Fighting For Humanity (βœ”)

By MisssMysteriousss

891 388 81

The graveyard was silent. Nathaniel stood across from us with the rest of his followers. I stood next to Luke... More

1. Life after the attackπŸ˜“
2. New master 😨
3. Rescue mission ✏
4. Travelling companion πŸ˜‹
5. Journey πŸ—»
6. Memories 😭
7. Different person 😜
8. Confusion πŸ˜•
9. Cabin in the woods 🏑
10. Jerome πŸ™‹
11. Feelings πŸ˜”
12. Love 😍
13. FriendπŸ‘«
14. Jealous 😑
15. Jealous pt. 2 😑
16. Pranks 😈
17. Punishment 😰
18. Mate 😻
19. Adelina πŸ™†
20. New Plan πŸ“
22. War πŸ”«πŸ’£πŸ”ͺ
23. Death βŒ›
24. Sacrifice πŸ™
25. Happy Ending πŸ’

21. Lake 🏊

16 12 0
By MisssMysteriousss

We reached to the camp, only to find everyone still fast asleep. I was kidnapped and they are busy snoring.

'That's what you get for going into the forest by yourself like an idiot.' a small annoying voice in my head said, snarkily.

"Good morning!" I shouted. Xander and his army jumped up and took a fighting stance. Ian, Luke and Xavier, just looked wearily at me, trying to rub the sleep out of their eyes.

"Why are you yelling?" Ian asked, his voice was laced with annoyance. Your annoyed? Somebody get me a stake! 

"Maybe because I was practically kidnapped! And here you are busy sleeping!"  Ian's eyes zoomed in on Vernon, who was behind me, looking bored as ever.

 In an instant, Ian was standing protectively in front of me.  

"What are you doing here?" Ian all but growled. I rolled my eyes, yeah, now you're gonna save me, when there is no danger!

"Ian, he's fine." I said.

Ian looked at me in surprise.

"How can you trust him? He killed you!"

"Yeah, I know, I remember. I was there.  Just trust me already, please?"

He clenched his jaw in annoyance but didn't say anything.

Adelina was up already, staring at me in confusion.  I went to sit next to her.

"Adelina, that nice man is going to take you somewhere safe, okay?" I told her.

"What! You can't let her go with him!" Xavier said harshly."

"Xavier, I already said he's fine." 

"I don't care,  I don't trust him!" Xavier glared at me.

"Xander." I sighed, hoping that his father would be able to talk some sense into him. Xander caught on and nodded. He took Xavier by the arm and dragged him away from us, to talk to him in private. I looked back at Adelina only to find her staring at Vernon in pure terror.

"Why can't I stay with you." She asked in a small voice.

"I'm sorry, Adelina, you can't. We're going to do something extremely dangerous and we don't want you getting hurt. The people that we're sending you to won't hurt you, I promise."  I said as gently as I could. She glanced at Vernon.  "He won't hurt you either.

After some thought, Adelina reluctantly agreed. To my surprise, Vernon actually smiled at her, not a ruthless smile either. He lifted her up and sped off with her. 

By the time everyone got settled in again it was close to dawn. I knew Xavier couldn't sleep, his wolf was restless without his mate.

I laid on my back, using Ian's arm as a pillow. His other arm was wrapped around my waist. I felt restless. I was full of confidence on the entire journey here, but now that the time was nearing, I had to admit to myself how I really felt. Scared. Scared of letting Jerome down, scared of letting the werewolves down, scared of letting humanity down.

Ian shifted from beside me and stood up. He held out his hand to me. I took it and he walked and kept dragging me to God knows where.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked, after a while of walking.

"There is a lake somewhere here." He mumbled, not looking at me.

"Why are we.going to a lake?" His legs were longer so I had a hard time keeping.up.

"Because , you need to calm down. We're here."

The view was beautiful. A small waterfall with a lake beneath it. The water  looked cold and refreshing .

We both sat on a rock , I was leaning on him. We were.comfortable, until he pushed me in.

The freezing water hit my skin like knives. When I finally made it to the surface, I pulled myself up onto the rock  we  were sitting on.

"I can't believe you did that!"  I yelled at him. He just smiled at me, amused.  "Now I'm freezing." I said, teeth chattering .

"Not my fault you're not careful. You clumsy girl."

"Clumsy? You pushed me in!" I pointed an accusing finger at him.

"How do you know it was I? Did you see? Maybe it was your precious Jerome."

Like any other girl that was pushed into lakes by their boyfriends,  I made an attempt to push him in. Like I said 'made an attempt'. I tried to push him in , but the idiot would not budge! He just laughed at my pathetic attempts. In the end, he just ended up pushing me in again. When I came up again, I was prepared. I hid the hand that had wet.mud behind me and when I was close enough , I threw it on his face.

He glared at me with murderous eyes. I gulped and ran. I didn't get far though . His arms wrapped around my waist. I squirmed, trying to get out but he was too strong.  He did the same to me. with mud, this led to a full out mud war.

After our war ended, he was crowned the king of Mud (his idea).

He suddenly got up and grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulders.

"Ian, why do you keep doing that?" I whined. "I'm not a sack of potatoes."

He didn't reply, he just.threw me in the lake , but, to my surprise, he after me.

We spent some time washing off, I even childishly started a water fight, which Ian won, of course. I had to literally begged for forgiveness.

Somewhere around noon we decided to head back. I didn't feel like walking so I begged Ian to give me a piggyback ride. He said no, so I sat on the ground and refused to move, until I heard him sigh and crouched down low enough for me to climb onto his back. I can't remember the last time I had a piggy back ride, it was so much fun, zooming past trees at inhuman speed.

As soon as we got back, Xavier asked me,  'were you ,making babies with Ian?'

It's safe to say that his mood had lightened incredibly. Ian forcefully shoved Xavier away from me and demanded that I get some rest. I knew he was right,  because, in order for the spell to work I had to be at my best. It didn't take long for me to drift off to sleepy land. 

Ian woke me up to eat and to prepare to leave for the graveyard.  I made sure I had everything. I did, so now, it's  time to end this, once and for all.

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