Samantha she has always wanted that thing. I say.

Now we just have to find her. I say again.

*Okay that's it for this chapter don't worry next chapter will go back to Samantha's pov and I would like to say thank you so much for 1.7k views and around 90 votes it means so much to me thank you and I love you all. I will be posting another chapter today. Peace*

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