Love ( count d x Leon a pe...

By Ginersnap2010

829 9 2

One day D gets a call from Papa D saying, that he's dropping something off. That something is a small child... More

Chapter 1 "Where did you come from?"
Chapter 2 : Food.
Chapter 3 : The Little Nightmare
Chapter 4 : Hide in seek with a Fishy
Chapter 5 : Meeting Leon and Chris also Diakou is a Fanfic shipping away !
Chapter 6: How being adorable get's you off the hook.
Chapter 7 : Baku Baku Nya Nya akia Count D has a cute overload attack .
Chapter 8 : Beach day
Chapter 9 : Scary nightmare
Chapter 10 : D's Other Sister
Chapter 11 : Amusement Park Field trip and diakou's birth day!
Chapter 12 : A Snowed in Christmas
Chapter 13 : The Beach Resort
Chapter 14 : The Shadow, The Monster, The Demon Is No More
Chapter 15 : Diakou's Guardian Familars
Chapter 16 : The Man's plan
Chapter 18 : Christmas Shagnanagins and new traditions.
Chapter 19 : Fear
Chapter 20 : The Man's Revenge
Chapter 21 : The ransom
Chapter 22 : The Rescue
Chapter 23 : A wedding, A story, and Diakou finally get's Santa Clause!
Chapter 24 : The secret is out of the bag....

Chapter 17 : Where's Diakou?!

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By Ginersnap2010

Time skip

" and that's what happend !" D said sobbing on leon

" Please......You have to help get her b-back!!!!!!!" D said stuttering and sobbing once more

" Ah jeez! Don't worry half of the station is tracking them as we speak! We'll find her D! And will bring that batarsd to Justice!" leon said holding the sobbing man

mean while

" Move whore!" jimmy siad kicking diakou roughly on her side

Altghough bruised and with broken bones Diakou spat at the man!

" Never Go ahead ! Kill me! Uncle will come! And he'll kick your ass !" diakou said cussing for the first time

" Why you little" Jimmy said getting a knife and stabbing diakou shoulder's repaetly

" SHOW ME SOME DAM RESPECT BITCH!" jimmy said punching diakou till she had a horrible black eye

Mean while 

" SIR WE FOUND HIM!" a police officer said getting leon

D imdealtyly sat up and ran over to the man 

" WHERE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" d and leon shouted

" He's on east bullarvard!" the man said " come on!" he finished gestering to a car.

D hoped ind within a minute followed by diakou famialrs then T chan and then leon getting. A ton of guns!

Time skip

" THIS IS THE FBI! OPEN UP!" leon said next to d holding a gun  as he kicked the door down

" MGPH!" diakou screamed at D with her gag on

" HUN! DIAKOU!" d eyes widen

Diakou was beaten up badly.....This cuaused D anger to turn into FURY!!!!!!!!


" I don't think so!" jimmy said grabing Diakou roughly and jumping into a car with a woman driving off.

" COME ON WE CAN CATCH THEM!" Leon said to d getting in the car D nooded and jumped in the front.


Jimmy saw them and jumped from out the car however diakou had enough. Suddenly jimmy fell on a sharp peice of metal and began bleeding heavly.....

Leon banged on the brakes jumped out and got in the car and stopped it.

" Diakou!" d yelled running after jumping out as welll

Diakou stumbled due to her wounds..

Leon picked her up and handed her to D..

" It hurts...." diakou said barely talking

" It's gonna be okay.....Diakou " d said holding her

Leon called an ambulance

Time skip

Diakou woke up to white walls and a white bed where was she?....

" Diakou" d said jumping up. and running over

" Mmmm.What happened?" diakou asked

"You had quit an adventure......." d said

"How do you feel is more important!" d said concuding

" I feel like i was hit be a truck. Then throw into the ocean from space." diakou said clusting her body

" hey take it easy diakou..! You just had a sugery." the doctor said coming in

" Wait how long was I out?!" diakou said

" You been out  for months now it's about christ mas time." the doc said

" ow!" diakou said as a wolf jumped up

" Sorry." it said as the doctor fainted

" Jade! We told you to wait!" d scholed jade

" Oh please he'll think he's wroking to hard!" jade said

D sighed and sat down in a chair next to diakou

" What...Happened to...." diakou saidalready flinching at the thought of him...

D eyes widden " you don't rember?" d asked diakou

" No...." diakou said

" You.killed him diakou." leon said

" What?!" diakou said

" You enegery at being abused by him was let out as one ball of engery and killed him serval times."' d said

Diakou looked at he banged hands

" It's not your fault diakou. and you where right for what you did. now he cant hurt anbodyelese." leon said sitting by d with some coffie

" Um....can i like change into my clothes and stand up cause i about to HUMPGH!" dikaou said before she startyed throwing up

" Diakou!" d said

" relax d this is normal." leon said to d

" Dective how is this." d began before leon cut him of

" Shock.Her body is realisng the phermones that she had." leon said

" Oh..So you mean she's just gettting it out not sick.' d said calming down some before a nurse came in and chnaged diakou into her pajams.

Diakou shortly came back out..and hoped slowly back up on then now clean bed.

She quickly gurled some water and took some pills before grabbing the soft  clean blanket and pulling it up on her.

" How long do i have to stay here?" dikaou asked d

" The doctor said a few more days but then you're going to have a scooter and a cast."  d explained....

" I'm still shocked you don't have a broken chest." leon said

" We here!" D other sis said followed by papa d and soufa d

" And we brought food!" Papa d chimed

" Sericouly you humans and you sense of FAST FOOD." papa d said shivering

" I swear I saw a rat when I wengt to use the rest room. " souf d said

" Grandpa!" d said smacking his head.

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