It wasn't supposed to be this...

By wannabestoryteller01

21.2K 315 67

Rachel Berry is a senior in high school just trying to make it out of high school and be somebody, but finds... More

Finding Out// Part Two
Doctors Appointments and Lies
Doctors Appointments and Lies// Part Two
Authors Note
Big Girl Decisions?
And On The Twelfth Week Of Pregnancy Finn Gave To Me
What A Fucking Mess
How Did We Get Here?
WOW! Really?
I Hate It Here.
Its Gonna Get Better, Right?
Did You Say The Baby Was A?....
As Long As Your A Good Father To Your....
You do??
His Name Is....
Six months where are you??
Authors Note
Take Me Home Tonight Part One
Take Me Home Tonight Part Two
The New Rachel Berry
How Did We Get Here?
Authors Note
So Much For The New Rachel Berry

Finding Out

2.3K 25 6
By wannabestoryteller01

It had been five weeks on the dot since her last period. How could she not notice? How could she be so.. so stupid? So reckless? How could she have done this to herself? Rachel Berry was officially that cliche eighteen year old girl who stupidly got knocked up her senior year. Rachel Berry was your typical student, active in all clubs, but not in sports and made sure to maintain her great GPA and not worry about stupid things like boys and specifically boys who are cute, charming, sweet, sensitive "Oh get it together berry.." she said scolding herself. Not to worry about stupid boys.. boys who knock you up at eighteen. She hadn't even taken the test yet and she was already exhausted and thinking of anyway to rationalize the situation. "Maybe its just stress.. yeah stress from nationals coming up and working so hard and" she took a deep breath realizing she was doing the one thing she didn't want to do, try and find a way to distract herself from the fact that she stupidly and drunkly slept with Finn Hudson, the finest, most handsome.. slightly dumb, but completely charming senior ever! She stupidly got drunk and slept with a man who she knows has a girlfriend that would gladly kick her ass if she found out that she was knocked up by him. She let out another exhausted sigh " and now you are pregnant because you had sex with a guy who you knew you shouldn't of slept with." She looked at herself in the mirror, taking a nice long look at herself as she was still slightly tiny, the baby bump barley noticeable, but her tiny stature did nothing to hide the fact that she was pregnant. She looked down at the box on the sink. That stupid box she had bought hours ago on her way home from school.
Rachel parked her little Volkswagen Jetta in the parking lot right in front of her local pharmacy. She took a nice deep breath and turned off her car and got out shutting the door behind and swallowing her pride and walking through those automatic doors and instantly staring straight at mother and baby waiting in the checkout line. She felt like she was going to vomit right then and there and couldn't tell if it was because the thought of having a baby made her sick or if she was pregnant with a baby that was making her sick. She quickly ran down the isle searching for the pregnancy tests and found them after a long and sad attempt. Clearly she wasn't ready to be a mom.. she couldn't even find pregnancy tests! She quickly looked at these brands picking them up one by one "100% accurate.. hmm" she said out loud flipping the clear blue box over. " 17.98 to tell me if I'm pregnant or not.." she said and quickly grabbed the box and ran towards the check out counter trying to avoid awkward stares. She thankfully made it to the counter with no line and walked up to the first cashier and set the box down on the counter. "Is that it for you sweetheart." The cashier stated with an awful jersey accent. The name on her name tag read "Stacy". She nodded her head gently as she knew the women was judging her. She rang the box in and Rachel quickly opened her wallet pulling out her credit card and sliding it quickly in hopes this moment would end soon. The women threw the test in the bag and looked at Rachel with a sad look "Good luck baby" she said handing Rachel her receipt and Rachel quickly stuck her card back in her wallet and grabbed the bag and hurried to her car and got back in and threw the test in the front seat of her car and felt the tears form in her eyes. "How could you be so stupid Rachel.." she laying her head against the steering wheel.
Rachel quickly open the box of tests and took one and cursed herself for even having to be in this situation before she was at least thirty. She pulled off the cap and pulled her pants down and sat down on the toilet and peed on the stick. She thought it would be much harder than it was. After she finished she wiped herself and flushed her shame down the toilet. She quickly put the cap back on and washed her hands. After drying her hands she looked down at the box "five minutes will determine the rest of my life.." she set the box down and walked out of the bathroom and laid down on her bed. She pulled her phone off the charger and opened it up to her text messages and began scrolling through a list of people she knew she could trust.. "Artie.. no" she said rolling her eyes "Tina.. maybe.. Mercedes.. possibly.. Santana and Brittney.. so they could tell Quinn and make her life even worse? Not a chance in hell." She said scolding herself for even saying their names. "Kurt.. he's gonna flip.." he said clicking on his contact and texting him quickly. "Can you come over? It's an emergency.." she said and in true Kurt fashion a text back was received in seconds. "Diva, you looked really weird at school today so I figured you needed me.. So I'm already at your house.." he sent back with a photo of him pushing her door bell and in seconds all she could hear was the door bell ringing. She quickly hurried down the stairs and to the front door and opened it feeling her heart sink as she knew she was going to have to tell her best friend in the world the worst news of her life. "Hey Diva.." He said as he was sending a text back. "I figured something was wrong with you today.." he said coming in and shutting the doors. "Are your dads out of town again?" He said looking around the house. She defensively jumped at him "why did you figure something was wrong with me?" She said letting her eyebrows raise in anger. "First off.. calm down and second you just weren't you.. you looked more pale than usual and you were so hungry by second period that I could hear your stomach growling.. and that girl that walked by us on our