Mal's older Sister (Completed)

By oncegirl26

181K 2.2K 561

Hi, I'm Mal's older sister. We don't get along at all. I am best friends with Uma, Gil, and Harry. Harry and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author note

Chapter 5

7.9K 104 35
By oncegirl26

Mommy wake up. I hear Harriet say as she tries to push me.

Go bother your dad and let me sleep. I say to Harriet since I didn't sleep well last night.

But Mommy. Harriet says.

Go, bother your dad. I say as she leaves the bedroom and lets me sleep.

2 hours later...

Babe wake up. I hear Harry say.

Why? I ask.

What's wrong. Harry asks 

I don't feel good. I say as I lay in the bed.

Babe. Come on get up. I hear Harry say.

Carry me. I say as I hold out my arms to be held. 

Ugh, great. Harriet!! I hear Harry yell.

What daddy? Harriet asks.

hold onto your mom we are gonna see your grandma. Harry says as Harriet gets in my arms and then Harry carries us towards my mother's castle.

You were supposed to be here two hours ago. Mom yells.

Shush. I say as I dig deeper into Harry's chest.

She isn't feeling well. Harry says as he puts me on the couch while Harriet jumps away from me.

Great. Mom says as she feels my head. You're not warm. Mom says.

That's good then. I say as I cuddle up in the blankets Harry just put on me.

You're fine. Get up. Mom says.

NO!!! I say as I try and fall asleep.

She's been like this all day. Harry says while I look at the clock to see that it's three in the afternoon.

Great. Mom says. "Harry bring her to Hades lair. I will bring Harriet. Mom says as Harry picks me up with the blankets and start walking towards dad's lair.

Hades!! Harry calls out to my dad as we get to the area we were two days ago.

What are you two doing here? Dad asks.

Four. I hear mom say.

Great, what do you want? Dad asks.

Samantha doesn't feel well can you use some sort of magic to see if she's okay? Harry asked as he placed me on the little couch.

I can try. dad says as he uses his ember and waves it around my body to see what's wrong.

Great. Dad says before stopping using his magic.

What? Harry and Maleficent ask.

She's pregnant. Dad says.

How long? Harry asks while dad glares at him.

About two almost three months. Dad says.

Ha, that's great. I say as I try to fall asleep again.

Nope, you haven't eaten or had something to drink all day. Mom says as she keeps me awake, and dad and Harry go get food and water.

Here. DAd says handing me some water and food.

Thanks. I say as I eat and drink until it's all gone.

You will be staying at the castle. Mom says.

Great. I answer.

Mamma are you okay? Harriet asks.

Yeah, baby, I'm okay. I say.

Okay. Harriet says.

Let's get you back to the castle. Mom says.

Oh, umm do we have too, I mean...

Babe, you're okay. Nothing will happen. I promise. Harry says as he comes over to me.

Okay. I say.

Daddy, can you carry me back? Harriet asks.


Sure. DAd said. I can carry you. Dad said to me.

Thank you. I say as dad picks me up and carries me to the castle and Harry carries Harriet.

So, anything about the wand? Dad asks Mom.

Someone has informed us that there will be a special treat for them and we will be able to talk to them. Mom says.

Do I have to be there? I ask.

No. Yes. Dad and Mom both say.

Great. I say for like the hundredth time today. When are you talking to them? I ask Mom.

Not tomorrow but the next day. Mom says.

Great. Harry says.

What time is it? I ask mom.

Around 5. She answers.

Okay, cool. So did you two find something about the hair yet? I ask my parents.

No. Mom says.

DAd? I ask.

Yeah, umm it has to do with the underworld. Dad says.

What do you mean by that? I ask.

We can talk about it tomorrow. I am gonna just go. Dad says as he leaves.

I will be right back. Mom says as she goes after dad.

What do you think they are talking about with my hair? I ask Harry.

No, idea. Probably something not good. Harry says.

With Maleficent pov...

Hades what is going on with our daughter? I ask him after I ran after him.

Maleficent. Hades starts.

NO, she is my daughter to tell me what's going on. I demand.

She has anger issues we all know that. So does Mal. But Sam is angrier. With Mal. She is also firstborn. For both of us which isn't good.

What are you saying? I ask him.

When she was born, you know about the prophecy. How she will get us out of here. Everyone.

Mal, won't do it. And you know it.

What does this have to do with her hair? I ask.

Mal is half Hades. But not Samantha. She should you know be half and half like Mal but she isn't.

She has more of my power within her. The hair is one thing. But if she almost died for instant or did die but we could bring her back. She will become ruler of the underworld. Hades said.

Like now any minute? I ask.

Only if she dies. Hades said.

The baby...

No, the baby is gonna make her more powerful. I will tell her tomorrow but now I need to look into it more. Hades says as he is about to leave. 

Let me help. I say.

She's my daughter to. I say.

Fine, let's go. Hades said as we make our way towards his lair.

*Okay, guys done with another chapter. What like three in one day. Please vote and comment.*

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