By YaOiBeAn

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Crazy sho
Bo Burnham
Deku snaps
Assassin deku
The end
my werid ass dream
okay it's dumb
( ีžเจŠ ีž๏ผ‰
shy spooder deku
Dark ginger
"Road work ahead, uh-yeah i sure hope it does"
oH wHaT A wOrLd
truth or dare
Five Nasty Ass Fools
spiderman memes
yandere ๐Ÿ˜ฐ
Hiiii UWU
not a chapter
incorrect quotes


34.5K 198 131
By YaOiBeAn

(A/N: plz give me ideas for multiverses cuz I have none

Edit- hello! Im only editing this one page, so if you don't want to see some old cringe tododeku and very unjustified Uraraka slander. Then I suggest you leave😅 I do genuinely apologize for my hate to Uraraka, it was totally biased to my view of tododeku, which was weird...but again if you dont want to see that, then please leave.)
It was a normal day at UA.
Class 1-A were just doing the norm.
Aizawa was teaching everyone about how to sneak up on certain villains.
Deku like we're listening, while others (*CoUgH* Mina, kamanari & sero *cOuGh*) were bored out of their minds.

Aizawa: "so when sneaking up o-"
Before he could finish his sentence
A white flash had gone through the room.

"AHHHHH" everyone screamed as they fell to the ground. As they all got up they vegan to look around. Everyone was there including, The big three, eri, Kota, wild, wild pussycats, and inko midoriya.

Then todoroki noticed that a certain green headed boy was still passed out on the floor. Beginning to panic a bit he ran over to him.

"Midoriya!" he shouted, running over to him trying to wake him up.

"Where are we at!" Bakugou shouted, it echoing around the room with no response.

Suddenly a voice spoke, "Calm yourself everyone" a strange figure said floating in front a huge screen.

(Basically that, its not mine)

"Who are you?!" Aizawa screamed. 

The figure sighed, "Calm down I'm C! nice to me- oh! Looks like mido hasn't woken up yet"

Everyone was then looking at midoriya sound asleep with todoroki holding him up, so he's not on the cold ground. Heating him up a bit with his quirk.


Midoriya slowly woke up. Todoroki helping him up a bit.

"Awww, well ain't that cute." Mina cooed. "EW! What the hell midoriya I thought you were cooler than this!" Grape bitch yelled.


C snaps their fingers making mineta disappear. "There! now we don't have to deal with him anymore" C said.

"T-thank you C" Midoriya stuttered. C giggles a bit. "No problem mido"

"So what are we doing here?" Inko asked. "Oh! Yeah I totally forgot you are here to watch alternative universes if one of your classmates."

"WHAT" everyone screamed. Shocked at the fact that different demisensions we're possibly real. "Who are we watching?" Aizawa asked. "We will be watching Midoriya, as he is the main character!"

Everyone looked at deku. "M-ME?! Why me?!" Midoriya said, blushes from all the new attention. "Yeah! Why the shitty nerd?!"

"Cuz he's the main character, and a mentally drained buff teenager! Anyways let's get on with this! Take your seats!!"

            Multiverse starting in



Dis be short I know I need ideas yes I have like a few of my own but would still love to hear yours

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