By A_Wolf2000

1.8K 55 25

Started: 18/07/2019 Finished: More



64 1 0
By A_Wolf2000

Mira was the first to wake up and saw Jeongin's younger brother staring at them wide-eyed.

"Oh... Hi... " she said shyly. 

"You've been here millions of times but you've never slept together,  Noona! " he cried waking Jeongin up. 

"Yah shut up, " he groaned before turning to face her instead and curling up to go back to sleep. 

"It just happened, we were watching movies - now you can play on the PS4 as long as you're quiet. "

He nodded and settled on the floor, turning it on. 

After a moment if setting it up,  he asked,  "Do you wanna play with me Noona?  It's Call Of Duty. "


"Do you know how to play? "

"Yeeeeah...  I'm like 18 of course I do! "

"I can teach you if you want. " he laughed. 

"Yeah but only to refresh my memory not because I don't know. " she added quickly. 

He laughed even more as she joined him on the floor. 

"Now R2 to shoot,  but of course,  you already knew that... " he explained the game,  playing along. 

Meanwhile,  Jeongin was sleeping soundly when he heard a loud,  "YEAH BOI! EAT THAT STUPID BOT! "

he groaned and sat up seeing Mira with his brothers on the floor playing,  all focused on the screen,  their eyes unblinking. 

"Uh Mira,  aren't you gonna tell me why you came? " he asked. 

"Oh yeah... " she sighed,  the enthusiasm she used to wake him evaporated. 

She hid in a corner of the map and left. "Give me a minute boys. " she said quietly then turned to Jeongin motioning upstairs.  They went to his room and she curled up on the bed in a Min-Min ball. Jeongin sat down beside her. 

"So what's wrong? " he asked. 

"Minho kicked me out. " she said quietly. 

So absolutely sorry everyone. I have been SO busy and dry from ideas.  I'm in Coventry visiting family right now but I have to write so much more. I'll try to update more if not then, sorry. 

Your guilty author, 


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