Married To You

By twelvewolves

288K 7.8K 1.3K

Luhan marries Harriette but what are the challenges they are going to face as a young married couple? Both of... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Author's Message
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50
Episode 51

Episode 39

3.3K 125 53
By twelvewolves

Sorry if the grammars are wrong.

"Chanyeol..... he's..... he's my jagiya, Harriette. I tried to explain to Kris a while ago that I'm in a relationship with him but he..... he hurt me. Harriette I'm scared that me and Chanyeol might end up like you and Luhan. I'm scared that Kris might hurt Chanyeol too just like what he did to Luhan before. What if Kris will do anything to separate me and Chanyeol just like what he did to you and to Luhan? Help me, Harriette help me and Chanyeol from Kris. I don't want me and Chanyeol to end up like you and Luhan", Baekhyun said crying so Harriette hugged him. 

"It's okay, Baekhyun I promise I won't let Kris do what he did to me and to Luhan before to Chanyeol and to you. I won't let it happen.....", Harriette and Kris realized that their middle brother Baekhyun is gay. After what happened to Baekhyun he called Chanyeol and he said that he already told Kris about their relationship.

"This is the first time you gave me a headache, Chanyeol. What kind of a trouble is this? Baekhyun..... Baekhyun is Kris' younger brother. I did everything for you so you can finish your studies and you will do this?", Yura said talking to her younger brother Chanyeol at their living room.

"I love him", Chanyeol straightly answered while Yura just looked at him.

"You will do the same thing that you and Kris did to Harriette and Luhan to me and Baekhyun right? You will do everything to separate us too? If you will then I will leave you. I don't care if you are my sister but I love Baekhyun. If Luhan and Harriette didn't had a chance to fight for their love then I will never let it happen to me and Baekhyun. Do you know that you and Kris are one of the reason why Luhan and Harriette separated? You took away their time to be together, Yura that was so selfish", - Chanyeol

"My point here, Chanyeol..... I'm afraid that..... that Kris will hurt you. I don't care if you and Baekhyun love each other but as long as you're okay I'm fine with it. Kris? I know him he's a different person when it comes to Harriette and Baekhyun. He will do anything to protect them. What if he would hurt you just to separate you and Baekhyun? I don't know what will I do, Chanyeol", - Yura who was trying to hold back her tears so he approached her.

"Are you and Kris still okay?", - Chanyeol

"I.... I broke up with him", - Yura

"Why?", - Chanyeol

"Luhan told me he will allow Kris to stay in the company if I will break up with him so I did", Yura said with her teary eyes when they suddenly heard a noise outside their gate so they looked at the window.

"Kris! Kris! Don't do this!", Harriette was pulling Kris back to the car.

"Kris please don't hurt Chanyeol", Baekhyun said trying to stop Kris to enter Yura and Chanyeol's gate. Chanyeol went out when Kris punched him on his face with his fist. Kris was so strong that Chanyeol can't defend himself anymore while Yura and Harriette are trying to stop Kris. Things happened so fast that Baekhyun and Chanyeol escaped together and ride a taxi cab. 

"Stop hurting my brother, Kris!", Yura said. Harriette also left to follow Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"Hurt?! I can't compare the way I hurt Chanyeol with the pain that I felt when you left me! I went to Canada since I thought it's for Harriette, Baekhyun and I's good. I tried to fix everything with my siblings that I said to myself if I'll comeback here I'm going to marry and live a happy life with you but you ruined everything! I believed on what you told me before that you will never leave me but you did, you leave me, Yura and you know what hurts the most? The person I trusted and love the most hurt me. I suddenly felt the pain again when my parents left me. Why did you leave me, Yura? Why did you hurt me? What did I do wrong to you?", - Kris

"I never want to hurt you, Kris but I have no choice. I asked Luhan before if what can I do so he can let you stay in the company and he told me I should break up with you", Yura said with her teary eyes.

