By viviannehillary

666 67 2

Loses,fear and tears are the results of war. The shadow lurks in a corner as it diffuses to the world. The fe... More



40 4 0
By viviannehillary


                               The wounds were to gruesome to let go, the burns didn't allow the muscles veins to heal up nicely. So the doctor had to scrap the thin parts out and sew it together so that it can heal by itself. Most likely by the day after tomorrow he'll be all healed up. Once the doctor finished bandaging Oden's wound, he turns to his brother too tired to speak.
"This is ...your fault," Oden spits it out ,his voice all groggy and slur due to the medication, glaring at his brother.

"and how is it my fault? I didn't tell Veron to launch at you." Defends Eden . "Shh! Listen to that, that sound is you giving me migraine. I told you not to let us play super hero but nooo, it might have been thirteen years but nothing here has changed, This is the dark side brother girls being plastered on walls and men being attacked in broad daylight that is our home. And mark you, you are the one who taught me to stay quiet and mind my own business. Eden you cannot change what our people are no matter how many comics you read thinking villains die, rain check this is the real world only good people end up hurt or dead......... Fuck that Veron is going to pay. Oh! My Maker look at what that gangster did to me." Oden lets out all his anger reminding his brother his roots, helping him to understand. Eden hasn't been here for a long time unlike him, he watched his father try to create that fictional reality. He watched him fail continuously. You see alphas they are born predators, leaders with the instinct of survival for the fittest, things are better now back before division some alphas born as twins were known to kill their omega and beta siblings to show strength in the womb. Absorb no annihilation was what the midwives called it. At around 8 months that's when it would all happen the foetus would use it's claws and fangs to dig into their siblings skin throat and chest. When born the second baby would look completely destroyed disfigured it was a disgusting site. Alphas are meant to grow and learn to mature by themselves. That's why the king had various students especially those that were meant to lead the nation go to claws academy, have them learn to interact inorder to change the way they look at things.

Eden was hurt by this reality he needed to escape closed up for so long all he could do was dream. Dreams are short lived. He walks out of the room in need for fresh air and the lack of reminder of his great ambition to bring change only not deliberately hurt his brother.'

"Are you done?" Oden inquires from the doctor who was busy scribbling a couple of words on his records for future reference on Oden's treatment."Yes but you need to take it easy for a few days.can I ask how this happened?" " Is it out of curiosity or for that little record you are dotting down." " Am sorry prince Oden I should have started with am not going to tell the king it's just out of curiosity." "It's a rare sight to see doctors wanting to know more about their patients. There is more to this question. What is it?" " It's a concern more people have shown up with marks like that ever since school closed for the break. I have seen more violent caused wounds than anyone in this building what I have never seen are this claw marks. They look like the claws burns the tissue, muscles and blood vessels as they go through. I can't tell what hurts the victim more the burning sensation or the tear caused by the claws." "How long?" "Exact count two weeks ago." "How many?" "About twenty others disappear without a trace." "I see." "By tomorrow you shall be fully healed."
"The burning sensation." "What?" "It's the first thing you feel when those claws touch your skin. It's what gets you screaming."

After a few hours of examination Oden is discharged, he quickly dresses back to his clothes then grabs his jacket and leaves the place looking for his lost brother, annoyed at the fact he left him on his own, lucky for him he didn't need to go far as he meets Eden at the exit point leaning on the hospital wall still in thought waiting for him."I thought you abandoned me." "I almost did." "I need some air meet you at home." "Didn't the doctor tell you to take it easy." "Am not going to lift boulders. Just taking a walk. You should go rest that pretty little head of yours thinking to deep will only hurt you more." The younger brother turns away leaving his brother in deep thought for he knew Oden was right, in the dark side was not all rainbows and unicorns. That's how people grew up to be. Alphas only reign in terror, it was his fault Oden got hurt. Playing hero was one of Eden's strongest point back then he saved his brother from his father's brutal hands many times can't he do the same to his people,the long walk was worth it he had to do something, something to change people's mind. Something to show the world that Alphas can be totally different but that's a lie he can keep selling to himself, they were primal and based on primal instinct, he walks on the street looking at his people, future king Eden, it had a nice ring to it. This is your kingdom do as you please.

Oden walks toward the meadow looking around, the pain, torture was what this poor girls on the street had drawn in their eyes. It pained him, he would love to behead all those gang leaders rebel wolves except sometimes getting involved made things worse for this kids.Eden was right, So was turning a blind eye they needed a solution. Then again what could he do about it alone. The boys walk different directions thinking . One lived in fantasy after being locked up for so long and the other lived in reality after facing monsters in his dreams. Who will lead this kingdom to it's saving grace?

