The Tail of the Sword and Shi...

By Laura-the-bard

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NOW GOING THROUGH HEAVY EDITING!!! When the King of Eldoria dies, leaving the throne unprotected, Alkanos, C... More

Dramatist Persona
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook
Chapter 1:The Arrival
Chapter 2: Because You're Not the Sovereign
Chapter 3: Escape By Night
Chapter 4: The Foretelling
Chapter 5: Obtaining Supplies
Chapter 6: Clash of Lances
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook : Dealing in the Wilds
Chapter 7: What Happened to Alkanos Anyway?
Chapter 8: Flying Lessons
Chapter 9: The Fae Realms
Chapter 10: When The Mice Are Away
Chapter 11: What Purpose Does A Sidequest Serve?
Chapter 13: The Abandoned City
Chapter 14: He Found Jewelry
Chapter 15: It's Gonna Get Icy
Chapter 16: Batten Down The Hatches
Chapter 17: The Sword of the Rightful King
A Page from the Eldorian Guidebook: The Dragons Are Our Friends
Chapter 18: The Dragon King
Chapter 19: Negotiations Don't Go As Planned
Chapter 20: Go Get Your Own!
Chapter 21: To Bring Down A King
Chapter 23: To The Gates of Death and Back
Chapter 24: Partings
Coming Soon!
Chapter 25: Getting Some Help
Authors Announcement
Chapter 26: If the River Don't Rise
Chapter 27: To Bring Back A Friend
Eldorian Guidebook : The Underwater Realms
Chapter 28 - The Undersea Kingdom
Chapter 29 - If You Know Where To Look
Chapter 30 - Amazing Who You'll Meet In The Crypts
Chapter 31 : The Wizard of Naming Went on Break
Chapter 32: The Sinking City
Chapter 33: "M" is for Minions
Chapter 34: Reptiles In The Dark

Chapter 22: The Best Laid Plans, of Humans, Sirens, and Dragons

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By Laura-the-bard

Twice before, had Volsair walked through a Fae portal, and both times, he needed a lie down after reaching his destination. As usual, there was a sense of being thrown upwards and downwards.

Then all was still.

Volsair opened his eyes, everyone was in one piece. Everyone was still together, and they were in a forest, not far from the road. Not having time for a lie down, Volsiar braced himself against the closest tree, until the world quit spinning in front of him.

"Oh-my-stars." Alkanos said, his head lent against a tree too. "Stop moving. Stop moving." he growled, sitting his shoulders against the trunk of the tree.

"What was that?" Cordelia asked, she was on the ground, her knees up to her chin.

"Fae portal. It does it to everyone." Volsair managed, his eyes still shut.

"Can we please stay here a good hour?" Alkanos asked.

"Sorry your highness. We're on a deadline. If we weren't, I'd be having a nice long lie down," Volsair said, fighting off a wave of nausea, as he got to his feet. "Alright," Volsair said, still holding on to the tree to steady himself. "We go through the main gate. Cordelia, you'll be turned over to the guards. Once you are separated from the group, start singing, this will allow you to get away. I will stay with Alkanos, since the King will want to deal with him personally."

"What do we do if the King suspects treachery?" Cordelia asked, moving in to a sitting position.

"Then we play it by ear," Alkanos said, getting to his feet. "Like we usually do."

"And no matter what. We protect Alkanos. We can rendezvous in the throne room." Cordelia said, standing up, looking like she didn't' want to go through another Fae portal, anytime soon.

"Agreed." Volsair said, walking over to Cordelia. "In the event this goes bad." He leaned in and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

"Same here," Cordelia replied, kissing him lightly on the chin. Then she said just low enough for Volsair to hear, "Even if you hear me being murdered, I beg you to please, stay with Alkanos, this whole thing hinges on his survival."

"I promise." Volsair said, brushing a stray lock of hair out of Cordelia's face.

Cordelia kissed Volsair on the lips, he smiled and kissed her back.

