Lies [✓]

By kenswriting

120K 3K 7.9K

[Max X Reader]"Just tell me the truth, and no, not the 'truth' Max, I mean the REAL truth! I'm sick and tired... More

Bloopers & extra scenes


3.1K 90 164
By kenswriting

Since I wanna wrap this story up this chapter will be prom! (next will be Y/n's birthday.. Then something, that might be considered sad.) also woah 1k-

You took in a deep breathe, and quickly exhaled. "Nerris, are you sure I look good? I feel so fat in this." You sigh. You wore a (f/c) dressed with a black bow tied around your waste, so it showed off your curves. "You look gorgeous Y/n." She smiled at you.

"Thank you, you do too." You smiled softly. "I'm still shocked Harrison asked you, I can't believe you two are finally starting to get closer!" You giggle. "Shut up... But like I know right?! The way he asked me too- Oh my god." Nerris gushed.

You giggled. "Let's go." You smiled. She nodded her head, suddenly you heard the door bell ring. "That must be them!" You gasp.

Max insisted on picking you up, and since Nerris was getting ready with you she told Harrison to pick her up at Y/n's house

You giggled, the two of you made your way down stairs. You open the door and there stood Harrison. "Nerris are you- Woah." Harrison blushed when Nerris stood in front of you. "Aha- Hey!" She smiles.

"You look-... Amazing-" He gushed. "T-Thanks... You look good too. We're gonna get going, see you at Prom Y/n." Nerris smiled as the two of them left.

You were a bit sad that it wasn't Max but, you brushed it off. You closed the door and waited.. seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to-

Ding dong

It was barely five minutes until Harrison and Nerris left, you quickly made your way over to the door and opened it. There was Max, dressed up in a suit. "Hey- damn." He blushed. "Pfft, oh shut it. Love the tux by the way, you look cute in it." You giggle.

"Thanks..." He mumbled. "Sorry it's hard to comprehend your beauty." He smirked. "Oh shut it!" You blushed and giggled. "Okay okay, let's go."

You walked out and closed the door, locking it behind you max snaked his arm around your waste as you guys walked to Camp High.


The party looked... Somewhat nice. The music was easy to dance to, the lights were going everywhere. It was actually kinda decent for a run down school.

You saw Tabii and Neil laughing together, they seemed to be be happy. Max noticed you looking at them and smiled. "You know, Neil had a big crush on you. Right?"

You blush. "Really? Woah. To think, If I confessed things would have been so much more different then now." You mumble. He looked at you, did you... Wish you were with Neil?

"But I'm glad I'm with you." You turn to him and give him a peck. "I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend." You smiled. "I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend." He grinned.

"Would you like some punch, princess?" He asked. "Oh so we're going with nicknames now, blueberry?" You giggled. "But yes, I would." You smiled. As he poured you some punch a slow love song came on.

You glanced at him, he sighed with a smile plastered on his face. He put his cup down and turned around. "Care to dance, my lady?" He grins, sticking his hand out for you to take it.

You roll your eyes with a grin. "Okay okay, let's go." You grab his hand. He spins you around and onto the dance floor, you dance in the middle of the room.

People were whispering.

"Don't listen to them, just imagine it's just us two here.. dancing..." He whispers softly. I make sure I don't step on him.

"You're a good dancer, surprisingly..." You mumbled the last part. "Could say the same for you." He smirks. You roll your eyes. "Your so cute sometimes, you know?" You say. "Cute? Me? I'm badass, you on the other hand, are cute." He smirked.

"You? Badass? Pfft." You giggled. "You wish you were badass." You smirk. "Oh you know I am." He moved closer to you. Your arms were around his neck, while his arms were around your waist.

"Just like I know that I love you." You giggle and give him a soft kiss, it only last a few seconds and you pull apart. "I wonder, how did we go from enemies to this?" You ask. Max shrugged. "I don't know, but honestly... I'm glad we aren't enemies anymore." He smiled.

"Yeah... Me too."

Before I end this chapter, all I'm saying is I'm working on three other different Max X readers. I won't say much, but I do want this book to have a sequel. Which I can make possible but It will have to come out after those books are done.

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