By viviannehillary

666 67 2

Loses,fear and tears are the results of war. The shadow lurks in a corner as it diffuses to the world. The fe... More



46 4 0
By viviannehillary


                            "Hemlda is Oriela in her room." "Yes my queen." Notified t
he queen walks in to her daughter's room finding the princess seated at her bed watching a horror movie from her wall inbuilt T.V the volume was loud and the background song was bone chilling, the room was dark setting in the mood for the jump scare that was about to take place. Their eyes glued to the screen as the watched the zombie grabbing the protagonist followed by a rolling bleeding head stopping staring right at them. The princess screams loudly while holding her pillow to hide her face  preventing herself from  watching anymore of  that grotesque scene, queen Griselda smiles at her childish behaviour. The number of times she has told her to stop watching those shows yet she keeps doing it no matter how scared she gets has always made her amused. Any way she was here for something different, a very important part of her life was about to change with what she was going to tell her. After gathering as many brave rituals as possible she proceeds to take a step towards her daughter touching her shoulder sending the poor girl into a screaming fit. "Calm down honey it's just me mom." "You frightened me." She angrily spits out as she regulates her breathing before going into a fit of laughter."I think that movie scared you more than me." laughs Griselda as Oriela sits up properly to face her mother. "Is there anything you'd like mom, I have a strong feeling you are not here for a social visit," "Straight to the point huh." "I know you my dear sweet mommy. Tell me is it about the new social security unit I set up for most of the omegas. I thought it will be done routinely on a monthly basis to keep the emerging trouble makers at the short end of the stick." Oriela explains quickly rushing towards her self made plans checking for any gaps during the set up. This made her proud her daughter was working hard to keep their kingdom safe. She was going to be a fantastic queen. "No it's something else. How about you take a shower so we can go for that Mother- daughter trip I promised you." "It must be serious. Okay . It's better than staying cooped up in here anyways. I'll take two minutes." "You two minutes." "I can be quick. It's a choice to extend the process." The princess giggles walking into the bathroom leaving her mother seated on her bed preparing herself to give  her the bad news, that would change everything.

                              "Ten to six, I beat you again." Oden childishly says laughing so hard at his brother as they played the new and improved basket VCR game they bought a few days ago during their quarantine. "You are cheating." "Cheating? It's all AI. You  are just terrible at it." Mocks Oden patting his brother's head with his his computerized gloves. "It's only four points fool I can still beat you. Haven't you ever heard the saying that whoever laughs last laughs best." Eden brags throwing in another invisible ball in the screen basket  score turning to 150 - 148.
"In which planet was that made. You have the worst laugh whether you laugh first or last." Eden drops the controller and grabs his brother playfully threatening to punch him getting laughter instead as Oden quickly holds his hands preventing him from throwing them around.
"Listen here you 22 yr old you can't beat me, I am new blood. Fresh out of the oven. You are stale...." "And who told you it has anything to do with age."

All this time Xander watches from a distance as the two boys were shoving each other around, pushing his memories back to when they were young boys, when the eight year old would playfully push his 12 year old brother after winning a game of kick ball. Those were the times life was less complicated and now things were different. He was afraid of breaking the news to his son. He knew Eden he was a true leader ready to sacrifice himself for everyone else not even  letting his happiness come in the way of it. It had to be done. He kept buying time for the boy for something to come up nothing. They were left with a single option and time was running out.

"Eden can I speak to you?" He requests stopping the small fake argument between the two immediately getting their attention. "Sure father." He says letting go of his younger brother. "It's not like I want Oden to brag around me with that trophy." "What trophy?!" Xander asks  spotting his old music trophy in Oden's hands. "Wait a minute, how did you two get your hands on my trophy?" Xander angrily growls scaring the two young men especially Eden who was quick to sell out the true culprit. "Oden did it."  he quickly runs out of the room leaving Oden in the Lion's den alone. Was he stupid did they not sign a blood oath to never betray each other no matter the consequence. "Traitor I thought we were in this together." Oden turns to face his angry father his smile completely wiped off his face. "It was just collecting dust." "We will talk about this later." "There is nothing to talk about. It's an old trophy." "It's not the trophy that's an issue it's the luck of boundaries with you." He concludes Leaving  the room letting Oden's anger simmer down. How can Eden betray him like that. "That asshole. How do I end up calling him a brother after this." Oden rambles but he was definitely not planning to have his ass lectured especially not on boundaries.

