Psychometry ⇏ THE UMBRELLA AC...

By kearahwrites

201K 4.1K 1.7K

"There's one thing I realized from this: You never loved me." Growing up in the Umbrella Academy was never a... More



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By kearahwrites

      VALERIE ASKED TO GET A DRINK FROM THE KITCHEN with begged words to her father until he snipped to hurry up, so Valerie smiles as she races only to see if Vanya can finally join them. Vanya walks into the kitchen with a smile on her face when she sees the nanny get thrown across the room and land in their blocks making Valerie back up before a strong hand grabs onto her shoulder, pulling her more into the room.

"Number Seven!" Valerie looks up at her father when she notices Vanya's saddened mood as their father lets out a hum at what happened.

It didn't stop there, Valerie had also seen their one of their nannies get thrown out of a window and down the stairs with Vanya being the culprit for every single one. Though when Vanya got in trouble, Valerie got scolded into training without breaks or nights kept away from Vanya to being stuck with Allison.

Allison would snap at Valerie to not touch her things or to quit bugging her and Luther, resulting in Valerie sticking with her brothers most of the time.

Getting in trouble with Klaus, reading with Ben, knife throwing with Diego, or on the rare occasions, wrestling matches with Luther until she could be around Vanya again.

VALERIE FEELS SPACEY WHEN DIEGO PICKS HER UP, "D, my back it fuckin' hurts," her words slurred as he rearranges his hands so it doesn't put pressure on her back, noting she must've hit it on the shelf behind her.

Luther picks up Allison and they rush the two into the vehicle, "hurry up, let's go!" Luther demands Klaus who gets behind the wheel and pulls them out of the driveway. Valerie sits in the front with Diego, Number Five and Klaus while Luther and Allison sit in the back.

"I'm sorry," Valerie mumbles out into her brother's shoulder due to the lack of support to keep her thoughts to herself from hitting her head making her speak her mind.

Diego looks down at his sister in confusion as his heart pounds against his chest, "what? Val, why are you saying sorry?"

Klaus looks beside him to Valerie who's half-conscious before switching to look over at Allison in the back, "what's wrong, Diego? Did she try to fall asleep?"

"She's awake, Klaus, just drive," Diego assures as he keeps his eyes on his sister only for Valerie to move her head from his shoulder, the spacey feeling causing her head to feel heavy and not stay straight as her eyes try to focus on her brother.

"I'm sorry, I don't want you to be mad at me, D," Valerie whimpers as the overwhelming sadness hits her, "I just wanted to protect Vanya," her words are slurred while tears well up in her eyes, "please don't be mad, please don't hate me."

Diego doesn't know what to say in reply to his sister's words making him look at Five who's only looking just as confused as Diego feels, "it's... it's okay Valerie, I'm not mad."

Valerie can't help but let out a small sob while she shakes her head as much as the blow to the head could let her, "you hate me, everyone hates me -- I left and now you hate me," another sob escapes making Klaus avert his eyes back over to the siblings.

"What's going on?"

Diego feels immediate regret and anger pull away at him, "just drive, Klaus!" he snaps while Valerie sniffles and moves into Diego, scared of his anger, "Val..."

"I know you hate me, don't lie..."

"I don't hate you, quit saying I hate you."

Valerie takes in a deep breath as she tries to wipe her eyes but the dizziness makes her feel sick, "but you do, it's okay because I hate me too... I didn't want to leave but I just couldn't anymore-- I- I couldn't handle it anymore... it's... it's like I was the one who killed those people and every night it haunted me -- they haunted me and I just wanted it to stop, I wanted it all to stop," Diego feels his chest pinch remembering the days Valerie would have dark circles under her eyes or when she'd go in to help with the case, she'd come out sobbing making Diego lean his head gently against his sister's as she lets it all out.

"I wanted to tell you but I was so scared... so scared... so I left but now you hate me," her soft whispered confession makes Diego's eyes burn from tears at the idea of what his sister actually went through, "I don't want you to hate me, Diego, I'm sorry... please don't hate me."

Diego looks over and meets Klaus' sad gaze after hearing his sister's confession, "I don't hate you, Val, how could I hate you? You're my sister, I'd do anything for you."

Valerie smiles and lets out a groan from her head pounding against her skull, "can I sleep now?"

Diego lets out a deep shaky sigh as he mentally tries to shakes off the sad feeling, "nope, I think you have a concussion, you need to stay awake, can't have you dying on me."

Valerie giggles, "if I die, I'll just haunt your asses and annoy the shit out of Klaus," this makes Diego chuckle softly alongside his sister until it goes quiet, "is Allison okay?"

