System I Want Revenge

By GoddessOfBlack89

784K 31.3K 3.9K

Rank #3 in Conflict- August 7 2019 Rank #2 in Conflict--August 12 2019 Rank #1 in Rebirth- August 19 2019 Ran... More

Arc 1 Chapter 1: Female Lead Is Crazy
Arc 1 Chapter 2
Arc 1 Chapter 3
Arc 1 Chapter 4
Arc 1 Chapter 5
Arc 1 Chapter 6
Arc 1 Chapter 7
Arc 1 Chapter 8
Arc 1 Chapter 9 End Of Female Lead Is Crazy
Arc 2 Chapter 1 Emperor's Beloved Empress
Arc 2 Chapter 2
Arc 2 Chapter 3
Arc 2 Chapter 4
Arc 2 Chapter 5
Arc 2 Chapter 6
Arc 2 Chapter 7
Arc 2 Chapter 8
Arc 2 Chapter 9
Arc 2 Chapter 10
Arc 2 Chapter 11
Arc 2 Chapter 12
Arc 2 Chapter 13
Arc 2 Chapter 14
Author Has Something To Say
Extra Chapter
Arc 2 Chapter 15
Arc 2 Chapter 16
Arc 2 Chapter 17
Arc 2 Chapter 18
Arc 2 Chapter 19
Arc 2 Chapter 20
Arc 2 Chapter 21
Arc 2 Chapter 22
Arc 2 Chapter 23 End Of My Beloved Empress
Arc 3 Chapter 1: Love Can Be As Deadly As The Zombie Virus
Arc 3 Chapter 2
Arc 3 Chapter 3
Arc 3 Chapter 4
Arc 3 Chapter 5
Arc 3 Chapter 6
Arc 3 Chapter 7
Arc 2 Chapter 8
Arc 3 Chapter 9
Arc 3 Chapter 10
Arc 3 Chapter 11
Arc 3 Chapter 12
Arc 3 Chapter 13
Arc 3 Chapter 14
Arc 3 Chapter 15
Arc 3 Chapter 16
Arc 3 Chapter 17
Arc 3 Chapter 18
Arc 4 Chapter 1 Lights, Camera, Action!
Arc 4 Chapter 2
Arc 4 Chapter 3
Arc 4 Chapter 4
Arc 4 Chapter 5
Arc 4 Chapter 6
Arc 4 Chapter 7
Arc 4 Chapter 8
Arc 4 Chapter 9
Arc 4 Chapter 10
Arc 4 Chapter 11
Clearing Up!
Arc 4 Chapter 12
Arc 5 Chapter 1 Fangs, Claws, And Silver Cross
Arc 5 Chapter 2
Arc 5 Chapter 3
Arc 5 Chapter 4
Arc 5 Chapter 5
Arc 5 Chapter 6
Arc 6 Chapter 1
Arc 6 Chapter 3
Arc 6 Chapter 4
Arc 6 Chapter 5
Arc 6 Chapter 6
Arc 6 Chapter 7
Arc 6 Chapter 8
Arc 6 Chapter 9
Arc 6 Chapter 10
Arc 7 Chapter 1
Arc 7 Chapter 2
Arc 7 Chapter 3
Arc 7 Chapter 4
Arc 7 Chapter 5
Arc 7 Chapter 6
Author Has Something To Say

Arc 6 Chapter 2

4.2K 162 29
By GoddessOfBlack89

A'Yuan suddenly don't want to face this demon incarnate.

"........ Your Highness......" Cordilia was unwilling to bend her waist and bow down to this arrogant asshole, Cordilia dipped her head slightly.

An awkward nod.

'..... Don't wanna bend, don't wanna bend at all.....' Cordilia thought

[......] 'Cordilia.... You're courting death! You're courting death! You're courting death! Important things must be said thrice!'

Cordilia felt the displeased gaze on her.

The from gaze that was pinned to the ground, Cordilia saw the shoes of the per.. No, Vampire in front of her.

"Little Rabbit, you're quite disrespectful for a human" Lucifer said, examining the girl in front of her.

Cordilia frowned, 'Fuck, what's that ridiculous nickname eh? Damn, so angry!'

[Calm down, you can't defeat him. He controls Time and Space, Cordilia, this is someone who yiu cannot offend!] A'Yuan said anxiously

Cordilia raised her head and glared in defiance and disdain. Seeing the surprise in those golden orbs, Cordilia sneered.

"Ah.... It seems you're quite bold" Lucifer's cold expression changed, his lips quirked up into a smile, but his eyes held anger.

[Cordilia....... I must go... In this time... You must hold on, I cannot assist you in this one. Don't die until I return.... Preserve!] A'Yuan's urgent voice began to grew fainter, because of this, Cordilia was anxious

'A'Yuan!? Wait! Where are you going!?'

