Tattoo Boy || j.jk + ✓

By Taemazing21

1.7M 69.7K 53.9K

"M-m-mr? How long are you going to keep staring at me?" - K.TH "As long as it takes for you to bring that pl... More

Smeraldo's Flower
Muscle Pig, Muscle Couch?
Waning Moon and Shining Star
Painful Memories
Missed Call
Upside Down
Taejin Nation
Tickle Bugs
Yoongi Bites
Depend on Me
Little Lion
Secret's Out
Miss You
Trial Pt: 2
New Story
Author's Note


25K 1.1K 931
By Taemazing21



I just started school and I'm mentally already done!

I'm off to a great start!

How was your first day of school?/How is school in general?(or if you aren't in school, How are you in general?)

Enjoy the chapter!



"Are you sure you'll be ok? You could just come home with me. Give me a little peace of mind"

The car was warm, comforting, surrounded in a tender air wafting from the two men who sat staring dismally at the small rundown house in front of them. Their hands were clasped in the middle of the console. Jungkook was looking at Taehyung, gaze soft as he admired the blond's features as if it were the last time he would see him. He rubbed over his knuckles absently. Taehyung turned to Jungkook as he finished speaking, love shining in his chocolate brown eyes as he offered a small smile, diminishing the subtle hint of fear that was present as well.

"One week. Then I'm all yours" The blond smiled wider and Jungkook returned the gesture but his lips were taunt. Taehyung had failed to reassure him of his own safety.

"Taehyung" He could hear the desperation in his voice. He really didn't like this and Jungkook's entire being was screaming at him to just drive away, make sure Taehyung never had to enter that house again. But as much as he wanted to deny it, Taehyung was right. If they wanted this to be over, Taehyung had to go. Taehyung pressed one warm palm to Jungkook's cheek.

"I know. But I have to. We're out of options." Jungkook's hand found its way to where Taehyung's was lightly brushing across his cheekbones, covering it.

"You're going to get hurt." Taehyung smiled sadly again, but even that could not falter the resurrected glimmer of hope that had risen as well.

"And I'll have you to patch me up every time. It's just one more week. How much worse could he get?" The blond was trying to joke, Jungkook was sure as Taehyung's voice turned airier and somewhere he knew there was truth in the blond's statement, but it did little to none to ease the anxiousness roiling in the pit of his stomach. He'd already hit his father twice, Jungkook was sure he could get worse but he did not mention it.

"Promise me you'll call if it gets to be too much" The older stared into Taehyung's eyes with a ferocity, to which the blond offered a tiny nod, satisfying Jungkook for now, but he imagined he would be re-hashing that throughout the majority of the week.

"I will. Now" Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's hand, giving him a lopsided smile. He was trying to be brave, Jungkook could tell. "Walk me to the door?" Jungkook let his smile slip, his cute boyfriend being too much for him to contain his adoration.

The two exited the car in sync, immediately basked in the evening light and murky hew of street lamps. They met in the middle and rejoined hands. Both were trembling slightly. Everything seemed so much more real, the closer they got to the looming front door. It was like walking towards their future, sealed behind a door, and what lay on the other side completely dependent on wether or not they were successful in this week. Jungkook turned to face Taehyung when they stood in front of it. Taking his other hand as well.

"I love you" The ravanette uttered sincerely, lowering his head to press his lips against Taehyung's. Nothing but a sweet loving kiss and good luck charm. Taehyung gave a happy hum as he melted into the kiss, moving closer to wrap his arms around Jungkook in a hug.

"I love you too" He said as he pulled away, eyes locked with Jungkook's. This wasn't a goodbye, but Jungkook thought it felt like one and that made his anxiety rise all the more higher.

"I'll see you tomorrow" He said, brushing his fingers over Taehyung's cheek one more time, letting it trail off as Taehyung stepped away from him and directly in front of the door. With one hand resting on the knob, he turned back to face Jungkook.

"Yeah. Tomorrow. Bye, bunny" And with that, the blond slipped inside, the door swinging closed behind him, and concealing him from Jungkook. The said male let his head thud against the aged wood, a shuddering breath pushing its way past his lips. He pressed one hand flat against the door.