"Why did you do that, Yura? Why did you?! If I have to choose between the company and you, I will choose you Yura it's because I love you!", - Kris

"It's because I love you too, Kris and I know how important the company that Luhan took from you", - Yura

"I will leave the company and comeback to me. We will fix everything about us and start again", - Kris

"I can't it's too late, Kris", - Yura

"Why? Don't you.... don't you love me anymore?", - Kris 

"Luhan and I are.....", Kris realized that Luhan and Yura are now in a relationship. Kris was so speechless that the woman she love the most is now in a relationship with the man he hated the most.

"These are all our fault, Kris. If we didn't do what we did to Luhan and Harriette in the past then these will not happen to us and everyone around us. Not only Luhan and Harriette got affected for what we did, even us! The people around us! If only I knew these will happen, I shouldn't done what we did. Sometimes I thought maybe we deserve all of these for the mistakes we did to Luhan and Harriette. We deserve to pay them, Kris", Yura said with her teary eyes and she walked away. After what happened, Harriette is walking at the street dialing Baekhyun's phone number to ask if he and Chanyeol are okay when she received a phone call from Sehun. She was hesitating to answer him since they had a misunderstanding yesterday.

"Harriette Suho's mother came here a while ago in the coffee shop and told me that Suho's been missing for weeks already. She can't contact him too", - Sehun

"What? Did his mom report it to the police?", - Harriette 

"Yes and she's asking for our help", - Sehun

"I'll be there in 10 minutes", Harriette was about to end the call but Sehun talked again.

"Harriette about what happened yesterday about Tao I'm--", Harriette interrupted him.

"Sehun this is not the right time to talk about it. We need to find Suho", Harriette said and she ended the call. Sehun felt sad that Harriette was still a little mad at him. Harriette and Sehun met in a police station and the police just said to them that they will do their best to find Suho. Afterwards, Sehun decided to visit Luhan at his mansion home.

"This is your home, Luhan? It's so huge", Sehun said when Luhan introduced his biological mother Rose to Sehun.

"It's nice meeting you, Sehun. I heard a lot about you from Luhan. Welcome here. Feel at home and I'll cook dinner for us okay?", Rose smiled. Luhan and Sehun went to the entertainment room in Luhan's mansion house to play playstation game that they always play since they were kids.

"Your mom is so kind, Luhan. Makes me miss my mom too", Luhan looked at Sehun and he felt that there's something wrong to Sehun.

"You okay?", - Luhan

"Sometimes...... I feel that my girlfriend doesn't love me", - Sehun

"Harriette?", - Luhan

"You know that feeling when she's close to you but you still feel that she's far away from you? Every time I looked at her I feel that she's hiding something from me. I want to ask her but I don't want me and her to end up having a misunderstanding or fight. Sometimes I feel that it has a connection to her former husband", Luhan was surprised of what just said.

"She's.... married?", - Luhan 

"Yes she once mentioned to me before that she was married but her husband divorced her", - Sehun

"Do you know the man? Her.... husband I mean former husband?", - Luhan

"No she never mention him anymore and I don't care about it", Sehun noticed that Luhan was a little uneasy.

"You okay?", - Sehun

"Yes I'm just a little concentrated playing this playstation game. So what if..... what if Harriette's husband might comeback for her?", - Luhan

"See this playstation game we are playing?", Luhan watched how Sehun play their two player playstation game with guns when Sehun killed Luhan's character on the game.

"I will fight for Harriette no matter what happens, Luhan. I don't care if she's married and the most important thing is she's with me now. If ever he would comeback for Harriette.... for what? He divorced her, Luhan. He doesn't deserve her anymore. I can die for Harriette, Luhan. That's how I love her. If ever you're in my place, Luhan what will you do?", - Sehun 

"What?", - Luhan

"Are you really okay? I kept on talking and talking here but it seems like you're not listening to me and by the way Tao? Your assistant in your company, he told me he likes Harriette too. I tried everything to ask Harriette to stay away from him but she consider him as her friend and you know, I don't know why I have a bad feeling about Tao. He seem so different. Sometimes he's kind, cool but there's just times that he's cold and mean. I'll ask you, Luhan do you ever feel that bad feeling about Tao everytime you see him?", - Sehun

"No but.... but sometimes I'm a little surprised that he knows some information about me that I never mention to him before", - Luhan

"Me too! He's like a stalker or something", Sehun laughed a little.

