The Prince And His Designer(C...

By britxs

47.2K 1.6K 676


Chapter 1
Romans Outfit
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Not A Chapter(Theories)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
My Instagram
Chapter 16
Chapter 17(The End)
Oh no...

Chapter 13

1.4K 65 3
By britxs

((Quick note: the chapters will start getting a bit shorter since the ending is very close(might be ending in a week or two)and I want the whole ending to be its own chapter, if you get what I mean.)

Third Person P.O.V
It's been 2 months since Virgil went to the rival kingdom, Ada had made a plan to sneak out her family from the kingdom at night, since the kingdom had terrible security at night. She would send letters to Roman to keep him updated and Virgil, and Roman would write back for Virgil to read them.

Ada sent a letter to Roman telling him to send a guard to the outside area of the kingdom so the guard can lead her family to the way of the other kingdom.

Virgil has been taking better care of himself for Ada, Roman, and his sister. He started listening to whatever they told him to do so they would go easy on him. Since they were kind enough, they gave Virgil a journal so he can sketch, so Virgil just spend his days sketching designs and other things.

Ada had decided when she was going to help her family out, she wrote Roman a note before hand, so they can get ready. Once her family was out and safe, she would help Virgil sneak out. Little did they know, this was going to come with a price.

A week before the plan
Ada was writing another letter to Roman on the update of Virgil, and about her plan, she made sure no one was around her. Two days later, Roman got the letter and notified a well trained guard about the plan, the guard agreed to help Roman and Ada. Roman as well told Logan and Patton, who were delighted that they may get their friend back.

Thomas must not know about the plan until Ada's family was on the way.

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