I am... (Barry and Sebastian...

By Zana_Zoola14

173K 3.7K 1.2K

Just some one-shots of Barry Allen is Sebastian Smythe. A range of different one-shots, a couple of two-shots... More

You're the Captain!
Messing with them is so easy
I'm French
Huming and some singing
Running from my heart!
Revenge is best served cold
Running from my heart! (extended)
I am Sebastian Smythe!
Some dance lessons
Drama time
Sandi Hawkins Dance
Barry Allen in high school, ha right!
A Shifter's Problem
A day in a night of singing and dancing
Bonus, Kara is Marley one-shot
Stand even if you can't
Your knees please!
Stand even if you can't (extended)
Just some playful singing to stop the fights
A million dreams of a battle
But its cold outside!
Dance to find all love
I'm Glad You Came
Animals truely Animals
Wanting with Seb
To bring the Captain out of hiding
Visit time
Taken for a swing around the park
Little time in the CCPD
Excape through song
Little time in CCPD (extended)
Excape through song (extended)
Together in crime
Batman is not always needed for death in red
Together in Crime (extended)
Being forgiven feels nice
I can't do this on my own
Alligator on a minibus
Calm but strange
Why does life do this?
A little game of chase
Run to the Hills
A little game of chase (extension)
The Chemist (goes into details that some may not want to read)
A little game of chase (Extension of an extension)
The funeral of a brother
Lets go skipping to the captain (but there is so many now)
Not gonna die
Don't stop me now
Flash-Backs to the lessons!
Ex-Warbler Lessons gone wrong
Song List Three (Wattpad is toying with me now I swear)
Prison, extract
Another new extract for the 'For A Life In Prison' book
Prison Extract
Extract for 'For A Life In Prison'
New Book
Yet again, this is not a new chapter

You would think that you would know my name by now

2.1K 54 22
By Zana_Zoola14

Kara did not know how to explain this. Nor did Barry. 

They were facing the New Directions and the Warblers. Luck did not seem to like them. 

Just out for a drink at a local pub after defeating some crazed villain that meant that Barry needed Kara's help. They thought that the environment of the pub would be good for them. When they said 'they', they meant Team Flash and Alex. It's not so relaxing and good for them when the sweet burn of liquor does nothing to their livers and their brain functions. 

So now they were faced with the looks of the New Directions and the Warblers... Who for some reason or another decided that teaming up together and forgiving the past would be a great way to find their missing members. To them, it seemed like it did, for Kara and Barry... it seemed like the worst decision in the world. 

Oh, also that Snart now had the Flash and Supergirl out to get him. But that was not important. 

During the middle of the wonderful conversation that they were having, both Barry's and Kara's phones rang, their screens showing their respective sisters. 

"Hey, Iris... What do you mean that you have seen the perfect opportunity to take our group to? Oh... The Warblers and the New Directions are in town and have a show together... Sounds wonderful... Oh, it's in a week? Can't wait!" Barry talked with fake enthusiasm. 

"Hey, Alex... Wait, you want to get all of our group here and to watch this amazing thing in a week? ...New Directions and Warblers... Yeah, of course, I will be there. Can't wait!" Kara said at the same time as Barry her voiced equally laced with fake enthusiasm.

"We're dead..." They both spoke simultaneously, their heads ringing against the metal table.

The collective group of members chuckled at the two's misfortune. 

"Now would you like to inform us of who Iris and Alex are? Lovers perhaps?" Blaine asked the two of them when they had finally calmed from their mental crises. 

"Eww!" Both of them explained before saying together again, "they are our sisters!" 

Yet again there were some chuckles from the groups presented before them. Nick could not stop his laughter at both the misfortune and the fact of the sister as well as the fact that it had happened to both of them. Kurt was overly joyed by the pain that Barry seemed to be in.

"I thought that your sister wasn't called Iris and that you did not have a sister?" Blaine asked them. Receiving a low chuckle from both and the collective group to go silent at the new information. 