The car fills with a pregnant silence as everyone freezes at the state Allison is in, "yup, she'll be okay but you gotta stay awake."

Valerie mumbles out something under her breath as she stretches her legs over to Five's lap who rolls his eyes, "I wish Ben was here so he can read to me," this makes Klaus look to Ben who's sitting beside Allison's legs in the back while he stares at his sister with a heartbroken smile, "he always read to me, I loved just listening to him," Ben smiles at the memories.

"Always? How'd he stand your endless questions?" Diego mumbles with a tease as he fixes his seating situation making Valerie scrunch up her face in pain until a big smile spreads out across her face.

"Yeah, no matter what Ben would sit down and read to me and I'd fall asleep," Valerie laughs softly as they hurry back home in time.

VALERIE ONLY REMEMBERS THE RUSH TO GET ALLISON inside until she finds herself in a wheelchair with an icepack on her head while she watches her mom take care of Allison, Valerie finally realizing how much damage Allison really took.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx," their mom looks to the guys, "one of you will have to give blood."

"I will," they all chime in before they all protest each other on who is actually giving their blood.

Luther begins to take off his jacket, "I'm doing it," he scoffs out.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy," Pogo mentions making them look over to him, "Your blood is more compatible with mine."

Valerie can't help but let out a giggle at the news, "Hey, don't sweat it. I-- I got this, big guy," Klaus assures as he goes to stand where Luther was, "I love needles."

"Master Klaus," Pogo interrupts again making Klaus stop slapping his arm and look over, "your blood is... how shall I say this? Too polluted."

Valerie rolls her eyes, "I'll do it, move over drug lord," she mumbles out, more conscious than before as she goes to stand up when Diego shakes his head.

"Take one to know one," Klaus snickers making Valerie stick her tongue out at him.

"You lost too much blood already from your concussion, we don't need you losing anymore," he moves over to stand next to their mom, "move, I'll do it."

Diego moves up his sleeve when Grace pulls out the needle and he immediately faints, "quick, do it, this is the only chance you'll get!" Valerie calls out as she tries to look over at her brother.

Pogo nods in agreement, "stick him."

VALERIE SITS ON HER BED AS HER MOM LOOKS AT HER head and stitches it up, "it's not that bad, you should shower and sleep after I finish up though, alright?"

"Not bad? She was bleeding gallons when I found her not to mention her throwing up earlier," Diego protested as he sits on Vanya's bed across from them while Valerie lets out an annoyed sigh at her brother's words.

"Don't be such a drama queen, Diego."

Grace smiles and finishes stitching the cut, "head wounds tend to bleed more than usual since there's a lot of blood being sent to there but you'll be fine other than a headache and the throwing up is also pretty normal from the harsh blow to the head, now when you get up make sure to take some pills."

"Yup, I'll make sure she takes some," Diego promises as Grace gives him a smile before leaning down and placing a kiss on Valerie's forehead.

"Thanks, mom," Valerie says as she walks out of the room, "see Diego, I'm perfectly okay."

Diego shakes his head when he gets up and walks over to Valerie, "come on, let's get you to the bathroom."

Valerie rolls her eyes and smiles, "I can get to the bathroom by myself you know, I got a minor concussion, Diego, I ain't brain dead," beside her protests Valerie lets Diego help her over to the bathroom to shower.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," Diego mumbles out and sits her on the toilet, "call me if you need anything alright?" Valerie gives a salute.

Diego goes to leave, "D?" he stops and turns to look at his sister, "thanks... for everything."

Valerie smiles at Diego only to get one in return, "of course V, I'll always be there for you," Valerie's chest feels lighter at his words when he walks out and leaves her to shower.

After her shower, Valerie leaves her gloves on the sink and slowly makes her way back to her room and climbs into bed only to relax until she finally falls asleep.

VALERIE WAKES UP WITH A GROAN, "MY FUCKING HEAD," she mumbles out to herself and sits up to find a bottle of pills on her nightstand with a note that reads: 'take one'. Valerie smiles at the thought Diego put them there before taking the pill and getting up and making her way downstairs.

Once she finds her way to where Allison is, Valerie watches Luther sit there and watch over her, "how is she?" She asks her brother as they look at Allison who's still not awake.

"Mom said her uhh... vocals cords are damaged but other than that she's alright, she said we're lucky we got there in time."

Valerie places her hand on her brother's shoulder, "don't blame yourself, Luther, she sure won't, you got her back in one piece that's a good thing."

Luther tries to change the subject, "how's your head?"

"Just a headache, I'm fine and Allison will be too," Valerie assures before giving Luther's shoulder a pat and walks away trying to find the others.