                             The queen and her daughter walk into their awaiting the vehicle where their driver respectfully closes the car door. He quickly makes his way to the driver's seat settling in, he checks the two ladies at the back ensuring they are safe starting the car as per instructions.

"Okay Mom please tell me what's going on? I feel like you are going to tell me something serious. Look I even got goosebumps." Griselda giggles at her daughters antics taking her hand in hers.  "Do you know the history of our people?" How is this a conversation starter? Did Olivia's mom just switched bodies with her mother? She did know the past of her people from all the lessons back at school. What she also knew was history is always altered to change facts that are unnecessary for the people to hear. Especially the one on the bloodhound and the war created by the great alpha king. Maybe that's the history she meant. "Yes what about it?" Oriela questions having a sudden feeling this speech will not end with a smile on her face."What am about to tell you is due to this history. The division and the bloodhound. All of this started with Phoenix and his twin brother Alexanderia." She starts of handing Oriela a picture of the two brothers.
"Well there was a fight between the two legends doesn't really explain why...."

" .... The two decided to separate the kingdoms after a fight they had, Alexanderia took his people and so did Phoenix. Everything the division created was based on two men's anger for each other. The witch and wizard of that time together with the Oracle fixed that by creating the great dividing bridge to separate the two kingdoms ..."

"..... So the white wolves learnt to leave together in a civilized manner while the alphas well I don't know what to state about their way of living. But with that the Ora, the power was also separated. This power is from the dragons before they went extinct giving it to our first parents due to the great help they offered to the battle of black fire. Battle between the dragons and the black knights otherwise known as the devil's sperm..... Demons."

"The Ora meaning everlasting burning flame, was meant to protect us from danger and also the dark knights just in case they come back but it has been centuries since their painful down fall. Now we have a new enemy. The bloodhound. A wild uncontrollable spirit with a lot up it's dirty bloody sleeves. Killing seems like it's soul purpose for now but in the past it did more than that ......"

".... And now you hold the Ora's power, passed down from generation to generation in the royal blood. Your father died for a great cause. Passing down the power to you lead to his death. It has to be your choice to willingly pass it on. It was your father's choice that you shall fulfil the prophecy of saving our people and bring us even closer. The Ora has been separated for a long time. It's becoming weak....."

" .....The only way for us to destroy the bloodhound is with the Ora. We need to strengthen it through union or else  everything we've worked for can crumble with a blink of an eye. Unless ..." "Unless what father?" Eden asks to get his confusion fixed. "Well um I didn't want this to happen to you son, trust me but it's for the best it's the only option we have ....."

"..... Mom, you are scaring me. What is it?" Oriela says wiping her mother's tears. "The Oracle stated that the only way to beat the bloodhound is the union of the Ora," "Union? What union?" the marriage between,.....between the princess of omegas and the prince of the alphas." Griselda continues. Suddenly Oriela laughs at her words thinking this was all Ludacris, it must be right."You got me there mom, you even added some tears, so what are we celebrating?" Oriela asks hoping all this is some sick joke. "Am being serious Oriela...." "...... MARRIAGE?! EXCUSE ME!" The anger burns up her body to her head sending pain to her heart. "I can't marry someone I don't know." The  words send her back to what she heard last night. So this was all true she was going to get married. What about Oden? Was she going to break up with Oden."Yes." "What? No!" Oriela gets out of the car, her mind drenched in confusion. She needed air. She struggles to open the window trying to get some air. This was getting too much to handle.

"Me? Marry the omegan princess what about the people?" "We will talk about that don't worry, for now we need to make sure that you are on the same page." "Well it depends on the book you are reading cause mine talks of marriage as something sacred not some piece of offering you make to the Maker's temple." Eden angrily snaps. "I understand your frustrations now but what it is what it is."

"Think of our people Oriela....." "Our people.... that's all I have ever thought about from when I was young but this, this mother is too much to ask. My love life is supposed to be my choice not some random debate for your council of elders." Of Griselda understood her daughters anger, she tried to take her time looking for solutions that would never solve their problem. She was scared for her daughter but she also knows she has a duty to perform whether she liked it or not. Her father died for it."We sometimes as leaders need to make a lot of life sacrifices....." "Sacrifices?! My life is not a sacrifice. I can't get married to a shadow. I don't know him, nothing, not even his first freaking name. Am I making any sense? As my mom do you think I'll be happy?" She was right, it was something she thought every night fear took over her body thinking of giving her daughter to the alphas. Not a night went by when she didn't think of another choice. However, the Maker didn't listen to her prayers hard enough or maybe her prayers were all hitting the ceiling. So whether it hurt she had to convince Oriela to make this choice for their sake.

