The Thief's Stolen Heart

By Gingerassassin

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Adalynn Caine. The daughter of a rich man. Reece Graves. The con who wants her money. She is his next target... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Five

508 23 0
By Gingerassassin

Lynn's head slipped from her hand and hit the desk. Hard.

"Ow." She groaned, rubbing at her head. She was falling asleep at this desk. The pile of practice paper work sat half done.

Mr. Caine had left her to it as 'training' for when she took over.

Lynn rubbed her face and dragged the next sheet of paper over. But instead of working, she began daydreaming. She imagined herself in her room with something chocolate, like a cake, and playing video games.

"Excuse me."

Lynn jerked out of her dream land. "Huh, yes?"

A young guy was standing in front of her desk. He had a mop of floppy, blonde hair and soft blue eyes.

"Miss Caine?"

Lynn sat up completely, straightening her green dress. "Yes?"

"Mr. Caine sent me to give this to you." He held out a tall soda.

"Oh, you are my savior." She gladly took the foam cup. "Thank you, uh-"

"Jordan." He filled in. "And you're welcome."

"So what is your position here?" Lynn asked, glad for a distraction from sleep.

"I'm just an intern. Thus why I'm also on drink errands."

Lynn smiled a little. "Well that puts you on my good list for the future."

Jordan smiled. "Well I'm glad. Enjoy your drink... And paper work." With that, he left.

Lynn wanted a longer distraction. But she had things to get done. She put herself back to work.

Two hours later she was sorting the paperwork into the filing cabinet at the back of the office that was hers for the time being.

Behind her, the door open opened and someone cleared their throat.

"One moment."

"Not the greeting I was looking for, Princess."

Lynn's nerves jolted alive and she jumped, sending her finished paper work flying. "Oh my- Reece, stop sneaking up on me!"

Reece snickered. "I didn't sneak. You obviously knew I was here. You're just weird." He didn't know why she was so jumpy around him, but it was kind of cute.

Lynn stuck out her tongue. Reece was wearing a suit but his suit coat was draped over his arm. He looked good.

"Well you are apparently scary." She bent the gather the scattered papers.

Reece crouched next to her to help. "You look nice, Princess."

This was not the distraction Lynn had been hoping for. She blushed. "Uh, thanks. You, uh, you do too."

He made her flustered. That was a first. "Thank you. I had a meeting to attend with my grandfather." Lie.

"Must have been very exciting." Lynn was trying to pull herself together. "Thank you." She took the papers from Reece and turned to the cabinet. "Not to be rude, but what are you doing here?"

With her back turned, Reece took that moment to look around the office. No safe to be seen. Then again, he didn't look too closely since his eyes kept moving back to Adalynn. That green dress really did look nice. What was he thinking?!

"I found out you were working today. So I caught Mr. Caine and he has allowed me to rescue you from this torture."

Lynn turned to him, though she wasn't done filing. "Really? I'm finished for the day?"

Reece nodded. "And I'm sure you're hungry."

"You've done a good deed, Mr. Graves." Lynn turned back to filing, nearly bouncing with excitement. She could finally be done.

Reece was surprised at himself. Normally he was always putting on an act during a job, and he was always relieved to leave. Yet, he had actually been eager to see Adalynn. She was... Fun to be around. "Well, I do good deeds all the time."

Lynn snorted. "Clever response."

"I thought it was."

"There." Lynn slid the last drawer closed. She grabbed her blue purse from her desk. "Let's get out of here."

"Alright." Reece led the way out of the massive building to the street where he had parked.

After they got into his car, he turned to her.

"What do you feel like eating, Princess?"

"Can I be honest?"

"Go ahead."

Lynn couldn't stop her smile. "Fries and a burger. I haven't had plain fast food in forever."

Reece could have gone home happy from seeing that real smile. "Perfect." He was expecting her to say sushi or French cuisine like all his other targets. "Any particular place?"

Lynn shook her head. I don't remember what places are good anymore. You choose."

"Okay, if you're sure."

"I'm sure."

After Reece ordered the food, he began driving toward the beach, to the secluded spot he had told Adalynn about.

"Where are we going? I'm hungry, Reece. Can I just... Eat?"

"Patience, Princess. My mouth is watering too. We can suffer together for a minute."

Lynn gave a pout. "Fine."

He chuckled. "You're such a child."

"Well you're an oaf, so that makes it even." She retorted.

Reece shook his head.

Lynn studied the surroundings. "We're moving toward the ocean... But... Uh, just tell me."