"Long story short. My mother was killed when I was eleven, father sent to prison wrongly for her death. Adopted by the Wests... Bullied to when I was sent off... Nearly died through drugging and other sorts... Then was adopted by the Smythes, my uncle... Then I moved back as Barry Allen to Central City. She is an alien, sent from her dying world and is from another dimension and got adopted when she was found without a family here, she is now called Kara Danvers," Barry summarised quickly - not far away in speed to becoming his speed talk but still able to be understood. "So... Any questions?" 

"Yeah? Why are you not drunk yet?" 

And like that the evening was filled with joyful laughs again. 


"Are you sure that I have to do this?" Barry asked Nick.

"Yeah, you are acting as an ice breaker. You are going to perform a song with someone with the New Directions as to show that we are not going to go back to how we used to be and stay as how glee groups are meant to be in the first place," Nick replied, gently pushing him towards where his family was sat.

His family was sat in the front row after mysteriously getting VIP seats and backstage passes from someone for the New Warblers - as they were nicknamed at this show. They didn't question it, even when it turned out that the tickets were real.


"You sure that this will work?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, you will be our ice breaker and the final answer to the agreement that we have with the Warblers. You will be performing a song with someone of their choosing to say that we will be staying and not turning our back on our agreement and change back to how we used to be," Unique explained to Kara.

"You sure that it has to be me?" Kara asked, desperate for a way out of it. 

"We are all sure that it has to be you."

With that, Kara was being herded towards her family who also had managed to be gifted VIP seats and backstage passes. They kind off questioned it but passed it off when they saw that Barry's family had also got those same tickets.


Both Kara and Barry sat in their respected colours and uniform. Both with a light jacket over the top so that their families would not realise what was happening. Neither knew that the other would be the person that they would be singing with. Both their hairs were also done, but the others only thought that was for the fact that the show was calling for a more formal look from everyone. 

Unique and Nick walked onto the stage, their groups never normally found so close together unless in completion. There weren't any mics up there, so instead, they had some handheld ones in their hands. 

"Well, we have a surprise here for you all," Unique started.

"One member of each group is going to sing together," Nick continued.

"They don't know who with..."

"Or what song."

"Just that they will be singing a song together to show off our arrangement together." 

"This arrangement was created between our two groups to try and find some members of our groups. These are Marley Rose and Sebastian Smythe. Tonight you are lucky as both have been found and are currently in the building. Whether they sing with their old groups..."

"That is up to them. So I give you What's My Name from Descendants 2." Unique finished before the pair walked off the stage. Herself going left, while Nick going right.

Suddenly, the music started, fueled by both groups voices but this was not known as they had not yet made their way on stage to show everyone. 

This is all hands on deck
Calling out to lost boys and girls
I'm gettin' tired of the disrespect
We won't stop 'til we rule the world
It's our time, we up next! 
(next, next)
Our sail's about to be set
(set, set)
They ain't seen nothing yet!
Tell 'em who's in charge
So they don't forget

Kara started to sing, making her way onto the stage, he coat falling off and showing her colours. The surprise was written across all of their faces - none more than Barry's. 

What's my name?
What's my name?
Say it louder!
What's my name?
What's my name?
Feel the power!
No one's gonna stop us
Soon the world will be ours
What's my name?
What's my name?
What's it, what's it?
Say it loud!

The New Directions walked onto the stage, showing themselves to the crowd. 

(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuuma)
All eyes on me, let me see 'em
(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuuma)
What's it! What's it!
Say it! Say it!

The New Directions started to bounce on the spot, facing the opposite direction to what they entered the stage, where there was currently more singing orienting from. 

(Uma, Uma, la la Um-)
(Uma, Uma, la la Uma)
(Uma, Uma, la la Um-)
(Uma, Uma, la la Uma)

Marley had taken the place of Kara now, her stage presence increasing with every cord. 

I'm the queen of this town
I call the shots, you know who I am
I don't need to wear no fake crown
Stand up to me, you don't stand a chance
It's our time, we up next!
(next, next)
My crew's as real as it gets
(gets, gets)
The worst is now the best
And leaving us here
Will be their last regret

There was more singing, but this time it came from somewhere in the audience, it was unable to be directed to anyone, as they were all focused on Marley and not the appearance of another singer.