"Yes happy sacrificing for your people's sake. Look out the window Oriela." The princess does seeing a bunch of children playing. The pups run around laughing everytime one of the would get tagged. she could remember when she was their age when she played around without a care and everything the world had to offer was innocent. Those days were gone. She was no longer eight moons old she was a  soon to be queen of the omegas. "Don't you want the smiles of this girls to stay plastered on their faces?" Oriela looks at the female pups playing in the park once more. Her mother just had to use them knowing well they would bleed her heart. I mean who would want to disappoint them. The love she had for her people was genuine and true. Yet there was one thing that was also genuine and true that was the love she had for Oden.

How could she do that to him, to marry some random guy she barely knows. That was too much to handle even for her. The fact that her mother didn't know about meant she was going to give him up eventually but not now, not like this, she could have found a way for them to stay together. Urgh! What was she going to do?! Decisions had to be made. "Yes I do. I want to see them happy and full of life." She accepts after a long complicated thought. Why couldn't  she remain young pup? When things were simple and happy. "Good. A queen's first priority is for her kingdom, the rest of the priorities are for later on. It's hard for someone who has sat in the throne for a long time, I know. My love life was not that easy, I had to learn to love your father from scratch. You can do it to." Griselda assures her putting a warm sad smile on her daughter's face even though deep inside all she could feel was hurt. A tormenting sadness.

"So you can clearly see why I want you to take a hard decision. I know it's not the best options I've ever given you but it's all because of the kingdoms." "I get it dad. All my life I've worked so hard to prove that am a good leader. I am willing to do anything for our people. I want to get rid of the bloodhound too. I will unite the Ora. I will marry the omegan princess." Eden finally agrees, it didn't take much convincing him for his loyalty wasn't divided. He had to either way, he is going to become the next king and he will need people to rule that cannot happen when the bloodhound arises."Thank you son." Xander shows his gratitude. Deep inside he knew Eden was not taking any of this well but with him there to support him he will have to stay strong.

"So do you agree?" "Let me think about it. Showing me a bunch of pups doesn't automatically change my mind." "By today?" "Mom don't rush me. Commitment is very difficult to decide on plus need I remind you I don't even know the guy." Protests Oriela closing the window to their car tired of the strong wind from the driving hitting her teary eye. "I just want you to know all this is for the greater good." "I understand mom it's just that it's too much to take in. Can we go home please." She requests wanting to lay in her bed and sleep this away. When one is a child it's easy when decisions are made for you as you grow up and one is forced to make their own choices.When that happens is when a child truly becomes a grown up. That's when a child understands those adult decisions.

                       "Oden why did you call us here I thought we decided to meet in the meadow?" The two friends Jayden and Arthur were in the famous alpha palace. Oden had some of the palace warriors go pick them up for him. Despite being the elders children they had to go to a selected part of the palace for security measures. Especially now with the bloodhound and his group of idiots running around. Now the friends were in the palace first living room where all guests are accepted."That's the thing Arthur I can't my dad wants me stuck in my room like a prisoner." Oden almost growls at the statement remembering the thundering conversation he last had with the king. "Why?" Jayden asks concerned. "Because of the trek incident. Me and Eden are on lock down mode. Having the time of our lives." the last part he says sarcastically taking something out of his pocket. "Okay what do you want us to do?" "Just give Oriela this for me. Tell her am sorry I couldn't be there to see her," He says handing Arthur a piece of folded paper he spent a few hours at night writing as he tried to think of an escape plan which was obviously very useless judging by the number of warrior guards around as reinforcement not forgetting the tattle tales his father has put around town just in case even an inch of his shoe is spotted outside the palace. The two boys almost laughs at their friend's complaint, everytime the Oden would talk about his father, calling him old man was purely hilarious to the two. They saw the man in a different light, the great king Xander. I guess it takes a son to know a father. Arthur takes the note shoving it in his pocket with a promise to do as requested. With nothing more to talk about the two boys  say their goodbyes leaving the prince to his solitude.

