Part One of Ahh Paris! series...

By BneJovi

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Jon and Richie, with a little help from Tico and David, finally confront the truth about their relationship. ... More

Part One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Sixx
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Nine

437 8 0
By BneJovi

Their kissing started to get more heated and more urgent. Jon's hands crept further under Richie's shirt and explored the skin and muscles of his back, his fingers skimming around the waistband of his jeans. When he found a sensitive spot that made Richie squirm, he committed it to memory to come back to at another time.

While Jon's hands were going up, Richie's were going down over the buttons of Jon's shirt and releasing them as he went. When they were all undone, he ran just one finger down slowly from his collar bone down over his chest and over his belly, swallowing Jon's moan in their kiss.

Richie pulled away from Jon so he could watch when he splayed his hands over Jon's belly and then ran them back up the path he just followed.

"Oh fuck, Rich," Jon breathed, dropping his head back, eyes closed, exposing his neck, his fingers curled into the belt loops on Richie's pants, inadvertently drawing him closer.

Richie could feel how hard Jon was and he was equally affected. He moved his hips harder against Jon's, looking to find some relief. Oh god, he just needed to get some relief; the pleasure/pain was almost overwhelming.

Jon felt the same way. "Richie, do you think we're going a bit fast?" he choked out.

"No. Not considering how long I've felt this way about you," Richie admitted unashamedly.

Jon gulped. "Ah, Richie." His eyes watered and he felt like he was going to pass out. "Richie." He grabbed his upper arms to still him. "I'm so fucking excited I can't breathe." He tried to relax. "Just hold me for a minute."

He moved Richie's face to his neck for a break from his breath-stealing kisses. He held his soon-to-be lover's shoulder as he breathed slowly in and out.

Richie licked Jon's delectable neck and ran his right hand back over Jon's chest. "Your heart is beating really fast." He could feel it. "Oh Jonny," Richie smiled.

"Richie," Jon kissed his hair. "I- I've never done this."

Richie smiled against his neck. "That's okay. Neither have I. I'm excited too. And terrified."

"Okay," Jon repeated.

"We'll figure it out as we go. Nothing about this is bad or wrong, okay?" Richie soothed.

"I have a feeling," Jon looked up and down Richie's body, "I'm going to like it all," he admitted, shivering slightly.

"Are you cold?" Richie had noticed Jon shiver.

"Yes. No, no. I- I'm not sure," he confessed.

"I think I know of a way to help," he said, and softly took Jon's lips with his again. He started out slowly, his tongue gently swiping at Jon's full bottom lip, asking for entry. Richie drew on all his seduction experience and all his fantasies to get them both where they wanted to be.

When he felt Jon's hands fisting into his t-shirt, he pulled away briefly to pull the offending garment over his head and tossed it on the floor. Slipping his hands inside Jon's shirt, he laid his palms over the twitching muscles before sliding up to his shoulders, forcing the shirt off and down Jon's arms.

Wrapping his arms around Jon, heated flesh to heated flesh, he whispered, "Does that help?"

Jon closed his eyes. "Fuck yeah. Rich, I've wanted this, wanted you, for so long now," he said. "But I don't know what to do. I feel like a school kid again."

"Baby, you ain't no school kid. You're a fully grown man, the sexiest I've ever seen. I want to give you everything you want."

"You're sexy too, Rich. My god, look at you!" With wide eyes, Jon ran eager hands over Richie's torso, pausing slightly when his nipples puckered underneath his palms.

Richie shook his head and blushed.

"Yes, you are! I was shivering with desire! I want you! Here, now, always." Jon kissed Richie hard with that statement, trying to show him how much he wanted him. "I love you!" This surprised the hell out of Jon.

"What?" Richie stopped dead in his tracks, in the middle of assaulting Jon's neck. He pulled back to look at Jon square in the eyes. "Did you just say what I think you said? I need- I need to know the truth or are you just yanking my chain?"