She makes her way into the kitchen for some tea. Valerie gets as far as putting the kettle on the stove when she begins to hear grunts and yells from the living room making her rush over as fast as she can to find Diego and the same man, Hazel from a couple of days ago fighting while Five watches.

Valerie watches when Five appears behind Diego who's biting on the guy's ear only to knock him out, "what the fuck!" Her screaming only making the headache worse.

"I draw the line at biting," Five and Hazel look over at her, "Val, hear him out," he goes to explain as he walks over to his sister.

Valerie ignores Five and goes over to Diego, "hear you out? You just knocked out our brother rather than the guy who kidnapped Klaus and tried to kill not only us but you!"

"He didn't mean to!" Valerie scoffs and stands up while staring at Five like he grew two heads, her back aching.

"Oh, he didn't mean to? Well, all is forgiven!" Five rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh at his sister's sarcasm, "Now, how about we make some friendship bracelets for each other and talk about our day."

Five just stares at Valerie with a bored expression, "you're lucky you're already hurt or I'd do the same to you."

"Sure you would, short stack."

Five doesn't bother to reply when he walks over back over to Hazel and his sister who are standing next to Diego's unconscious body, "Hazel, whatever you came here to say, I suggest you make it quick before he comes around," Five walks back over to the bar while Valerie rubs her temple and goes to grab a pillow from the couch.

"I left my partner, quit the Commission, came to volunteer," Hazel explains while Valerie walks back over to Diego and motions to Hazel to move over when she goes to place the pillow under her brother's head before going to sit next to Five.

Valerie scoffs, "you're such a changed man, Hazel, I'm proud of you," Five looks over at Valerie and glares making her stick out her tongue.

"For what?" Five questions, ignoring Valerie and looking over to Hazel.

"To help stop the apocalypse," Hazel dusts his shoulders of glass while Valerie and Five chuckle at his words, "what on earth could be so funny to you right now?"

"Before I answer, why do you wanna help us?"

Hazel looks between the two siblings, "let's just say I have a vested interest in a doughnut shop," Valerie tries to listen when her mind snaps back to her tea kettle that's whistling in the kitchen.

"Well, you boys play nice because mama has some things to take care of," Valerie pats Five's head only for him to smack her hand away, "don't be mean."

Valerie sits in the kitchen with her cup and kettle in front of her, the last few days playing back in her head alongside the memories of when times weren't simple but easier:

"they haunted me and I just wanted it to stop, I wanted it all to stop."

The chills of remembering what Valerie did in hopes of forgetting all the things she's seen:

Valerie dances to the loud booming of the song, laughing and moving her body until someone walks up behind her and joins, "watch it, this show ain't free," A deep chuckle is heard from behind her making Valerie turn and find a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes smiling at her.

"Well, can I have a dance? I'll pay with some drinks," Valerie can't help the smile that comes to her face.

"When you say things like that, how can I refuse?"

Valerie pulls him closer and just falls into a rhythm until the music takes her away into a night of fun that clouds her mind of thoughts about the academy and the things her dad did to her.

"Val! Valerie!" someone screams out making her turn around as the man comes closer and begins to grind against her, "Val! Try this, it'll make you feel so good," Valerie watches her friend Mallory hand her a pill as she starts dancing beside her.

Valerie stops dancing and looks down at the pill, "what is it?"

"Just take it, it's fine! It's just some ecstasy!" The room feels smaller as she looks down at the pill and throws caution to the wind, knocking it back and going over to the bar for a drink.

The sound of the music feels louder against her ears and Valerie begins to wonder if this was a good idea but chugs the pill and the alcohol.

Valerie remembers that night so clearly, the feeling the drug gave her. How it numbed her mind and feelings while she hopped from bar to bar until it started to get worse:

Valerie looks at herself in the mirror of a bar that she can't seem to remember the name of, "fun night?" A girl calls out from beside her as she looks at Valerie through the mirror.

"That's the idea," Valerie giggles while fixing her smudged make-up, "how about you? Fun night?"

"I don't know, you tell me," Valerie looks up at the mirror and finds the girl smiling at her as blood runs down her mouth, bullet wounds decorating her chest.

A scream leaves Valerie's mouth and looks over to find the girl perfectly fine, "you okay?" She asks worried making Valerie look back at the mirror to see the blood and wounds all gone from her body.

"Sorry, I-I thought I saw..."

"Do you need me to call someone?" Valerie snaps her head back at the girl and forces a smile before shaking her head, "you sure?"

"It's nothing, just the alcohol getting to me," The girl nods but doesn't seem convinced before Valerie rushes out of the washroom and takes deep breaths, "this can't be happening."