                        Per now the girls and the boys knew where the secret passage was there was no need for Oden to keep crossing to the other side to go get them. This time Thecla and Olivia appear from the other side meeting up with the waiting Arthur and Jayden. Each group noticing a missing member from their small pack. "Where is Oriela?" "Where is Oden?" Olivia answers Arthur's question with her own making the boys smile disappear. "He is home attending to serious matters.Your turn." "Well I wished I knew but we haven't exactly talked to her, we don't exactly live in the same house." "I guess hanging out today is out of the question judging by the fact that we do this risk game for them." Arthur blurts out avoiding any eye contact with Thecla. The last few hours since their meeting he could not keep her out of his head. He needed to. He had to."I guess you are right. I have things to do anyway." Agrees Olivia. Without further a say Arthur pulls out the note from his right pocket of his jacket handing it over to Olivia with keen instructions as per Oden's request.  "Here gives this to Oriela." "I will." "Be safe out there. The bloodhound is out for blood." Jayden warns saying goodbye to the girls. "You too." Thecla does the same waving her hand at the dark haired male.

                               Oriela lies on her bed facing the beautifully decorated ceiling thinking on her mother's so called request. Each and everytime she thought about the more she felt a stabbing pain in her chest, it was like a punishment for what she was about to do. Tears kept streaming down her cheeks as her mind is left measuring the weight of her mother's words. 'The kingdom come before us the people come before us. We are the servants they are our masters.' It was true, a painful fact she embroidered in every vein in her body. The people only saw that perfect picture smile never the burning tears she hides from them. She had a duty she had to perform. Was it worth her freedom? That was the question she asked herself each time.

Remembering her life before Oden, How happy she could willingly give her life for her people. How she was determined to make her mother proud of her, how hard she worked to know everything she had to before joining claw academy. Fate had to be a damn bitch. It seduced her into a lie she sold to herself until it became true, It let her join claw academy, it let her meet Oden. The boy she could not stand at first, the person that made her pull out her hair one by one, the person who made her laugh, the person who made her feel different, the person who let her be who she really was, he became a question she continuously asked herself for a long time, the person that kissed her and made her feel like living in the clouds was not imaginary. He was in her thoughts scrambling her brain until she could not decide what was wrong or what's right.

With that verdict, Who was she supposed to chose? Before claw academy she would have been happy to chose her people no question asked but now, now it was a new story. In all the tales she read she could see the truth she denied true love is always cursed. Bound to pain, tears and torture. Like how her mother loved her father only to die. Now it was her turn. She loved her mother so much, she was her role model but her heart was yearning for Oden's love. Every action led to a certain reaction. If she chooses her mother, she gets to have her people see another day in this trying times of war, if she chooses Oden, she accepts to love and to be free. The clock was ticking like a time bomb, She needed to make a decision. Is it going to be her people, her kingdom, the reason for her birth, the ones who adore her presence on the throne. The Omega's princess or was it gonna be Oden, the love of her life, the one person that didn't want to push her into deep shit. The one that made her feel true freedom. Who will have to suffer because of her choice?

Tired of thinking the princess walks to her mother's room standing at her mother's door waiting for an okay to get in. Her mother could see it the sadness and grief holding her daughter hostage it hurt her too. Just as the oracle said she had to be brave for her daughter. The two look at each other as if communicating in telekinetic waves understanding each others frustrations. Griselda taps at her bed signaling her daughter to get close "Come here sweetheart." The princess sadly drags herself to her mother's bed cuddling her like she did as a pup in need for comfort. "I am sorry. I wish there was something I could do. I wish there was some way to get the Ora into me since am so used to the sacrifices." Griselda whispers in her daughter's ear as tears continuously run down Ori's cheeks. "No I can't have you do that. I am sorry for being selfish and thinking only about myself. You never did." "I never had a choice from the beginning. Marrying your father was the worst thing that I ever did. He was stubborn, never accepted that I never wanted him, as time went by he showed me love and protected me in ways no he wolf  could. He took care of me despite my tantrums, despite my hate. As moons passed by I fell in love with him. I saw the good in him, his patience. At last all his efforts had paid he became the best decision I ever made to this date." Oriela smiles listening to her mother's story. She rarely talked of her father or their love story ever since she was a pup. The little she heard she treasured it all like a piece of gold. Just like how father was brave to face death for their kingdom and her mother sacrificed herself to the people it was her turn. She understood her role "Yes  I ..... I choose my..... kingdom. I will marry the dark prince. I will sacrifice my happiness for the happiness of the Omegas. I will destroy the bloodhound to my dying breath." she slowly narrates making her mother  feel a pang of guilt slowly pushing itself into her heart. The most painful sight was sitting next to her. Her daughter in tears, her face red cherry and her eyes screaming help and no help can be given. She now understood she was no longer a pup. She was a full grown wolf making decisions important for the kingdom.