"Yes! No. I love you," Jon whispered. Afraid he'd said the wrong thing at the wrong time, he blinked away the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes.

A slow, but huge smile lit up Richie's face and his eyes shone with unshed tears too, but for a different reason.

"God, Jonny! I- I love you too, like life itself. That's why it's so important that we don't rush tonight. I want us to remember this night for the rest of our lives."

"I want to remember this feeling," Jon agreed with a relieved smile.

Their heads fell together into a soft loving kiss, confirming the mutual declaration of love.

"So maybe we need to just breathe for a minute. Let's have dessert and back away from the edge for a while." Richie said. He was so happy, he was ready to shout it from the rooftop or do a happy dance through the suite. In fact, that's what he did, his own little happy dance around a stunned Jon.

"Sounds perfect," Jon smiled fondly as he watched Richie dance out of the bedroom to where the berries and cream were still chilling.

Jon glanced at the window and noticed it had started raining again. He went over to open it and let in some cool air. He also found the rhythm of the rain to be quite soothing so he leaned against the frame and took a deep calming breath. Richie loved him! His ultimate dream had just come true. Jon felt like he could fly.

Richie came back into the bedroom all shirtless, smooth-chested and beautiful and Jon had never been more excited to have dessert in his life.

Richie moved to the bed with the bowls and said, "The rain smells nice." He held a hand out to Jon and smiled. "Come. It's time for dessert."

Jon was hungry and he wanted it all, the berries, the whipped cream, and Richie, especially Richie. He floated toward the bed, unable to feel his feet anymore. He could see his fantasy becoming a reality.

Jon climbed onto the bed, rose petals and all, and laid down on his side facing Richie with the bowls between them. He saw it now, even in the dim light. He wondered how he had not noticed Richie's loving gaze before.

Jon selected a fat strawberry first and bit into the juicy flesh. Richie just lay still watching him, watching as the juice stained Jon's lips and his tongue darting out to capture any stray morsels. His fingers disappeared one by one into his perfect mouth to suck them clean. Richie groaned.

"Are you joining me, or just going to watch all night?" Jon asked, his eyes a deep sapphire blue.

"If I watch you do that again, I'm going to cum in my own pants. That's not the place I was thinking of cumming tonight," Richie teased.

Jon took that as a dare and picked another berry, dipping it into the cream this time. He stared at Richie while he ran his tongue through the cream at the tip of the red fruit, swirling it around until the cream was almost gone. He then offered the fruit to Richie, who took a bite from it, dropping onto his back with a groan, his hand going to his groin.

"Nuh-uh, not yet, baby!" Jon admonished. He chose a few raspberries, tasting one first, before moving to his knees beside the prone brunette. He dipped the red buds into the cream then laid them in a line down the middle of Richie's chest.

"Wh- what are you doing, Jonny?"

"You'll see. Lie still." He sat back on his haunches and surveyed his work. When he was satisfied, he straddled Richie's thighs and licked his lips as he kept his eyes locked with the brown ones beneath him.

As he leaned down to kiss him deeply, careful not to dislodge the fruit, he moved Richie's hands up above his head. They both swore under their breath when their cocks, painfully engorged and encased in cloth, rubbed against each other.

"Don't move, don't touch," he muttered against the lips beneath his. He nudged Richie's head to one side, exposing his neck. Jon repeated his instructions as he breathed heavily near Richie's ear, before gently taking the lobe into his teeth and pulling. He felt the hips under him buck slightly. Placing open-mouthed hot kisses down the column of Richie's neck that was pulsing erratically, he made his way down to the berries.

"Fuck Jonny! You're killing me," Richie huffed, his heavy breathing and heated skin starting to dislodge the berries, the cream melting down the sides of his rib cage.

Jon sucked up each berry with a small pop and then found each path of cream, lapping them up with the tip of his tongue.

