The Thief's Stolen Heart

By Gingerassassin

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Adalynn Caine. The daughter of a rich man. Reece Graves. The con who wants her money. She is his next target... More

Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Two

772 32 0
By Gingerassassin

"Rise and shine, Adalynn. You've slept long enough." Miss Sanders yanked the curtains open, spilling bright sunlight into the room. "It's 12:30, for heaven's sake."

Lynn fished herself out of her pillows, pushing her hair out of her face. "Ugh, I feel like death."

"Well you were kept up past two last night."

"Surrounded by people." Lynn threw herself out of her bed and waddled over to her bathroom. Her feet were sore from last night.

"Adalynn, you need to shower and dress quickly. You have visitors."

She snorted. "Me? No one visits me."

Miss Sanders sighed. "You're part of the Black Palm Industry. When your father has visitors, you do."

"Please don't tell me they're waiting." Lynn braced herself.

"A family is here for lunch. I believe you met them last night."

"I don't remember the hundreds of names from last night." Lynn shut the bathroom door and jumped into the shower, scrubbing away her sleepiness.

When she emerged she dressed in black skinny jeans and a ruffled green blouse.

"Everyone is in the library waiting for you." Miss Sanders informed as Lynn grabbed a hair brush.

"Oh, man. Dad is probably not happy with me." She brushed her hair and braided it over her shoulder. "Thanks, Mama Sanders!" She rushed out.

"Your shoes-!" Miss Sanders held up a pair of sandals but Adalynn was already gone.

The library was quiet, even with the conversation flowing between the older men.

Reece was more than bored as he lounged against the far bookcase. Normally jobs like this were simple and easy to accomplish. All he had to do was give rich daughters a winning smile and the rest was easy.

But with Adalynn last night, she seemed to hardly take in what he even looked like. She would be a bit more difficult.

"Whoa!" Adalynn suddenly slid through the door, skidding to a stop. She seemed like a different person with her casual clothes and a messy braid flopped over her shoulder.

Reece was a bit surprised.

Lynn quickly composed herself. "Sorry, I didn't quite realize how late it got." Her eyes swept over the room. Mr. Caine sat on one of the arm chairs and three older men sat in the remaining furniture. One she recognized as Mr. Graves.

Then she noticed a young man leaning against one of the shelves. He wore black pants and a white buttoned shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. It was Reece, the one she snapped at last night.

Lynn willed herself not to flush with embarrassment.

"Ah, Adalynn." Mr. Caine motioned her over. "Finally awake, I see."

"Sorry." She apologized. "Rough night."

Reece instantly noticed her bare feet. No shoes. Again. She was going to be difficult to figure out.

Mr. Caine nodded toward the guests. "You remember the Graves family, yes?"

Adalynn nodded politely, her practiced smile surfacing. "I do. Good to see you all."

"Since we do not know each other well, the Graves have come to spend the day with us. We'll be having lunch out on the patio in just a moment." Mr. Caine rose to his feet. "Shall we, gentlemen?"

The group all rose from their seats and followed Mr. Caine out.

Adalynn followed behind and Reece fell into step beside her.

"So, miss Caine, it seems you had a late night." Reece began, looking down at her. She was much shorter without her heels.

"Yes, I went to bed around three." Lynn was a little confused. Guests never talked to her. "Listen, uh, Reece. I'm sorry for snapping at you last night."

He shrugged. "You expressed your feelings. There is nothing wrong with that."

Lynn's cheeks warmed a little. There was something wrong with that according to her father.

Reece noticed her sudden silence. He dared say this one thing. "Yet you have a good fake smile that you use at all times."

Lynn flinched and her eyes snapped to his. "How- I mean, what are you talking about?"

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about, Adalynn. You must have practiced the smile for years."

Annoyance flickered.

"Well, I must do something, or I'll truly look miserable."

"That smile makes you look shallow."

Lynn screeched to a stop, anger now boiling up.

Reece stopped as well, looking far too comfortable and cocky.

The other guests didn't notice and the two were alone within moments.

Lynn crossed her arms. "Do you have some sort of problem with me, Mr. Graves?"

"I'm merely trying to understand you, Miss Caine." Reece was sort of amused at Adalynn's anger. She looked like an angry rabbit.

Lynn huffed. "I'm not shallow, nor am I a snob. That's all you need to know."

Reece fought back a growl. She was reinforcing the walls before he could even get to them. "Adalynn, I'm a concerned peer. That's all."