Just as they promised on the second week after closing school they shall meet once again. This was to give Oden enough time to plan the guards schedules from twelve sharp around  twelve noon. Once he did he sent it to each of them. Now from a short distance  Jayden and Arthur make their way towards the meadow talking of their day laughing so hard about each other's funny clumsy moments. Especially Arthur he had a lot to say judging by the fact he had a a six month old sister. 

On the other side of the boundary the girls also make their way to the glacier forest each of them walking together to cross the boundary set for them . It was like the yellow string of fate holding all of them together like glue, a destiny written in the stars to keep them together. A script that grew them from birth and placed them in the same place with the same thoughts that they would die for each other if asked.

Oden meets up with Jayden and Arthur after a whole twenty minutes of waiting. Immediately he stepped in the vicinity he could smell it a nasty stench they have smelt before on him. Pain. "You look terrible." Arthur states looking at Oden's annoyed face. "Is that how you greet your friend?"
"You stink of pain it hurts my nose." Arthur dramatically spells it out to Oden. He slowly lowered his shirt wiping sweat off his palms. If Arthur can smell it so will she how was he to cover it up. "I got in a fight with Veron. It hurts a lot I could feel him slash my skin off and my veins and arteries pour out..." "Okay Too much information dude I just had roasted beef for lunch if you don't want it on your face just stop." "Why did you fight Veron?" Jayden asks concerned.
"He was harassing a girl I had to do something." " You do realize that happens every single day here right." Jayden outlines."What are you the dark knight in shining armour, oh!heya? Line up damsel in distress."
"Shut up Arthur. I'll go get the girls."

He superspeeds at the hidden loophole making it to the other side of the kingdom. The difference between the two places always  baffled him how can one place be so cold. Back in his geography class he remembers what the teacher called it geographical change. This was a way to allow prey to hide from their predators. In his wolf anatomy class he remembers their guardian stating the colour of furs change to accommodate the environment allow their wolves to hide properly so prey cannot see them. For natural selection to occur, for survival for the fittest to be logical. All this changes were necessary. To the west summer, to the east winter. The Luna must be working so hard.

Upon seeing him the girls finally appear to be getting closer to where they were standing. "What took you so long?"the princess whines hugging the male. Oden's eyes widens from the tight hug as he swallows the nerve wrecking pain from her sudden touch. Curses the doctors always stated the numbing sensation frin the medication they give was only enough for them to sew, since they metabolise everything they consume fast the nerve wrecking pain walks in just like the ending of an epidural in the middle of childbirth.

"Oriela's continuous yapping about Oden this, Oden that, you are finally here to take us away from the misery." Olivia complains rolling her eyes at the boy pullinh the girl away him patting her head like a small cute puppy. "She is lying I was quietly walking no sound was made by me. How could you even here me from all that loud chewing dear Olivia."
"You sure about that cause we can re- walk the one hundred ninety nine tiny steps you had us take all the way over here." Thecla helps out Olivia in teasing the princess as she joins the group of three ready to get across to the other side.
"They are ganging up on me." Oriela cutely points her friends getting a chuckle from the two girls. Oden's heart could not take it anymore he could hear his breath stiffen. 'She was thinking about him'. He smirks at her sending heat running down her back, her cheeks turns red making the shy girl look away. "Okay so are we gonna just stand here and stare at you two till kingdom come." That's right they only had a few minutes to get across. "Let's get to it then."

The four make it to the other side finding the two he wolves waiting for them patiently.  The girls were surprised by the other side it was warm the sky was blue and the grass was green not covered in white foam like substance. It was beautiful worth the risk. The meadow was such a sight. "Wow! This is ..... beautiful." "Welcome to the alpha lands. Well the sides that are worth looking at." Arthur announces smiling back at the girl's as the soak in the sun. All too happy to smell the flowers, the grass, the soil after it's wetted by the morning dew. All but Olivia who could smell something different, something hurting. She couldn't smell it earlier cause of the cold or was it cause the victim was on the other side. Her head turns  to the three boys infront of her glaring "Who among you three reeks of pain? Don't you dare lie I had the best nose in claws academy." Olivia inquires while scrunching her nose in annoyance. Among all smells in the world she dispised that the most it always reminds her of that familiar stench she had wafted to her nose long before when she arrived home from her pup school that and bleach. Jayden and Arthur quickly point at Oden. Traitors, that fast not giving them a chance to dig deeper. Now he had to handle Oriela he thought avoiding the omega's eyes.