What's my name?
What's my name?
Say it louder!
What's my name?
What's my name?
Feel the power!
No one's gonna stop us
Soon the world will be ours
What's my name?
What's my name?
What's it! What's it!
Say it! Say it!

It seemed like the singers on stage were preparing for something... Only the people that knew the song by heart were able to realise what was about to happen. 

You know what they say
Bad girls have all the fun
Never learned how to count
Cause I'm number one
Ready here, we come
We always get our way
It's a pirate's life, every single day
She's the captain, I'm the first mate
Enemies seasick can't see straight
Call 'em fish bait, throw 'em on a hook
Uma's so hot they get burned if they look
It's all eyes on me, let me see 'em
I see your eyes on me boys, hey!
You know what my name is
Say it, say it louder!

When Barry stood up his coat falling off and revealing his uniform, more shock and surprise was going around the different groups. He quickly took to the stage, taking the height in one giant leap. 

Hook me!
(Ha, ha!)
Ho! Woah!
Come on!

Falling straight in Sebastian, the pair danced around each other. Their power radiating and joining together to fill the awestruck crowd. 

What's my name?
What's my name?
Say it louder!
What's my name?
What's my name?
Feel the power!
No one's gonna stop us
Soon the world will be ours
What's my name?
What's my name?

Suddenly the Warblers made their appearance onto the stage, joining the New Directions in their bouncing, facing towards them and away from their entrance spot. 

(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuuma)
All eyes on me, let me see 'em
(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuuma)
What's it! What's it!
Say it! Say it!
(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuuma)
Ooh, say it louder!
(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuuma)
Ooh, say it louder!
What's it! What's it!
Say it! Say it!

Together, the two groups gave the desired effect, before facing out towards the crowd, moving around until their groups were merged together. 

(Uma, Uma, la la Um-)
(Uma, Uma, la la Uma)
(Uma, Uma, la la Um-)
(Uma, Uma, la la Uma)
(Uma, Uma, la la Um-)
(Uma, Uma, la la Uma)
(Uma, Uma, la la Um-)
(Uma, Uma, la la Uma)

With one final part. The song was finished and the two groups were fully mixed on stage. They were all left panting and facing the crowd before the claps rang above all chance of hearing oneself think. Everyone's smiles - maybe a small smirk for Sebastian but that was about it for the smirks - lit up the stage far brighter than any of the lights shining down on them. 

Both Sebastian and Marley looked to each other as they heard their respective groups leave the stage, catching the pair of mics that were thrown their way. With one last glance at each other, Sebastian took up the mantle and started to speak into his first. 

"Thank you for coming up to this performance. Now to clear up any confusion. Here, I may be called Barry Allen, but there - with the Warblers - I have a different name. This name is Sebastian Smythe. I was their Captain and together we won nationals all the time. After I graduated I came back here, that is why they came to find me," Sebastian said before silently signalling for Marley to do the same. 

"Now, following on with what Meerkat here has said," Marley started before being paused by a huff from Sebastian. 

"I thought you said that you were going to stop saying that?" He whined to her - igniting snickers through the crowd. 

"When you stop smirking, that is when I will stop calling you Meerkat and Bassy," Marley said, receiving a playful glare from the man in question before she continued, "as I was saying before I was interrupted. Here I am known to my friends and family as Kara Danvers, but there - with the New Directions - I am known as Marley Rose. I also disappeared after I graduated and came back to being Kara Danvers - they came here to find me." She explained to the crowd, a lot of them showing a look of understanding on their faces. 


The night continued with an evening of singing and dancing, each person taking their respective places in their group. Marley going around singing her favourites and Sebastian going around singing lead in his group. There was even 'Dark Side' being thrown in there as a surprise. 'Smooth Criminal' was used to show them what the two lead singers - at different stages - could do together and the fact that the two groups wanted to fully hear what they called the best duet to ever happen in the world. 

Now the final song that they performed - just for old times sake - was 'Bad'. Though there was no incident of having someone rushed to a hospital, there was still the banter that the song had previously and the echoes still rang through the whole building, even though it was not a car park. 

Imagine that Kara had her name set up here so that if someone was to go looking, there would be records of Kara Danvers on that Earth - the Marley Rose ones already being there as that is where Marley Rose was from. 


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