"I am so sorry. Thank you so much my dear..... I am so so sorry..... Whatever happens just know I will always be with you. I love you my little pup. I love you soo much." Oriela places her head on the queen's thighs struggling to calm down but it was too much for he,  it hurt like a bitch. They say  hero's have to let their lives fade for the masses to rise. That was her new life. Oriela's beautiful colourful dreams were slowly turning grey. That night the poor princess slept in her mom's hands dried tears on her cheeks dreaming of the past, of her lover. She needed that. Griselda was happy to have her daughter in her hands embracing the pain like the past tracing her right hand over her daughters dirty blonde locks. "Don't worry baby what doesn't destroy you only makes you stronger. Stand tall, smile for the world to see. You are the best thing that came in my life...... Your dad would have loved to see you being this courageous young lady. He loved you even if he never got a chance to hold you and protect you from all this. I wish I would draw the stars for you.All I can tell is, Love is a fantastic feeling and it hurts me that you will not be able to have that, it will take time and  you will find it one day, once all this is over you will learn to love him." " I am here Griselda, I will be at our daughters side till the end." A figure dressed in white promises standing at the foot of the bed watching his two most important people sleep through their nightmare.

That night Oriela dreamt of her and Oden. Their plans to hold on to each other and figure out everything together, the promise to be bold and brave to face the world of division they live in. They only wanted to love and care for each other and maybe one day be together have kids grow old. Happy memories, happy days.She could see herself dressed in a beautiful wedding dress, she walks towards him and she takes her in his own hand. Her beautiful white roses in her left hand and her right hand in his. The priest under the Maker blesses their wedding and gives them permission to kiss each other as a form of union between the two. She turns smiling at him waiting for his hands to unveil the thick veil, she could sense the males fingers grip the edge of the veil dragging it slowly to her head allowing them to see each other. When he finally finishes unveiling her the man in front of her was not the dark haired male, his face was hidden "I do." he says. The faceless man in her dream raising his head to see him.A nightmare that would soon be a reality.

The next morning
Ori wakes up from her mother's bed wishing the conversation she had was not real that everything was a huge nightmare but no all the words said still lingered in her head and kept repeating itself like a chorus. "Oden! Am sorry." That's all she could say. That morning Griselda woke up leaving Ori in deep sleep not wanting to remind her of the cruel world that took everything from her, she kisses her forehead leaving for the elders meeting.

                              "They both agreed to the marriage." Griselda nods her head and so does Xander surprising the oracle. "That fast." The two felt like they betrayed their own children but the Ora needed to be strengthened, they needed to save their kingdom. "Their choice was based on a single option." Xander whispers to himself. But not enough to pass the Oracle's ears "Am sorry Xander, I know it was hard for you and them but they have to be strong and ready for what the bloodhound is planning to throw at us next. No decision in this world is easy no matter how easy the choices are." "Am I late." A man in red suit with his ruby red hair up in the air appears out of nowhere joining the group of elders seated quietly across the oracle. "You again?Who invited this guy?" Ramciel inquires frustrated at his appearance at such a bad moment. "Am sorry Ramciel I believe the devil never needs an invite." "Shouldn't you be somewhere destroying peace and love?" Devon questions his tone laced in sarcasm. "Oh! Bloody hell." Pesidees blurts out. "What's next a unicorn and fairies?" Devon sarcastically inquires. " Why are you here?" "To babysit this meeting." "We don't need a babysitter." Annoyed Vivica joins in the conversation wanting the idiot to begone. "Okay um, I think we have a bigger fish to fry how about we deal with that?" Luc reminds them. Everytime this demonic idiot showed made them believe he wanted something from them. Why did he want them to do? Better question what did he expect them to do. Staying quiet was not answering anything."There is history about the devil we are facing now traveling from hell to come here. If I am correct you are here because you want the bloodhound dead. Is there a secret it has against you? Or is it pride that it escaped from you." Xander narrates almost chuckling at the comical face Lucifer makes. "Whatever I have with the bloodhound is none of your concern."
"Heavy I must have struck a nerve there Luc." "You should be thankful am letting you prepare that task force to destroy it instead of bringing an army of my own remember them the dark knights." "Is that a threat?" Griselda growls at the bastard glaring at his red eyes. "Anyway you are non of our concern we have an event to plan." "Yes yes the union of the Ora, I believe the right term is we have a wedding to plan." Lucifer announces cheerfully as if he was on the guest list. "Of course. Back to the meeting." Ignores the oracle his eyes looking away from their red headed "friend."