"See for yourself." Reece turned down a narrow road.

"You're going to murder me and eat my share of the food, aren't you?" Lynn shook her head. "We're going to that little secluded beach you were talking about."

Reece shrugged. "You got me, Adalynn. Now the surprise is ruined."

Lynn's smile was smug. "Well you just need to work on your element of surprise."

"Apparently I don't." Reece countered. "I've made you jump more than once, Princess."

Lynn didn't say anything, knowing full well the reason she was so jumpy. He was an annoyingly attractive man, and she was always jumpy around beautiful people.

She looked out the window again, trying to catch where, exactly, they were. But with the surrounding trees, it was hard to tell.

Reece glanced over at Adalynn, watching with amusement as she chewed her bottom lip. She seemed to do that a lot.

Finally, the road curved and ended at a dirt road. Lynn was surprised when Reece didn't even hesitate to drive his fancy car onto the dusty path.

"This car isn't your baby?" Lynn joked, a laugh bubbling up in her chest.

"What? It's a car, it can handle some dust and rocks." He twitched an eyebrow. "Is your car your baby?"

Lynn waved it off with a dismissive hand. "I honestly wouldn't care, but my father would come unglued if anything happened to it."

"So it's his baby?"

Lynn snorted a laugh. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

Silence filled the car as they continued. Then Lynn's stomach growled loudly. She flushed.

Reece laughed, deep and loud.

Lynn couldn't hide her smile. "Shut up. I told you I'm hungry."

He calmed his laughter. "Can you make it, Princess?"

"If I don't, you can revive me with a french fry." She joked.

Reece glanced at her as her laugh faded. The evening sun through the windshield made her green eyes bright and he allowed himself a small moment to admire how adorable she looked.

Lynn looked up at him just as his eyes went back to the road ahead. His dark hair was unruly today, like he didn't bother with a comb and instead ran his fingers through it. She found herself wanting to see just how soft it was.

"Here we are." Reece stopped on the sand.

His voice brought Lynn out of her daze and she looked out. This beach really was secluded. It was basically an alcove along the shoreline, like the cliffs on either side of it left a u-shape just for the sand. And Reece was parked right on the sand.

"Wow. This place is cute."

Reece chuckled and turned the car off. "Come on, let's eat." He grabbed the bag of fast food and climbed out.

Eager to eat, Lynn followed suit.

Reece hoisted himself onto the hood of the car and patted the metal next to him. "Come on, Princess."

Lynn bit her lip and smiled. "You're okay with sitting on your car?"

"What did I say? It can handle it." Reece shook the bag of food. "Come on." He coaxed like she was a puppy.

Lynn kicked off her black heels and climbed up. She crawled forward and tried snatching the bag. Reece pulled it out of reach.

"Reece." Lynn whined. "You know I'm on the verge of death, right?"

He shook his head. "So dramatic. Sit back, and I'll give it to you."

Lynn wrinkled her nose. "You're annoying." She pivoted so that she was now sitting, and crossed her ankles.

Reece smirked at her behavior. He handed the bag to her. "There. You deserve it, Princess."

She snatched it and dug out her burger and bag of fries. "Yay."

Reece laughed as she instantly dug in. He took out his share of the food and unwrapped his burger.

This was so different from what he was used to. Instead of a stiff dinner in an expensive restaurant with a girl he was not the least bit interested in, he was eating fast food on his car with an actual goof ball.

Lynn moaned softly, closing her eyes as she ate. "Oh, food is my soulmate."

Reece laughed. "Do you need a moment alone?"

Lynn shoved his arm. "Shut up, Toad. I'm just enjoying my food."

Silence fell as the two ate, watching the sun slowly sink over the ocean.

Lynn was just finishing her burger when she realized that this - eating dinner with Reece on the beach - was kind of a date.

With that realization, her cheeks colored. If anyone saw them, it would look like they were a romantic couple. She subtly glanced at Reece. He was relaxed as he leaned back, eating his food.

Lynn found herself looking over him slowly, wondering how a twenty year old like him could be so well... Sculpted. Especially in that suit.

Reece caught her staring and smirked. "What's so interesting, Princess?"

She instantly went red, and suddenly, her fries were very interesting to look at. "Nothing. You just got mustard on your shirt."

He looked down in concern and Lynn laughed.

"Oh, you fell for that!"

Reece waited for Adalynn to calm her laughter, trying not to join in with her. She dodged that when normally, girls fell for it. Adalynn was refreshing.