"Valerie! There you are, come on, I've been looking for you everywhere!" Mallory yells as she walks over and begins to drag Valerie over to the dance floor, "you missed these guys who bought us drinks!"

Valerie gives her a shaky smile, trying to calm herself down and enjoy her high as she starts to dance when she looks around the dancefloor to find a girl standing in the middle of everyone get pulled against a man who drags a knife across her throat.

Another scream leaves Valerie's throat as she knocks back into Mallory, "Valerie? What's going on?" Her tone laced with fear.

"A-a guy! he-he--" her fear diminishes when she looks back to find no one standing there, "I need to go Mallory-- I'm sorry..." Valerie races out of the club and stumbles on her way outside with Mallory racing after her.

"Valerie, I can't just leave you what's going on? Are you having a bad trip?"

Valerie runs a hand through her hair as she looks down to try and calm herself down only to see her hands uncovered and bloody causing her to let out a sob, "don't touch me!"

Mallory puts a hand around Valerie as her eyes dart around them, "Valerie, we need to get you home, you're just having a bad trip," Valerie shakes her head and starts to hyperventilate, "you can't be running around like this, you need to get back home."

"No, don't take me back home, I don't want to go home!" Valerie moves away and glares at Mallory, "just leave me alone, I-I didn't do anything!"

Valerie doesn't remember much of the rest of that night but it was the reason she ended up in the jail for drug possession and public disturbance.

The thoughts make Valerie scrunch up her face and take another sip of her tea before getting up and walking back up to her bedroom in hopes more sleep will help her.

Valerie walks up to her room and lays down on it, body aching as she relaxes along with her head beginning to pound until she reaches over to grab more pills and puts them in her mouth to wash them down with her tea.

She lays back and looks up at the ceiling when the realization of her gloves being off causes her to raise her hands and look at them, she flexes them and looks at her uncut nails as she creates a fist before letting them fall down beside her as the need for more sleep makes her close her eyes and rest against her bed.

VALERIE WAKES TO SOMEONE HARSHLY SHAKING HER, "what the fuck? I'm trying to sleep, I just recently got my ass handed to me, yunno?" She mumbles when she opens her eyes with a glare only to look up and find Allison, "Allison? What're you doing? You need to rest."

Allison pulls out a note pad a hurriedly writes something down before showing her, VANYA. WE NEED TO HURRY.

Valerie's heart jumps in her chest and nods to follow Allison, grabbing her arm and helping her as they make their way down into the basement.

The sisters get downstairs and find Diego, Klaus, and Luther all huddled together in front of a giant cell that's revealed to hold Vanya, "Van, oh my god..."

"Allison, what are you doing down here? You should be in bed," Luther protests with a straight face as Diego and Klaus also turn to them.

"You too, Val," Valerie just glares at both Diego and Luther as she keeps her hold on her sister, who begins to write on her notepad, LET HER GO.

"I can't do that, she hurt you, both of you."

Valerie scoffs at his words, "you don't give a shit about me Luther, be real."

Allison nudges Valerie and goes back to her notepad where she flips to a new page, MY FAULT.

"I'm sorry, she's staying put," Allison shakes her head and pulls away from Valerie's hold as she tries to go toward the door until Luther holds her back, "just until we know what we're dealing with."

"What we're dealing with?" Valerie questions as Allison continues to move around Luther only for him to hold her back, "we're dealing with our sister! Our scared sister, dammit!" Valerie watches her two brothers leave trying to pull Valerie with them only making her harshly pull her arms from them while Allison starts to hit Luther.

"She stays put," Allison still fights Luther, "come on, you need to rest, you both need rest."

"I'll rest when my sister is fucking out of there, so move, asshole!" Valerie walks over to Luther only for him to grab her arm making her glare down at his hand.

"Valerie, don't."

Valerie grabs her brother's hand and lets her anger get the best of her as she starts to squeeze his hand while starting up at him with a heated gaze, "or what?" she enunciates as Luther feels her strength grow and his body begins to feel weak, "I'm not your little bitch, Luther, so you listen to me..." Valerie feels powerful as Luther starts to kneel and she hears his grunts of pain along with the wethered look begin to appear on his face, fuelling her power.

Allison watches the scene in front of her in fear as Valerie begins to stand over Luther when Diego rushes back over, "Valerie, Valerie, stop!" he pulls her away by her waist knocking Valerie back into reality.

Valerie lets out a gasp at the realization of what she's done, the power and life surging through her pushed away and given back to Luther, "I'm-- I didn't mean to do that... I--" Immediate regret washes over her as Luther slowly stands up and his face is shown to be youthful again, " gloves..."