No answer


Cordilia was suddenly brought back to reality by the sharp tug from her hair. On reflex, Cordilia grasp the hand that tugging her rather painfully and forcefully.

"Fuck! Asshole! Let me go!" Cordilia screamed and struggled to get herself free

'Fuck, stop! Or else you'll tear the scalp from my head!' Cordilia screamed in her mind

Lucifer had ignored the insults from behind him and instead he tugged it more brutally and dragged the girl towards the ballroom.

Casually while he was at it. The bastard even had the nerve to make it look like he was leasurely taking a stroll in his backyard!

Cordilia felt unwilling and resentment as well as humiliation. She had not experienced such shortcoming like.... Ever! Her Ego and Pride could not take this blow.

Damn it, what the hell. I studied martial arts for Centuries, to this insignificant Vampire.... Why am I inferior!?

Cordilia then remembered that Lucifer has the ability to control Time and Space....

Cordilia gritted her teeth, "I.... Let me go this instant! Or I, your mother, will definitely make you pay! Asshole! Let go!" Cordilia shrieked when she felt claws digging through her scalp

'It hurts!' Cordilia gritted her teeth but bit her lip to prevent her from crying out from the incoming stabbing pain in her head

'Damn, he used poison! Shit!' Cordilia bit her lips and force out the screams of agony.

Cordilia had ignored the pity looks from the butlers and maids they had passed through.

'A'Yuan... I need the antidote!' Cordilia pleaded, but she received no answer.

Lucifer dragged the human girl behind her and slammed the door open, without the gentleness of the a gentleman, he tossed her inside, not minding his Vamperic Strength.

Cordilia yelped when she was flung inside and crashed on the Royal Dining Table.

'.... It hurts.... It really hurts....' Cordilia whimpered and shakily stood back on her feet.

"This maid.... Royal Brother, you would not mind if a bring her with me" Lucifer asked, turning his gaze to Francis Baltazar Desmon.

"You can.... But is it necessary to beat her up? She'll die early" Francis said

".... Perhaps.." Lucifer only revealed a mysterious smile

Cordilia glared at Lucifer, her gaze was piercing, full of hatred, unwillingness, disdain, humiliation, and the desire to get revenge.

Lucifer revealed a cold smile, 'Want to battle against me, Little Rabbit? Thousand years too early'

"...... Kurt....... Show your Fangs and Claws.... This Maid is a stain in my eyes" Lucifer said coldly

'You're the stain! Your family are stains!' Cordilia snarled before she felt danger

Cordilia raised her arms and from an X to block the kick that was meant to hit her Solar Plexus. The force had sent Cordilia flying back.

Cordilia's arms.... They had gone numb.

'Fuck, getting rid of me after bullying me eh, if I don't deal with you, then I'll spell my name backward!' Cordilia snarled before her eyes burned with determination.

Cordilia used the momentum and flipped in the air, planting her feet on the wall before launching herself back to the Vampire that kicked her, Kurt. Circulating her internal energy, Cordilia reared her fist back and throw a punch.

The other Vampire had scoffed at Cordilia's attack, impressed that she managed to catch herself but looked at her in disdain. No matter how much a Human train, they can only reach a limit. Cordilia is a girl, he was stereotyping that she was week.

So imagine his surprise when Cordilia's punch had land its mark on his arms. He was sent flying and crashing towards the glass, creating a huge spider web crack.

Cordilia was already furious. Cordilia had no qualms on holding back her strength, unlike the other party.

Not letting the other recover, Cordilia charge forwards and rained the other with punches.

"You're good... Unfortunately not good enough" Kurt said as he caught all of Cordilia's punches, the reason why she was able to surprise the other was because of how he was caught off guard.

Cordilia's pace began to slow down, 'Damn that poison!' Cordilia gritted her teeth as she held her ground, she refused losing.

She cannot afford to lose!

Cordilia was distracted and the poison was able to make her body slowly stiffen.

She was not fast enough to move. Cordilia was struck to her chest, this had send her flying back and landed in a painful thud, sliding until her back had hid Lucifer's shoes.

Lucifer was not kind at all, he raised his right leg and step on Cordilia's back, putting pressure on it

"....... This is where you belong, Little Rabbit, right down at the soles of my feet. So next time... Even if you are a defiant person... Don't show disrespect in front of me" Lucifer revealed a cruel grin.

".... Burn in hell asshole" Cordilia snarled before she cough up blood

'That fucker.... He struck too hard.... Damn it.... A'Yuan.... Help... Help me....' Cordilia's vision got blurred and she was pulled in the blissful unconsciousness.


Author's Corner

Iceberg sama: that should teach that arrogant girl how to curve her attitude *laughs evilly*

Editor chan: *throws a book at Iceberg Sama* you heartless person! Stop trying to blacken the MC!

Iceberg sama: haha

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