Loki After Endgame: Cheating...

By EmmalinaP

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COMPLETED! Loki lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparking with wild delight, "Of course we're bad for each... More

Chap 1: Time Heist
Chap 2: New Asgard
Chap 3: The Good Doctor
Chap 4: Little Witch
Chap 5: Girl On Fire
Chap 6: Fear The Trickster
Chap 7: Choke On Lies
Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes
Chap 9: God Of Mischief
Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue
Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers
Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel
Chap 13: Sif & Asgard
Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet
Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans
Chap 17: Death Comes Swiftly
Chap 18: Nidavellir
Chap 19: The Fool & The Magician
Chap 20: Best Laid Plans
Chap 21: The Kree
Chap 22: Fight or Flight
Chap 23: Trapped in Shadows
Chap 24: Knowhere
Chap 25: Into The Dark
Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing
Chap 27: The Raven's Tidings
Chap 28: Forever The Hermit
Chap 29: The Hidden Planet
Chap 31: Some Wheels Just Keep Turning
Chap 32: Vanaheim
Chap 33: The Goddess of Stories
Chap 34: The Horde of Fire Demons
Chap 35: Encounters With The All-Mothers
Chap 36: Alfheim
Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard
Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War
Chap 39: The Masquerade
Chap 40: Ill-fated Lovers
Chap 41: All-Consuming Darkness
Chap 42: The Devil's Due
Chap 43: All Leads To Death
Chap 44: The End Of Everything
Acknowledgments & Sequel

Chap 30: The Coming Trials

213 13 2
By EmmalinaP


I reappear back in my own guest room feeling supremely annoyed, I can't understand why Kamilla would come on to me, only to push me away. That's not how my interactions with women typically go! Women always find me charming and I'm not usually rejected. Perhaps she's just trying to toy with me. If that's her plan, then she's messed with the wrong villain!

She was so much easier to understand when she couldn't lie to me. I exhale wearily and shake my head trying to clear my worrying thoughts.

"Ikol, show yourself" I command as I sit down on the flimsy white guest bed. Really, you'd think they'd have something a little more befitting of royalty!

Immediately the black raven appears perched on my shoulder; his feathers sleek and shining.

"Yes, my handsome and irresistible master?"

"While everyone is resting tonight, I want you to spend the entire night searching for Knull's hidden prison."

"As you wish, my Golden God." Ikol replies lowering his small body in an embellished bow.

"And don't come back until you've combed every square inch of this planet." I command as I curl into the bed and exhaustion overtakes me.

The next morning I wake early, with every intention of snooping, but as soon as I leave my room I notice Kamilla's guestroom door and hesitate in front of it. Suddenly I hear footsteps and vanish from sight, watching the corridor quietly as the sun rises outside. My loathsome cousin Hoder strolls down the hall and stops to knock on Kamilla's closed door. Slyly, I maintain my invisibility and watch him without alerting him to my presence. Kamilla answers the door on the second knock, her violet eyes dewy and soft, her hair pulled back tightly in a topknot. She's wearing black leather pants and a silver glittering halter top that appears to be made of glowing crystals with a high neckline. I glide a bit closer as my eyes roam her body greedily, careful that no one can see or hear me.

"Good morning, my Lady, you're looking rather beautiful today." Hoder announces cheerfully.

Resentment churns in my gut, Hoder's always been able to charm even the most uninterested of women. A small part of me flares with jealousy, she's my apprentice! And absolutely no one gets to toy with her, but me!!

Kamilla grins and her eyes twinkle in the soft orange morning light, "Good morning to you too Hoder."

"I trust you slept well, my fair lady."

"I did, thank you."

"Well then allow me to be your tour guide and escort you to the dining area for breakfast." Hoder waggles his eyebrows playfully, as if performing on a stage. "We specialize in all manner of delicious foods prepared by Myntril himself. But don't let his fearsome size and hairy paws scare you, he has been known to whip up some delightfully delectable treats." He gallantly extends his meaty arm to Kamilla smoothly, before adding with a wink, "And I must say, so far none of them have been tainted by his furry and ferocious nature."

I roll my eyes at his pompous chivalry as Kamilla accepts his muscular arm graciously. Arm in arm they stroll down the hall, directly opposite from the place I'm hiding. I'm about to follow them, when I hear distant footsteps echoing behind me. I glance backwards and spot Sif and Tarna strolling down the hall, headed my way.