"Well your concern is unfounded." Lynn marched past him.

Reece gave a deep sigh. "Well don't leave on that note, Miss. We are scheduled together for the day." Thanks to his grandfather.

She stopped again, dread filling her insides. "Is that so?" She faced the irritating man. "I'm sure you're thrilled."

Reece coughed a little. He didn't want to, but he had to get close to this girl. "It'll be a pleasure, Miss." He offered his winning smile.

Lynn's lips twitched. "Seems you have a fake smile as well." She marched away.

Reece was frozen for a moment. That smile always worked. He could get girls to fall at his feet with that. But Adalynn... He was going to have to use every weapon in his charm arsenal.

He prowled after her. Today would be interesting.

* * *

Lunch went smoothly, but Adalynn was not prepared for the rest of the day. She was not prepared to hang out with Reece Graves.

Mr. Caine and the other men all agreed to go golfing, which left Reece and Adalynn to fend for themselves.

The two looked at each other as the men drove away.

Lynn chewed her lip. "So... How old are you?" Dumb question.

"That's what you start out with?" Reece chuckled. "I'm twenty."

"And you have nothing better to do? Shouldn't you be off partying with friends?"

"You should be too. Yet here we are." Reece raised an eyebrow. "So? We have all day what are we going to do?"

Lynn tapped a finger to her chin. "Hm. I know. You go entertain yourself, and I avoid you." She turned to leave.

Reece caught her arm. "As fun as that sounds, Princess, that is not what we'll be doing."

Lynn glared at the hand holding her. "You're quite bold, Mr. Graves. Now hands off."

He kept his face neutral. So this rich girl has spice. Alright. He released her. "So, Adalynn. What shall we do?"

Lynn wasn't used to this. She had a lot of fun things in mind. None of which she felt like doing with Reece, or showing that she enjoyed. She had to keep her father's image.

"Reece, I'm giving you the freedom to leave and do as you wish."

"And I'm not taking that freedom." He countered. He was going to let her take the lead. That way he could learn about her and adapt to her liking.

Lynn fished for ideas. What was something everyone did? "Let's go to a movie."

"Any particular movie?"

"Whatever is at the theater. So who is driving?" Lynn asked.

Reece pushed back his annoyance. She just had to be vague. "I'll drive."

Lynn was tempted to drive separately. But Reece would definitely have something to say about that.

"Lead the way, Mr. Graves."

Reece let out a small laugh. "Just call me Reece, Princess."

"Oh, alright, Reece Princess. Didn't realize you wanted to be royalty." Lynn said casually as she followed him to his black Mustang.

"Very clever, Princess. But you'll have to find a different name. Princess is already taken."

"By who?"

"You." Reece opened the door for her.

Lynn rolled her eyes and climbed in. He was good at this game. She would just have to beat him at it.

Reece plopped in and started the car. "The nearest theater?"

"Yes. That place has the best popcorn."


Lynn cringed. She just gave away that kernel of information.

"Your name can be Tall and Arrogant."

"Too long, Princess."

"Alright then, Toad. It stands for Tall, Overly Arrogant Drama King."

"One too many words, or not enough letters."

Lynn growled. "Oh, whatever, Toad."

Reece hid his victorious grin. At least he could get some sort of a reaction out of her.

When they entered the theater, Adalynn slapped a fifty into Reece's hand. "Two seats and popcorn if you want. I'll be right back."

Reece watched as Adalynn vanished into the bathroom. Alright then.

When Lynn emerged, she quickly found her friend, Sammy, who worked at the theater.

"Hey, Lynn." Sammy greeted. "I noticed you came in with someone." She looked across the lobby. "Who's the hotty?"

Lynn wrinkled her nose. "Hotty? You mean the oaf?"

Sammy laughed. "Girl, are you blind? That man is delicious. Look closely."

Lynn dared look back at Reece, who was standing in line for popcorn. He was tall and... How did she not notice before? Unlike most guys his age, he was very muscled under that white shirt. His dark hair looked incredibly soft too.

He suddenly looked over and Lynn whipped her head back to her friend, face burning.

Sammy didn't bother to hide her staring. "Mind if I take him off your hands?"

Lynn blew out a breath. "Please do. It'll rid me of this headache."

"Is he a rich boy fighting for your hand? Girl, you're living the dream."

"Sammy, being here with him is... An obligation. He'll be gone by tomorrow."