"Please." He whispered, unsure exactly who it was he was talking to, but he needed to talk to someone. There were too many thoughts running through his head, too many ways this could go south and at Taehyung's expense; his mind was a mine field of dark scenerios and Jungkook's worst nightmares.

"Let this work. Don't take him from me now."

And with that, Jungkook turned, trudging back to his car, looking back only once, to gaze longingly at the brown eyes staring back at him from the front window. The blond pressed his hand against the glass pane.

"Go" He mouthed. "It's ok"

There was a looming black shadow coming up behind Taehyung. A hand reaching out towards him...

Jungkook adverted his eyes before he could see what happened next.

Needless to say, he did not sleep that night.


(5 days later)

"Fuck Tae" Jungkook emerged from the station rooms having heard the back door open and the stumbling of feet entering the tattoo parlor. Everyone else had arrived hours ago, so Jungkook knew it could only be one person but the fact Taehyung had shown up late made the fear he'd been trying his hardest to shovel down reemerge.

The blond was leaning heavily against the door, hanging onto the door knob for dear life, as if it were the only thing keeping him upright as he looked up at Jungkook, eyes swimming with unshed tears. He was still sporting the black eye he had received yesterday. Jungkook had lost count though of how many other purple and black dots Taehyung had accumulated over the last 5 days. The amount had grown far too many and Jungkook could not bare to think about it more than he already had to.

The ravanette rushed forward immediately, taking Taehyung into his arms and breathing shakily as Taehyung fell against him, legs unwilling to hold him anymore. Jungkook raked his eyes over the small figure in his arms, hunting through the mass of other lacerations for something new.

"'s ok" Taehyung slurred. "Just tired. Back hurts. Had to sleep on the couch." Jungkook just shook his head and mumbled under his breath that this was very much not ok as he leant down to swoop the younger male into his arms as he carried him to Taehyung's tattoo station. When they arrived and the door was firmly closed and locked, Jungkook gently sat down on the armchair in the center, laying Taehyung across his lap. Taehyung snuggled into his chest, eyes falling closed in utter exhaustion. He hadn't been sleeping much as of late either. Jungkook too the opportunity to examine the male further.

With a horrified gaze, Jungkook trailed his feather light touch over the long purple line of bruise on Taehyung's arm. It was a solid mass of purple about 2 inches in width and the skin around it was stained red. On the other arm lay an identical stripe of purple, perfectly lined up with the first. Hesitantly, Jungkook reached for the hem of Taehyung's shirt, scared of what he would find. As he'd suspected, a third trail of deep purple lay across the male's abdomen, again perfectly aligned with the other two. Jungkook exhaled, finding it difficult to properly fill his lungs with air as he noticed other similar, smaller stripes decorating Taehyung's tan skin. The ravanette could feel the first few tears dripping down his cheeks, splattering Taehyung's shirt as he pressed the blond closer to himself.

"Baby" He whispered, voice coming out as a defeated cry. "What happened" Taehyung opened his eyes blearily, gazing up at Jungkook, the love still ever present as he reached up and brushed the tears away.

"Baseball bat." Was all the blond said before letting his eyes slide closed again, giving way to the exhaustion and pain racking his body. Jungkook could see nothing but red.

"We're done." He spat.

Taehyung's eyes shot open in alarm as he clambered into a sitting position, ignoring how his ever muscle screamed in protest.

"W-what? No, we can't be done" He stuttered, there was a determination set in his eyes and Jungkook felt his heart clench painfully. Taehyung was willing to put himself through pain, but this was reaching Jungkook's limit. He couldn't sit back and just let this happen.

"I agreed to this but I told you if it got to be too much we'd stop. Taehyung, look at yourself. I can't just watch you get hurt day in and day out. We're not doing it anymore. We have enough, so please, let's just stop" Jungkook felt desperate. He felt scared, scared that one day Taehyung would push it too far and never walk back through those parlor doors. That Jungkook would never again see the beautiful box smile and sparkling brown eyes that he adored so much and brightened even the worse of his days, or hear the giggle that rivaled the finest symphonies. He was terrified there would be no Taehyung in his life if he let this go on.

Jungkook was brought out of his consuming thoughts as Taehyung placed a hand on his arm, gripping it harshly.