"Ikol!" I whisper quietly, "Have you finished your job yet?"

Almost my liege. His bird voice chirps sharply in my mind.

"Well get your feathered ass over here and spy on Kamilla and Hoder, so I can keep tabs on them."

I'm on my way, Lie-smith.

Immediately I drop my glamoured invisibility and saunter over to Sif and Tarna confidently, as if I've no intentions of mischief. As soon as the women spot me, Tarna raises her eyebrows expectantly and Sif scowls. Sif looks as beautiful as always, except for the fact that she has dark bruises around her eyes and a noticeably crooked nose. I'm about to offer to magically heal her, when she turns her narrowed gaze on me.

"Oh you're awake." Sif gestures to a small bucket in her hand, "I suppose I won't be needing this ice water to wake you then."

Tarna frowns in disappointment, "What a shame, I was looking forward to seeing if you could pull it off."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms defiantly, "Puh-lease, like either of you ladies would've been able to slip into my room without me noticing."

Sif glares at me judgmentally, "As I recall, while you were pretending to be Odin you partied so late into the night, that you slept in all afternoon; too hung over to attend to any of your morning duties." 

I puff out my chest, eager to taunt her, "All great rulers must make sacrifices. It's not my fault all the women fought over a place in my bed."

"Too bad you didn't actually get anything useful accomplished." She taunts, her bright red lips curling in obvious disdain.

"Well ruling a Kingdom isn't for everyone I suppose." I remark offhandedly, as if I could care less what she thinks.

"Asgard was never meant to be yours in the first place." She snaps, her words clipped.

I cringe internally, my temperature rising. How dare she! "Ruling Asgard was my birthright." I counter, before grinning wickedly. "Is that a hint of jealousy I detect in your voice Sif?"

"Enough bickering!" Tarna shouts, stomping her foot. "We just came to wake you so we can all have breakfast together before you leave."

I shrug, "I'll pass on whatever you freaks eat for breakfast."

Tarna huffs impatiently, as if unused to having people turn her down and I feel a warm flicker of pride at being the first.

"We're going to give you the details of the next two challenges while we eat, and then you'll be departing immediately afterwards."

Sif glares at me, her expression hard, "That means there's no time to waste on one of your pity parties, spineless trickster."

I bite my tongue, and feign indifference, "Well, as I was already on my way there anyways, I will lead the way." Then to solidify the lie, I give a mock bow and stride in front of them, holding my head high; refusing to let Sif think her words affect me. As I stride down the hall with Tarna and Sif at my heels, hatred grows from a light simmer, to a rolling boil inside me. We could have made an excellent team, but she had to become my enemy and a permanent thorn in my side!

I shove my feelings aside, Ikol! I call in my thoughts, show me what they've been talking about.

Instantly I hear Hoder and Kamilla's voices playing softly in my head; "So, what are two Asgardians doing all the way out here anyways?" I hear Kamilla ask Hoder curiously.

"Excellent question my fair lady!" I roll my eyes as I listen to Hoder's jovial voice. Odin's beard, he's so annoying! He's almost as nauseatingly upbeat and cheerful as Thor, although Hoder certainly has more flair and an annoying knack for showmanship.

"You see, it all started when my brother and sister and I were stationed in Nornheim, sent by Odin to be ambassadors to the Norn Queen, Karnelda." He chuckles, "Of course, now I know that it was Loki who sent me, not Odin. Loki's always been too clever for his own good."

I frown, too clever for my own good? How insufferably rude! Just call me clever and be done with it!

"I tell you, that kid's always been a bit of a wild card. A reckless tempter of fate. But he's the perfect counterbalance for Thor. Always keeping him on his toes." Hoder continues with a chuckle, as if swept away by nostalgia.

"Yeah, if only Loki could swallow his pride and stop acting like he doesn't need anyone else."

My steps falter and I stiffen at Kamilla's words. So, the wicked Little Witch has convinced herself she knows me, a rather deadly mistake on her part.

"He just needs the right person to keep him in line." Hoder replies offhandedly.

"Uh, I don't particularly want to be held accountable for his actions." Kamilla replies her voice hesitant.

I huff angrily, as I pick up the pace, continuing down the hall. As if I need anybody to keep me in line! As if anybody could even keep up with me! How utterly ridiculous these chattering neanderthals are.

"No, of course not my Lady. Don't let the idea trouble you for a moment longer. In fact, I do believe I was in the middle of regaling you with my fascinating story." I roll my eyes, he always did love to embellish his stories; he truly is a pompous, mindless buffoon.

