
By ellabella201

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After remembering her missing summer Ela finally understands why the Circle has been hunting her down. She an... More

The List Keeps Shrinking
Back Home Blues
Coming Home
Prisons, Shootings, and Mental Breakdowns
An Assassination, Then An Invasion, Now Both?
Escaping the Career Fair
The Untold Story Of Alex and Ela
Prison Break
Long Live The King
The Truth Hurts, Doesn't It?
I'm Trying To Fix It
And Everything Went Black
Until We Meet Again
Code Black
Go Be Happy
It's You

Rescue Attempt

726 49 12
By ellabella201

As I paced back and forth by the window, I never thought that I’d actually be back here again. Well, I thought I’d be back here again, but I didn’t think it’d be this soon. And as in soon I mean within months. I looked out at the beautiful city and just thought to myself how crazy this is.

“This is crazy!” I mumbled to myself.

“This is absolutely crazy.” Jade agreed.

“Incredibly crazy!” Bri said shaking her head

“It’s a whole new level of crazy.” Dee added.

“Shut up you guys.” Jess snapped at us. “When Ela packed up and came here it was perfectly fine, but now I do it and it’s crazy.” She yelled.

“For one Jess, you guys did say I was crazy back then just like this so don’t even start on that bullshit with me. For two, I had to find out what happened to me over the summer and that was the only way for me to do it. Third, we had freaking adults with us. I had adults who were trained to be in high risk situations like this. Also, this is a very dangerous place for me to be right now seeing that the Circle still freaking wants me! With Reed’s dad on the inner rankings it’s like I’m practically walking right into their hands. But instead of freaking thanking me and the rest of us for coming here with you you’re fucking snapping at us. You need to calm that shit down right now.” I snapped back at her. 

“If you get taken by the circle you know Alex is just gonna get you out!” She retorted.

“I’m done. I’m getting on a plane and I’m going home. You wanna act like this you can do this without me. Bye.” I said before walking out the hotel room. I got to the elevator before Jade caught up to me.

“Don’t go. I’m not trying to get killed and you’re the only one who can get us in and out of this city alive. I know Jess is being a supreme bitch right now. Just get Reed and get out. After all, Reed is your friend too.” She said convincingly.

“Fine.” I mumbled before walking back with her to the room.  I walked in and Jess opened her mouth to say something. “Don’t speak.” I snapped at her. “If we’re going to do this we’re going to do this my way. You are going to listen to me and you’re not going to say anything.” I said to her. She nodded her head slowly. “Ok, so here’s the plan. We’re going to have to go to Reed’s school. Class is in session, but I know his schedule and when they switch classes. So, Jess, you’re going to come with me into the school during lunch time. I already have two of his school uniforms with me, you’re welcome. So, we’re going to sneak onto campus, go into the cafeteria and get him out. We’re going to come back outside and place him in the van. Now we’re going to have to change him completely. Different clothes and everything. Where are we going to get these different clothes from you ask? I already bought a change of clothes for him. I know his size. Once we change him we’re going to have to scan for any tracking devices. Once we remove the tracking devices we’re in the clear. And it’s all smooth sailing from there. We just have to get him to the airport where we already have our flight waiting for us and fake passports. Then we’re home. Done. This has to be smooth and efficient people. There’s no room for mistakes if we want to get Reed home.” I finished looking around at them.

“Ok.” They said in unison.

“Ok.” I repeated. Jess and I changed into the uniforms. We put on dark brownish black hair wigs. I put on green contacts while Jess put on hazel ones. Jess had her wig in a ponytail while mine was just in loose curls around my body. Jade drove the van. The van was one of the vans with the two front seats and then the empty back so we would have to sit on the floor, which wasn’t a problem.  She was used to driving in European countries. She drove us to the school, just as the lunch bell rang. Jess and I hopped out of the van and rushed inside the school. Kids were walking outside and inside so we blended in nicely. We got into the school and I followed the crowd of students to the cafeteria. I stopped one of the kids walking outside.

“Do you know a Reed Jacobs?” I asked in Italian.

“Yes, who doesn’t?” He replied with a slight laugh.

“Do you know where he sits for lunch?” I asked again.

“Last table on the right.” He said nodding over in the direction. I immediately spotted him.

“Thank you so much.” I replied gratefully.

“Anytime beautiful.” He replied before walking away. Jess and I made our way to Reed.

“Reed.” We said in unison. It was kind of weird when he was surrounded by his friends and all of them were looking at us.

“Reed, who are these beautiful ladies?” One of his friends asked looking at us. “I’m Marco. And you are?” He said with the Italian dripping from his voice. 

“Maria” I said smiling.

“Adrianna.” Jess said mocking my smile.

“Well Maria…” He said kissing my hand. “And Adrianna…” He said kissing Jess’s hand “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He said with a little wink. The other guys at the table started laughing. Reed just rolled his eyes. “Reed, how did you not tell me you knew such beautiful ladies?” He asked staring at Jess, causing her to blush.

“They’re my friends and they are both taken. So back off.” Reed grumbled at Marco. “I’m going to go see what they need. I’ll be right back.” He added before grabbing both Jess and my hands and leading us to an empty table far away. After we sat down he looked at us. “What are you guys doing here?” He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

“Listen to me very carefully Reed. You are in danger. We’re here to save you. You have to leave with us right now.” I whispered seriously.