"Are you done?" He asked as she sputtered out of breath.

Lynn took a few deep breaths. "Yes, I'm done." She finally looked up into his brown eyes that seemed more gold in the sinking sun.

Reece threw a fry at her. "You're cruel, Adalynn, you know that right?"

Lynn rubbed her lips together. "Reece... Why did you really come today? I mean, I wasn't expecting to really see you... At all."

Reece looked at his food, unable to her in the eyes. "I was passing by. I thought it would be fun to grab dinner."

"Oh, I see." She continued eating, oddly giddy with the thought that Reece thought about her.

Another few minutes passed in comfortable silence.

Reece looked over at Adalynn as she put her trash in the bag. "Satisfied at last, Adalynn?"

She nodded. "Yup, you saved me." She bit her lip. "And... It's Lynn."

"What?" Reece watched her carefully.

"Um. My- my friends call me Lynn." She cleared her throat. "So call me Lynn."

Happiness rolled through him, but guilt shortly followed. She was now comfortable enough around him. He wanted her to be comfortable. But this meant he was closer to having to leave her.

Lynn's face began heating from his lack of response. "Uh, nevermind-"

"No." Reece cut her off with a soft smile. "I like it. Lynn. It's pretty."

Her face warmed but she smiled. "Thanks."

"It matches you, Princess." Reece finished off his food and threw the crumpled wrapper at her. "Don't be so tense."

She deflected the crumpled paper. "You're childish, Toad."

Reece gave a goofy grin. "About time you noticed."

Lynn rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, whatever, Toad."

Reece braced his hand on the hood, leaning toward Adalynn, a playful gleam in his eye. "Don't fully believe it?"

She copied his motion, leaning towards him as well as she twitched an eyebrow. "Maybe not."

He grinned evilly. "Are you ticklish?"

"What? No, why would you ask that?" Lynn stammered, sliding away from him. Just give it all away, why don't you?

Reece grabbed her, pulling her back against him.

Lynn shrieked as she struggled. "Reece-" her back was pressed against him and his left arm was wrapped tightly around her waist.

He began tickling her mercilessly. "Am I childish yet?" He said over her laughing.

Lynn struggled against the attack. "Toad! You childish brat! Stop!" She managed to slip free.

Reece swiftly caught her and pushed her down against the windshield, his hands pinning her wrists to the glass.

Lynn's fit of laughter instantly began fizzling out as she looked up into Reece's playful, brown eyes. Oh boy.

Reece tilted his head. "Done yet?"

Lynn's heart was pounding now and her eyes flicked to his lips, only briefly.

Reece leaned down to her ear, hands still holding her wrists. "Why so speechless?" He knew what he was doing. But he suddenly wanted to kiss her, unlike any girl before. He had to play this carefully.

Lynn was expecting her stomach to explode with the amount of butterflies in her stomach. She desperately fished for words but Reece's fresh cologne was fogging her senses. Did he smell this good before?

Reece chuckled against her ear, low and soft. "Don't speak all at once."

His lips brushed her ear and Lynn's nerves jolted from the touch and her breath seemed to catch.

Reece had to stop before her strawberry scent could completely reel him in. Adalynn was making him lose his focus all over the place.

Lynn had no idea why she wasn't moving. It was like she was incapable of speech and movement. His hair grazed her temple as he moved to brush a kiss on her jaw. Just before contact, his phone abruptly rang.

Reece jumped back, instantly releasing her and sliding off the car.

Lynn shot off the car as well, face and neck red. What was that?!

"Hello?" Reece answered, annoyance lining his voice. No. It was good that his phone rang, or he wouldn't have been able to stop himself.

"Where are you?" His grandfather questioned.

"With Adalynn, remember?" Reece muttered, rubbing his face.

Lynn was struggling to compose herself. That was nothing. He was just playing around. It was her dumb girly brain that said there was something else.

"Any progress?" Mr. Graves asked impatiently.

"I'm getting there. Now is not the time for me to talk about this."

"Alright. We'll talk tonight."

Reece hung up first and pocketed his phone. He turned to Adalynn.

She was blushing lightly and straightening her dress.

He prayed that he didn't ruin anything with his stupidity. "So you finally agree I'm childish?"

Lynn mentally shook herself and glanced up at him with a small smile. "The most childish man on Earth."

Reece grinned. "Come on, I'll get you home, Princess. I'm sure you want to curl up at home."

"Bullseye." She agreed, grabbing her heels.


Yet another part. Hope it was enjoyable (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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