"It doesn't look that bad." "You sure cause it stings my nose." Olivia blurts out."What happened?" Oriela asks concerned about his boyfriend's welfare. Guess you can't keep everything a secret. "Our strong man here got in a fight to save a damsel .... in distress" Arthur reports wiggling his eyes at the angry dark prince. Hahahaha was Arthur on a mission to ruin his life. Oden throws a side glare, a quick warning for him to shut his mouth or things would go a different route. "ODEN!! I was gone for what twenty four hours and you are already jumping in another girl's life." Oriela reprimands walking away from him her concerned look fading now replaced with a cute angry look. He loved that look on her back in highschool when they first met. It's different now. "Really Arthur!?...... It's not what it sounds like, the lunatic is adding his own salt to the story." Oden complains like a whining dog for its bone as he follows Oriela behind leaving the rest of the group laughing at their little drama. "Seriously Arthur you are a pig." Insults Olivia still laughing at the betrayal. "I won't let that offend me I am greedy for entertainment ever since we got back it's been a rare commodity." "Must be tough being elders heirs. I rarely get to see Thecla too. Your parents over working you already." "The future needs new changes with the bloodhound threatening us everyday being overworked is the least of our problems." Jayden answers smiling at the two rays of sunshine a distance away. "Work, we can only do that for our people." Thecla adds.

Oden holds her close to him letting his back face his friends avoiding their annoying sounds and kisses Oriela as a sign of his devotion to her letting her taste his soft lips. "I will never replace you. You are my life line I can't give my life line away." he promises. The princess bites her lower lip happy her man was devoted to her, he studied with a lot of pigs back in the day. If it was not for her title she was surethey would have advanced. Even the white side had it's fair share of idiots. All she could ask herself was what did he see in her or was this a some well written script. Not now, she won't ask that now. "Am sorry for interrupting are we gonna stand here like fake statues and watch this continuous teen drama on loop or are we going to do something else?" Olivia blurts out already uncomfortable by the scene. "Hi Olivia welcome back." "To what your failing life." "Ha! Well Jayden you are in charge of reminding me not talk to her again." Arthur requests sarcastically.

They end up sitting at the meadow enjoying each others company instead. It felt nice to seat among flowers with this peaceful aura around them like the end of a war where everything feels so peaceful for a short time. A silent that lets them say thank you. Thecla draws something on her sketchpad thank the Maker she brought it. Drawing always helped her when she felt anxious, tired, pressured. It was the one activity that gave her peace, she always enjoyed the stroke of her brush the colours, her favorite was the charcoal pencil that would let her capture everything in black and white. At a short distance slept Olivia it was the one time she had a peaceful dream ever since they closed school. With all the nightmares in her room crawling from under the bed to eat her out at night. She enjoyed this short lived peace. Jayden too. His hands holding on to a rose flower looking at the red petals. For once red didn't start up his flashbacks. Ever since he got home he got busy  helping her mother with the spiking problem, the story his brother had told him was true. The bloodhound had a small army that did everything by his bidding. Eyes as black as coal covered in red blood of fresh new victims. There was only so much he could do. So much his mother could do. Here the red in his hands was sticky or disgusting as the one from his punished victims.  Arthur had his fair share of demons. Everyone went back to the horrors they were so happy to escape.

Oden and Oriela stand at a distance  feeling the wind in their hair, holding each other tight happy to have this moment again. It was a long two weeks for both of them. They were busy, it helped a little bit to think about each other every passing moment after that in the dark in bed they are all they could dream about. This is what she needed to be in his arms enjoying the beautiful sight in front of her.

