Save Me, Please

By CaitlinHoward2

5.6K 57 13

This is a story based off an idea Becca Lyon - a friend from the My Hero Academia Facebook group - came up wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Thank You
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
New book idea?
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - End

Chapter 29

86 0 0
By CaitlinHoward2

A/N *Strong language used*
*Torture trigger*

The room was hot and sweaty, the pink walls making everything seem so small to the greenette as he looked anywhere but at the bitch's eyes. 

That didn't last long however as cold fingertips gripped his chin, forcing it to face the black-hearted brunette. 

"You will watch! I don't care what pain you're suffering through. It's punishment for leaving me for the freak! You should've known this was coming. You should've known!" Uravity's voice became deep as she yelled - nothing but pure hatred and lust present in her now black eyes. 

Deku glared at her dead in the eyes. He began to doubt himself. 

Am I really the one at fault here? Do I deserve this? Did I - the number one pro hero - drive her into becoming this soul-less creature? 

His gaze lowered, the anger that overwhelmed him no longer directed towards the brunette..... but at himself.

Uravity lowered her hand, her face now serious - the smile long forgotten. When she spoke her voice was laced with venom - it was cold and cruel. "You finally realise that now. Don't you? You finally realise that you caused this. You changed me. It is all you. And because you finally realise that, I will not obey to your screams. While I enjoy them, I can't help you. Good-bye for now, Izuku Midoriya...." 

Nothing about this demeanor was the same. She was gone completely. With those final words, she walked back towards the door, picking up the pink remote on the way past, pushing the button to the highest speed possible, before leaving and slamming the door behind her. 

Deku whimpered, the feeling of the vibrator on his sweet spot torturing him beyond compare. His eyes shed streams of tears, soaking his already wet cheeks. His body ached. His wrists on the verge of snapping ans his chest quivering with pain. His throat burning from the struggle to breath and his legs numb with pain. 

He wanted nothing more than to be held in Shoto's warm embrace once again. His body shook and his breathing was jagged. This was utter torture. No-one should experience pain this severe. Ever. 


Deku's tears were never ending. His emotions were uncontrollably spilling out of him, the vibrator continuously jabbing into his sweet spot making the whole situation worse. His erection was swollen and unbearably painful - the ring at the base making it impossible for him to relieve himself of the pain. 

Hours upon hours he was there. Alone and for once in his life - afraid. Afraid he'll never see the light of day again. Afraid he'll lose all sanity. Afraid he'll lose the one thing he ever held onto. Afraid of losing Shoto.... 


His tears eventually began to subside, his head banging and eyes stinging. He thought all hope was lost. His eyes began to close from the pain. But the sound of a sharp whistle forced them to snap open again. His breathing started increasing. 

His heart began to ache in despair as he heard the familiar drawn out howl of a wolf. It was shortly followed by yelling and clashing metal. One yell stood out in paticular - making the greenette to widen his eyes in shock.

"Shoto?...." he whispered under his breath. 

Hope flooded through him - the thought of finally being rescued after what felt like days (but in reality was only twelve hours) making his head spin. He choked back the tears that threatened to fall. He silently begged that this hope was all a lost cause.

He waited for what felt like an hour before the sounds of yelling and fighting stopped. He held his breath in anticipation as he heard heavy panting and creaking wood. He squeezed his eyes shut, his lungs burning as he listened to the sounds getting closer. His body froze when the door creaked open. He heard the audible gasp from the other in the room. 

"I....Izuku?..." The voice whispered in despair. 

Deku released his breath and snapped his eyes open, craning his neck to ensure his ears weren't deceiving him. His breath caught, and his tears threatened to fall once again. 