Alkanos cleared his throat, causing them to break the kiss. "Not to be rude," he said, "But, we have a kingdom to save. After we've done that, you can kiss all you want. Get married, have kids, it's all fine with me. You'd have beautiful children, even without Cordelia being a Siren, taken into account."

"I'm sorry Alkanos." Cordelia said, "I was just telling Volsair, that even with his shield ring, I'm still glad he wore his plate armor."

Volsair couldn't help but smile, despite the sinking feeling of not having his shield ring.


 The walk to the capital was uneventful, the sun had begun its trek across the sky.
The capital itself was quiet, the shops hadn't opened yet, there wasn't even the regular hustle and bustle of an awake city. Even though some in the city was wide awake.

The trio were allowed into the palace with a wave from Volsair.
The palace gates shut behind them with a resounding clang. Just then, they were swarmed by guards, full armor, weapon carrying, palace guards.

"Not taking any chances, now are they?" Alkanos asked aloud, not caring who heard him.

"All this for us?" Cordelia asked, "Makes you wonder how come."

"We'll take her from here. Kings orders sir." A Patrol Captain said to Volsair.

Volsair nodded, and handed the rope that connected Alkanos and Cordelia. Using a knife, the Patrol Captain cut the rope, separating Cordelia and Alkanos. Then Cordelia was led towards the holding cells for processing.

Volsair led Alkanos away, in the direction of the throne room.

Volsair and Alkanos walked to the throne room, their boot echoing through out the corridor. They passed servants and guards, but they all of a sudden remembered an appointment they had.

Neither of the heroes said anything until they were at the closed, thick wooden doors, to the throne room. There they tarried, hanging on the preface of confirming their choices. Volsair's hand hovered over the door handle.

Taking a deep breath, Volsair opened the door.


 Cordelia was led away from the gates to the guard's section of the palace for processing. As they walked, the guard's boots thudded on the paving stones. The guards escorting her, surrounded her on all sides, making an impenetrable wall of humans in armor.

Cordelia clasped her hands, to stop herself from trying to prematurely wiggle out of her bounds.
They walked around a guard house, following the stone path to a flight of stone steps, going down wards.


 The door to the throne room opened with a push from Volsair. Then Volsair stepped though the gap, leading Alkanos.

King Martin was sitting on the throne, he rose when he saw them enter.

Volsair led Alkanos to the middle of the room, where he bowed and motioned for Alkanos to kneel. Volsair held The Sword by the scabbard, the belt wrapped around.

When Volsair rose, he said, "Your majesty, I present to you, Prince Alkanos, and The Sword of the Rightful King." Volsair's gaze swept the room, the three of them were the only ones in the room.

That's odd, Volsair thought, as King Martin made his way down the steps to the floor. The King's footsteps rang out as he approached them, his face a mix of determination and suppressed joy. Where is the Court Magician? Him and Martin are practically attached at the hip.

"The Sword," The King said, his voice restrained, "Give. It. To. Me."

Right then, everything seemed to slow down, time almost crawled to a stand still. Something was off, Volsair could feel it, as he gripped the sword's scabbard. Even though it was part of the plan, Volsair still felt horrid, handing The Sword over to the one they had been trying to keep it from.


 Cordelia was led in to processing. Then it was the whole so fun paperwork, what's your full name, age, and favorite color, thing.

Cordelia surveyed the room when they first entered, there was two doors, both were thick and banded with iron. The one to the right led to the holding cells, and deeper down, the palace dungeons. The door straight ahead led to the rest of the palace.

The guards were an assortment of human, males and females, from all over Eldoria. The guards were mainly stationed at the main desk, that took up the left half part of the room.

When they entered the room, Cordelia mentally started counting the minuets, to keep a sense of time. So far only a count of ten had passed.

A feeling of tense, bordering on anxiety filled the air, to where you could feel it. I wonder why?Cordelia thought, as the guards led her to the desk.

"Name?" The guard asked, hovering a quill pen over the pre-written piece of parchment.
Cordelia took a deep breath, and began to sing her answers. Cordelia used her magic, at the same level she would for a show. Enough that people would pay attention to her in stunned silence.