"We're not done. I promise, I can handle it" Jungkook frowned, pleading with Taehyung as he again swept the pads of his fingers across the new bruising. Taehyung winced slightly before sighing, Jungkook's touch having always had a calming sense to them, able to dull any pain.

"I can't handle it. If something happens Tae, it's all my fault. Please."

"Just 2 more days. Nothing's going to happen, I promise. And don't ever say that it's your fault. You're the one trying to make me stop remember? We need more, it's not enough. I just have to push him a little farther. Let me do this, Jungkook" Taehyung finished his sentence with the most hopeful, determined gaze Jungkook had ever seen the blond wear, and he knew, in that moment, how dire this situation was. How much Taehyung wanted to be free of his father, and as much as it pained him to admit, Jungkook knew this was the only way.

Incrimination worked in funny ways. Without solid evidence, it was hopeless. Taehyung had to continue. Jungkook heaved an unsteady breath, matching Taehyung's look with an intense one of his own.

"If you come in here, with anything like bat bruises again, that's it. Ok? You're not worth destroying just to put him behind bars. Promise me you'll dial it back some. You don't have to rile him up so much"

Taehyung sighed, re-tucking himself back into Jungkook's chest, looping his arms tightly around the older male's torso.

"I promise." The blond nuzzled his nose into Jungkook's neck, easing Jungkook's nerves slightly enough that he could too settle down into the arm chair, and pull Taehyung in close to his chest. Peppering kisses to the top of his head and forehead. Taehyung squirmed, bringing his face up to Jungkook. He whined, pointing towards his lips. Jungkook chuckled, shoving the fear down once more to focus on Taehyung at that moment, only Taehyung, here with him, breathing, and for the most part ok. He bent down to peck the blond's lips, smiling against him. Taehyung smiled sleepily when Jungkook pulled away.

"Sleep time?" He whispered, eyes already having slipped closed again as his muscles went lax. Jungkook stared down at Taehyung for a long time, drawing his fingers through fluffy hair and giving him more tender kisses.

"Yea, sleep time bub." Jungkook hugged Taehyung impossibly closer to himself, letting his own eyes drift closed.

"Just a few more days, and then this will all be over." He muttered as unconsciousness overtook Jungkook too, dreams for once not plagued with nightmares of an injured Taehyung with the blond pressed tightly into his side, the elder able to feel his steady breathing and heartbeat against his chest.

If only Jungkook had known it wasn't that simple.


There was a harsh banging at Jungkook's front door, almost knocking the door off its hinges.

"Jeon Jungkook! This is the Seoul Police Department, open this door before we open it for you!"

________________________________________________________________________________Lovelies, lovelies, lovelies, hiiiiii babies<3 I missed youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

If I can apologize once more for the late update, though I doubt I deserve your acceptance I am very very very sorry for the lack of updates lately and will do better to get my shit together so I can stop disappointing both myself and you all:)

This chapter is a little vague and half a filler, half important but it will become clearer what has happened over the last week in the next update. Do you have a guess? What do you think Jungkook and Taehyung have plotted? Did you enjoy this chapter? Lemme know in the comments!! Also what do you think about that preview huh? Hmm wonder what happens;)

Guys please don't be mad at JK. He doesn't want Taehyung to get hurt like this but it's Taehyung's decision to keep going(will become clearer soon) and he tried to stop him throughout the entire week but Tae is stubborn. And the only reason he drove away is because Taehyung told him to :)


How are you guys? Doing ok? Eating, sleeping enough? Are you happy? I feel like that is the million dollar question, you know? It's important, yes, but I feel most people expect the answer to always be yes but that is just irrational. No person is going to feel happy 100% of the time and that is inevitable. That said, of course it ok to feel sad, but it is what you do with those feelings that make a difference. If you let your sadness consume you, the world will just be a dark dreary place. Don't let sadness consume you, live your life, do what you need to do to get better and feel better. Wether that is personal time, time away from the internet, or just choosing to do the things that you genuinely enjoy not what others want you to do. Everything will look up eventually, I promise. And remember you have the strength, power, and ability to achieve anything you wish. Even if you don't think so, you do, you absolutely do.

________________________________________________________________________________Next chapter will be out soon(absolutely 100% promise)!

I purple you!


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