"Arthur stay at one position." "What are you doing? My little partner" he asks growing closer to her instead of obeying her small request. He knew she was drawing by the movements of her hands, he watched her finger graze the charcoal pencil powder rubbing it over and over gently until the tip of her index finger turned grey, he was curious to see the end result but chose to keep quiet so her request did motion his curiosity to cat level. Was it him? Was she drawing him?
"Those days are over, spell it ...over." Thecla states putting her hand on his face making him move away.
"Enjoy it while it still lasts." He says grabbing her sketchpad tired of looking around."Hey!" Thecla yells out in anger trying to reach out for the sketch pad."You want this?" Arthur asks waving it infront of her face a distance she could easily grab yet she could barely scrap it with her fingers. He swiftly gets up stopping her even more from touching the pad. "Come and get." Thecla could only glare. She didn't want to run especially now that she was used to the warm sun on her skin. "Arthur I am not ten moons old. Go get yourself a pet. Give it back peacefully."  "I just want to see. No harm there." He shouts turning the pages of the pad seeing different well drawn pieces of art all in black and white. Just like her he thought.  "No stop!" She yells standing up from her position. She did not want to chase this overgrown boy but she could not let him see what she was working on. "Feisty go calm yourself doggy." "Am not your dog you scoundrel, Arthur!" Thecla shouts before jumping on him startling the male. Arthur loses balance trying to hold on to her making him fall with her. The fall was so fast they could barely register what was happening only upon noticing their lips touching one another was when they quickly separated. Thecla gets off him so fast avoiding his eyes as she fixes her hair. Arthur was stunned at their so called small
' accident ' and quickly get up too. They both look around seeing all their friends too busy napping to notice them and the whole incident that occurred. "Thanks no witness." Thecla thinks to herself. "You don't tell anyone, you get it." she warns grabbing him by his collar. "On one condition I get to see this." He threatens smiling to himself. "Fine." Thecla hands over her sketchpad after fixing it from the damages caused by their fall. The brunette takes a seat in the tall grass getting even more comfortable  looking through the pages of paper. She was talented, it was them the details were just so on point if they weren't on paper one would say they were alive. All that by a mere single tool. There was Jayden, Ori, Olivia, Oden, herself and himself though not complete.

"Compliments to the chef this deserves an award. Too bad I can't give you any." Says Arthur surprised with a turn of a new page he before he could finish Thecla quickly grabs the book walking away from him she could not let her see the blush decorating her skin ."Yeah! Yeah don't exaggerate it let's get back she says walking towards the others. Arthur looks at the strawberry blonde smiling at how delicate her drawings were how she was able to get every feature right was just amazing each and her not acknowledging how wonderful her work of art was.

It was getting late, the sky was beautiful on top of them. They could each feel like the stars above was talking to them as they twinkled up high. They new they had to leave but according to Oden's schedule night time was best since the guards had already shifted duties. The night duty roaster change occured at exactly 9 so they had to be alert. "What time is it?" Oden asks out of the blues waking up from his short nap caused by the pain he kept trying to avoid the whole afternoon. "Time for you to buy a wall clock and hang it around your neck." Olivia slaps Oden with her victorious sarcasm. This is why the boys avoided asking her questions. Thecla and Oriela try hard not to laugh but it was next to Impossible for Arthur as he tries to hold himself together, I mean seriously a wall clock. "It's almost midnight." Arthur announces
"MIDNIGHT!!" "Oh! My Maker,my dad is going to kill me." Oden says standing up preparing to rush out.
"My mom is going to strangle me. " Oriela states getting up as well." Lucky for me you know cause I don't have parents." Olivia says taking her time standing up. Everyone looks at her in
'Why would you be happy about that?' look. "Okay let's go. You two kiss, the rest of you say goodbye." Olivia commands. "See you tomorrow. Hopefully."
The group separates each going their separate ways. Oden takes the girls to the spot kisses Oriela one last time sending her off reluctantly.

Oden arrives at the palace a little too late as he intended somehow he wanted assume his dad was asleep he had to be even with the old man's insomnia. He passed by the dark living room only to be stopped by the turning on of bright lights. He is awake.  Oden shuts his eyes hoping it's all in his imagination he wasn't looking for a lecture in the middle of the night or early in the morning your pick. His father sat there at his favorite brown leather seat waiting. Waiting for him.

"Where were you?" "Me." "No, the Turkey in my stomach, of course you." "I was in my room. ( Yawns) dead asleep I needed some water......." " You slept fully dressed to go to a club. So hard to buy that don't you think my little Oden." Xander notifies a smirk playing across his lips as if saying let's see how you get out of this one. My little Oden when did he last use that Nick name. He can't remember, everytime he did the sarcastic king took his throne followed by the lecturing queen. "Calm down old man I mean I was I was busy at the public library."
"Okay you do love to read, I guess I can buy this." "Good." He states proud that he can get out of this one barely scarred with a single word. "I wasn't born yesterday, get back here." "What if yesterday was today and today was tomorrow and tomorrow was today's yesterday in your time clearly declares that it means you are technically not alive yet."utters Oden confusing Xander even more. His father throws him a puzzled look his head muggled up like a tumble weed. "Oden just go away before Khalifa and your brother send me to a mental institution." "Extra!extra! WOW KING XANDER OF THE ALPHAS INSANE. News headlines get the lastest on the alpha royal family. Get it while it's still hot." "Go away." Xander was not in the mood for his son's stupid puzzles and his continuous jokes. Oden takes his time to his room laughing at his father's anger. He didn't enjoy torturing his father that overburdening guilt still weighed on his shoulders staying up at night to watch over him, checking his room at night to the point he started sleeping naked to chase him away. It's almost like he knows something he doesn't or he is just making up for the lost time he made when he treated him unfairly. Maybe that's it.