When he was satisfied that all the cream was cleaned up, he sat back on Richie's legs to view his handiwork. Richie was flushed and a fine sheen of sweat covered his brow, his chocolate brown eyes were glazed and unseeing, and his cock was pushing up against the confines of his pants.

"Move the bowls, Jon. Move the damn bowls!" Richie growled, his hands clenching into fists.

It made Jon move the offending bowls quickly, and as soon as they were placed on the bedside table, Richie flipped Jon onto his back, scattering rose petals over the floor with the force of Jon's heavy landing.

"Baby, you're playing with fire there." Richie ground out through his teeth. He was so hard, so close to losing his load, all he wanted to do was sink himself into Jon. He held himself over Jon, trying not to touch him just yet.

"No, just berries and cream, the fire comes later." Jon provoked, sparks of lust sizzling just under his skin, threatening to set fire at the first touch. He licked his lips with just the tip of his tongue, taunting Richie further.

With a groan, Richie gave in and brutalised Jon's mouth with kisses. Jon raised his head up to meet Richie's lips. Teeth clashed and nipped, tongues soothed and explored. Jon opened his legs and Richie settled in between them, no longer wanting to keep himself up. He ground his hips against Jon's, reaching down between them. He brushed his knuckles over Jon's cock before he started unbuttoning his fly.

"Oh god Richie, feels good, I'm so close." Jon managed to strangle out as each undone button exposed more of his flesh to Richie's touch.

Richie quickly released his own zipper, careful not to catch himself in the teeth. He was already leaking precum. He moved just enough fabric out of the way for both of them, before settling himself on top of Jon again.

"Not gonna last long Jon, I'm sorry, baby," he said, kissing Jon. The feel of Jon's hard naked cock rubbing against his was so erotic and naughty.

Jon liked it too. "It's okay, me neither," Jon answered, his hands moving down Richie's back and slipping inside his pants to his ass, drawing him closer. With the feeling of the firm muscles bunching and clenching beneath his hands in time with the thrusting of Richie's hips, he felt himself swell and his balls draw up tightly against his body.

"Fuck Rich, I'm gonna cum," Jon strangled out before his orgasm hit. Thick hot streams of cum exploded over his belly and Richie's.

"Mmmnnnnggodddd, Jonny!" His brain was incapable of forming coherent words, the force in which his orgasm hit had drained it of all blood supply. Once he'd felt Jon's hot cum over his cock, he was done for. His orgasm curled its way up from his toes and around his spine, before exploding like fireworks behind his eyes.

"Mmm, yessssss," Jon moaned.

"If this is what it's like with our pants still on, what will happen later?" This is the thought that flashed briefly through Richie's brain.

They lay there for a few long moments gathering their thoughts, senses and blood supply before the feeling of chilly stickiness over their bellies roused them into action.

"Jonny. That- that was unbelievable." Richie said, swallowing hard.

"Ha! Master of the understatement, aren't you? Fuck yeah," he exclaimed, basking in the afterglow. "But- can you- oh-" He pushed with his left foot to get the momentum to roll both of them over to their sides. "Better," he sighed now that he wasn't being crushed under Richie.

Richie had a visualization of being interviewed by a sportscaster. "Now that you're in bed with Jon Bon Jovi, what are you going to do?" He moved his right arm tightly around Jon's waist. "I'm going to Disneyland!" he thought to himself.

"Isn't Euro Disney in Paris?" he asked Jon.

"That's random." Jon stretched his left arm out to the side and hit the bowl of berries. "Yeah, it is." He grabbed for a strawberry and chewed it thoughtfully.

Richie looked over. "Hand me a blackberry, man," he asked Jon.

Jon swallowed his bite then dipped the chosen blackberry into the cream. He rolled over and shook his head at Richie's outstretched hand, then held the fruit to Richie's lips.

Richie just smiled and opened his mouth, allowing Jon to feed him. He loudly slurped Jon's fingers then murmured, "Mmm tasty."