"We'll get you your gloves, Val, come on," Klaus assures as him and Diego drag they sister back upstairs, fear shaking her body after what she did to Luther, her own brother.

"I didn't mean to... I just-- Vanya..."

Diego holds her against him, "I know, it's okay, let's go," Valerie stares at the door while they closer only for her to look back at Luther who stares at her with shock and fear.

Valerie stands in front of Klaus, "now Void, try to absorb his powers," her dad explains as him and the others stand and watch.

"I'm scared-- what if--"

"Do it, Void," Reginald demands making Valerie flinch before she slowly uncurls her hand and outstretches it to Klaus, "Number Four, put your hand on hers."

Valerie tries to calm her breathing when Klaus put his hand over Valerie's only to quickly reach down and hold her hand tight, "Wait--" Reginald is too late as Valerie's fear gets the best of her and feels power surge into her body while she stares down at their hands, voices begin to whisper and scream all around her but her eyes stay on their hands.

"Pull them away!" Reginald demands when he notices Klaus slowly begins to lose his health making Diego grab Valerie while Luther grabs Klaus and pulls them away from each other.

Valerie is pulled back into reality as she feels the power disconnect and her thoughts halt only to look up and see Klaus gasping for air in Luther's arms. The half-dead look on Klaus' face makes Valerie start to cry and push the power from herself.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry-- I didn't mean to!" Valerie hiccups while Diego keeps a tight hold on her.

"You mustn't let your fear get the best of you!" Reginald snaps as he stares down at Valerie in disappointment, "if you keep letting your emotions overtake your power, you won't be able to control it, that's enough for you today, go to your room, Void."

Valerie feels Diego weaken his hold around her making her stand up and cover her hands as the empty feeling returns after pushing the feeling of Klaus' power and life from her. She can't look back to her brother when she covers her hand and races out of the room.

The silence of her room is filled by sniffles and quiet cries until the door creaks open, "V?" Valerie looks up and finds Klaus peaking in, "you okay?"

The sound of his concerned voice making her let out a broken sob, "I almost killed you and you ask me how I'm feeling?" Klaus smiles lightly when he walks in and stand by the door.

"You didn't know that would've happened plus I was being a dumbass when I just grab your hand," Valerie lets out a weak laugh until the memory of his dull eyes and gasping breaths return into her mind making her sob out, "no, no, no, no, don't cry, I'm okay now."

"I'm sorry, Klaus..." Klaus walks over and goes to put a hand on her shoulder, "no, don't, I don't trust myself right now," Valerie protests while she moves away then wipes her nose.

Klaus nods and sits down next to her, "it's okay, I understand," he mumbles and covers his hand with his sleeve, "no touchy, just need to wipe your face... okay?"

Valerie nods and relaxes when Klaus wipes under her eyes and gives her a big smile, "See, all better," he assures his sister who peaks up at him with sad eyes, "do I need to wipe your face again? I still see some sad on it."

"I hate my powers, I just wish I was normal," Valerie mumbles out and hangs her head in shame, "I don't want powers that hurt my family or anyone."

"I know... I wish that too but without my powers, I wouldn't have had you, my partner in crime," Klaus nudges the air to not touch Valerie, it's quiet until Valerie lets out a giggle and looks up at her brother, "there you are, there's that smile!" Valerie can't help the smile as Klaus leans close and wraps his arm around her neck, "there's the girl that I know and love! My sweet little baby sister!"

Valerie sniffles and lets out a groan, "shut up, we're the same age, dumbass."

"no way, I love you more, sissy," Valerie chuckles when Klaus ignored her comment as she leans into his embrace feeling slightly better after the events.

Valerie watches Klaus mess up her clothes and room, "gloves, gloves, gloves," he mutters out as he digs around only to get up with a pair of her underwear, "definitely not gloves."

"Klaus," a smile makes her way on her face but Klaus keeps digging around, "oh my god, Klaus, stop!" Valerie laughs out making her brother stop and look over to her, "now, you're just being nosey."

Klaus sputters as he places his hand on his hip, "I don't need to be nosey when I already know your darkest secrets like when I caught you and that girl fu--"

"Okay, shut up now!" Valerie exclaims in horror at the memory while Klaus just look smug when Diego walks in the room.

"No gloves in the bathroom, sorry."

Valerie just lets out a tired sigh and looks down at her bare hands that are picking away at her jeans, "it's okay, I'll be fine."

"You sure?" The brothers stare at her with unsure gazes making Valerie roll her eyes and smile before giving them a nod.


author's note:
I kind of feel like I made Diego very OC during his moment with Valerie.

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