As he stands in front of the mirror removing the bandages covering his wounds, they had started to itch he could feel the tightening of his muscles and skin. He hated the way it felt he hated the healing process. Upon fully opening it he traces his hands to the pink curved lines in his abdomen he should be grateful to the Maker for keeping alive. For the first time in history being alive made sense to him. He continued observing the pink lines watching them disappear fully. Didn't the doctor predict he would heal up nicely the day after tomorrow. Too tired to answer his own questions he changes and falls deep into slumber. A blessing is a blessing. Preparing for day two of freedom.

Xander stands in the kitchen dining room questioning his leadership as a as a king and as a father. All this years guilt preyed on him like a leech to blood. He suffered everytime he looked at his son's eyes. Those grey eyes his wife held. He betrayed his promise to her when she was pregnant with him. "I'll always protect him he has nothing to fear." A nice comforting promise he set aside to bully his son so that he can comfort himself. So that he can forget she died for this nation. With the threats of the bloodhound he is scared for his sons especially Oden. At eleven moons old before he sent him away at thirteen, the boy would get strange dreams, he would scream at night so loud the dead could definitely, his mother could hear. He was always by his side watching his eyes turning black as coal staring into the abyss calling out for a savior. How could he save him from his dreams. At twelve they got worse to the point he would bleed from self creating wounds. Someone was cutting him in his dreams in the morning they would disappear. Of course he would completely forget it by morning. He could barely protect his son from s simple dream how can he protect his nation from this new darkness growing inside the walls of the two kingdoms. Sometimes being a leader brought out other fears not only power. With that power there were responsibilities slapping his face over and over. A servant to the nation. The biggest servant. The dead bodies, the rogue teens urgh! sometimes Xander just needed a break something leaders were not allowed to have.

Oriela manages to jump up to her window and go in to her room with leap. The pitch black assured her she was safe but was she... Out of nowhere the pitch black room is replaced by blinding light and that familiar angry face. "The window, seriously."

Her mom complains staring at her daughter who is as confused as her mom still struggling to open her eyes from the shock of bright blinding lights. "MOM!!....... How is your night? Sleep well." "It's more like morning. Where were you at this time of the morning." demands Griselda folding her arms around her chest. " Well long story cut short I was nowhere far from our kingdom." "Uh-huh! And that's what is supposed to save your ass." "Language mom." "Don't language me I am the queen here and you should start behaving like one who is next in line. If you are passing through windows the Maker knows what other teens pass through." "Am sorry Mom. This will not happen again. I promise." Oriela gives her mom the puppy eyes hoping it would work. The woman could never be mad at her for too long she was her pride and joy, her comfort. "I am sorry I don't like being hard on you because it's not right. It's just that you hold the Ora the key to saving the wolves, you are the next in line. That monster that is out for blood. There is a lot on your plate. Rush decisions Will be made in your life and you will have to be ready for them okay. Have fun I won't stop you cause time to have fun with your friends will stop and I don't want you to regret it. Just make sure you use the front gate next time alright."
"Thanks Mom." The two hug tightly letting each other's warmth embrace them. She was right the time for fun shall soon diminish and the time to do as she pleased will end once she starts working fully for the kingdom."Go get a shower you stink of alpha fur."
"Alpha fur?!" "Goodnight, wait it's morning whatever sleep tight."

Oriela was always grateful to the Maker and Luna for a mother like her. Always understanding and caring. A gift not many had. She always made her forget she needed a father. That's why disappointing her was never on her list of duties.The comment makes her a bit self conscious as she sniffs herself to confirm her mother's words. "What alpha smell?" she takes of her shoes and jumps on her bed with new memories to think about of her happy afternoon in Oden's arms and her friend's company. And how she loved it. Aaaah! This boy makes her go crazy but you are not the only one complaining even her wolf feels like pouncing out of her body and rush over to find the boy. 'I can never replace you.' " he whispers in Oriela's ear. Security assured. Ori smiles at the statement happy to know she is irreplaceable. She screams in her pillow acting like she is 10 moons old. Man was she happy, too happy.

