Reputation: A Sergio Ramos St...

By MadridandMusic

29.3K 534 56

Sergio Ramos is used to getting anything and anyone he wants. His reputation speaking for itself time and aga... More



1.3K 23 16
By MadridandMusic


Sergio's POV:

Iris cuddled into me, leaving the bedsheets a mess and our bodies covered in a thin layer of sweat. My laptop somehow managed to not fall off the bed during all of our shenanigans and was still playing the Avengers movie at a low volume.

"I missed that so much." Iris broke the silence between us as we both still tried to catch our breath. I gulped and nodded, shifting to kiss her head.

"Me too, babe." I replied. "I can't believe I lasted two and a half weeks without that." I joked and heard Iris giggle. It made my heart swell to hear and see her laugh right in front of me again.

"So round four?" Iris eagerly looked up at me. I kind of knew she was kidding, but even if she wasn't I didn't have it in me anyways. A full 90 minute match followed by our fight and three rounds of make up sex all in the span of a few hours had me spent.

I laughed a little and cuddled her closer, "I really wish I could babe, but I'm gonna need a little bit of time before we do that." I answered. There was no way I could get it up again right now.

"How about we just kiss? I missed that too." She responded cutely. I happily obliged her request and our lips locked. My hand gently caressed her cheek, brushing some hair out of her face as we slowly kissed.

It was times like this that I was reminded of the simple pleasure of kissing someone you care about, someone you love. It wasn't better or worse than sex, it was something uniquely wonderful and all its own.

Every touch shared was intimate and amplified because it wasn't a precursor to sex, it was the main event at this point. I savored every second of it because I knew it wouldn't last forever. I was reassured in these moments of my deep feelings for Iris and of hers for me.

I pulled away slightly, watching her eyes gently flutter open, "I love you." I whispered and saw her smile.

"I love you too." She answered back before leaning in for another kiss. Before we could get any more involved I heard my phone go off. I pulled away from Iris and grabbed my discarded shorts from the floor, pulling my phone out of the pocket.

"It's Iker." I said to her before answering.

"Where are you?" Were Iker's first words when I picked up.

"Huh? I'm in Iris's room, I told you that." I answered him, confused as to why he was calling me.

"Did you lose track of time Romeo? We have curfew checks, it's preseason, remember?" Iker explained and I exhaled frustratedly.

"Fuck." I mumbled, moving to get out of bed and pull my shorts on.

"You've got maybe five minutes to get down here, it would not look good if one of the captains was caught out late." He lectured me.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I'll be down in two." I replied with an annoyed tone before I hung up.

"What was that about?" Iris asked me as she watched me get dressed.

"We have room checks during preseason and ours is like right now." I explained as I searched around for her shirt.

"You guys are adults, why do you need room checks?" She questioned from the bed.

"Because, we bring a lot of the castilla players who are young and can get into trouble, so the coaching staff checks rooms every night at like midnight or one in the morning." I replied. "Here, get dressed, if you think I'm not sleeping next to you tonight you're crazy." I added, handing her her clothes.

"But why can't they just check on the younger players?" Iris asked as she quickly got dressed.

"It looks like they're singling them out, we're a team so we have to keep things consistent. Plus, I'm a captain so I really have to be there for this. It would set a bad example if I got caught out with my girlfriend late at night before training." I said, taking her hand as we exited her room.

"Why? I'm your girlfriend, not some random fan." She replied, albeit a little frustratedly.

"It's just, it's not a good look for the club. They'll take it to mean that I'm putting sex with you over getting a solid night of sleep for training. Preseason is really important, it sets the tone for the rest of the season." I explained.

"But isn't that exactly what you're doing?" Iris asked as the elevator dinged.

"Oh of course, but they don't need confirmation of that. As long as they think I'm sleeping alone, in my hotel room, before 1am we're all good." I smirked as we stepped in and she cuddled into me.


Iris's POV:

Sergio cautiously peeked out of the elevator before I stepped out. "Okay they just went in to check a room we gotta go." He hastily whispered and yanked me with him to his room.

"Hey you two." Iker smirked knowingly from his bed as we entered.

"Hi, Iker." I smiled and walked over to give him a hug. "We gotta hide you before they come check our room." He replied as he released me from a hug.

"Why couldn't I just come down in ten minutes when all these room checks are done?" I asked, it seemed pretty obvious to me.

"Because, they have someone in the coaching staff or they hire security to sit out in the hall to make sure no fans are bothering us and no players are sneaking out." Iker explained.

"Babe let's hide you in the bathroom," Sergio whispered behind me, quietly closing the door.

"I heard they're checking bathrooms now, one of the Castilla players got caught with a girl in there." Iker answered him.

"Shit where can we hide her?" Sergio furrowed his brow as he frantically searched around the room.

"I'll just hide behind your bed, between that and the window." I offered, gesturing to the spot.

Sergio looked unsure and glanced at Iker, scratching his beard. "What do you think dude?" He asked.