"Who will be gone?"

Lynn yelped and jumped, nearly slamming into Reece.

He held the popcorn at a safe height. "Princess, you're very jumpy."

Sammy was staring in awe and wonder as Lynn struggled to compose herself.

Reece looked at the two girls. Adalynn's friend was looking at him the way he got his targets to. So he hadn't lost his touch. It was just Adalynn that wouldn't fall for it.

"We're in theater two." He handed Adalynn her ticket and popcorn.

Lynn gave Sammy a look that screamed shut up. "Thanks. See you later, Sammy." She grabbed Reece by the arm and dragged him away.

"Was that your friend?" Reece asked casually. "She seems nice."

"Uh, yeah. She is." Lynn was now acutely aware of Reece and his every move.

"So what were you saying? I heard something about someone being gone."

Lynn wanted to smack herself. "Just a guy she knows, that's all. He's traveling."

Reece huffed a small laugh. "Lying is not a talent of yours, Princess. But I won't push you."

Lynn wanted to die.

When the movie started, Lynn put the man next to her far out of mind and tried enjoying it.

But Reece's are kept brushing against hers, sending a jolt through her every time.

Reece was doing it on purpose. That usually got girls more invested in him than the movie. But Adalynn wasn't falling for that. It was frustrating, yet Reece only felt the need to try harder.

As the two left the theater, Reece was ready to lose his mind. Adalynn wouldn't even look at him, let alone give him the attention he was trying to get.

"Enjoy the movie, Princess?" He asked, looking down at her carefully.

Lynn shrugged. "It was okay." She was making a beeline for the car, ready to get home. As she reached for the door, Reece caught her wrist, surprising her.

"Done already?"

Her angry green eyes finally met his brown eyes. "You really need to learn to not touch me." She snatched her wrist back.

Reece was beginning to feel lost. How was he supposed to get this job done? He pretty much tried everything. He braced his hand against the car, leaning toward her. "So, Princess, it seems you are purposely hiding things from me."

Lynn's cheeks flushed a deep red. He was persistent. "Hiding what, exactly?"

"Yourself. Everyone sees the elegant, robotic side of you. I'm trying to see past it."

Lynn instantly felt the need to defend herself. "If I am anything but that, I will be instantly judged and ridiculed. The daughter of a rich man can't have any interests, and she can't express her emotions or speak up. She just needs to sit there and look pretty and perfect." Lynn stopped herself, realizing she was practically yelling.

Reece had no way to respond for a moment. He didn't realize he would get her to react, let alone rant. And part of him... Felt bad for her.

"I'm not one to judge and ridicule."

"You're not... Trying to get a story out of it? Adalynn Caine likes doing this... Terrible thing?"

"No, I'm not after anything." Reece almost smacked himself. He wasn't after a story, but he was after her money.

Lynn relaxed a little, but a small part of her didn't believe him. "Okay. Sorry for... Yelling. I just... Get scared sometimes."

That caught Reece off guard and he softened. "I'm sorry, Adalynn. That sucks."

She relaxed more. "Yeah, it does."

Reece unlocked the car. "Hop in. I'll take you home."

Lynn dropped into the car and fiddled with her braid. That was the first time she was honest with anyone aside from her three close friends.

Reece wordlessly started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. He admitted to himself that he was wrong about Adalynn. She wasn't a shallow snob. She was just a girl who feared showing her true self. That hit him in a way that surprised him.

No, he couldn't feel bad for her. Now he had a way to get to her. If he allowed her to open up, the job would be as good as done.

"So what do you like?" He finally asked.

Lynn didn't feel like sharing. "Um. I chose the movie so now it's your turn to choose what we do."

Reece couldn't stop his grin. "What do you think about surfing?"

Lynn cleared her throat. "Uh, I've never done it before. And it's too... Uh, public. The media would see me."

"Oh, come on, Adalynn. You have to try it. I know a nice little spot along the beach. It's secluded. No one will see you."

She snorted. "Perfect place to murder me, right?"

"That's a dark way of thinking, Princess. But no, I will not be murdering you. I will be teaching you how to surf."

"Good luck, Toad. See, I can't really swim."

Reece raised an eyebrow. "You have a giant pool in your back yard. You don't use it?"

Lynn was turning red with embarrassment. "I don't really have the chance to. And if I'm being honest, I... Don't even know if I remember how to swim."