"Good morning!!" Eden yells in Oden's ear making the boy pull the sheets on his head.  "What is wrong with you?"
"Wake up!" "Why, what time is it?" The dark haired sits up staring at the male. "Late. Now move your lazy ass. So how far did you go just to get fresh air." Judging by how late his brother stayed out last night drew in concerns for Eden. Being his self proclaimed keeper he always felt obliged to be there for him. Yesterday he was not today and the rest to come he was going to be there for him. "None of your business." "Oh! really. Are you still mad at me?" "Mad at you NO! Why would I be... Oh! Wait I know you almost got me to sign my death certificate before I could turn forty."
"Uh-huh! Will you let that die down, dad will kill us both if he finds out." Eden chuckles jumping on Oden's bed.
"And....." "And what?" Oden clears his throat pouting like a ten year old oh!so cute. That's the brother he loved. "Am so..." teases Oden grabbing his pillow covering his mouth. "What I didn't quite get that." "Am sorry." "Now did you choke while saying that. You are no longer the obedient Oden we knew and loved." "We as in plural" "Khalifa and Valvida and dad" "Ha! What are you trying to do kill me with jokes...this is what we are resorting to.... And dad. look at you walk away I need to shower." he mimicks Eden. Eden just loved getting his brother annoyed.

Oden is about to take of his towel when he notices the brown haired he wolf still lurking in the corner. "Eden can you get out of my room. I don't need you looking at my manhood." "Something has changed about you, you are not the Oden I knew." Eden suddenly states drawing closer to his brother checking for his temperature.
"Obviously I am a lot of inches taller with a handsome face and an attractive body that kills every girl and boy I don't discriminate when it comes to just staring, that walks next to me and oh! I am not 8 moons old any more." Oden sarcastically answers his questions pushing his him away. "No, that's not it." he super speeds to his brother,who holds on to his towel harder than before. All Oden could think is what is wrong with this idiot standing in front of him breathing like a charging rhino. "As much as I'd like to stand here and have this moment with you, which is quite disturbing might I add I prefer to have you out of my room so that I can dress up." "What have I not seen?" "Puberty take it's course." Eden doesn't move at all and it irritates Oden even more "Urgh! that's it." He does the most unacceptable thing unexpectedly. The young one let's go of his towel showing what his father gave him." Eeew!! Oden cover up" Eden complains while leaving the room shielding his eyes from witness his brothers private parts. He almost trips on his feet getting a chuckle from Oden. The embarrassment is worth the lack of PTSD from that horrific view . "I was doing that....... brother?" Oden turns back to his wardrobe enjoying the feeling of victory over his brother as he shuffles through his clothes. "What to wear? What to wear?"

Downstairs Oden meets a grinning brother who is busy stuffing his face with eagle eggs like his life depend on them. He must have been super hungry to risk his windpipe getting stuffed by mistake. Just like a curse Eden starts coughing trying to clear his airway. He knew it this must be his brother trying to commit murder in the most absurd way possible.
"Will you slow down one could say the Maker invited you at his banquet of death . Food is not helpful to commiting suicide you know." He warns him passing over a glass of cold water as he observed his brother come down from that scare. "Huh! Hahahahahahaha! very funny." Eden mocks throwing a piece of meat at his brother. "What the hell Eden ?! Food is precious. You should have thrown the spoon" Oden complains in between fake choking his brother. Eden laughs at the cute attempt to amuse him. Oden, he missed his little brother. The light to his shadow.
"You trying to kill me. This is new."
"Attempted, I attempted. You on the other hand were almost successful. I wonder what they would read out loud in your eulogy died from eagle egg. That would be fun to read don't you think?" Oden mocks grinning at his brother  settling  down in the opposite side, away from the hungry he wolf drowning him to eat more and more. He was afraid at this rate he might end up being in his digestive tract.

"We are going somewhere?" Eden says excitedly with food down his throat. The dark prince was not having any of it especially not after what happened last time. "Nop I'll pass. The last time you said that I ended up in an alley dying." "Are you a spirit...flesh, bones all check to me so what are you?......A zombie?" Eden asks while inspecting the younger.
"You fool I would rather die than end up being a zombie Yuck!!" "Are you coming with me to check on Veron." He suggests making Oden flash him a 'yiu are insane' look. "How dare you mention that bastards name to me. Are you mad brother did you see his claws and how about the strength he has, he is not our daily hullabaloo. I am not going." Oden stands firm with his refusal. He did not want trouble not after what almost happened to him. Veron was just a street attention seeker that they can deal with, this new veron this scam bag, with red eyes that was no veron. That was a message from the bloodhound.  "Fine fine I rest my case." "And you are also not going for your own safety or I'll tell Dad." " Is that a warning I hear."
"Ha! A warning? It's more like I will kill you in your sleep kind of threat, the kind that is all bark no bite." Oden whisper shouts throwing a piece of bread on Eden's face."Thirteen years Eden I tattle tale nowadays. Ha! now whose laughing." Eden glares at him ignoring the evil deed that has just been committed to him."Fine I won't go you can relax." he assures leaving the table.