The sight before him was one he thought he would never see again. The blue uniform. The two toned hair. Those mysterious eyes he always loved to get lost in. The pale skin that was now coated in blood. The one person that made him hold on.

~~~~ (Same situation on Todoroki's end.) 

To Todoroki, it felt like days until sun down finally came. He stood outside the headquarters, awaiting the arrival of the other pros that will be assisting in the mission. 

The first to arrive was Earphone Jack, closely followed by TnT and Red Riot. The back up team were located inside Headquarters, all on high alert in case they were needed. 

"Ready?" Shoto asked in his monotonous voice. The other three in question nodded firmly in response and soon they were off - all heading in the direction of the number one pro and his capture-er. 

Silence filled the group, for neither of them wished to speak a word. Their minds were all set on one thing. Getting Deku back. 

It wasn't long before the group reached the house, all lights baring one were off. 

"Earphone Jack, locations." Shoto ordered. Jirou placed her earphone jacks into the wall as silently as possible, before holding her breath in order to hear the smallest sounds. She heard two separate voices in completely different areas.

She heard humming coming from the room with the light on, clashing with the sound of metal being sharpened. She also heard the smallest of sobs and cries coming from underground, which she found rather odd. 

Removing her ear-jacks from the wall she turned to the three males. 

"So it sounds as it Uravity is in the room with the light on sharpening something metal. I believe if we go round the back, we can get in easier and quieter and we may be able to avoid a fight." She began to explain.

"And the damn nerd?" TnT questioned in an angered tone. 

"Now that is where I'm confused. I can hear sobs coming from underground...." She stated. 

Shoto froze and his eyes widened. 

"Oh no... Don't tell me..." He mumbled.

"What is it IcyHot? You know something we don't?" TnT interrogated.

"I remember Iz...Midoriya telling me once about his relationship with Uraraka. One part included a room underground that basically resembled a... a...." The words stuck on his tounge. His body woudn't let him get it out.

"Spit it out!" TnT whispered yelled , now getting annoyed. 

"A sex dungeon...." Shoto's voice was merely a whisper. 

The others gasped audibly, the fear of what could've happened evident in their eyes. 

"We need to...." Red Riot began before he was interrupted by Earphone Jack who had immediately put her ear-jacks back into the wall after hearing the information.

"Guys the humming stopped and I can't hear the metal anymore." 

"What do you mean?" Red Riot questioned, concerned. 

Jirou's eyes widened and fear grew obvious in her eyes at what she heard through her jacks. 

"I know you're there. Come on out..." That all too innocent voice echoed in her head. 

"Well!" Shoto pushed, becoming impatient. 

"I mean... She knows we're hear..." As soon as that sentence left her mouth, the sound of a shrill whistle rang. The four pros stood and prepared to fight. Shoto was first to act. She stepped back and shot his flames at the door, melting the hinges and causing the now blackened door to fall into the house. 

What the four saw would haunt them for the rest of their lives. 

The once innocent Uraraka, now standing before them, a long blade in her fist and a sadistic grin plastered on her face - her eyes showing nothing but insanity. 

"Why hello you three. And a special hello to you... Shoto Todoroki.." Uravity's voice was no longer innocent, but now dripped with insanity and immorality. Shoto shuddered at the way his name sounded coming out of her mouth. 

His expression was set hard and filled with determination, his fighting stance never faulting. 

"Where is Midoriya and what have you done with him?" His voice was as cold as ice. It sounded so deadly that it shook the other three pros that surrounded him.  

"Why would I tell you that? Come on Sho - To. You should know better than anyone that a villain won't just give away their plans. I forgot just how pathetic you were. And my precious Deku chose you over me. What a pity." 

TnT, Red Riot and Shoto froze. Earphone Jack was confused. She had no clue what the villain was talking about. 

"Um what?" She questioned, making the brunette giggle. 

"Why Shoto, You haven't told anyone? Are you that ashamed? Surely someone like you shouldn't be ashamed to express their love." Uravity's high pitched voice rang in the heterochomatic male's head. 

He roared and leaped towards the female, a thin layer of ice encasing his fist as it was drawn back. 

Uravity simply side-stepped, knowing Shoto was going too fast to stop himself from crashing into the ground behind where she was stood. 

Todoroki shook his head in annoyance, grunting as he lifted himself up off the floor. He was about to attack once again, until he heard that all too familiar howl. It was long and haunting. 

He glanced towards Uravity, who's face now contorted into a twisted smile. 

"She's finally ready again." She muttered. Before anyone else could move further, a giant gold and bronze wolf crashed down behind TnT, Red Riot and Earphone Jack. 

"TnT, Back Up. NOW!!!" Shoto yelled. "Red Riot, Earphone Jack, take care of Uravity. your quirks are better against her than mine!" With that all the heroes attacked. Shoto leapt away from the brunette, only to be replaced by Jirou and Kirishima. Bakugo pratically ripped the radio out of his pocket, immediately beginning to yell into it. 

"Move it. NOW. EMERGENCY!!!" His voice rang clear on Iida's radio before the back up team sprang to action. Bakugo joined Todoroki in his fight against the wolf, clearly seeing he was struggling on his own. 

Todoroki was clinging onto the brown fur for dear life as the wolf shook and growled in a desperate attempt to fling the hero off. It yowled in pain as it swung its head only to be met with a large explosion to the muzzle. It held still for a minute giving Todoroki a chance to climb up further. 

However it wasn't high enough. The wolf growled deeply at the feeling of the hero clambering up her body, before swiping at her shoulder. 

