That sounds about right ~ mha...

By aShLyN4lyFe

4.9K 141 83

"Just a bi tryin get through life" Everyone knows the story of how Izuku Midoriya became a hero, but have you... More

Chapter 1|Glass Bottels and Flowers
chapter 2|Brocoli Boi and da hero
Chapter 3|Time to get serious!
Chapter 4|UA entrance exams!
Chaoter 5|The first day
Chapter 6|Heros Versus Villains!
Chapter 7| Not a chapter but a costume thing
Chaoter 9|i cant do anything
Chapter 10|Help
Chapter 11 | Why Try?

Chapter 8|President Exit sign!

272 9 4
By aShLyN4lyFe

Chapter 8|President Exit Sign!

Just another peaceful day, walking to ua.

Until you realise a mob of the media is begging everyone for answers, and I'm stuck in between it.

"So tell us, how's it like having 'the' all might as your teacher"

"How good of a teacher is all might?"

"What subjects does all might teach?"

"Is all might really that nice"

"Hey, one question at a time" I say at the crowd that had gathered around me, with swirls in my eyes I try and walk away to the best of my abilities.

It didn't work, they kept on pulling me back and holding onto my arm, I didn't like how they were treating me, but how could I stop it?

All of a sudden I feel someone grab my arm and pull me away from everyone.

"Madam shouldn't have to be dealing with people who have no sparkle unlike her" Ayoyma ushered me inside the building as he spoke.

"Thank you so much!" I show my gratitude by giving him a quick hug, he didn't seem to mind it too much which was good.

"Anytime for a flower as sweet as you" he says as he kisses my hand.

I had no idea how to respond so I just scratched my cheek with my available hand and averted eye contact.

"I can't let a lady walk back to class alone, so I'll accompany you, star"

Me and ayoyma ended up having a conversation and he wasn't as bad as I thought he was, for some reason I thought he'd just speak non stop about how stylish he is but he's actually pretty nice.

In no time we arrived inside class we sat down in our desks, I started listening to music since I didn't want to bother with people today. I feel a presence behind me so I turn around and I'm met with a girl with short purple hair.

'She's jirou I think?' I tried to remember what her name is and hoped this is it.

"I couldn't help but see you were listening to Conan gray" jirou says with a chuckle

"Oh yeah, I like listening to him" I say as I advert eye contact

"Yea he's pretty cool, what's your favorite song by 'em?" Jirou says walking in front of me and sitting on my desk.

"I like crush culture it's really good in my opinion" I say while smiling at jirou

"Oh yeah, that's like my top three I like Greek god/king (can't remember which) generation why, and crush culture, but I guess you could of guessed that" Jirou says with a small giggle and closes her eyes as she rubs the back of her neck.

"Yeah, I don't think I've probably introduced myself" I stand up reaching my hand up for her to shake it " I'm (l/n (y/n), but you can call me (y/n)" I say trying to not gag as I mention my last name.

"Jirou Kyoka, you can call me Kyoka, you sound pretty cool anyway" Jirou says as she takes my hand and shakes it.

"Everyone sitting down, I don't want to do today as much as the rest of you" aizawa walks in the class looking down as ever.

"Midoriya and Bakugou stop acting like children, this is UA and we won't accept any more childish behaviour from the both of you, understood?" Aizawa says as Midoriya gives out a meek yes and Katsuki gives a nod.

"Now that we've got that out of the way, we've got a serious homeroom discussion that I need to talk to you guys about" Aizawa says as he goes to clear his throat.

I can feel everyone in this room freeze as sensei spoke about a serious discussion, I could tell most people thought it was a test, especially Kirishma, his face was priceless.

"Class presidents" Aizawa concludes, clearing the thoughts of everyone's in the room.

The room was dead silent for one second before all you could hear was future hero's putting there hands up and asking to be a hero. It was so loud I bet you could even hear it from America.

"Everyone be quiet!" The whole classroom didn't utter a word, the only thing we did was turn our heads to the voice that spoke.

Tenya Iida

"We should settle this with a vote" Iida says

"That doesn't make sense everyone's just going to vote for themselves" Kirishma says

"Yea and we haven't known everyone for long, kero" Tsu adds to the conversation

"That's precisely why it should be a vote!" Iida turns his body towards the teacher " can we do this sensei?" Iida asks

"Do whatever the hell you want" Aizawa says as he gets into his yellow sleeping bag and passes out

"Thank you sensei" Iida says while bowing.

Everyone casted there votes and we began to see who has the most.

"I've got the most with three points???" Midoriya says shocked standing up.