Jon leaned in for a kiss, tasting the creaminess and Richie. "Yes," he sighed. "Yes, you are. Mmm, but there's something missing," he said. "I'll be right back."

Jon got up from the bed, his jeans hanging from around his hips, and went out to the balcony to retrieve the champagne and glasses, leaving the door open as he had his hands full. It was still raining pretty hard outside.

Seeing Jon walking around like this instantly made Richie hard again. "Lose the pants, Jon!" he growled.

Jon gave him a lopsided grin. "I will if you will."

He placed the wine and glasses in amongst the candles and bowls on the bedside table, watching Richie roll over and shuck out of his jeans. It was the most stunning sight Jon had ever seen. He'd seen Richie naked plenty of times over the years, but with his heart full of love and his blood thick with desire, it was a whole lot more special.

Jon rolled onto the bed beside him, feeling bolder than usual. "I was hoping you would take my pants off of me, baby." Jon had never talked this way in his life. Richie really brought out the beast in him.

Richie almost swallowed his tongue. "I can't argue." He stripped Jon of his pants then sat back and stared.

He couldn't help it. Jon reclined back with his arms behind his head and his thighs slightly spread and Richie's heart stopped. Jon was perfect. His long neck led to his beautiful shoulders and his sculpted chest and flat stomach. He was tan all over and his cock was thick and laying on a muscular thigh. Jon was without a doubt the hottest, sexiest, most beautiful creature Richie had ever seen in his life.

If this was how love made him see Jon, Richie never wanted it to end.

Jon's face flushed and his body felt hot. He'd never seen Richie, or anyone else for that matter, look at him like this. He loved it. "You like?" he asked thickly.

Suddenly Richie just wanted to fuck all night. "I-" he choked. He gulped down a drink of champagne. "Yes."

Richie crawled, catlike, up Jon's body, worshipping him with kisses to the most unusual places; the scars on his knee, the inside of his thigh, his belly button, his side where his obliques dipped to his hip, and a freckle near his armpit. Making Jon twitch and squirm with delight was Richie's goal now. He paused to contemplate his next move.

"Something wrong, Rich?" Jon worried.

"Oh no, everything is just right. Perfect, even." He kissed Jon. "See, this spot right here? It's perfect for this," Richie said as he licked the spot behind Jon's ear.

"Mmm," Jon moaned.

"And this spot? Perfect for doing this." He moved his mouth down Jon's neck to the softer flesh just below his jaw. Using his teeth, he made a tiny bite, sucking the skin in gently knowing that it would bruise.

Another sigh escaped Jon's lips, his hips moving restlessly beneath Richie's. He felt Jon's cock brush his thigh as it started to harden again. It was all Richie could do to stay slow, for both their sakes.

"And these, here? These are perfect for doing this." Richie ran his pointed tongue around each nipple, causing them to pucker hard.

"Oh fuck!" Jon exclaimed and linked his fingers into Richie's.

"You know, you're allowed to touch me, Jonny. I won't bite. Not hard anyway," he clarified.

Jon moved his hand toward Richie's head, but then at the last moment, he changed direction and put it on his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm having a school kid moment again."

"Ahh Jonny," Richie understood.

Jon sighed loudly. "I want to do everything at once, Rich. I- I don't know where to start."

"I know what you mean." Richie rested his head on Jon's chest and they paused a few moments to just breathe.

Richie's mind wandered back where this all started: his haircut.

"You know if you wanted to touch my hair earlier, all you had to do was ask," Richie said.

"No, I- I couldn't. I knew if I touched your hair, I would want- no, need to kiss you," Jon explained. "So I- I didn't ask." The colour rose up to his cheeks.

"Jonny," Richie whispered. "Touch my hair."

Jon did as he was told, moving both hands around Richie's scalp. "Oh," he shivered. "So good," he sighed.

"Mmm." Richie closed his eyes in pleasure as Jon leaned in and brought their mouths together in one of the most intense kisses of the evening. Jon wound his fingers tighter into Richie's hair and yanked slightly.

