Lost Inside × Stray Kids Feli...

By amenaieva

40.2K 1.1K 515

*COMPLETE* Lost everything you had... had no hope... but still fell in love.. F: So you like me? then...be my... More

Lost Inside
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 11

1.6K 48 25
By amenaieva

Y/N: My father hated me since my birth because my mom died when she gave birth to me. So he always treated me like trash, he always beated me up without a reason. But Daniel was always by my side, he always protected me so my father started to hate him to. It was like living in the hell. We couldn't run away from him because everytime we got out of the house we were tieded up on a tree, and left there for the whole day.
When I was 8 years old and Daniel was 12 we finally got a change to run away. We ran to my mother's sister, our only aunt that we knew. But we only saw her once, well more to be exact Daniel saw her once. We found her address in our father's stuff. As we got there we told her everything what happened, after that we started to live with her, but not long after that our father found us and tried to kill us but my aunt and her husbands saved us. After the accident we moved out into a village far from the city, so that our aunt could teach us how to protect ourselves. She and her husband were once in a weird gang, but she never talked about that with us, so because of that they knew how to use weapons and how to fight. So like this they started teaching us. First how to fight then they slowly gave us weapons. I started shooting arrows, and got really good at it later on my aunt gave my a gun. We lived pretty good till I got in the 10th grade and our father found us. He wanted to kill us, my aunt and her husband tried to save us but he killed them, then he runed after me. I got to the lake that was near our house. I tried to escape from him by going into the water, but he attacked me there and I lost. I drowned.
Then the next thing I remember I woke up in the hospital room and saw Jin... and what happened after that I already told you.

The guys kept quiet after you told them what was your life like. Doctor Kim (Jin) heard also what you were telling the guys, he was listening but you didn't notice him. He left as fast as he could so you won't notice him.

The rest of the day the guys stayed with you in the hospital because they didn't wanted to leave you alone, but after some time they started really to annoy so you send them home. But Felix still stayed with you. But you were glad that he didn't left, because you wanted to spend some time with him alone after you got your memories back, you wanted to check if even you know your story now if you still love him so much as before.

*Time skip*

Finally you got home after hospital, it was really boring there. Felix was there everyday with you. After the week you spend there with him in the hospital room, you noticed that your feelings were still the same for him. But now you were more worried about him and the boys. And yourself...

What if your father tries to kill you again or the boys, he already almost killed you twice. You can't run away this time and leave the boys alone, but you knewed that you have to do something, you had to protect them.. they were right now everything you got, besides Daniel but you didn't even knew where he is.

You decided to have a break from your studys because you wanted to train again, to get in form, to use weapons again...

In your house you had a basement but you never used, till now. You changed it a bit so you could train there.

And on the other side you also got some guns (not really legal but no one has to know hehe)

After you got everything ready you started to train. You were training already almost a week and while training you didn't even once saw the boys. Felix was getting worried (again) so he went to your house, check up on you. But as he got inside he couldn't find you anywhere, he trieded calling you but you weren't answering your phone. So he decided to wait for you and watch tv.

When you were gone with your training you wanted to take a shower, but as you went up you sas Felix sitting on your couch.

Y/N: What are you doing here?

F: AISH JESUS! From where did you came?! You almost gave me a heart attack!!

Y/N: Hahahaha, It's not my fault that you get scared so easily.

F: HAHA very funny...

Y/N: Well yeah for me it's funny hihi, anyways why are you here?

F: I didn't saw you the whole week and you barely answer my phone calls.

Y/N: Sorry I was busy.

F: What were you doing that you even forgot your boyfriend -_-

Y/N: I didn't forgot you, just didn't really had time for you... I'm going to tell you everything after I take a shower okey..

F: Fineee

Because of his cuteness you gave him a kiss and ran up to take a shower. After you were done you wanted to go out, do something outside with Felix. So you dressed bit more nicely.

Then you went down to get Felix.

F: Are we going somewhere?

Y/N: Yes, lets go somewhere.

F: Okay Miss as you wish, lets go...

You two went first to a park and you told Felix what were you doing the whole week. Ofcourse he didn't like the idea but he knew that he can't say anything to stop you from training. After that you met Han and I.N and went to eat something. As you were done with eating you and Felix wanted to go home but because as you were with I.N and Han, Felix was annoying you by saying "are you really good with shooting, not saying that you are bad at it but still you know..." and like this the whole time, so you decided to bring him somewhere. You brought him to a shooting hall.

F: What are we doing here?

Y/N: Well you said that you don't think that I'm good at shooting, so how about I'll show you huh?

F: Okay then show me what you got, just don't miss bebe.

Y/N: Just don't get scared bebe.

You picked a gun and started shooting..

You hit all like this. You turned around to Felix. He was definitely shocked

F: Hope you weren't imagining my head there...

Y/N: Don't worry bebe I would never want to hurt you

F: Aha... *whispering* what the hell ..

You were standing there proud of your self and smiling.

F: You know what ?

Y/N: No, with you I never know

F: Hehe, anyways if I can't forbid you to stop training, then teach me ...

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