As she continued singing, Cordelia unclasped her hands, and shed her braided bonds. With the room remaining in stunned silence, she slipped past the guards that surrounded her, and out the door leading to the rest of the palace.

This door led to passage that was a steep flight of steps leading upwards. The passage was dimly lit with a candelabra, which hung from a wall mid-way of the passage.

Continuing to the top of the stairs, Cordelia came to another iron banded door. Cordelia took a deep breath and opened the door.

Before she knew she had said them, multiple swear words came out on impulse.


King Martin took The Sword of the Rightful King, one hand on the scabbard, the other on the sword's hilt. A smile of sheer triumph touched his lips. "The sword. It's finally mine. My birthright is finally mine!" he said, pulling on the pommel, as Volsair and Alkanos watched with baited breath.

"If he draws the sword, do me a favor and end me right here." Alkanos breathed.

"No way...Better yet, Blazes no." Volsair replied in the same voice level as Alkanos.

"And why not?" Alkanos asked.

"Because, I will not be responsible for killing a friend," Volsair said as a smile crept slowly across his face. "Besides, everything's falling into place."

King Martin pulled on the pommel of the sword. The sword refused to move.
So, doing like most people would, the King pulled on the sword, each pull more frantic than the last. After the fifth pull, King Martin handed the still sheathed sword to Volsair, with a snarl. "Fix this. There's gotta be a latch, or, something, you missed."

Not saying anything, Volsair dramatically inspected the sword. All the while Alkanos proceeded to wiggle out of the ropes holding him.

"Let's see now." Volsair said, holding the sword one handed by the scabbard. He tilted the sword pommel towards the floor. The sword stayed in the scabbard.

King Martin glared at the shined flagstones, he pinched the bridge of his nose, as if this simple action, held back his anger.

"Nope," Volsair said, pulling on the pommel with his free hand. "Nope. Alkanos?" Volsair shouted, in one fluid motion as if they were in tandem, Volsair flipped the scabbard so the pommel pointed towards Alkanos.

As the sword flipped, Alkanos rose to his feet, his hands free, just in time to grab the hilt and draw the sword with flourish. "Looks good to me." Alkanos said, watching King Matin, stagger back to the throne in shock. 

What surprised Volsair the most was how the King miraculously avoided tripping over the steps.

King Matin reached behind the throne and pulled out your regular run of the mill sword. Then he stormed down the steps, with murderous intent.

Volsair drew his sword, then him and Alkanos, readied their swords for the fight. 


 Standing on the other side of the door way, was the Court Magician, holding a silk handkerchief, with the hand he was going to open the door with. In his other hand was his staff.

"Tut. Tut. Language, my dear," the Court Magician said, his voice had a slight cultured accent. "So unlady like. Why don't we go back to the guard room, and talk things over? I'm sure we can come to an understanding, as to why you decided to commit treason." His green eyes gleamed, and his perfect white teeth, in the half light seemed to take on points.

"No way!" Cordelia snapped, striking out with an elbow. She felt it connect with something on his unprotected side, but she wasn't sticking around long enough to find out. Doing what she done best in situations like this, Cordelia ran like the Devourer of Souls, himself was after her, taking the most direct way to the throne room.

Cordelia shoved a door to the throne room open with a yell and ran in, the door slamming shut behind her. She arrived just in time to see King Martin bring out a sword.

"Explain to me again, why in these plans of yours, why I always wind up running for my life?" Cordelia loudly asked. Everyone watched as she drew her ocarina from her belt pouch, and fell in with her companions. 

"Glad to see you too," Volsair said, "And that's just how it worked out."

"Glad you made it." Alkanos said.

Then a door to the throne room opened, and in stepped the Court Magician, the door slamming shut behind him.


When King Martin saw Cordelia, he waited to comment until the Court Magician had entered the room. "You, fish." he growled at Cordelia, then turned on the Court Magician. "I asked you to do one little binding spell on her, just long enough so I can execute my nephew. But could you do that?!" he growled, storming down the steps, like a freak thunderstorm in the winter.