"Yes, please continue, uh-Sir Hoder."

I hear Hoder chuckle good-naturedly, and I roll my eyes again.

"There's no need to be so formal, just call me Hoder." He replies. "Anyways, after I spent time as an Ambassador to Nornheim, Sif showed up, claiming she'd been exiled. She spent a year with us until Karnelda died and appointed Balder, my younger twin, as King Regent. Then two years later, we received news that Thanos had destroyed Xandar and was attempting to collect the rest of the infinity stones. Sif admitted that she'd given the Aether to The Collector for safekeeping, so she and I promptly took Balder's fastest spaceship in a noble quest to retrieve the stone before Thanos. I was ready to face him down in what I assumed would be a legendary battle that would most certainly lead to my death, but alas, it was not meant to be; we were too late. Knowhere had already been burned and the reality stone was taken. Sif and I nobly searched the ruins for any Asgardian relics and most we kept, but two of them we hid in a spooky and mysterious location."

"Not that mysterious," Kamilla pipes in, "Just underground guarded by a disgusting worm, and attached to a particularly nasty booby-trap."

Hoder chuckles, "Indeed, the trap was Sif's idea and quite exciting I might add! Although I do hope neither of you were harmed. Anyways, she and I made a copy of the map and left one behind, in hopes that Thor would one day find his way to Klyntar. Never in a million years did we imagine that his dearly departed brother would come back to life and find us!" Hoder chuckles once more, "That kid certainly has a knack for coming back from the dead and causing mischief."

I smile smugly as I turn down the corridor, he doesn't know the half of it.

"I of course, wanted to return to Nornheim to be with my brother and sister, but alas, Sif was truly determined to come to Klyntar in order to protect the symbiotes from Thanos. She feared that he might take over Klyntar and use the symbiotes for evil purposes. So, her and I came to an agreement and we nobly journeyed here, only to discover that lo and behold, Tarna and Myntril were already doing an excellent job guarding the symbiotes! Those two gave us the chance to join them and had us both complete two tasks.  When we succeeded, we were granted the opportunity to bond with the symbiotes. Sif become an agent but she declined the symbiote. However, after Tarna convinced me, I joined with a symbiote that calls itself Riot. Which has been a total whirlwind let me tell you! Being joined to the symbiote is both an honor and a pleasure most divine! Anyways, the snap happened not long after, causing Sif and I vanish for five years."

As Hoders voice continues in my thoughts, I reach the end of the hall and open the door that Ikol assures me leads to the kitchen. The kitchen is large and well lit with a large white table sparkling in the center. It's loaded with various breakfast foods; some I recognize and others I don't. There's a spread of toast, bagels and several types of fruit I've never seen before. Along with two large bowls of some sort of weirdly thick soup. In the very center is a large plate loaded with various meats that make my mouth water with hunger. At the head of the table Myntril sits quietly holding a large sandwich in his giant hairy fists. And next to him is Hoder, his plate piled high with food and his golden skin shimmering in the soft morning light. Right next to him is Kamilla who's eyes are roaming over Myntril and Hoder, as she bites deftly into a bagel. "So, both of you have bonded with these parasites?" She asks slowly.

Tarna scoffs as she and Sif enter the kitchen behind me, and Myntril growls exposing several rows of razor-sharp teeth that he definitely didn't have before.

"My Lady," Hoder says to Kamilla as I saunter to the table. "I'm sure you meant no harm, but I advise you not to call them parasites, it really is rather an insult to them. The symbiotes are highly intelligent life forms and prefer to be regarded as the magnificent creatures that they are."

Kamilla puts her slender brown hands up in protest, "I meant no offense."

"None taken my Lady." Hoder replies with an exagerated wink as he turns his attention back to his plate full of meats and toast.

In the corner of the room I recognize Ikol's black ruffled feathers, as he hovers in the shadows hidden from everyone but me. I clear my throat and sit down at the table next to Kamilla as Tarna and Sif sit down directly across from me.

"Good morning Loki." Kamilla announces her eyes searching mine, as if she expects to see something specific. I regard her flatly, uncertain as to what she wants from me this early in the morning.
"Didn't mean to start eating without you, but I was just really hungry. Oh and you really have to try this jelly!" She exclaims gesturing to a small bowl of what appears to be black pudding.