"Who the hell would vote for shitty deku!" Katsuki seethed while clenching his hands into a fist and looking like he'd explode any moment now.

"I guess we know it wasn't you" Sero says as he takes a step back so if Katsuki did explode he wouldn't get caught in the impact.

I get out of my seat and realise someone voted for me.

'I voted for Bakugou and I have a vote, Bakugou only has one vote, does that mean he didn't vote for himself?' I say as I put my hand under my chin in a quEstiOninG manner.

In the end it turned out Midoriya or broccoli boi, however you'd like to call him ended up being class president with Momo being class Vice President.

As soon as I could I left the classroom for lunch.

Now the thing is, everyone has there own friendship groups already, sure im friends with people in the bakusquad but I'd feel weird just joining. The dekusquad seems nice but joining I'd feel weird. There is the other people in class but I don't want to intrude.

I just feel like I don't belong in 1-a, so I went off to be by myself, but I didn't know any good places to go so I found myself going to the teachers lounge.

'I probably look like a loser' I knocked on the door and heard a female voice on the other side saying I could come in.

I open the door and see the r rated hero midnight at a desk, she seems to be slaving away it seems.

"So what'd ya need?" Midnight says not bothering to look away from her screen and appears to be typing vigorously.

"I was wondering if anyone here needed any help" I say standing up not really knowing what else to do.

"I mean you could help me by doing my wo—"

"Level three security breach"

"Level three security breach"

"Level three security breach"

"That doesn't sound very good" Midnights says as she gets out of her chair and grabs my arm.

"What's happening" I ask trying to not sound worried, but I could tell midnight saw right through that.

"We seem to have some intruders in our school" Midnight says.

"That's a bad thing right?" I say as I grab onto her mind already feeling scared.

'Listen I might be becoming a hero, but I only wanted to do everyday hero type stuff, like stopping robbery's and all that, my quirk can't handle anything to big'

"I mean there pretty stupid if there breaking into UA" Midnight whispers to me making me feel safer.

"I'll ask eraser what's happening, you stay right here okay?" Midnight says as she grabs her phone.

I look outside the window and see it's just the press.

"Midnight don't worry eraser and prez are dealing with it, it just seems to be the media"

'Eraser and Prez seem to be struggling' I think to myself

'What if I used my quirk to make a forcefield around the school?'

I go to open the window and I see midnight look at me weirdly, I reach my hand out and a dim glow appears from my hand.

'The forcefields up, all I have to do now is push them away from the forcefield, the only way I can push them is by making the forcefield bigger'

I slowly start to push the press backwards, the forcefield was as big as UA which was pretty cool considering making forcefields is difficult for me.

Aizawa and Hizashi see that there is a yellow glow in front of them, that is slowly pushing the media away and look towards the school.

'Oh god there looking at me' I didn't know what to do so all I did was give them a thumbs up with my opposite hand so the forcefield remains.

"What's pushing as back?" I can faintly hear the press discussing my forcefield.

"Wait over there!" I see a camera man point towards where I was.

'Oh god I'm going to be on TV' I say as I use all my strength to push them outside the gate, Aizawa closes the gate and the bell for lunch time signals that we have to go back to class.

'Perfect timing eh?' I think to myself chuckling a bit.

"What's so funny missy?" Midnight says as I see shes's trying to ignore the fact that I used my quirk without authorisation.

"Just thinking about how perfect the timing is" I say as I close the window.

"Yea, well if you want you can come help me anytime, I hate writing reports" Midnight says as he gives me a smile. "You should head back to class, wouldn't want Eraser to get mad at you" Midnight says.

"True that!" I say as I jog towards the door, I stop and open the door, I turn around before I leave.

"See ya midnight!" I say then close the door and jog to class while jogging I just realised 'mums going to watch the TV and see me on there' I then felt a chill go down my spine.

I ended up entering when Midoriya was speaking, I didn't want to interrupt so I quickly walked to my desk and sit down, like I had been there the whole time.

"I would like Iida to be president, we all saw how good he handled that situation" Midoriya said and everyone cheered.

'Wait what happened when I was gone???'

Aizawa spoke about how he didn't really care that iida was president. Aizawa then turned in my general direction, "(L/N using your quirk at school without permission is punishable, you're lucky that you used it stopping the media from entering otherwise you would have been suspended" Aizawa says with an unreadable emotion.

"Sorry sir" I say quietly looking downwards at my desk.

I could sense people had no idea what happened, I wasn't going to tell unless asked by someone. No one asked if you're wondering.

Although I stopped the media I felt as if I didn't stop something with greater power, weird right...?

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