Shoto roared in pain as the large claws slashed across his back, causing him to let go of the fur he was holding, his stomach churning at the sheer drop. 

"Todoroki!!" Bakugo yelled, concered before blasting himself up high in order to catch the male. 

The landed safely, thanks to Bakugo. 

"Yo, you okay?" TnT questioned. 

"I'm fine. Let's finish this wolf." Todoroki spat through gritted teeth, as he spread his legs, once again standing in his fighting stance - Bakugo beside him. 

The fight with Uravity wasn't going too well either. 

Jirou tried to temporarily deafen her with her quirk, but while it worked, it showed no signs of slowing down the brunette. 

Red Riot couldn't even get close to her without being near her hands. One touch and he would be out of the fight. He couldn't risk it. The pro's circled her, ensuring that she couldn't escape. 

"You can't beat me!" She yelled due to her deafness. "I know about every single one of you. I will destroy you all!" She flipped backwards, hitting Earphone Jack in the nose, in the process. 

"Well then. Now its just us. Red Riot. You do realise your relationship with Bakugo is unhealthy." She began to taunt. 

"What are you saying?" He growled. 

"I'm saying that I know about you two. It's obvious. But I believe if you stay with him for too long then you may pick up bad habits. And that's not very manly nor heroic is it?" 

"Shut up you bitch!"Red Riot yelled, racing forward, his arms hardened ready to knock the brunette out. 

"Is that how I'm perceived now? Aww. That's kinda depressing. Oh well." Uravity fake pouted before she slipped underneath Kirishima's legs, stabbing the blade into one of them in the process - his grunt of pain not nearly satisfying enough. 

She was just about to turn and run back to remove Deku, but was quickly stopped by the sound of engines behind her. An armored male was soon stood in front of her. 

"You're going nowhere missy." He stated in a stern and threatening voice. 

"Why hello, Ingenium. Long time, no see. And hello to you too. Froppy." At the mention of her name, the girl in question revealed herself from her camouflage a few centimeters away. 

Almost instantly, Froppy released her tounge in an attempt to capture Uravity, but she was too slow. The brunette whirled around, slicing at least ten centimeters of the tounge off with her blade. 

"I told you that you couldn't defeat me." 

Back at the wolf fight, Chargebolt sent a wave through the wolf from behind whilst Pinky singed the fur on the wolf's muzzled further, whilst Todoroki and Bakugo attempted to blind it with their fire. 

However it didn't work. Because one thing from the other fight caught everyone's attention. 

"I will destroy all of you. Starting with you Todoroki! You ruined my life. Why did my Deku choose you over me? Trust me, once all of you are dead, I will destroy the Symbol of Peace. He is Already suffering. It won't take much for me to murder him. He deserves the punishment for ruining my life!" Uravity's voice echoed into the pitch black sky, causing everyone to freeze. Including the wolf. 

The wolf stepped forward shakily and transformed. She became a girl, not much older than the rest and was wearing a torn blue jumpsuit, and her gold/bronze hair matted and tangled. 

The girl continued to step forward until she was a foot away from Uravity. 

"That wasn't part of the plan. You said you still loved Deku. Why would you kill someone you love?" the girls voice cracked but was audible. 

"Because Tahana, he destroyed everything I had. He deserves it. You don't think I've thought this through? I don't want to murder him. But after everything that he did to me, he needs to pay for his mistakes." Uravity's voice rang loud and clear. 

"But why? Death surely can't be the right course of-" Tahana tried to reason.

"Enough Tahana! I am in charge! I will decide what is right and what is wrong!" She ordered. 

"Well then. If that's what you choose, then count me out." With those final words, Tahana transformed back into the magnificent wolf, and as quick as lightning, whacked the villain across her head with a single swipe of her paw, before dragging her out of the house with her teeth, laying her on the concrete. 

Shoto walked up to the wolf that was once his enemy, bowing as a thank you before, using his ice to freeze the now unconscious Uravity in place. 

The wolf then turned back into Tahana to talk to the heterochromatic hero. 

"There's a hidden door at the back of the kitchen. It blends into the wall. Deku is down there." With that, she collapsed. 

"Ingenium, watch over Tahana. I have reason to believe she won't be dangerous any longer." Shoto instructed before racing off to find his lover. 

He found the door rather quickly, and walked hesitantly down the steps. He lit a small fire in his hand to light up the corridor. Everything consisted of pink. It made him sick knowing what room was at the end of this corridor. 

He sped up and began to breath heavily as he neared a wooden door. He gulped and put out his flames before reaching for the handle. He couldn't hear anything from the other side.

What if she was lying? What if he isn't here? No Shoto. You have to look. You promised you'd find him. 

With that burst of confidence, he creaked the door open and looked inside. What he saw made his heart drop and eyes widen. 

His lover, cuffed to a bed, covered in severe wounds and shaking from something he'd rather not mention. An audible gasp left his throat due to pure shock at what he was seeing, 

He couldn't move. He watched as his lovers eyes snapped open and listened as he released his breath. 

He watched as he strained to look at the source of the gasp - jaw dropping at the sight of those gorgeous eyes still shining brightly despite what he's been through. 

"I....Izuku?..." His voice was so quiet it was almost inaudible.

They both stared into each others eyes, any and all emotions flooding through each of them. 

It seemed almost impossible to be real...


This is my longest chapter yet (not including the A/N's) 2850 words. 
That took some time. 
Thank you for reading this. I love you all. 

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