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Prom was super fun! You enjoyed your time there, dancing with Max made your heart skip a beat. You loved him so much.

Today was your special day! It was a saturday, and you were chilling in your room. Your dad was sadly busy, but he left you a gift on the table. It was a figure of [favourite character] from [favourite show]!

You had put it in your room earlier, right now you were chilling in your living room. Watching some Your lie in May. When you got a message from Nerris.

Meet me at my house, ASAP!

You were confused, but quickly got dressed. Putting on your shoes you walked out the door and locked it behind you, you ran over to her house (it was far but not too far)

You quickly knocked on the door. No response. "Hello?" You ask. Nothing.

You slowly turn the knob, and realize it's pitch black. "Okay yeah nevermi-"

Immediately all my friends from school jumped up as the lights came on. "Happy birthday Y/n!"

You filled with delight, you felt so happy and tears welled up in your eyes. "Thank you so much-" You mumbled.

Nerris walked in front. "Did you do all this?" You ask. "Not without the help of..." She paused, and Max stepped up. You hugged him. "Thank you so much! And thank you too!" You turned to Nerris.

"Now, let's get the party started!" Yelled Preston.


You were eating f/c/f cake when suddenly Harrison pulled out a small gift bag, he handed it to you. "Huh?" "It's my gift for you." You smile. You take it and open it.

It was a golden ring, and had f/c gem.

"Woah! This looks so cool- is it real??" He nods his head, you gasp. "Thank you!" You smile. You quickly put it on your finger.

"Wait, we're doing gifts?" Asked Preston. You shrug. "I guess." You mumble. He handed you a box. You opened it.

Inside was a bracelet. It had the words "Best friends" written on it.

"Aww! This is so cute, thank you so much Preston." You smiled. He nodded his head and bowed.

Nerris have you hers next. It was a small box, smaller than the other two.

You open it carefully, and it revealed a necklace. It had the [your zodiac] sign on it in f/c.

"Woah! Thanks Nerris, it's so pretty!" You hug her. You pull back and she gives you a smile. You sit back down and see Max walking over to you.

Max smirked and handed you a large box, it was the biggest. "Saved the best for last." He grins.

You open it carefully

It was..

A violin?!

You gasp, tears threatening to spill. You don't even touch it before leaping into Max's arms. "THANK YOU!!!" You yelled into his chest. He chuckles and hugs back. "It's a thank you, for everything you've done for me." He smiles. You pull back and kiss him.

You pull back from the lack of air, you flash him one more smile before letting go of him

Short chapter because this is coming to an end

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