Optimus Prime's Lost Sparklin...


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War lashes out on Cybertron and Optimus Prime sends his daughter Jade off to another planet where she will be... More

Chapter 1: A New Life On A New Planet
Chapter 2: The Autobots (Wheeljack and Arcee)
Chapter 3: The Autobots (Team Prime)/Memory
Chapter 4: Father/Daughter Reunion
Chapter 5: Precious Father/Daughter Time
Chapter 6: Training
Chapter 7: Megatron/Saving a Life
Chapter 8: Miracle
Chapter 9: Elita One Returns
Chapter 10: Darkness Rising Part 1/Denise Lewis and Mario Jackson
Denise Lewis and Mario Jackson portraits
Chapter 11: Darkness Rising Part 1A
Chapter 12: Darkness Rising Part 2
Chapter 13: Darkness Rising Part 2A
A/N 2
Chapter 13: Darkness Rising Parts 3 and 4
Chapter 15: Catching up
Chapter 16: Sick Mind
Chapter 17: Primus

Chapter 14: Darkness Rising Part 5

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Optimus Prime's POV:

"Cybertron? Megatron is going to bring millions of undead cybertronian warriors to earth to destroy everyone and everything?" said Jade. "Yes Jade. That is his plan," I said nodding my helm gravely. Jade sat back down on her berth and I sat down next to her. She was stressing out, worrying what would happen if we failed to stop him. I placed my servo on her back and started rubbing her back gently to calm her down. "It'll be alright baby girl. I promise," I said. "Dad, what are we going to do? What if Megatron wins?" Jade asked me. "Jade, we will make sure that he does not take the victory. He shall not be allowed to send dark energon through his space bridge," I said. "And if he does?" she said. "If we fail, the dead of Cybertron will rise, swarm through its vortex and invade Earth and bend human kind to Megatron's twisted rule," I said. "But that's not going to happen huh?" said Jade. "Jade, I do not know what the outcome will be. But we have to make sure that we prevent that from happening. Whatever it takes," I said in response to her question. She nodded her helm and said,"Whatever it takes." "I love you my little girl," I said and I gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. "I love you too Daddy," she said. "Get some recharge sweetspark," I said. She laid back down on her berth and I gave her another kiss. "Dad?" "Hmm?" "Can you sing our lullaby for me please?" I laughed softly and said,"Of course Jade. Of course." She scooted over a bit to the right and I sat down next to her and rubbed her helm. Then, I started to sing.

Optimus (singing): My precious one, my tiny one, lay down your pretty head.
My dearest one my sleepy one, it's time to go to bed

My precious one, my darling one; don't let your lashes weep.
My cherished one, my weary one; it's time to go to sleep.

Just bow your head and give your cares to me.
Just close your eyes and fall into the sweetest dream, cause in my loving arms.
You're safe as you will ever be so hush my dear and sleep.

And in your dreams you'll ride on angels' wings.
Dance with the stars and touch the face of God
And if you should awake...

My precious one, my tiny one
I'll kiss your little cheek
And underneath the smiling moon
I'll send you back to sleep.

Jade fell asleep and I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight Jade. Sweet dreams," I said and then I left her room.

The next day (Denise's POV):