                        "There two people here to see you princess." Hemlda informs Ori who says nothing but nods her head in approval still dug deep in her blankets except her head. In comes Thecla and Olivia, their happy faces saddened by seeing their friend all depressed. "The amount of security we have to pass through just to get to your bedroom.......What's up?! You look terrible." Olivia asks her voice falling to a concerned tone, well that's a first. Oriela raises herself from her warm safety net getting a cloudy glimpse of her friends before letting her tears flow once again at the sound of that question.Like muscle memory Thecla quickly rushes to her enclosing her friend in a soft cuddly bear hug in hopes of comforting her without knowing the reason for all those tears. "Are you okay?" "No. Did you guys get in." "You mean how did we get an invitation to the Grand castle you call home. Thecla's mom requested." Olivia informs joining the two on the bed. "We got something for you. Oden sent a note for you. It might make you feel better." Olivia hands over the note. With a smile and a wipe of tears  she quickly opens it taking out the piece of handwritten note. This was a piece of hope judging by the terrible day she has had. She opens the letter smiling at the beautiful handwriting of her boyfriend. His writing always looked sculpted as if he wanted the words to seduce the reader before they can actually get a word from it.

"Am sorry I could not be there
to comfort you, today has
been rough for me, not being
able to see you makes it harder.
I feel your sadness and your
happiness. I may seem a distance away
but am a stone throw away. I am
Like an umbrella that shields rain so i
will shield you from the pain
Of our two worlds. Nothing
Will separate me from you.
Black or white who cares
Our love is red. I will fight for
Us. I am ready to be with you forever I just need to figure out how. I love you Ori"
'pretty face'
From Oden, the
annoying ice hockey

It was a cute note she even chuckles forgetting the reason for her tears just for a moment. Oden never let her feel empty. This was good for her a quick happy moment before it got replaced with gloom.Before she got reminded  that their love story was destroyed by her fate. Once again pain fills her chest the once dry tears start all over again wetting her rosy cheeks. Olivia and Thecla still unaware of their friend's devastation watch her drowning in self pity unable to do more than just hold her hands in assurance that they are there with her. "It hurts so much." "What's wrong?" Olivia asks curious to know why they are staring at a broken Oriela instead of a happy one as they were used to. The princess gathers herself together sitting up even more wiping her tears away once again to give the new news. Despite the difficulty she opens her mouth uttering the unbelievable statement. "I have to break up with Oden." Sudden silence befalls the room as Thecla and Olivia throw glances at each other. This must be one of those jokes that are never meant to be funny. They knew this was bound to happen back in claws academy but as time went by the two of them found a way to make it work despite the division it's like fate wanted them to be with each other, so why do sudden?

"Are my ears still functioning properly? Are you crazy?" Olivia asks in shock trying to absorb the unexpected information. " Oriela you can't you and Oden still have time to work it all out. We promise to help you every step of the way if we have to. Wait is that what Oden write in the letter. Is that why he didn't come to the meadow too. What happened that night did he break up with you?" Thecla states so quickly she was  barely breathing. "No it isn't that....I wish it was the other way around. It would have made things so much easier." "So you are the giving up." "It's complicated." "Define  complicated." Demands Olivia still finding all this absurd which was understandable the four friends were willing to sacrifice themselves for them, they set their differences aside for this one mission. Were they supposed to put everything aside just like that."I was born with the Ora. My dad died for me to have it. My destiny is to get rid of the bloodhound once and for all....." "You can do that without breaking up with Oden."interferes Olivia not ready to adjust to this new normal. "In order for us to defeat the bloodhound the Ora has to be united so that it regain it's former strength. For that to happen I have to ...... I have to marry the prince of alphas the rest of the union shall be told to me later by the oracle himself after the wedding."
Oriela slowly explains chocking in her tears as she struggles to hold them in already tired of crying."Why you?!" "Thecla that's the same question I've been asking myself, over and over until it hurts to think."