"Oh fuck," Richie thought, and his cock leapt to attention.

"I see you enjoy a little pain, baby," Jon said as he broke the kiss and Richie gulped for air. Feeling Richie's cock pushing insistently at his belly, he wanted to find out more of this side of his friend.

"Ha, yeah, just a little something I got into over the years. What about you, Jonny, what turns you on?"

"Hair; touching, pulling, head, chest or pubes, giving, receiving," he confessed in a quiet voice. He'd never been brave enough to vocalise his little quirk before. Somehow he knew Richie wouldn't think anything of it.

"Is that right? Kinda makes sense, when you think about it."

"Why's that?" Jon asked.

"Well, you have all this luscious hair... everywhere... it makes sense that you like to play that way."

Richie reached up and gently pushed a lock of hair from Jon's face, before sinking his fingers further into his mane. This made Jon inhale deeply, his nostrils flaring. Richie scraped his fingernails over the scalp beneath his fingers and watched Jon's reaction. Richie could see Jon's jaw clenching and releasing.

He rolled off to one side and propped his head on his hand so he had a better view of the blonde, then he had a hand free to explore the body exposed to his gaze. Jon blushed and squirmed again under the close scrutiny, and as Richie's fingers left his head and travelled down his neck, he swallowed heavily in anticipation.

Fingers travelled over Jon's collarbone and skimmed just on the edges of his chest hair.

"Oh Rich, such a tease, aren't you? Just put me out of my misery. Please."

Richie growled as his eyes narrowed. He wanted more of this, more of Jon begging in pleasure. God, he wanted this over and over again.

He skimmed his hand now over the side of Jon's chest, inadvertently hitting one of Jon's ticklish spots. When he heard Jon squeak with surprise and clamp his arm down on Richie's wandering hand, Richie grinned widely.

"Uh-huh, going to remember that for later," he said to himself, and worked his hand out from Jon's arm and continued on his quest.

He sifted his fingers through Jon's chest hair, circling around his nipples, following the dips and hollows of his stomach muscles, pausing the thumb over his belly button a couple of times. Jon's eyes had darkened significantly with desire, his breathing rapid and laboured, the moans and growls coming from him was music to Richie's ears.

One of Jon's hands was fisted into the sheets, and as Richie teased at the treasure trail below his navel, the other came up to lay over Richie's other hand in encouragement to keep going to the thatch of pubic hair, now glistening with pearls of precum in the candlelight.

"Just fucking touch me already."

"Tsk tsk, something wrong Jonny?"

"Yeah, you're taking too long, so it's my turn now! Lie back, baby," Jon ordered.

"Whatcha going to do, Jonny?"

"You'll see." He'd been staring at the candles, but not really seeing them until the thought popped into his head. Richie said he liked a bit of pleasure/pain, so a bit of pleasure/pain was what he was going to get.

"Hands behind your head, baby." He settled himself over Richie's legs and reached over the to the bedside table, selecting a fairly large candle that had burned low, its wax pooled in the hollow near the wick. When Richie saw what Jon had in mind, his eyes widened and darkened, but never left Jon's. His heartbeat was racing. His cock was velvet-covered granite.

Jon's hand shook a little until he saw Richie give him a slight nod of approval. Jon chewed on his bottom lip as he carefully dropped small amounts of melted wax over Richie's chest, hissing as the first few fell. He didn't know his cock could get any harder, but it did.

"You okay, baby?" Jon asked.

"Jonny, you have no idea how okay I am at the moment. Keep going, baby, it's all good."

Jon aimed the next few drops over his abs, his hip bones and the tops of his thighs. His cock was copiously leaking precum.

"Fuck- fuck- fuck- ooh hurts so good," he moaned.