"It might work, what if we just make your bed look super messy and we cover her with the pillows and sheets too while she hides there. You know, so you look like a super restless sleeper" Iker replied, moving over to Sergio's bed.

"Yeah that's good, like this." Sergio nodded and removed the sheets and pillows, making a large pile on the floor between his bed and the window.

"Yeah but we have to make it look less conspicuous though, so go into the bathroom and wet your hair and put on a towel like you've just showered." Iker directed and Sergio nodded quickly. I couldn't believe how fast Iker and Sergio thought on their feet. I guess it came with them working together for years, they knew how to anticipate each other's next move.

"Yeah so then when they come in they'll just think I haven't made my bed yet." Sergio said, removing his shirt as he entered the bathroom and closed the door.

"Now you." Iker turned to me, "They should be here in a minute or so, let's get you hidden." He gestured to the big pile of sheets and pillows.

I nodded and burrowed in, doing my best to stay still and flat as I felt Iker rearrange it all on top of me. "If this works, I will be shocked." I mumbled to myself, though I couldn't help the feeling of my heart racing. The idea of getting caught sneaking around with my boyfriend was exhilarating. I would also owe Iker a huge thank you if this all worked out.

I laid quietly, listening and waiting in anticipation. I didn't have to wait for long, shortly after Iker covered me, there was a knock at the door. He calmly made his way over and welcomed the coach in.

"Hola, buenas noches." Iker greeted him warmly.

"Dónde está Sergio?" The trainer asked, I could hear footsteps moving towards me. He must be checking the room for girls and other forbidden things.

"Está en la ducha." Iker replied calmly as the staff member slowly moved around the room. I held my breath and tried to be as still and quiet as possible, despite my thudding heart.

Slowly I heard someone approach me, I bit my lip and waited to be caught. I was sure of it at this point.

"Qué es este desastre?" The trainer questioned, I could only imagine him gesturing to the pile of pillows and blankets I was under.

"Sergio tiene sueño áspero, supongo." Iker said nonchalantly. I gulped, hoping the trainer would not try to clean up. I had to bite back a laugh at Iker's comment however. Sergio, when he was really tired and dead asleep truly was the roughest sleeper I've seen. He would flail out across the bed and smother me sometimes.

"Ah sí, él debería limpiarlo." The staff member replied. Oh don't you worry, he will most definitely clean this mess up.

"Pues, todo es bueno, sin embargo, tengo que verlo antes de salir." The trainer explained. It made sense, he had to see Sergio with his own two eyes before he could check off this room.

"Sí, por supuesto adelante." Iker allowed the staff member to move towards the bathroom and knock. I couldn't hear if Sergio responded but I heard a door open.

Sergio greeted the staff member after the door opened and from what I could hear, he was getting an earful about his messy bed.

I listened to the shuffling of feet get more faint before the click of the door opening. The boys said goodnight to the trainer before softly closing the door behind him. I let out a huge sigh of relief before unburying myself and sitting up.

"That was close babe." Sergio smiled at me as he brushed his teeth in just a towel. He had nailed his part, looking convincingly like he had just gotten out of the shower and was getting ready for bed.

"Tell me about it, before you came out, I thought he was gonna go through this pile." I gestured to the mess around me.

"Well we survived, without being written up." Iker smiled before moving to get into his bed. "I don't know about you guys but I'm exhausted so I'm going to bed, please do not do anything gross while I'm trying to sleep." He instructed as he situated himself in the sheets.

I couldn't help the giggle and small eye roll that came out of me after he said that. "Don't worry, I wore him out for the night already." I glanced at Sergio who blushed, before ducking into the bathroom once more.

"Already huh? That seems quick." Iker teased and I laughed as I made myself comfortable, digging one of Sergio's shirts out of his bag and slipping it on over me before getting into bed.

"Alright you two, in my defense, it's been a while and we already went three times." Sergio came charging out of the bathroom in some old football shorts, sliding into bed with me.

"Well, you went three times." I softly said, a small smirk on my lips. I heard Iker laugh from the other bed as he rolled over to face away from us.

"Wait what, you didn't... wait, how many?" Sergio looked at me confused. "Did you? Did you fake it?" He asked, I could tell he was already feeling disappointed in himself. That was one thing I absolutely loved about him, unlike a lot of men I had been with, Sergio took pride in making sure I finished too. He always felt bad when he couldn't, not that that was a regular occurence.

I sheepishly nodded at him. "You're kidding, Iris why didn't you say anything?" He asked, looking intently at me.

"It was only on the last one, you seemed really spent." I shrugged. It was all still kinda new to me in that department, to speak up when I didn't finish. Who could blame me really? I tried with my last two boyfriends and they just brushed me aside, saying it was my fault I didn't finish.

"Babe, we've talked about this, I can't always tell so I want you to tell me." Sergio instructed, it was cute how much he cared about it.

