Her BTS Kim Seokjin FF

By BT21AreCool

23.6K 1K 57

Y/n is the really sweet, quite girl who always gets her school work done and has been crushing on her Korean... More

Character Introduction
1- Back To School
2- P.E?
3- They left....Again
4- Meeting The Neighbors
5- The Rest Of Movie Night
6- Breakfast, Lunch or What?
7- Shopping
8- Bad Day Turned Good
9- His Helper
11- Sick Day
12- Getting Caught?
13- Assembly
14- A Couple Days Off
15- Shopping- A Reunion
16- I Quit
17- Drinks? Truth Or Dare?
18- Shower
19- Theme Park
20- Work
21- Date
22- America
23- BTS?
24- Concert
25- The End Is Nearing
26- The End

10- Confessions

908 42 1
By BT21AreCool

After awhile of laying still on Jin to calm 'him' down, you were able to move, he however was still too embarrassed and continued laying on the floor,
"Come on, stand up..... or I'll sit on you again" You giggled while pulling him up
After finally getting him off the floor, you guys headed toward the kitchen to make food for the guys for when they're back
You were halfway through cutting vegetables when something popped into your mind
"I wonder why his parents are in prison with mine"
"Because they're bad people" You looked at him shocked not realizing you thought out loud
"I'm sorry for asking, I was meant to think it" You pointed to your head while he slightly laughed at you
"It's ok, I knew I'd tell you one day so why not now" He started
"For some reason I had to get ready to inherit the family business when I was just 14 so my parents were helping get the grip of things and.. along the way of all that, I discovered a load of illegal shit they were doing, like how the would sell young, vulnerable women, not much older than you, to these perverted old men and they would use that money to trick other companies to sign over their innocent businesses to them by saying they would work together to succeed, but I didn't feel comfortable extorting people out of their hard earned work and it's just plain wrong to sell young women to men who will sexually abuse them so.... one day after training at the office, I said I was going to meet up with some friends but I went to the police and reported them showing the detectives all the evidence I stole from the offices and it turns out they were busy building a case on my parents because a girl managed to escape and turned them in but because they were rich and powerful, the judge and jury turned a blind eye and said she just wanted money so the next day, the FBI came swarming into the main company building and took down my parents and their guilty associates, it was all over the news and no one believed that I tried to help stop it and they thought I was in on it and played hero so my life was miserable and I couldn't do anything without getting abused so I moved here and eventually met the guys and they knew about my past but they said they didn't care and they've always looked passed it and never bring anything to do with it up" He finally sighed
"Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me about your past" You hugged him while a tear ran down your face, once it started, it wouldn't stop
"YAH, why are you crying?" He laughed wiping your tears
"Because you went through all of that and you were abused for stuff you didn't even do" You squeezed onto him, not knowing the rest of BTS were back and standing in the kitchen doorway
"So I take it he told you" Namjoon came up behind you and rubbed your back
"It's so sad" You sniffled
You looked up to Namjoon and he hugged you, eventually it turned into a group hug with you holding onto Jin like your life depended on it
"Ok enough of this mushy-ness, foods almost done, guys set the table and wash up, Y/n, come here" Jin smiled down at you while you nodded
He stuck his arm out, waiting for you to take his hand, you took it and he pulled you outside while the guys sorted the rest out
"Isn't it a beautiful night" He breathed in looking up, you both started at the stars for a long while
"Ahh, my neck hurts now" He laughed moving his head around
"Now you know what it's like for me everyday looking at you" You snuggled up to his arm with your head down
He just kissed your forehead as you both looked straight ahead
"I love you Y/n" You looked up at him as soon as he said it
He was still looking forward at the plain empty space in front of him, he turned his head and looked at you
"Just imagine in a couple of years a play set with swings and a slide there, little girls or boys running around covered in mud screaming with laughter, and us, sat here watching them play, isn't that something you want.... with me?" He stared into your eyes the whole time
"I love you too Jin" Tears fell down your face again
"Argh, I cant be around you, you make me so emotional" You laughed while crying still
"I really do love you with all my heart and I promise to never make you cry, for a bad reason" He kissed your wet nose
"WHOOP, GO JIN HYUNG" You both looked up to see all six of them leaning out of the windows upstairs in Jin's room
"They're in your room and I'm pretty sure I have a bra laying on your bed from when I got dressed earlier" You whispered embarrassed in his ear
His eyes widened at your comment
"WHAT, THIS?" Jimin hung your bra out the window
Jin's eyes narrowed and his face turned red
"Hyung, I think you should run" Jungkook spoke from the far window to Jimin as he didn't see Jin getting angry
"RUN" They all shouted when they looked down and saw you standing alone laughing
"Too late" Jin was cornering Jimin
Jimin dropped your bra out the window and shouted
"IT'S OK CHIMCHIM" You shouted up
"HEY, WE'RE ALL OLDER THAN YOU" Tae shouted down as everyone started leaving due to hearing food while you laughed at him
"Don't call me Mr Kim, it's weird now, especially since you were the only one to ever call me Sir" You both laughed once he was downstairs with everyone else
Jin placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him, within seconds his lips were on yours, you snaked your hands around his neck and through his hair while he gripped onto your waist and pulled you into a hug while still kissing you
"Ugh gross, it's not gonna be like this every time we're with you guys right?" Yoongi scoffed
You and Jin broke the kiss and looked at Yoongi
"Maybe, maybe not" Jin commented while you giggled
"Ok foods ready" You pulled Jin to the table with you as everyone followed

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