Thecla takes her back into her arms. She felt all the pain her friend felt. It was sad to see the once always laughing Ori in tears. She knew Oden was the one who brought the light in her life. Now she has to get used to seeing that sad look on her friend. Olivia could not handle it, she lover Oriela as a sister and this sad side was nothing she ever wanted to see on either of her friends. For the first time in history she felt as if her hands are chained and there is nothing she can do to help. "What about Oden are you going to tell him?"Olivia asks worried about the outcome of all this. "How am I supposed to do that? I can't face him, it's hard for me to get out of this room much less look at his face and tell him that I am going to have to break his heart." "You do know you'll have to do it eventually. This news is going to be announced officially to the people not only will the packs know it he shall find out soon. You cannot allow him to hear it from others with telling your side of the story." "I didn't even tell him am the princess of the Omegas." She whispers to herself expect the girls could hear it loud and clear. "Another burden on your shoulders." "Olivia you are seriously not helping." Thecla attacks. " This is all our fault if only we didn't play cupid you could have easily accepted your fate." Olivia says sadly tears brimming in her own eyes. "If it wasn't for you I would have never known how it would feel to love someone so much that every muscle, blood vessel in your heart wants to move unless he is there, I would have never believed in the love my mother speaks of. Thank you so much."

" Arthur sent a message to meet tonight." Thecla reports going through her loud notification. "Do you want to go and talk to him tonight. We will be with you to explain everything. Am sure he'll understand."  "I can't Thecla...not tonight but when you meet him make something up for me. I'll get time to explain this rubbish to him, eventually before the marriage or before the news starts spreading like wildfire." "We are here for you, Ori. Am really sorry you have to go through this bull crap." "It's okay Olivia. Love is not for everyone I guess." After a couple of cuddling and dug up memories and their day to day activities the two girls leave the poor princess to her thoughts as they head out of the palace.

                              "Xander you do know the two will have to meet eventually, so I am suggesting you host me and my daughter in that pig sty you call a palace...." Griselda criticizes. "Ha! It's funny how you call it a pig sty and yet you want your feet on my floors." Griselda just throws him a 'are you daring me look ' "You think I want to have my feet on your floors. Once my daughter marries she will live with you and I need to make sure she is in good hands."  "Okay okay fine Sure I'll prepare it for you my queen for I am your lowly servant." Xander chuckles at Griselda making her head turn sharply to face the annoying man who in turn rolls his eyes knowing very well that glare is the only warning shot he gets.

"I'll be there at six p.m." Xander quietly laughs at her childish anger as she leaves. "I really hope your daughter is gonna be different from you." He shouts after her. This time Griselda keeps her cool and continuously walks away. No need to fight right they are going to be in- laws.

                                  Arthur and Jayden stand under the black sky waiting for Thecla , Olivia and probably Oriela. "BOO!" "Aaaah!" Jayden and Arthur let out a manly scream trying to scan the area to see who let them almost lose their hearts. In front of them was Oden, son of Xander. "Seriously why?!" "Seriously why not." Thecla and Olivia get in laughing their asses off."You should have seen the looks in your ugly faces ha!my Maker hold my ribs in place before they fall off." Olivia says in between fits of laughter trying to hold herself together. "I only see two of you where is Oriela?" Oden anxiously asks. "She had something very important to take care of like super important" Thecla  constructs the lie trying to look as convincing as possible. "I sneaked out of my home to come see her." "Well am sorry big boy you have to swallow that disappointment." "But she sent us to tell you that she loves you so very much. More than Olivia's hate for Arthur." "HEY!" Arthur protests. Oden feels a little disappointed but accepts fate as it is. They didn't get to stay as long as they wanted to, without Oriela, Oden felt empty. The other four as usual just found amusement in relaxing at the open field staring at the sky and talking of their past. It was torture for the poor boy as he struggles to look amused but something told him a lot of things are about to happen. A sudden harsh pain keeps clinging onto his chest as if warning him of the impending doom that is about to befall them.

Fate  was just being a pain in the ass for the white princess and dark prince. Their love story was now a broken reality. The bloodhound did not just step on their feet but also made all their dreams and hope crush. Now all that filled those gaps were nightmares and sadness for the Omegan princess . The dark prince still in the shadows dreaming of better days. This was not a game of hide and seek. Cause the seeker and hider were both lost in the bloodhound's game of chess. 'ORACLE'

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