"I'm actually planning to propose to Harriette at the celebration of your company at the exhibit. That way I know her former husband and Tao can't do anything to take Harriette from me so can you help me plan for the proposal? I really want it to be special", - Sehun

"Sehun you just told me Harriette is still married to her former husband. If you will marry Harriette, it will be an invalid marriage since she's still legally married to her first husband", - Luhan

"Then I will face her former husband to talk to him to legally divorce her", Sehun said when Luhan looked at Sehun.

"That's just crazy, Sehun", Luhan laughed a little.

"Luhan I'm not joking. Should I try to ask Harriette about her past? Especially about her former husband? Maybe it would be a good thing if three of us meet to talk about their divorce and--", Luhan interrupted him.

"Sehun it's 11pm. You should go home now you still have school tomorrow. You're talking some nonsense stuff and look, Sehun you're still in college and mom is sick he needs you. Marriage is a very big responsibility you should think about it first", afterwards, Sehun left while Luhan is in his office room in his mansion house staring at the wedding ring he supposed to give to Harriette two years ago. Luhan went to his desk to open his briefcase and he saw his and Harriette's divorce papers.

"I think you should tell the truth to Sehun", Luhan saw that it's his mother Rose who went to his office room.

"He's my brother, I don't want to hurt him", - Luhan

"Truth hurts but how long can you and Harriette keep your marriage from Sehun? I know you and Harriette are just both afraid to hurt Sehun but I'll ask you, Luhan do you really want to continue these divorce papers? Would you really allow Sehun to end up with Harriette?", Luhan just looked at his mom speechless.

"Remember when we met at the street before that I almost hit you and Harriette with my car when you were crossing the street? Harriette got so mad at me that what if my car really hit you? She's afraid to lose you, Luhan and I know she's afraid to lose you until now. Fight for the right thing, Luhan don't give up. You should not give up to save Harriette and yours marriage and love for each other.... never give up right?", Rose said. After Chanyeol and Baekhyun escaped from Kris yesterday, they are at a restaurant where Chanyeol work.

"Thank you for fighting for me", - Chanyeol

"I actually can't believe I did that. I felt that I betrayed Kris for what we did but I don't care. You told me before we will run away from Kris right? I will go with you, Chanyeol before Kris finds us and I promise I won't let Kris hurt you again", Baekhyun said but he noticed that Chanyeol was not okay.

"Are you okay?", - Baekhyun

"I need to tell something to you..... about Luhan and Harriette. She helped us yesterday from your brother Kris I just guess maybe it's time for me to tell something about the truth that might help Luhan and Harriette to get back together", - Chanyeol

"What truth?", Baekhyun said. Meanwhile at Tao's apartment with his gang members, he's fixing his, Harriette and Sehun's project for the exhibit for the next other day. It's a huge design mansion house that they made and Tao was busy fixing the electricity for the lights of their project.

"Boss why do you waste your time for this stupid thing?", one of Tao's fellow gang member asked.

"This is not a waste of time. See this? It's a time bomb that I placed under the mansion house of our project. It will be a fun great anniversary celebration for Luhan's company ", - Tao

"What's your plan, boss?", Tao's fellow gang member asked.

"Before the bomb will explode in the building, we will kidnap Harriette and when the bomb explodes, all of the people in the building will die especially Sehun and Luhan and if they both die then Harriette will be mine", Tao said.

Message: Sorry for the wrong grammars. This story was made by my imaginations only. Don't plagiarize this story and don't translate it to other languages.

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