Jon put the candle down and surveyed his work and watched a salty tear leak down Richie's cock. He put his finger underneath the flow, caught it and bought it to his lips. Staring into Richie's eyes, into his soul, he swiped his tongue over his finger and licked it clean. Emboldened, he took Richie in his hand and wrapped his fist around the engorged member.

He closed his eyes momentarily, a sigh escaping his lips. It felt right, it felt oh so right, so he did what came naturally to him. He started stroking Richie, slowly, surely, twisting and swiping his thumb over the dark head. He saw his best friend, his lover, clench his jaw muscles with each touch.

Richie reached out for Jon, sitting up slightly to get closer, to be able to kiss him and touch him. He held Jon close to his body with both arms around his waist, Jon moving to his knees in the effort of getting as close as possible to Richie.

Jon's cock was imprisoned against Richie's belly, and Jon's hips moved automatically to feel some friction. He was beyond excited that he and Richie were moments away from making love.

"Fuck Jonny, I want to have you. I want to feel your heat from inside. I need to feel your virgin ass gripping my cock as you come, milking me." As Richie spoke his hands caressed Jon's ass cheeks, kneading and separating them, his fingers seeking out their ultimate goal.

"Virgin ass? Really? And you write our songs with that vocabulary?" Jon chuckled.

"Tell me I'm wrong, Jonny. I'm a virgin too." He continued to say in a silly voice, "I've been saving myself for the right person."

Jon barked out a laugh, loud enough to be heard outside. "I've been saving myself for you. Even though you're an idiot." Jon grinned.

"But I'm your idiot, right?" he responded.

"Oh absolutely, baby," Jon said softly, drawing Richie in for a long slow kiss.

Richie scraped his fingers down Jon's back as they kissed, gentling as they explored further down his spine, dipping into the crevice of Jon's ass. Jon moaned into Richie's mouth and spread his legs wider, silently granting access to the place he wanted to feel Richie's fingers.

Jon broke away from the soft lips below his when Richie started to stroke and tease the puckered hole, to make eye contact with the dark-haired beauty.

"Richie, please, take me. I want you to make love to me. I want to feel you inside of me, please," Jon begged.

"I want that too baby, but I don't want to hurt you so we gotta go a bit slow until we're ready if you know what I mean." He reached out for the bottle of lube as he spoke.

Richie leaned back slightly to pop the lid and anoint his fingers with the gel, and as he did so, Jon teased the head of Richie's cock by barely running a finger around the velvet smoothness, smearing the natural slipperiness around. Richie then drizzled a bit on both their cocks, surprising them with the coolness.

"Fuck that's cold!" Jon lurched in surprise.

"Won't be for long. The bottle claims it to be a warming one." Richie said, squinting to read the blurb on the bottle.

"Don't care! Get back to what you were doing!" Jon took the bottle from his hands and tossed it on the bed. He then stroked his cock a few times to coat it fully and reached down to Richie's to do the same.

Richie's hand went back to Jon's ass and circled his slippery fingers around, teasing. He could feel the tight muscle clenching and releasing with each pass. On the next pass, he pushed a little harder, his clean hand fisting into Jon's hair and pulling him down in a fierce kiss as his finger broke through the tightness. Jon mewled like a cat at the feeling of "finally!"

"You okay?" Richie asked.

"Yeah, yeah, keep going." Jon panted, in between mind-blowing kisses and caresses.

Richie's finger worked in and out, soothing and loosening the muscles. When he thought Jon was ready, he added a second finger to stretch further. When a third finger was added and not rejected after some time, he gently pulled out.

"Lie down, baby. I want to watch when I take you. Is that okay?" Richie asked.

Jon just nodded, incapable of speech at this stage, and moved to lay down on the top of the comforter still surprisingly strewn with petals. He lay there, eyes never leaving Richie's as he coated himself with lube. He stopped and looked around.

"What's wrong?"

"Condoms, I'm looking for condoms." Richie was internally cursing at the oversight.

"I'm clean, are you?" Jon asked, fairly confident in Richie's reply.