Meanwhile, the Court Magician, remained silent, but with a be-quiet you-insolent child.  expression.


 "Did I miss anything?" Cordelia asked.

"Interesting stuff happened. But not much plot development," Alkanos commented, "So not that much."

"Ah." Cordelia said, glancing over at Volsair.

Volsair's muscles were tensed ready to react, but right then, he looked trying to read, what could possibly be King Martin's first move.

When The King had stopped shouting, the Court Magician, placed his staff before him, held by both hands, and said something nobody could hear entirely. All those in the gathering knew, it was probably not good.

An unfelt wind blew the Court Magician's robes and silver hair. His staff became surrounded by a sickly, oily, black light.

Then King Martin changed.


Volsair noticed the change first, it was the King's eyes that gave it away. What the Blazes is that?!  he thought, gripping his sword.

As black ringed around the color portion of the King's eyes widened, Volsair remembered seeing something like this during the Dragon Wars. The Fae would enchant certain fighters, and point them towards the Dragons, and well, the fighters would literally go berserk. A lot of times, the fighter didn't survive the fight with the Dragons, unless they caught them while in human form. King Martin charged, throwing his weight into his swing.

Volsair shoved Cordelia back, saying, "We need magical support. Take out the magician. We'll cover you"

Alkanos blocked the King's initial swing, but Volsair had to block the back swing.

Cordlia played a fast short song on her ocarina. When she finished, a golden light surrounded her, Alkanos, and Volsair, shielding them.


Alkanos honestly felt like he was going to throw up, he was that nervous. But those feelings seemed to flee when he began to fight for his life and for the lives of his friends.

Every time, he thought his uncle would stop attacking, there was another attack. Cordelia's Song of Shielding had helped, but it still felt like he was fending off blows from a hammer. The shield's golden glow flickered with each blow.

Alkanos swiped out. Volsair brought his sword down in a double handed arc.

The King stepped back avoiding Alkanos. Raising his sword it met Volsair's blade. The metal on metal sound rang across the throne room.

Volsair pushed against The King's sword, forcing it down. "You will step down." Volsair growled, emphasizing every word. His face was calm, even though his voice was tense.

"Try me, traitor." The King snarled back, like a rabid ferret. He spun his sword, disengaging from Volsair, and pushed the attack on Alkanos. "Your head is mine, boy." he said, attacking in a flurry of movement.

Alkanos was forced back, blocking or stepping out of the way. But no matter where he stood, he was always in strike range.

Out of nowhere flew an orange and yellow fireball, crashing into the flagstones between them.Alkanos leaped back in shock avoiding the heat of the flames.


 Cordelia stood her ground against the Magician, her fingers flying on her ocarina, piping out as many enchantments as she could. I've gotta break that Berserker spell. she thought, as she missed a note.

That was the opening the Magician needed to fire off the fireball. The blast was the size of a melon and literally burned up the distance between them.

Cordelia dove aside, rolling to her feet, when she hit the floor. She felt the heat of the flames as it passed. She stopped playing for a moment, just long enough to see Volsair and Alkanos avoid the blast.

Cordelia growled, her teeth began to elongate and sharpen. Yes, Volsair was safe with his shield ring, but Alkanos was still unprotected. Cordelia decided against singing or scream singing, it might distract Volsair and Alkanos, leaving them open to an attack. She was watching their backs, it would be stupid to distract them.

Song of Healing. Let's try that. Cordelia thought, skirting to the side, drawing the Magician's fire. It might counter balance the Berserker spell. Cordelia began to play the Song of Healing, but Cordelia played the sped up version. The Magician's hold on the King began to slip, but he still held on.

Got 'cha!  Cordelia thought, as a wave of determination washed over her. As she began to play the Song of Healing again, this time, she poured herself into the song. If this was going to be the last song she ever played, this was going to be her magnum opus.


 When the song finished, the black surrounding The King's eyes began receding. Volsair attacked the King, then stepped back, drawing the King's attention. He couldn't help but smile. There's an opening, exploit it! he thought.