After sometime Xander, dressed in his royal pajamas joins Oden who is still half way through breakfast. "Where is your brother?" Oden has the sudden urge to shove ' Am I brother's keeper' into Xander's ears when he decides to let them have a peaceful meal at the table. "He went out." "Without you?" Oden chokes at the words coming out of his father's mouth. What does he mean without him. Are they attached to the hip. "What do you mean
'Without you' it's like you were praying to get rid of me." "No I wasn't." Defends Xander stuffing his face with the choice of today's breakfast buffet eagle eggs. "Lier!" Oden spits out suddenly changing his father's facial expression to stiff and cornered  "Maybe I was." "Well too bad. But don't worry I am not staying." He stands walking away then stops at the stairs and goes back to the dining room. "Aren't you gonna ask me where?" "Nope." "Not even a curfew?" "Nope." "Okay..." He stares at his father in a confused way. This man, this rare species of a father wants to allow him to do as he pleased. No there must a joke growling to happen. He just needed to be patient. One....two.... three. Nothing .


What happened to the man who almost chocked him with his eyes last night. "What type of father are you trying to be right now. Is it the cool dad or the annoying dad, cause am kinder confused." "Oden can you just leave. You wanted to be a man go be a man. I know you have a girlfriend and I would like to meet my new daughter in law someday." "No I don't old man. How do you know am not doing something else." "Like what. Feeding the chickens beyond 5pm. Am not stupid Oden now go." "Wow! what a temper?!" "Midnight snacks that's what the chicken would say if they could defend me."

Xander's behavior had really struck a nerve. What was that, that was making his father act so strange. The man he knew who would prefer to leave him with pigs . That's it the end of a careful father to a careless one. This day is different, the weather is beautiful no trace of thundering clouds or a fire storm. He never even got the be safe or have the safe sex talk he always shares. What happened? Is he spying on him. No he is too busy for that, the man just enjoyed taunting him with his classic jokes.

"You mean to say a whole you has never ridden a bicycle ever not even once." " Oden the more you keep on saying it the more it doesn't help with the situation." Oden chuckles as he aids the princess on his own mountain bicycle. "Okay the basics we need to get your balance first, this are the brakes make sure you use it to stop." He explains as he helps her out with getting on the contraption. Pointing to the important parts like the brakes and the bell. He aids her in keeping her feet on top of the peddles slowly guiding her allowing her to get comfortable. Riding a bike was never the easiest to learn but once you get it it was the funnest things to do. It felt free for the male. An equivalent to transforming and running through the woods under the full moon. So he was willing to teach Ori help her get that feeling as well.

"Hey!" "What?" Arthur blurts out "I haven't said anything for a while." Olivia brags hitting Arthur's arm earning a loud whining sound from a very angry brunette. "By any chance did you have to hit me to say that?" Olivia just smiles at herself for getting to annoy Arthur who was busy staying still as a statue for Thecla as promised."Arthur will you try as hard as you can not to move." Thecla instructs trying to get a better angle of Arthur's face. "Sure if you'd get Olivia to stop pissing me off." He partially accepts only to grab her sketchpad. Not again this time he doesn't run, he looks at the sketch only to see a half done drawing of himself. It was pretty good down to the last detail. He wanted to congratulate her like last time instead he ends up doing the opposite. He did enjoy seeing her grumpy face, it was one of the cutest things about the red head female.

"Oh! No no no!" Arthur suddenly yells standing up dramatically from the green ground holding the sketch of his face. "What?!" Thecla spits out standing next to the guy. "Everything is wrong. You didn't capture my muscular face, shinning eyes and I don't look that fat." Olivia and Jayden look At him and burst into laughter. What was he talking about not himself that's for sure. "Pass it over...... Muscular face?! My Maker Arthur the irony is just so real that it's funny. Ever since you got out of claws academy you've downing those fried eggs now have you. You do know it's not good for your digestive system." Olivia mocks in between laughter while comparing the sketch to his face. "I haven't been eating fried eggs....... only. "Thecla did a good job. Captured that stupid look." "You are impossible." Thecla states taking the sketchpad from him.