"Yes, I had my physical before we left, remember?"

"Then problem solved. Richie, baby, I can't wait any longer. I want you, all of you, please!" Jon demanded, the sexiest lopsided grin lighting up his face, his hand stroking himself.

Richie huffed out a breath and nodded his agreement. He spread Jon's legs wide and trailed his fingers down the inside of his thighs. He cupped Jon's balls, feeling their weight and gently rolling them within their sac.

"Now, Richie!" Jon demanded, lifting his hips in an invitation. Thunder had started so Richie could barely hear Jon over the noise but he had a pretty good idea of what he wanted. Richie grabbed a pillow and put it under Jon's back.

He lined himself up to Jon's entrance and rubbed his impatient head against the tight ring and gently pushed. He held his breath and tried to commit this scene as best he could to his mental photo album. The feeling of ecstasy when he felt himself pop through was unbelievable. They both swore loudly and grappled with their feelings, their breathing laboured.

"You okay, Jonny? God, you look so fucking hot right now!" Richie gushed.

"Fuck Richie! Baby, I love you so much, but if you don't fuck me now, I'll explode."

"Patience, baby, let me make it feel good for you." Richie started slowly undulating his hips in small circular motions, gently making his way into Jon's heat. He shifted Jon's legs up closer to his body, so he could watch himself sink further in and pull out, over and over. The visual was permanently etched into his brain for future masturbation use.

Jon hooked his hands beneath his knees and held his legs up, changing the angle so that Richie started hitting his prostate. The little bundle of nerves shot sparks of pleasure throughout his body. His balls were drawn up tightly to his body as Richie's were slapping at his ass cheeks.

Richie moved again and laid down over Jon so that he could reach his mouth, almost drowning in the feelings of pleasure. Their moans and garbled words of love were being muffled somewhat by the oncoming storm.

"Richie, oh baby, you feel so good. I used to wonder how that cock of yours would feel," he said breathlessly.

"Ha! I've been watching you shake this fine ass of yours all over the damn stage, and fantasizing that one day it would be mine," he said, rotating his hips in a certain way and watching Jon practically melt underneath him.

Matching Richie thrust for thrust, Jon was so close that he could feel the slow burn and curl of his orgasm spreading through his body, his blood so thick with desire it almost hurt as it pumped through his veins. He wrapped his legs around Richie's back to hold him closer, almost afraid that he would disappear as if in a dream. He slipped his hand between them both and wrapped it around his own cock to simulate the feeling of Richie thrusting into him. It fanned the flames of the fire threatening to engulf him.

Richie noticed this. He shifted onto one arm so that he could both watch and see what Jon would do when he sifted his fingers through his chest hair to tease his nipples. They were already pebbled hard and the callouses on his fingertips were a wonderfully torturous thing. Jon felt like Richie had eight hands at this point. He felt them everywhere and wondered when his lover transformed into an octopus.

As the music reached the crescendo of a song, the storm intensified and so did their lovemaking.

A touch of spring, and autumn sweet
Well the trees vibrate when our eyes meet
And I think of all the love that we have been making
You touch my hand and I walk off shaking
And all I do is look into your eyes

As if Mother Nature knew what was about to happen, lightning flashed and a huge clap of thunder hit the city, just as their mutual orgasm rolled over the two lovers. Richie felt Jon tightening around him as his orgasm gripped his body. Jon shouted out as he came hard, the words swallowed by the thunder. The lightning illuminated his face in the dwindling candlelight as the wind blew through the open door snuffing most of them out.

Richie buried his face in the crook of Jon's neck, leaving little love bites where his mouth landed. As Jon emptied his seed over his stomach, Richie arched up on both arms to watch Jon's eyes almost roll back into his head and to give him the extra friction to fall off the edge of the precipice himself, emptying the contents of his balls into Jon's scorching heat.