I scan the various foods on the table and reach for a small sausage, I do appreciate quality breakfast meats. The hearty sausage is bursting with flavor and even though it perks me up quite a bit, I find that I'm still slightly irritable.

Ikol, go finish your search. I command in my thoughts. I can sense the moment that he vanishes from the room and sit back in my chair eating leisurely.

"So, what's your story Tarna?" Kamilla asks between small bites of her bagel.

Tarna glances up from her bowl of soup, her red eyes flashing fiercely when they meet Kamilla's. "What's it to you?"

"I didn't mean to pry." Kamilla's curls bounce as she shakes her head apologetically. "I was only wondering why you and Myntril left your own planets behind to live on a secret planet with only symbiotes for company."

Tarna's once tight expression falls flat as she hisses, "Because of the mother-fucking Kree. Hundreds of years ago they stole some of the symbiotes and began experimenting on them and in doing so they corrupted the Klyntar and turned them into monsters that terrorized worlds. A few decades ago, Myntril and I joined forces because both of our species had been systematically hunted down by the genocidal Kree. Together we became the first Agents of the Cosmo's, committed to preventing the Klyntar from falling into the hands of the Kree. He and I created the technoogy that cloaks this planet and have been guarding the symbiotes and hunting down the ones that were taken, ever since."

"We actually ran into some Kree's on our way here." Kamilla causally informs her as she wipes her mouth with a crumpled napkin.

Tarna turns her attention back to her breakfast, her voice dripping with contempt, "I hope you didn't leave a single Kree limb intact."

"I assure you, we didn't." I reply proudly as I lean back in my chair.

Myntril nods, joining in the conversation for the first time, "Good." He says as Tarna adds, "I hope it was bloody."

I swallow my first bite of food, Clearly the beast isn't much of a conversationalist. It's not hard to see that Tarna is the one who calls the shots around here. Her unyielding hatred of the Kree is clearly what drives her. I make a note of her weakness, should I need to manipulate her later.

"So why did Sif insist we get three challenges, when she only had to complete two?" I ask snidely as I look each one of the agents in their eyes, my expression smug. Myntril and Tarna shift in their seats awkwardly, but Sif only glares at me, her expression poised to kill.

Hoder pauses mid-bite, then puts his toast back on his plate averting his gaze from mine. "You caught that huh?"

"Indeed, it was quite obvious that yesterday's fight deviated from your usual protocol." 

Hoder shrugs, "Yeah normally they only require two tasks to become an agent. That's how many Sif and I did and how many the symbiotes required from Myntril and Tarna."

"So, you gave us an extra challenge just for shits and giggles?" I counter, using an amusing phrase I picked up in New York City.

"No, it's because I don't trust you!" Sif cuts me off, baring her teeth in a venomous sneer.

"I'd expect nothing less, from the likes of you." I shoot back, looking down at her as if she's beneath me.

Beside me Kamilla glances between Sif and I; her violet eyes shimmering with concern.

"Well unlike Sif here, I'm not one for grudges." Hoder reassures me, clearly attempting to diffuse the tension that's filled the room. "And I trust Kamilla." He adds nudging her gently with his elbow. "You do seem to have a good head on your shoulders." He smiles playfully and his blue eyes twinkle as he says to her, "And you're far too intelligent to be tricked into another one of Loki's infamous schemes."

Kamilla chuckles unexpectedly; her laughter high and musical. "Well aren't you mister optimism." She replies with a playful grin.

I roll my eyes, impatience creeping up my spine. "So, do you plan on keeping us in suspense all morning? Or are you going to tell us our remaining two challenges?"

"Yes, yes, I'm getting to it." Hoder's eyes sparkle eagerly, as if he's about to tell a child an extravagant bedtime story. "In your first challenge, you must journey through the cosmos to a mysterious land where your strength and determination will be tested at every turn." He waggles his eyebrows expectantly, as if he's just told us something profound and exciting.

I frown; he always was a mewling quim.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" Kamilla inquires her eyebrows quirked in suspicion.

"He means, that yesterday we received word of an invasion of fire demons on Vanaheim." Sif interjects, giving Hoder an exasperated look as she shakes her head.

"Been there done that." I retort sarcastically. "Is that the best you knockoff hero's can do?"

Hoder turns to me, his expression suddenly serious. "Don't be so cocky little cousin. The amount of fire demons that have left Muspellheim to attack Vanaheim are more than we've ever faced before. They've forced the All-mothers into hiding and are trying to take over the planet, but for what purpose we don't know. Your job isn't just to defeat them; it's to find out what they're doing there in the first place. The All-mothers suspect they're planning something big."