"ORIELA!! Watch out for that tree!!"  Oden shouts running after the princess hoping to get to her in time. He had decided to let go of her seeing she got the hung of it not expecting her to just go straight and not watch where she was going.
"Wohoo! What tree?!" Oriela bumps into the tree before she could even turn. Oriela collides with the hard solid ground pain going through her for a second from the scrapes of her wounds heals fast disappearing before she could even see them."O! That tree." She groans trying to open her clouded eyes. Oden quickly runs toward her, helping her up. "Are you alright?" He inquires helping her up and checking on her countless of times. "Am fine, Oden." she assures moving backwards to stop him from countlessly checking her hands and face. "You sure." "Yes am all healed up see." She assures showing him her hands and knees. "Yeah I don't think you are ready for the skateboard."

"Aww! so cute." Thecla says while looking at the couple under the yellow flowered tree ignoring the small argument that was going on between Olivia and Arthur. She didn't want to play audience to that."I think it's time you pay a visit to our side it's only valid." Olivia defends her out of the blues idea. "No way. I don't like the cold." Arthur suddenly lets out angrily making Olivia seeth in anger. Why is that difficult? "Accomodate. What is wrong with you?! We've brought our asses to your countryside for crying out loud you should to." "Countryside? Jayden back me up." "I'd like to visit your side and to be fair they have come twice." Jayden supports betraying his bestfriend.
"Did I ask for judge fairness in my team. I asked you to support me." "Sorry buddy not this time judge Jayden goes to Olivia." Olivia sticks her tongue out annoying Arthur even more. "What's going on?" Oriela asks as she joins the team of four seeing the argument between the two members of their friend group. They were not alarmed at first but the more Arthur's voice started going up two octaves they could sense it escalating.

"Oden you are not gonna believe what this lunatic just suggested." Arthur childishly complains walking towards Oden."This ' lunatic ' suggested to have you three visit the white side. I mean seriously what do we do here apart from sit on grass like cows. No offense." "All taken. We can't take you around the alpha city with all the rowdy idiots out there." "It's not a bad idea though....." "Sure what part of blending in..." "It's not gonna be that hard to sneak you guys all the way to the iceland park." Thecla cuts Arthur off excitedly grabbing Arthur by his hands shaking them continuously. "The amount of fun you're gonna have." Thecla cheers clapping her hands at the thought."Fine." "All it took was red hair and cute bubbly laugh." Mocks Olivia swallowing her chuckle."Zip it."

"Watching this fools makes me sick to my stomach. But I have to lay low, well until they find the principal's body."  "John you did a good job." The demon congratulates walking around one of the network of caves hidden in the alpha forest. This puts a cold smile across John's face proud of helping his new master, in his hands a bloody knife and on the other hand he holds the head of Peter's wife."My pleasure working with you Mr. bloodhound." "Now that the sacrifice is done. It remains the Ora for this I'll take my time. Veron, the Alpha gangster, you are going to be of good use to me." "Okay sir bloodhound am ready to work with you and so is my team of minions but you need to ensure that what am doing will give results." "You are like a dog asking for a bone from your master after eating your master meat. Don't worry I will satisfy your hunger, you shall have your king's head on a spike. For that to happen stick to the plan." With his cold words of promise Veron nods in acceptance willing to help the smoky shadow. He howls signaling  hundreds of teen pups appear from different directions. "They shall all bear my mark a sign of who I shall protect as we bring down this kingdom." "They are all willing participants as long us you keep them safe." "Don't worry I shall pass down some of my power to them."  "I can only trust you but if you let me down even for a second all this will be over and I shall kill you myself." "It's best to keep that quiet. I have been around for thousand may be more years little boy. Your people are safe."  "The honour of having to work by your side.  Everyone are you ready to take what's yours . we stand togther with the bloodhound. TO THE BLOODHOUND!!" Veron chants "TO THE BLOODHOUND!!"

The rest of the boys repeat lifting their hands happy to have him on board.

The darkness is deeper than any ocean and spreading fast. The elders with no knowledge and the wolves clueless. Everything is going side ways. Smiles fade away slowly as the king and queen struggle hard to think of how to save their people. The war that leads to the end. Drastic measures are about to be taken. Pain and tears are about to fill the kingdom. How long will..,... The team of six be happy? 'ORACLE'.

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