"I know but you just seemed so tired that I-" I tried to defend my actions but Sergio interrupted me.

"So what, I still would've gone down on you to make it even." He answered before I could even finish what I was saying. "Next time please just tell me so I know." He added in a softer tone, kissing my forehead.

I nodded at him and he smiled, "Good, then it's settled." Sergio said, reaching to turn the lights out.

"Is this what you two argue about? Keeping your orgasm score cards even?" Iker interjected from the other bed.

"I mean sometimes yeah." Sergio answered nonchalantly. I guess there are far worse things in this world to argue about. I would take my boyfriend being mad that he didn't make me cum over him being mad about most other things.

Iker just chuckled and rolled his eyes before snuggling into his pillows, "You two are something else." He mumbled, settling in to sleep.

"Good night boys." I whispered after Sergio turned out the light and cuddled into me. I felt him shift in the bed and place his head on my chest, nestling himself in and wrapping an arm around me.

"You're my pillow for the night." He teased, snuggling in tighter against my chest. I smiled to myself in the darkness, gently playing with his hair until he and I fell asleep.


I couldn't stay with Sergio in America for long, no matter how much I wanted to and hiding from trainers and Real Madrid staff members was not on my vacation bucket list. The team was due to fly out to Chicago the next evening for their next few trainings followed by a couple matches on the east coast.

I made sure to hop on the latest flight back to Madrid so we could spend more time together. It was hardly a day together, but something was better than nothing, especially when I woke up to Sergio's head still on my chest and his arms wrapped around me. He had never really done that, so it was really cute and special for me to still feel him there in the morning.

Sergio w

asn't able to spend much of the day with me because of training and other press obligations but we were able to grab a late lunch during his siesta time before I had to go to the airport. He decided to take the taxi ride with me, just so we could squeeze in some extra time together.

He held my hand the entire drive, gently rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. "Now you gotta remember to text or call me when you land, and when you get back to your apartment safe and sound." Sergio instructed, looking at me as he did.

"Of course babe of course, I will let you know." I soothed him, placing my free hand on top of his.

"And you can stay at my place if you want, you still have the key right?" He asked me as the driver slowed down at the departure terminal.

Sergio and I both stepped out and I nodded again as he grabbed my bag for me. "Yes I've got the key." I smiled at him, wrapping my arms around his neck as we said our goodbyes.

"Have a safe flight babe, and I'll see in a week." He said, his thumb now rubbing my side as he embraced.

"I love you, and I'll text you when I land." I replied, leaning in to give him a kiss.

"I love you too." He answered, before leaning in and kissing me once more. After he pulled away he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. "Don't miss your flight." He said gently as he released me.

"I'll see you soon baby." I winked at him, grabbing my bag and heading into the terminal.


Sergio's POV:

It was a great surprise and much needed stress relief to have Iris surprise me like that. I can't imagine what a last minute flight like that must've cost her. I guess that didn't really matter though because she did it because she wanted to and she loves me, not because she felt like she had to.

It would be at least four in the morning before I heard from Iris again, which was annoying, but that's how it is when your girlfriend flies across half the globe to see you, she's gotta fly back at some point.

The rest of the day passed slowly, despite the fact that it was full of traveling and training. I kept checking my phone as if by some magic or miracle her eleven hour flight was cut down to six or seven.

Iker and I chatted well into the night about Iris and I and him and Sara. It was really nice to finally relate to a lot of the relationship stuff he always talked about. Eventually, we did end up going to bed, until I was abruptly woken up by phone the next morning.

I smiled as I saw it was Iris, she probably just wanted to let me know she was back safe and sound. "Hey baby." I spoke into the phone.

"Sergio." I heard her whimper from the other end of the line. I immediately sat up, my full attention on her.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked, shrugging at Iker who was gesturing asking what was going on.

"S-someone broke into my apartment a-a-and trashed everything." She stuttered through whimpers as she explained.

"Have you called the police?" I asked quickly, scenarios running through my head. I wished I was there with her, and it killed me that I was three thousand miles away. "Does it look like stuff was stolen?" I asked.

"No, not yet," She sniffled. "And no, everything is just ruined." She cried.

"Okay listen to me, leave the apartment, get away, get out, because whoever did that may still be there. You need to call the police and get them to sweep the place and check camera footage." I instructed, my voice calm but firm.

"Okay, then what?" The fearfulness in her voice made my heart ache.

Without hesitation, I replied, "You're staying at my house. After the police sweep your place, pack a bag and have them escort you over. I have a security system and a gate you'll be safe." I answered.

"Sergio, it was probably just a random break in, I don't-" She tried to fight back but I was having none of it.

"I don't care and I don't want to risk that, you're staying at my house at the very least until I get back. Now go call the police and wait for them somewhere safe, like the building manager's office." I instructed.

"Okay," Iris sniffed.

"I love you, call me soon." I said.

"I will, I love you too." She weakly replied before hanging up. 

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