"After you defeat them and discover their intentions," Tarna adds, "Then you will meet with the All-mothers to share what you've uncovered."

I cringe, as my stomach twists in knots, I do not want to visit the All-mothers.

"Then you will leave for Alfheim, where you will need to win a war without shedding a single drop of elvish blood. And without anyone knowing you were ever there." Tarna commands authoritatively. "Sif will give you the details of the mission on your way there. But for now, finish your meal quickly and be on your way."

I grit my jaw, I was really hoping to get a chance to sneak away this morning and search for Knull. "This all sounds quite charming. But I rather was hoping to have a tour of your lovely home planet, before leaving." I respond smoothly, giving Tarna an innocent and beguiling smile I'm certian will work.

Tarna shakes her head firmly, "Time is of the essence. You must get to Vanaheim before anyone else is killed. The sooner you succeed there, the sooner you can get to Alfheim and prevent civil war. Then when you're done, you may return and take as many tours as your little heart desires."

"Fantastic." I mutter to myself bitterly. I suppose I'll have to throw a wrench in their pointless plans.

Hoder unfolds his large brawny frame, excusing himself from the table. "Since I'm finished, I'll see to it that you have plenty of supplies for your journey." He strides to the counter and picks up a large wooden crate and heaves it high on his shoulder adding, "These perfectly toned muscles aren't just for looks, you know."

Quickly I swallow the last piece of my sausage and resist the urge to vomit as I leap to my feet. "I'm finished as well, so I'll join you Hoder."

"Come along then cousin." Hoder flashes his pearly white teeth in a warm smile. I nearly gag again, doesn't he ever tire of being so damn cheerful and cocky all the time?

I follow Hoder out of the kitchen, dimly aware of four pairs of eyes following me as I leave. As Hoder and I walk down the corridor he says, "You know, it's been several years since you and I have spent much time together." Hoder cocks his head as if trying to calculate the days, "In fact, I do believe the last time we did anything together, was right before I left to visit my mother in Vanahaim. Of course, had I known that only a month later the Ice elves would invade Asgard, I never would have left."

My stomach twists again and my breakfast grows bitter in my stomach. That is a failure I do not wish to be reminded of.

As soon as we step outside of the building I turn on him swiftly, clutching his throat firmly in my hands as I shove him hard against the wall. He's so stunned that the crate crashes to his feet, and his cheeks grow red while his eyes widen in alarm.

"What in the-" He sputters, but I cut him off. "As King Odin, I ordered you to learn the secrets of the Norn Witches and to discover the location of the Norn stones. But your messengers always came back empty-handed. So tell me Hoder," I hiss impatiently, his name bitter on my tongue, "did you find the stones, and decide to keep them for yourself?"

"I-uh." Hoder stammers as if he didn't expect me to remember the real reason I sent him to Nornheim. Without letting him go, I soften my grip around his throat to allow him to speak.

"Answer me!" I hiss baring teeth.

"I did look for the Norn stones at first. But only a few of them were still on Nornheim and they were too well guarded. The rest of the stones were stolen years ago." His expression is impassive as he explains himself and it irks me that he's not even the least bit frightened of me.

I frown, "Then pray tell, what did the Norn Witches tell you of the future?"

"Not much. They told me to stay away from Asgard at all costs, because Ragnorok was coming. And they warned me that it would be you who would set Sutur loose on Asgard in order to save it. So naturally, I did as I was told and stayed out of the way."

I let go of his throat and drop my hand, smirking snidely to hide my disappointment. "I must say Hoder, you have proven completely useless as a spy."

Hoder shoves me off him, and his eyes spark with a low simmering anger. "I only searched for the stones because I thought you were Odin. The moment the Norn's let me see through your disguise, I stopped looking for them." He stomps towards me menacingly, clenching his big meaty fists. "Don't think for one moment that I work for you. I trust you only as far as I can throw you. You may have saved our people from Hela, but the Norn's showed me who you really are; that you are no Asgardian!"

Immediately I feel the blood drain from my face, and I clench my jaw. He knows?! My pulse quickens, my cousins have been away for so long that I assumed they never found out about my true parentage.

I must be doing a terrible job at hiding my shock because Hoder's expression softens as if he pities me. "Don't worry, I told no one your secret... None except for Balder."