Reece glanced over at Adalynn. She looked almost ashamed. He wasn't supposed to feel pity for his targets. But... He shook his head. He could use this to his advantage.

"No need to worry, Princess. I'll refresh your memory. We'll go surfing later."

"Really?" Lynn was mystified. "You are really okay with spending your time helping me swim?"

"I'm just fine spending the whole day with you. Besides, my friends don't party until after sundown." He joked.

They pulled up to the mansion and Reece turned the engine off. "Go get your swim suit on. I'll see you at the pool."

Lynn pushed the door open. "Wait, I don't want to make you drive home to get your suit."

"And I wouldn't. Mine is in my trunk. I always have it since I never know when my buddies will feel the need to go surfing." Reece was surprised at his own honesty.

"Oh. Alright then. I'll... See you at the pool then." Lynn climbed out rushed inside. She couldn't remember if she even had a suit to change into.

"Mama Sanders?" She called.

"In the kitchen, Adalynn!"

Lynn started up the stairs. "Do you know if I have a swim suit that fits?"

Miss Sanders followed after her. "No yelling across the mansion. And yes, I believe your father got you a black bikini a few months ago."

Lynn coughed. "I don't have a one piece?"

"No. Why, dear? You don't usually swim."

They reached her bedroom and she stormed into her closet. "Reece Graves and I are scheduled together for the day, and he wanted to teach me how to surf. But I only learned how to swim when I was what, seven? And I haven't actually give swimming since-" Lynn stopped as her mother came to mind.

Miss Sanders sighed, handing over the two piece suit. "I know, darling. So he's helping you to swim better?"

"I... Yes. Oh, it's humiliating." Lynn groaned, taking the suit.

"So why did you agree to it?" Miss Sanders asked seriously.

"I-" Lynn stopped. "I don't know. I guess he's very convincing."

Miss Sanders winked. "Or it's because you actually want to have fun." She left the room.

Lynn growled with annoyance and changed into the bikini.

For a moment she stood in front of the mirror. She felt too exposed. Lynn was fine with how she looked, but... Not in front of Reece. She couldn't bring herself to wear this in front of him.

Lynn grabbed a baggy, white T-shirt and threw it on. That made her feel better, and she was just fine getting it wet.

She knotted her hair up into a messy bun and grabbed one of her fluffy, blue towels.

After mentally preparing herself, Lynn took a deep breath and made her way out to the pool.

Reece was sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet dangling in the water. He was beginning to feel a bit impatient. Why did he volunteer to help her?

The glass door behind him slid open. "Is the water cold?"

"It's quite nice, actually." Reece turned to Adalynn. He stopped short when he saw that she was wearing a baggy, white shirt. He couldn't stop the small laugh that escaped. That was cuter than seeing her in a skimpy bikini like his other targets.

Lynn crossed her arms consciously and tried not to admire Reece's well sculpted body. He wore red and black swim trunks and nothing else. Of course, don't be stupid, Adalynn. She scolded herself.

"What are you snickering at?"

"Nothing, Princess. It's just that people usually wear swim suits into the pool."

"I am, actually. I just... Have a shirt over mine."

Reece lowered himself into the pool. "Okay, I'm not going to question you."

Lynn put her towel on one of the beach chairs and walked around the edge of the pool.

Reece followed along. "What are you doing?"

"Starting at the shallow end, obviously." Lynn reached the four foot area and tested the water. "It's cold. You said it felt nice."

Reece was amused by this whole thing. "Just get in. You'll see how it feels."

Lynn sat on the edge and then lowered herself in. She blew out a breath. "It's still cold."

Reece swam over to her and she was grateful for the coverage the shirt offered.

"You know, Toad, I'm- I'm just fine hanging in the shallow end."

"Nope. You can't stay there forever, Princess." Reece grabbed Adalynn's arms and began backing toward the deeper part.

"Reece." Lynn braced her feet against the bottom, trying to resist. "I- I need to practice, don't I?"

"I'm the teacher here, Princess." Reece easily pulled Adalynn deeper into the water.

When Lynn could no longer feel the bottom she internally panicked and she grabbed Reece's forearms tightly. She closed her eyes. "Uh-"

Reece couldn't help smiling at Adalynn's reaction. "Relax, I've got a hold of you."

Lynn was hating not knowing how far down the bottom was. She nodded. "Yeah. Uh, just don't let go."

"I won't." He watched her carefully now that her eyes were closed. Her cheeks had a tinge of color to them, and she had his arms in a death grip. "Princess, are you scared of water?"

