My Faith in you ( Male Reader...

By MatthiasRivera

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The story of an orphan that was raised by the streets and taken in by the church. He never knew love from som... More

Chapter One: New life (part one)
Chapter Two: New Life (part 2)
Chapter 4: Lost in Thoughts
Chapter 5: Meeting with Red
Chapter 6: Trust and Lies
Chapter 7: New Life one goal
Chapter 8: Awaken Mars
Chapter 9 The chill of battle

Chapter Three: A day at the Café

1.3K 24 5
By MatthiasRivera

Today has shaped up to be a very interesting day for me. From starting at Kuoh Academy to meeting Asia Argento a nun that is staying in the same area as the orphanage.

"Hey Asia, you probably had a long travel day so why don't we go to a café? My treat as a welcome to Kuoh town."

"Okay y/n you are too kind."

"I know a café near the park that has a lot of variety in terms of tea, coffee and food."

"Okay let's get going shall we."


"I wonder when Y/n will get back from Kuoh Academy. I understand that it's a long Walk from the Church to the school, but I am truly worried about him Sister Mary."

Father Mitchel there is no need to worry about Y/n I'm sure he is spending time with a new friend from the Academy."

"I also hope Sister Argento makes it here before dusk."

"I hope so too Father Mitchel."


"Hello, my name is Brian I will be your server for today we have a special today buy two drinks and get a pastry or slice of cake or pie 50% off."

"thank you very much Brian could you just give us a minute to review the menu please this is her first time here and I want her to enjoy this Café."

"Sure, thing Y/n just signal for me and I'll come over here right away."

"Alright thanks again Brian"

"Y/n know do you know him?"

"Oh, Brian is a good friend that I knew growing up. Funny enough he is like an older brother to me."

"Oh, wow that must be really flattering to him. To see someone as a brother or sister even if you're not related in any way."

"When I was younger, I was getting into a lot of trouble due to my temper. But Brian would help me keep my temper in check. If he weren't in my life I probably wouldn't be here."

"Really? I never thought of you to be someone that was filled with anger. You seem so kind."

Asia seems to see me as a passive young man, but if only she knew about my past...

"Y/n are you okay you seem a little distant?"

"Oh, sorry Asia I was just thinking about something."

"It's alright we all seem distant when thinking even when with others."

"You are right. But I just wanted to tell you-"

"Sorry to interrupt but have you both been attended to b any chance. "

A waitress shows up blonde hair fake nails and a look that just shouts, 'I'm doing this for the money since my parents won't help me get the car I want.'

Thank god I see Brian show up with some water.

"Sorry to keep you waiting here is some water to start. Don't worry Nicole I got his table. I think there is a couple of teenagers that just walked in I think you should help them."

Brian you're an amazing man that somehow manage to save me when I need to be saved.

"So, what will it be for today?"

"I'll have the usual Breakfast blend with a little bit of milk."

"I think I'll try the same thing."

"Alright since that's two drinks what slice of pie or cake would you like?"

"Ill let you decide Asia."

"Okay how about a slice of chocolate"

"Alright sounds good I'll be right back with your drinks."


Asia and I have been chatting for about an hour about how she became a nun and how she fell from grace in a way for healing a devil.

"It's really nice that Father Mitchel is giving me another chance to be in a church and help the orphanage."

"I can't wait for you to meet all the kids they are just amazing. Very polite and behave very well."

"I can't wait to meet them."

" We should head to the church now it is getting late." 

" Sounds good to me." 

*signals for Brian* 

"Hey man can we get the bill please." 

"Alright y/n."

"Come with me to the front."


Hello all Matthias here 

I know this might seem like a short chapter but I would rather have a short chapter rather than a chapter that drags on with nothing relevant to the story. Since this is the first story I want to complete and make it into a story i can be proud to post every couple weeks. 

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and tune in next time to see what Brian has to say to you but for now I must bid you 


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