My stomach tightens at his disgusting pity, and I square my shoulders to hold my head up confidently. It doesn't matter.

"It's no secret anymore, all of Asgard knows the truth now." I hiss bitterly, but suddenly I hear footsteps approaching and a slender hand grips my shoulder.

"There isn't a problem here, is there?" Kamilla asks carefully, as if daring us to lie to her.

Hoder shrugs, his anger fading, "As long as Loki doesn't get any reckless ideas, there won't be."

Kamilla puts her free hand on her slim hip, and smirks, "I assure you, Loki's ideas are never reckless. If there's anyone we can count on to always be ten steps ahead of everyone. It's him."

My lips curl in approval as Hoder lets out a warm laugh, then he moves to scoop up the broken wooden crate. "You're quite right about that, my Lady. Quite right indeed."

With the crate hoisted back on his shoulder he heads outside to the spaceship that's still parked exactly where I left it.
From behind us Sif exits the building and saunters towards the ship as well, "All aboard, first one there, gets to drive!" She calls out over her shoulder.

Kamilla watches me intently as if she wants to say something, but she clamps her mouth shut as the four of us board my spaceship. Once we're inside, Hoder takes the crate to the kitchen and I turn towards Sif, offering her a beguiling smile. "Sif, if you don't mind, I'd like to have a word in private with my apprentice."

She nods tightly, "Request granted. I'm going to prepare for takeoff."

I stroll to the ship's bedroom wordlessly passing Hoder in the kitchen, ensuring they're both out of earshot.

"What was that about?" Kamilla asks as she follows me into the bedroom. "I sensed some serious tension between you and Hoder."

I shake my head dismissing her trivial concerns, "It doesn't matter."

Then I put my hands on her shoulders and swing her around to face me, "I am going to tell Sif that you're going to stay behind."

"What?! But I-"

"Then I want you to glamour yourself to look like me and remain on the ship with her." I continue, intentionally cutting her off. She doesn't seem to take this well, because she crosses her arms defiantly. "And where will you be?"

"I'm going to stay here and pose as you, searching for Knull, while you and Sif waste your time in Vanaheim."

Kamilla clenches her jaw and her eyes blaze with fire. "Hell no! You are not ditching me!"

I sigh and try to reason with her, "Time is a luxury I don't have. I need to stay here and search for Knull's god-killing sword."

"Or you can stay and accomplish the tasks you said you would. Then afterwards they'll tell us where Knull is." Kamilla counters fiercely.

"You don't understand Kamilla! I'm on borrowed time! Death will find me before long!" Try as I might, I can't hide the edge of panic and exasperation that creeps into my voice.

Kamilla's face drops, "Yeah, I know." She shrugs, "So why not hypnotize Sif or Hoder and force them to tell us?"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because..." I hesitate for a moment, "I sort of hypnotized them too many times already, and now they've learned to resist me. Plus, I already know that threats don't work on either of them."

Kamilla grimaces in disgust, "Ugg, do I even want to know the story behind that?!"

I sigh, "Calm down Little Witch, I didn't force them to do anything wrong. It was mainly so I could mess with Thor."

"Uhuh." She grunts unconvinced, "Whatever you say, pervert."

I feel a vibration thrum through the ship as the engine roars to life. "Well it's now or never Little Witch." I reply confidently as I shapeshift; making myself look identical to Kamilla.

"Wait!" Kamilla cries her hands flying out to grab my shirt. Her violet eyes shimmer with pools of sadness as she pulls me closer and looks me in the eyes.

"If Death shows up, then let her take me."

"What?" I recoil from her grasp so suddenly that my glamour drops away.

She cocks her head to the side, studying me as if she knows more than she's letting on. "Don't pretend you haven't thought about it."

"Well, yes b-"

"Good." She replies resolutely, "Then it's agreed, we do this the right way. We face these two challenges together and then come back to look for the weapon. And if our luck runs out and Lady Death find us, I will take your place."

She offers her hand to me, eyeing me carefully, "Deal?"

Take the deal! Ikol screeches in my mind.

But she's my friend..... my only friend, I reply as uncertainty muddles my thoughts. I shake away my hesitation and grip her hand firmly, before I can second guess it.

"It's a deal."

As soon as we shake on it, I vanish from her presence and reappear in the control room, eager to pilot my ship, but frown at the sight in front of me.

Of course, perfect little Sif would claim the pilot's chair and name herself captain.

