guys like you [ prinxiety ]

By arloisnotinteresting

59K 3K 2.1K

"watch where you're going, pretty boy." "i am pretty aren't i." More

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2.1K 118 244
By arloisnotinteresting

"Roman rolled his eyes. Virgil had lost his wit."

Virgil's POV

Virgil quietly opened the door to his home, a small smile still on his face. A main role in the school play? Not bad, not bad at all.

After the singing round, a few people were eliminated, leaving around 15 people. Mr Calazans ran through a few scenes, swapped a few people and then they were left with the official cast.

Sanders Sides 2019 School Production Cast

Thomas- Daniel Howell

Creativity- Roman Chase

Logic- Logan Winter

Morality- Patton Samuel-Thompson

Anxiety- Virgil Adams

Deceit- Sam Lost

Stinky Trash Man- Jake Paul

Joan- Jon Cozart

Talyn- Dodie Clark

Terrence- Mac

Valerie- Rosanna Pansino

The purple haired teen grimaced slightly at the sight of his name. He wished he could drop his father's name, "Adams", but there was a bunch of legal stuff that his mother didn't have time for. The very sight of the name made him shiver.

"Virgil? Is that you, honey?"

"Yes, mum."

A black-haired woman came rushing in from the kitchen, a flip phone pressed in one ear and a frying pan in the other.

"How was your day?" She asked. Virgil tried not to look at the burning rice in the pan.

"Oh it was pretty good. Got a main role in the school play. So that's cool."

"Oh did you now, sweetheart? Nicely done." 

Suddenly, a frown flittered over the woman's face as she remembered something.

"So, Dee? Are you going to ask him yet? I know you don't have to prove yourself to ANYONE, but Aunt Karen is getting REALLY fooking annoying-"

Virgil gritted his teeth. "Oh, do you not remember? Dee and I broke up last week." 

The lie easily slipped out of his mouth. He saw a guilty look flash across his mum's face, and instantly he felt awful. He hated to prey on his mum's bad memory and hectic life, but he had completely forgotten about this stupid dinner where he was supposed to bring his "boyfriend" to meet his Aunt Karen. Aunt Karen was one of those people who was super casually homophobic, but always bragged about her "gay nephew". He wished he could make up an excuse to miss it, but his mum had been looking forward to a free meal. Virgil glanced at the crispy rice in the pan. Maybe a free meal wouldn't be so bad.

"However, there is this other boy I could ask..."

"Oh really? That's great honey," his mum replied, somewhat dismissively. The person she was talking to on her phone started shouting so she swooped back into the kitchen to deal with it.

Virgil scowled as he clambered over broken furniture and piles of books. The place they were staying in this year was particularly dingy, but Virgil was used to it. He scrunched up his face at the foul smell coming from a particular room that both he and his mother were too scared to open. 

After kicking over what looked like a treasure chest, he opened the door to his room and flung his bag onto his squeaky bed. So who was he going to ask? Obviously, he couldn't ask Dee, Remus or Lance. Not. A. Chance. Virgil hummed as his flicked open his cheap phone from Tesco and scrolled though his contacts. How about Patton? Virgil was sure he'd understand.

Blooooop.... blooop... blooop

(That's the sound of the phone ringing by the way pfft)

"Hey Patton?"

"Virgil? Hello! Hi! What can I do for you, kiddo?"

"Ok, so..."


"I know this, this is, a, um... a lot to ask considering we don't know each other very well, but I'm going to this dinner, with my aunt? And she's expecting to me to bring my boyfriend? And... um? I don't have one... haha. So I was wondering? If you could like? Pretend to be my boyfriend? It's on December 1st, by the way.. haha. But don't feel obliged, or anything... um yeah!"

"Oh Virgil! Don't worry about it, I completely understand. Let me just check if I'm free on December 1st...... Ah crap! I'm so sorry! I'm going to the Christmas fair with Logan that day!"

"Haha that's fine. So, you and Logan, eh?"

"Hehe yes!"

Virgil and Patton chatted for a few more minutes before Patton had to go do some charity event. Virgil heaved a great sigh. Patton was his only option, and he couldn't make it. That also meant Logan couldn't make it either. And it wasn't like he could ask Dan or Phil, because of all that drama that happened recently. Virgil continued to scroll down until the final name. Hmm. Maybe this could work. Vigil sighed again, and pressed the call button.

Blooooop.... blooooop.... blooooop...



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