It was five o' clock in the evening and I just finished up my shift at our local thrift store. "Alright Mike. See you tomorrow," I said to my employer Mike. He smiled and said,"Alright Denise. Have a good evening. See you tomorrow." I left the store and went to the parking lot towards my car. I was about to get into my car 'till I saw Jade pull up next to me. She was in her holoform and she said,"Nice car." I sighed and said,"Jade, really. Alejandro, Jack and Miko already tried. Tell Optimus that I respect him big time. But if you're at war with the decepticons, there's nothing I can do to help." She stepped out of her vehicle form and stood in front of me. "My father didn't send me and no one is asking for your help," she said. "So we can agree that I'm not warrior material," I said. She placed her hand on my shoulder and sighed. "Denise, I just lost someone that I loved very much. Maybe it's the grief talking or maybe you're growing on me. Whatever it is, I'm just not ready to say goodbye." "So you guys are staying?" I asked her. "I don't know girl. But we need you back at base. Will you come with me please?" Jade asked me. I thought about it for a minute and said,"Let's go." We got into her vehicle form and drove all the way back to base. When we got there, we saw all of the other autobots, Jack, Raf, Miko, Mario and Alejandro. I got out of Jade's vehicle form and said,"I'm back." Jade transformed into her regular form. "Autobots, prepare for departure," said Optimus. I stood there completely confused at what he meant by "departure." "Where to Dad?" Jade asked him. "The final frontier," said Mario, Miko, Jack and Alejandro. "Space? I thought they didn't have any way of getting there," I said in shock. "They don't, really," said Raf. I looked up at Jade. "Be seeing you later?" I asked her. She smirked and walked over to the ground bridge. "Be careful Arcee," said Jack. "I will," she replied. "See you later Bee. Be safe," said Raf. "I will little buddy. See you later," beeped Bumblebee. "Go scrap those 'cons Elita," said Mario. Elita laughed and said,"We'll show them who's boss." "Go get 'em OP," said Alejandro. Optimus nodded. "I'm so jealous," said Miko. "Don't even think about following us," said Bulkhead. We watched them stand in front of the ground bridge. "Optimus, if you leave me here alone with these humans, I will never forgive you," said Ratchet. "Until we meet again old friend," said Optimus and his battle mask went over his mouth. "AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT! MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!" We watched them all go through the ground bridge.

Optimus Prime's POV:

"Autobots, transform and gravitize," I said and floated all the way to Megatron's space bridge. We all landed and we were unstable at first but we stood our ground. "So Megatron's packing enough dark energon to raise Cybertron's dead?" said Arcee. "And since we do not possess ready means to disabling to the space bridge, nothing gets in or out," I said. We charged up our weapons ready to fight against our foes. But nothing happened yet. "Well, what are they waiting for?" said Jade. "It appears that the decepticons have sustained serious damage to their interstellar navigation system," I said. "Huh. That's my handiwork," said Bulkhead. "Way to go Bulk. Without the dish, Megatron won't be able to aim the space bridge to Cybertron," said Elita. "But don't the decepticons know where their home planet is?" said Raf over the com link. "Naturally. But Cybertron is many light years away. To reach their target, their aim must be astronomically precise," said Ratchet. "If Megatron went to the travel of rendezvousing with his space bridge, he must have an alternate targeting system. A remote one," I said. "Hmm. From what I know of Earth's technology, I doubt there exists a single radio telescope dish on this planet that is powerful enough to pinpoint Cybertron," said Ratchet. "What about a whole bunch of linked radio telescope dishes? Like the giant sized array in Texas," said Raf. "Yep, yep, yep. This isn't child's play," said Ratchet. Then it occurred to me. "Good thinking Raf. Ratchet, have Agent Fowler alert the array staff to the security hazards," I said. "You, soldier. You're out of uniform. Put on some pants," said Agent Fowler who was apparently still a bit delusional. "That might be a challenge," said Ratchet. "Geese. Ya think?" said Mario. Raf groaned in frustration. "I can't get pass the array's firewalls. They're too thick," he said. "Hold on Raf. Do you think that you can keep the decepticons out?" said Ratchet. "Maybe, if I could get in," said Raf. "Wait Raf. What if we could get you all the way in?" said Jack. "Like 'inside the building' in? I could log into their network on the other side of the firewall," said Raf. "No Raf. The risk is too great. The decepticons would most likely be there. Perhaps even on sight," I said. "But Optimus, with all do respect, you said it yourself. This is bigger than the safety of six humans," said Denise. "Yeah. If we let the cons win, we are fried along with everyone else on our planet," said Miko. "They both got a point OP," said Alejandro. "Raf?" "I want to give it a shot," he said. A few minutes later, the decepticons flew right towards us. "Here comes the welcoming committee," said Bulkhead. We all started fighting against them.