Alkanos took two steps back, then launched himself into the air bringing the King to the floor.

They landed with a crash!, bounced, then separated. Alkanos bounced to his feet, as a groan escaped the king.

The spell had been broken.


Cordelia now had to contend with more fireballs, she danced and spun out of the way, as if she was at a festival.

The Magician looked as if the spell being broken was only a momentary loss.

Cordelia continued to throw musical spells at the Magician to keep him off balance. 


 Alkanos got to his feet, his face a mask of grim determination. "I'm only going to say this once. Walk away from what you've been doing and make things right, so we can be a family," Alkanos said, giving Martin a chance for redemption. "I don't hate you, and you aren't too far gone. You can make things right again."

"You're no family of mine. You reptile." Martain said.

"Suit yourself." Alkanos said. Then in a big motion like he was putting the sword back in the pedestal, Alkanos stabbed The Sword of the Rightful King.

Into the flagstones right next to Martin.

All was silent, the clanging of metal on stone echoed, when the sound died away, Alkanos spoke in a deathly calm voice. "I am nothing like you, I am half dragon, half human, so what? I can maintain a treaty. Eldoria's Champion, and the Court Bard are both my trusted friends. I can rule the kingdom fine without your narrow minded approval."

The throne room was silent, even the fight between Cordelia and the Court Magician had ceased. Then a sound filled the throne room. It started off soft, Pik...Pik...Pik.

The paint from the sapphires, that had forced the gems to glow, had started to chip on their own accord.

Pak! Pik...Pi-ack! Cracks formed in the paint of each stone resembling a sporadically done spiderweb. Pure, clean, blue light, begun to shine between the cracks. Like water breaking free from the ice that held it after a long winter. The sound continued with Pak...Pak! Until it was a loud cracking sound.

The light from the sapphires continued to shine until the paint had completely flaked off. The sapphire in the pommel of Alkanos's sword glowed warmly, accepting Alkanos as its bearer. 

"Congratulations," Volsair said, retrieving the crown from the now deposed King. "The Crown accepts you as the Kingdom's new ruler," He plucked the crown off Martin's head, as if it was an apple from a bowl. "It'll be easier if you just accept it." Volsair said to the defeated King.

Martin for once, remained silent, if he had said what he had to say, in Martin's mind, everybody else was at fault but him.

Volsair skipped the presentation and handed the crown over to Alkanos, who placed the crown on his head. The sapphires continued to shine brightly, declaring their acceptance of him.

"Magician!" Alkanos said, turning on the Court Magician. "Lay down your arms, the battle's over."

Volsair kept an eye on Martin.

Martin, seeing an opening, tried to bribe Volsair, to turn on Alkanos.

The thought of that struck a nerve with Volsair. "Now listen, and listen well, you two faced, sorry excuse for a ruler. I can not be bribed, and I can not be dissuaded from defending my friends, and my King. I know the truth. You murdered your own brother, and tried to kill your nephew, his friend, and a champion. Alkanos might have spared you, but your life hangs in the balance with me." Volsair said, keeping distance between him and Martin.

Alkanos could tell that Volsair wasn't going to do anything unless he ordered him to. He was mainly bluffing about ending Martin, he had  said that to stop Martin from trying to bribe him."

"Volsair, stand down. We have another to deal with." Alkanos said, walking to the Magician and Cordelia.

"Cordelia, what's the fight's status?" Alkanos asked.

"Almost done sir." Cordelia replied. She readied her ocarina again. "Just a quick binding spell, and he's all ready to hand over to the Fae."

The Magician smiled coldly, then raised his staff. The charge of magic filled the air.

The Magician brought the butt of his staff down on the flags.

Alkanos moved to intercept the Magician, before the Magician could finish charging up his spell. Before he could take three steps, an unseen hand hit him in the chest and chin, sending him into the air, flying backwards. He dropped to the floor, a few feet from where he had been. The last thing he felt when he hit the floor was a sharp crack! and all went dark. 