"Hoder just left, so we can take off. You better find your seat." Sif remarks, sensing my presence.

"You've already taken mine." I reply icily.

"Too bad. Until your trials are complete, I'm in charge."

I scowl and transform myself into Sif and mock her, "Poor pathetic Sif; so desperate to prove she's as good as any man. Too insecure to let any one be in charge but her."

Sif glowers as her gaze snaps towards me; her grim face suggesting that my impression of her hit home. I grin wickedly, savoring her sweet discomfort.

"Grow up Loki."

"You first, doll."

Sif shakes her head, clearly exasperated. "Enough already. If we're going to share such a small space, then can't we at least try to get along?"

I cross my arms, "I don't know, can we?"

She huffs as she scrutinizes me, then her expression hardens, "No apparently we can't."

I smile to myself and drop the glamour, enjoying my temporary  victory.

"Fortunately, we should arrive in Vanaheim soon. So for the sake of our sanity, let's keep to separate ends of the ship, shall we?" 

I don't bother to reply as I retreat to the kitchen and sit down trying to come up with a better plan to torture her. But the kitchen is full of too many memories, and my mind returns to Thor and the few happy meals we shared in this room. I stalk to the bedroom and throw myself down on my old bed, ignoring Kamilla as she watches me silently, her eyes peeking over the pages of a tattered book.

"Are you okay?" She asks hesitantly.

"Fine. Never been better." I snap, the words harsher than intended. Kamilla sets down her large book and leaves Thor's bed to sit at the foot of my own.

Her gaze is compassionate as she watches me intently. "That's a lie."

I roll my eyes at her dismissively. "Stop pestering me and take your pity elsewhere."

Kamilla grins warmly, "You really are a big baby." She teases.

I cross my arms defensively, and choose to ignore her.

"You know what I think?"

"That you know everything?" I snap back.

She crinkles her eyes as her round lips curl into a small grin. "I think you spend so much time, in your mind, that you forget to let yourself have a heart."

I frown, feeling deeply disturbed. "Ridiculous Little Witch. As usual, you couldn't be further than the truth."

Kamilla smile fades into something that's both sad and knowing, and I cringe. I hate pity! I slam my eyes shut, determined to shut her out.

"Then perhaps maybe you'd prefer a good distraction?"

At her response my ears perk up excitedly, but I open only one eye, not wanting to appear too eager.

"How about another magic lesson?" She continues, her bright eyes sparkling in anticipation. "You can finally teach me how to hypnotize people. Besides, it might become useful on our next challenge."

The excitement that once surged in my chest fades and I groan. "You are relentless, you know that?"

She cocks her head to the side and smirks mischievously, "Would you have me any other way?"

I bark out an unexpected laugh and Kamilla leaps to her feet adding, "I'm just going to take that as a yes. Let's do this."

I prop my head up with my hands lazily, but don't sit up. "Alright, fine. Since you've proven your loyalty to me; I'll teach you."

I spend the next few hours methodically teaching her how to project images and desires into someone else's mind. I teach her how to infuse her words with magic, so as to suggest compliance to the weak-minded. I let her practice on me, as I lounge on the bed, over and over until she gets the hang of it.

"It's not like you can control anyone's mind." I remind her, once we've finished. "Hypnotism is not infallible, and most beings of a higher intelligence will be able to resist your influence."

"So essentially, you're saying it only works on idiots." She pauses in realization, then frowns, "That's how you view humans... as idiots of the lowest degree."

I grin unabashedly, my words dripping with sarcasm,"That is correct, my Little Witch. However did you figure it out?"

She rolls her eyes and puts her hands on her hips, and even though she doesn't reply, her eyes dance with defiance. As my eyes roam over her feisty expression and linger on her narrow curves, a surge of heat pulses inside me, but I push it aside, choosing to taunt her instead.

"You, my Little Witch, have the grand gift of silence, it makes you quite invaluable as a companion."

Kamilla scoffs, "And you have the grand gift of being a judgmental prick."

I grin wolfishly and shrug, "I make no pretenses, I am what I am."

For a moment she frowns in alarm, but then she shakes it off and laughs heartily. "Right, well I'm going to go check on Sif and see if she can tell us anything else about our tasks."

I wave my hand leisurely in dismissal, "Do as you will my Little Witch, your time is your own."

The moment she exits the room, I sit up quickly and summon my raven. "Ikol, go eavesdrop on their conversation." I command, curiosity getting the better of me.

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