Jade's POV:

The fight seemed to going on forever and ever but we managed to take down most of the decepticons. Then we felt the space bridge move. I then realized that it was Raf that made the bold move. "Optimus, Raf did it," said Bumblebee. "Indeed Bumblebee. This can only be Raf's doing," said Dad. We all sighed in relief but then we felt it move again. The vortex appeared. "Uh Dad? Look," I said. We saw Megatron standing on his ship carrying a huge rock of dark energon on his back. He threw the dark energon into the vortex. "Oh no," said Mom. Megatron did it. The undead cybertronian warriors were on their way to destroy us and everyone else on earth. But I knew that we were going to do whatever we could to stop them. "So how do we beat a whole army of the undead?" said Bulkhead. "Optimus, I'm registering a rapidly expanding mass in their space bridge vortex. One with a peculiar energy signature," said Ratchet. "Dark energon. Ratchet, we must destroy the space bridge. There's enough live energon cursing through it to achieve detonation. But we lack the fire power to ignite it," said Dad. "If I knew how the space bridge was engineered, I might find a tactical way to accomplish that feat. But Optimus, I must say that the space bridge is our sole hope of ever returning to Cybertron. Are you certain its destruction is the only option?" said Ratchet. "I am afraid so," Dad said gravely. "Then by all means, let us light our darkest hour," said Ratchet. Dad looked at us and said,"Autobots, take your positions and follow Ratchet's lead." "What about you?" said Mom. "I will make sure that Megatron does not get anywhere near you all," said Dad. We all took off.

Optimus's POV:

I watched them run and I turned to face my nemesis Megatron who landed in front of me. "Your fellow autobots, and your family, are wise Optimus. They know when to retreat," said Megatron. "I hold no illusions about engaging your army Megatron. But I might derail its objective by removing its head," I said and I sheathed my sword. Megatron laughs evilly and said,"Highly unlikely Optimus as I am infused of the very might." I then said,"One shall stand, one shall fall," and we started to fight against each other.

Elita's POV:

We arrived at the other side of the space bridge ready for the next task to be given to us. "Ratchet, we're in position. What do we need to do next?" I said through the com link. "Everyone, pay close attention. Follow the the line from the flow regulator to the energon pump. There should be a valve," said Ratchet. "Where is it?" said Arcee. "There. I see it," said Jade. We ran to the valve. "Good. To turn all that power against itself, all you need to do is reverse the current," said Ratchet. Jade turned the valve, reversing the current. "Current reversed," she said with an exhausted tone. "I'll ready the ground bridge," said Ratchet. Then we saw Megatron in his plane mode. We started shooting at him and he started shooting at us. We all kept firing at each other and one of Megatron's shots hit Jade square in the chassis. "JADE!" I watched her float in space and slip into unconsciousness. Fear struck me hard. "OPTIMUS! JADE!" I said as I pointed my digit to her. The space bridge started to crumble and we all started running to the ground bridge which was below the space bridge. We all jumped. I watched Optimus jump off one of the edges of the space bridge and he grabs Jade and we all fell through the ground bridge.

Jade's POV:

I groaned and I opened my optics to see that I was back at base. "Jade?" I looked over to see Dad, Mom and everyone else standing around me while I was laying down on one of the med berths. "Hey," I said weakly. Mom and Dad planted kisses on my helm. "We were all worried about you," said Dad. "How are you feeling sweetspark?" asked Mom. I sighed and said,"A little sore but thankful to be alive. Did we.....win?" Dad just nodded his helm. "Thank Primus," I said. "Prime. I didn't get thank you bots for the save. I owe you one. We all do. And get well soon Jade," said Agent Fowler. I smiled and nodded my helm. Then we heard Mario say,"So, is this the part where we say goodbye and forget that we ever saw you guys?"

Optimus's POV:

Without the means of leaving this world, we autobots take strength in the bonds that we have forged with our human friends. True warriors. If not in body, then in spirit. My name is Optimus Prime and I send this message to any autobots seeking safe harbor. Though we did not choose to be of earth, it would seem that we are here to stay. If you approach this planet with hostile intent, know this. We will defend ourselves. We defend humanity. We will defend our home.

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