 When the wave hit Volsair, and Cordelia, they moved with the blow, landing as to not smack their heads. When they were able to look around, the Court Magician was gone. The glowing shields surrounding them were also gone.

"GUARDS! GUARDS!" Volsair shouted at the top of his lungs, "AFTER THE MAGICIAN! TREASON'S BEEN COMMITTED!"

There was the sound of horns being blown, and bells clanging in alarm, as the sound of frantic booted feet ran outside the throne room.

"Alkanos." Cordelia said, turning onto her knees and scrambling to Alkanos, picking up her dropped ocarina as she went.

Volsair picked up and sheathed his fallen sword as he raced to Alkanos's side. Blood was beginning to pool behind Alkanos's head, matting his dark hair. His eyes were closed, but, he was still breathing.

"He's hurt." Cordelia said, tears beginning to rim her eyes. She fell to her knees beside Alkanos.Volsair sat on the floor, and began to carefully examine Alkanos's head.

Finally, Volsair said, "Cordeila. Will you play that song you played earlier? He's going to be okay, but I have to start the healing process. I need him to remain calm." Volsair's voice was even, his lips were set in a determinedly calm line.

Cordelia removed her scarf and handed it to Volsair. " To help stop the bleeding." she said.Volsair nodded, took the scarf, and folded it over until it was slightly larger than his hand.

Then Cordelia began to play The Song of Healing. She had seen battle before, she had seen people hurt and bleeding before. But this, this was different. This was her friend, the friend she had worked so hard at trying to protect, just for him to crack his head on the flags. That was why she was crying, that was why she was hurting. It was because her friend was hurting.

The healing process felt like hours, but it was only a couple of minuets. Volsair used some herbs from his herb bag, and held them to Alkanos's torn scalp, using Cordelia's scarf. All the while, using the sheer force of his will, to will the blood to stop and for the skin to begin to knit together.

Cordelia continued to play the song. From how it sounded, she had decided to play, until Volsair, the attending healer told her to stop.


Everything was dark, not even Alkanos's night vision could help him. Alkanos felt himself slip between a dream like state, and almost awakening.

Where am I? Alkanos thought, vaguely aware he was floating. But over what, he did not know. Have I died? The last thing he remembered was hitting his head. Then seeing all black. Cautiously, Alkanos looked upwards. Above him, seemingly miles away, was pure white light.

Have I died, and I'm now in Limbo? Alkanos thought, not moving, just hovering, between the light above and the darkness beneath.

Then the light started to grow in size. Alkanos started to move upwards to the light. 


"Come on. Come on." Volsair muttered, keeping the pressure applied to Alkanos's head wound.Cordelia was playing the Song of Healing, for the fifth time. Each note sang with force, the magic of the song, affecting everyone.

Alkanos groaned, slowly opeing his eyes. "What happened?" he managed.

As the music faded, Volsair said, "You hit your head." He then held up two fingers in front of Alkanos. "Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?"

"Two." Alkanos said, focuseing on Volsair's fingers.

"Guess your skull is harder than mine. You gave us quite the scare." Volsair said, checking Alkanos's head. Volsair nodded his agreement, the skin had finished knitting together. The herbs he had applied, had worked their magic. They were now dried out and shriveled, devoid of color, like leaves in mid-winter.

"You'll be okay, just go see a healer if you start feeling, dizzy, lightheaded, or drowsy." he said, helping Alkanos slowly sit up.

Cordelia put her ocarina back in her belt pouch, wiped her face with her sleeve, and smiled. "We need to bring the Court Magician back, because of the promise made, but for now, we rest."

"I agree. Just one thing," Alkanos said. "Martin is arrested for treason."

"I'll get the guards who are still loyal to you, and have that done within the hour." Volsair said, getting to his feet, still holding on to Cordelia's scarf. He would make sure it got washed before he gave it back.


And that's it for now! Hope you liked it, please fave and comment if you liked it. If you didn't I am open to constructive criticism. 

'Til Next Time!
~ Laura-the-bard

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