way to feed your hangry self had apparently the worst perfume you'd ever smelt in your life" He said quotation marks around the last part. She quickly let go of the anger she had there for a second and let out a breath she'd been holding in. "Kurt.. I have something to tell you." She said walking up her stairs. She felt like she was walking straight into hell and felt her stomach cramping at the idea of her thinking she was pregnant once again. She opened her door and closed it behind Kurt locking it for extra measures. She watched Kurt walk to her bed and sit down "hopefully it's not another hideous outfit because I can't deal with that again.." he said letting out a soft chuckled after and Rachel grabbed the pregnancy test and gripped it as tight at she could making sure not to look.. not to ruin her life just yet. Rachel held the test and looked down at her bright red hand and turned around to look at Kurt. "Rachel.. your scaring me.. what's wrong?" He said letting concern take over his face. "This.." she said handing him the test. "I haven't looked yet and just took it right before you got here.." she said feeling the tear start to drip down her face one by one. "You remember the stupid party that you made me go to?" She said letting her mind think back to that night.
Rachel Berry knew that this party was a bad idea from the start! She knew it was a terrible idea when Kurt mentioned it and it was an even worse idea when she got dressed for this party and it was a terrible idea when she let a man guilt her into drinking! Rachel was standing in the kitchen all by herself yet again as she knew she would. Kurt left her hours ago to go make out with Blaine in god knows where and she was refreshing her drink with the bottle of whipped cream vodka that sat right next to her. Her night consisted of her watching kids take beer out of coolers, Kegs, and the fridge she had been staring at all night. She wasn't much of a drinker, but she was alone and just wanted to fit in. She looked down at her phone and saw the time was 1:43 am "wow it's late." She said to herself and quickly set her cup down and began walking towards the front door. After drinking all night she finally realized this just wasn't for her and she knew she'd be happier in her bed than here. She pulled out her phone to text Kurt that she wanted to leave when she found herself in the moment that ruined her life. She  stupidly was looking down at her phone and walked right into Finn Hudson and smashed the red solo cup that was holding a full cup of her beer that spilled all over her dress and all down Finns shirt and pants. She looked up embarrassed and afraid "oh.. gosh.. I'm so so.. I'm so sorry." She said looking up at this incredibly tall man. This incredibly handsome, tall man. "I'm.. I'm..sorry.." she said barely making the words out as she continued to look up at him. "No it's my fault.. I'm sorry.." he said walking over to the kitchen and grabbing paper towels and began wiping himself off. He grabbed a few and handed her some and she began patting herself dry. "It's no use.. I'm soaking wet.." she said and threw the paper towels away. "Oh shit.. here let me get you a shirt that you can wear and just throw it away after you are done with it. He said and began walking towards a random room. She assumed this must of been his house as he knew exactly where to go. "Come on.. I don't bite.." he chuckled and she drunkly trailed behind to this room. She couldn't feel a thing but the fact that her dress was sticky and wet and she didn't like it. He opened a door to what she assumed was his room. A dim light in the corner and grey walls. He opened his closet door and grabbed a shirt from the back of the closet and laid it on the bed and grabbed one for himself. He quickly took his shirt off throwing it in the corner of the room and Rachel couldn't help but stare at him. Wow he's really hot. She thought to herself  "well since I dumped a drink on you I think you I think I should know your name.." she said still shirtless and gorgeous. "It's Rachel.." she said licking her lips as she felt how dry they were from letting her mouth stay open. "Rachel Berry." She said wiping her hands on her dress and shaking his hands. "Finn Hudson.. and your cute Rachel Berry.." He said smirking while shaking her hand. "Are you a senior or a junior this year?" He said still holding onto her hand. " a senior.." she whispered as she couldn't believe this gorgeous man was talking to her. "Well I look forward to taking classes with you.." he said and let go of her hand. She broke her gaze as the wet dress began distracting her once again. "Would you mind.. um helping me with this dress.." she said avoiding eye contact with him. "You don't have to take it off me.. you can slide the shirt over and I can take it off.. it's just a little tight and wet and I think you are a lot sober than I am.." she said letting out a little giggle and grabbing the shirt off the bed and sliding it over her head and letting it fall. It was a huge shirt considering it was probably his and he's a tall man. He quickly walked over to her and pulled the shirt up a little and began unzipping the dress and he watched as goosebumps formed on her arms. "Thank you.." she whispered and started to tug at the dress and she felt him tug as well. That's when it happened.. the weird feeling in her stomach and In her lady parts.. something foreign to her. Something weird happened after that.. Rachel felt the alcohol in full effect and turned around feeling as her dress hit the floor. "You can kiss me if you want to?" She said in a hushed whisper. "Oh.. I want to." He whispered back huskily and he quickly pressed his lips to hers and she felt the sparks against her lips and that feeling getting even more tense and before she knew it she was on the bed and he was on top of her. "I want you." She moaned into his ear and in seconds that shirt that she borrowed was across the room somewhere. "Oh Rachel.." he said in a moan taking in her body.
The look of shock on Kurt's face was something she would remember forever. " I slept with Finn Hudson that night and got stupid drunk and I'm one hundred percent sure I'm pregnant and I'm freaking the hell out!" She said wiping the tear from her eyes as she looked at Kurt who was looking at the test. "So tell me.. am I carrying Finn Hudson's child?" She letting out another whimpering cry and letting her hands cover her face in shame.

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