Lynn's eyes opened at that. "Do- do you blame me?" She realized just how close she was too him. He was warm.

The blue of the water made Adalynn's eyes brighter and Reece had to bring himself because into focus.

"You won't be scared much longer." He assured. "But you won't learn if you stay stiff as a board. Relax."

Lynn noticed the depth sign: 12 feet. "How can I? Just... Take me back to the shallows."

Reece twitched an eyebrow. "You'll have to go back yourself. Or you're stuck here."

Lynn glared at him. "Toad, I swear-"

"No, you're here now. Your stubbornness won't win this time." Reece tightened his grip on her arms. "I've got you."

He was right, Lynn knew it. And she wasn't drowning...

She gave a small, sheepish laugh. "I think I forgot the definition of relax."

"Okay, would it help to close your eyes?" Reece tried.

Lynn nodded, glad to close her eyes.

Reece allowed her time to relax. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off her. Her shoulders slowly relaxed and her grip on his arms loosened.

Lynn focused completely on the cool water surrounding her body. Her muscles relaxed.

Reece began moving through the water, pulling her along. "Okay, we're starting simple. Start kicking your feet. Not so much that you create a tsunami, though."

Lynn followed his order, holding on a little tighter.

"That's good. Just keep going." He moved around the pool, allowing her to get used to it.

Lynn was feeling a good rhythm. "Okay, uh, what else?"

"Don't panic, Princess. I've still got you." Reece let go of one of her arms and moved beside her.

Lynn could feel Reece holding her left arm but she froze up. "Reece-"

"Keep going, Adalynn. You're okay." He held his free arm under her. "See, look I won't let you sink."

Lynn opened her eyes to see that he was indeed ready to catch her. "Okay, okay."

"See? Keep going." Reece continued swimming.

Lynn was beginning to remember from when her mother taught her so long ago as she focused on the movement of swimming.

Reece slowly began letting go. He wasn't even having to instruct her. She was doing well.

"Good job. I'm going to let go, but I'm right here."

Lynn nodded. "Yeah, I can do this."

Reece let go, watching Adalynn closely. She was swimming, shakily and slowly, but swimming. He moved along with her, grinning. "There, see? Not bad, Princess."

Lynn smiled. "I knew I would remember eventually."

Reece felt a jolt of victory. "There! I finally saw your real smile."

That knocked her back and she lost her focus and floundered. Fear froze her again. Water sloshed into her mouth as she sank and Reece instantly caught her. She coughed as she caught her breath.

"You alright, Princess?" Reece asked. He realized he had his arms wrapped around Adalynn's waist from when he grabbed her, but he didn't move.

Lynn covered her face. "I'm sorry. I'm so useless."

"It's okay, Adalynn. I made you lose your concentration. You're not useless." Reece really did feel bad.

Lynn became aware of how Reece was holding her closely by the waist, and her face heated. She pushed back a little. "Um, thank you."

Reece loosened his grip. "We can be done if you want."

Lynn nodded. "Uh, yeah. Sorry."

"Okay." He pulled her over to the edge. "Don't worry, Princess. You just need some practice."

She nodded and pulled herself out of the water. The shirt stuck to her body and she realized that she had chosen a shirt that was see through when wet.

Reece didn't see why she was shy enough to wear a shirt over her suit.

Lynn crossed her arms. "Don't stare, Toad."

He smirked. "Sorry. But you should have chosen a different color." He climbed out of the pool.

Lynn quickly turned away. She didn't need to see more of his lean muscles. It was bad enough when he was mostly covered by water. She grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself.

Reece grabbed his own towel and dried himself off.

"Thanks for the... Swimming lesson." Lynn finally managed.

"No problem." Reece looked at Adalynn, who was wrapped in her towel and shivering. "You can swim, Adalynn. You just need practice."

Lynn knew he was ready to leave. Yet, she was about to say this. "Are you hungry at all? There's... I know there's ice cream in my freezer."

Reece grinned. "That sounds nice. I'll just get changed."

"I will too." Lynn moved for the door. "I'll meet you in the kitchen." She quickly retreated.

Reece caught himself. For a moment his job, his real objective, was far from his mind. He had seen and been around several pretty girls, but he never got distracted from his true goal: taking their money. Yet with Adalynn... Something was different, and that was bad.


This chapter was longer, sorry about that. But it was fun to write. Hope you enjoy (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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