As his bones became liquid and his arms couldn't hold him up any longer, Richie collapsed onto Jon again, still intimately joined. Jon's laboured breathing puffed through Richie's hair near his ears, Jon's arm loosely around Richie's neck. They stayed like that, not willing to let go just yet until Jon felt Richie take a deep, shuddering breath.

"Oh Richie, that was wonderful." Jon rolled them both over until he was the one looking down at Richie. "Baby, you're crying," he asked. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, Jonny. Happy tears, trust me!" he said. "I have wanted this, wanted you, for so long now. My fantasies don't hold a candle to the reality of what just happened."

"Baby, you don't know how happy that makes me. I love you so much. I'm so glad I said something to Tico." Jon smiled and gently kissed Richie.

"Wait! Wh- what? You told Tico? When?" Richie asked.

"Just the last couple of days. Since our last gig. Why?" Jon was perplexed.

"David wheedled it out of me after the last gig. You and your fucking gold pants made me hard most of the show. I was out of sorts afterwards, because I was so mad with myself for letting it affect me. I went back to my room and took care of things in the shower," he admitted, feeling slightly sheepish when telling the last piece.

"You got a boner on stage? Is that why you had your back to the audience for so long? I did that to you?" Jon asked, wonder tinting his words.

"Ah Jonny, all the time!" Richie admitted and nipped at Jon's chin with his teeth.

Jon sighed happily at the thought of a horny, uncomfortable Richie on stage.

"Be right back." Richie pushed up off Jon and headed to the bathroom. He bought back two warm, wet washcloths and gently wiped over Jon's body and then his.

Jon purred at Richie's gentle actions. "I must remember to wear those pants more often," Jon said.

"I'll just have to make love to you again afterwards when you do," Richie stated.

Jon smiled. "Oh god, I feel so good right now." He rolled over to reach the now warm bottle of champagne and took a healthy swig straight from the neck. He heard Richie chuckle and assumed that he wanted some so held it out to him.

"So much for not rushing the bubbles, huh?" Richie said. "That's not what I was laughing at though."

"Hmm? What then?"

"Lie down on your stomach, Jonny, and I'll show you," Richie said.

He watched Jon stretch out, resting his head on folded arms, his face turned to Richie. He then ran his hand up from Jon's thigh, lingering over his glorious ass before continuing onto his back. He proceeded to pick rose petals from his back, laying sweet chaste kisses where they had imprinted themselves into his heated skin, paying extra attention to the dimples at the base of his spine. He made a delicate pile of petals on the bedside table, with the idea of saving them somehow. Sappy? Sure! But he wanted something tangible to look back on at a later date.

"Ahh Rich, that feels so nice," Jon sighed at the soft touches to his skin.

"Jonny, you smell like roses now." Richie ran his nose up Jon's spine making him shiver.

"Richie, baby?"


"I want to make love to you now. I want to see you squirm, to make you feel like your skin is crawling with sparks of fire. I want to see you spread your legs, your ass, for me- only me. I want to see you thrash your head around on the pillows, your eyes glaze over when you cum- when I make you cum." Jon knelt up and pushed Richie back on the pillows, his awakening cock showing his intentions.

Speaking in a low, measured, ultra-sexy voice he continued, "I want to see your balls almost disappear into your body before you orgasm; that magnificent cock shoot its load all over your chest. My goal is to make it hit your chin or higher, but your chest will be good too. I'll make sure that when you cum, you'll cum hard, rest assured."

He watched Richie wet his lips with his tongue and swallow hard, dropping his voice lower still, he said, "Then I want to see you on your hands and knees, taking my dick into your ass. I want to see my cock sinking all the way, balls deep, into your luscious ass. I want to feel you squeeze me hard when I cum. I want to feel my own cum coat my dick as I continue to fuck your ass hard, dripping down your legs for me to lick it up later."

Richie's eyelids drooped closed, picturing the scene in his mind's eye. He reached blindly for Jon and, barely able to think, and said simply, "Yes!"

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