“Why? What’s going on?” He asked looking between us.

“Do you trust us?” Jess asked grabbing his hand.

“Of course I do.” He replied and I could see him getting a little more relaxed.

“Then we have to go. Right now.” I said seriously.

“Ok.” He replied nodding. We smiled before getting up and walking out of the cafeteria.

“So, both Ela and I are taken? Last time I checked Ela’s the only one in a relationship… or two.” She said smirking at me.

“Two?” Reed asked shocked.

“It’s a long story Reed. I’ll tell it to you later.” I replied rolling my eyes. “But I would like to know who Jess is taken by.” I replied teasingly.

“Yea, me too.” She replied nodding. “Unless you just said it because you got jealous.” Jess said in a sing songy voice.

“Aww little Reedy is jealous.” I said in a baby voice.

“I’m not jealous.” He replied clenching his jaw a bit.

“Well, if we’ve settled that you’re not jealous and I’m not taken. Then you wouldn’t mind if I talked to your friend Marco in there, when this whole situation is sorted out.” Jess said innocently. “Because he was pretty hot, wasn’t he Ela?” She said smiling.

“Oh yea, but you see. I already have boy troubles I don’t need anyone else, but you jess. You have no boy problems. You’re single an ready to mingle.” I replied winking at her.

“Indeed I am.” Jess said nodding. Now Reed’s fists were clenched.

“Can we please stop talking about this?” He groaned.

“Nope. This is…” Jess started before Reed interrupted her with a kiss. Aw! It’s about damn time! I smiled. She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck. Before he pulled out.

“If I ask you to be my girlfriend can we quit talking about this?” He asked resting his head against her forehead.

“Yea, I think that’s a fair trade.” Jess said nodding.

“Jess will you be my girlfriend?” He asked looking at her.

“Maybe. I’m gonna have to think about it.” She said with a smirk. “Let’s go.” She perked up before wiggling her way out of his grip. He stood there looking shocked.

“Let’s go lover boy.” I said smiling before beginning to walk. We walked outside. We hopped in the van and Jade took off.

“Hey Reed.” The girls said in unison.

“Hey girls.” He replied smiling.

“What’s new?” Jade asked speeding up a bit.

“Well, I got taken out of school to be taken to an unknown location. And oh! I asked Jess to be my girlfriend and she turned me down.” He said nonchalantly.

“I didn’t turn him down I just told him I’m gonna have to think about it.” Jess said rolling her eyes.

“Same thing.” Reed replied before Jess tackled him and started undressing him. “First you turn me down, now you’re ripping off my clothes? You’re giving me mixed signals here jess.” Reed added smirking.

“Goodness Reed. Yes! Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.” Jess said before pecking his lips.

“Ok. You can continue undressing me now.” He said with a goofy grin on his face. I rolled my eyes at them. As Jess undressed him I dressed him with the new clothes. We threw the clothes out the window. Bri scanned for trackers and the machine started beeping.

“Crap! Where?” Bri asked.

“Contacts! His eyes. Reed take out your contacts now!” I yelled at him. He did and I threw a pair of his old glasses, that I found in his backpack, at him. Once I threw the contacts out the window everything stopped beeping. We all let out a sigh of relief before Jade spoke up.

“We’re being followed. Black cars. Same as the Circle’s.” Jade said pressing on the gas.

“Shit.” Jess said while I turned to Reed.

“Every word that’s coming out of my mouth right now is the truth and I can show you proof when we’re safe, but as of right now you just have to believe me. You remember that evil organization I was telling you about they are still after me and now they are after you. You’re dad’s on the inner rankings of this organization. He’s the reason I got taken by them during the summer. Well something bad is going to happen and you are in a lot of Danger. Everything you thought was true wasn’t. We are the only people you can trust right now. We are the only people looking out for you. Reed. I promise we’re not going to let anything happen to you. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. I just need to know right now if you trust me with your life.” I said with my hand on his shoulders.

“Ever since the elevator.” He said with a smile. “And I have been noticing my dad has been acting strangely lately. Very secretive. I believe you and I trust you with my life. Just tell me what you need me to do.” He added nodding.

“Great. That’s all I need you to do. Trust me and you do.” I said smiling. “Let us out.” I yelled over to Jade.

“What? No!” Jade said shocked.

“Trust us. Just pick us up by Reed’s house.”  I said to them.

“Ok.” Jade said. Jade slowed down and Reed and I jumped out before taking off running. Reed took the lead weaving in and out of allies and throw crowed sidewalks. Along the way I threw off my wig.

“We’re almost there.” He said to me pulling me up a little. I didn’t realize it until now that he had been holding onto my hand. Even though we’d been running for a while I didn’t even feel out of breath. 4 a.m runs. It’s funny how the training I learned while in the circle I’m now using to get away from them. I almost laughed, until I realized that now’s not the best time to laugh. Suddenly shots were being fired at us. Shit on toast. Reed turned to me.

“I hope you’re a good swimmer.” He said before making a sharp turn and jumping in the river. The length from here to the other side wasn’t that far. I was like 5 yards. Not that bad. I jumped in after him and started swimming. He got to the other side before me and helped me out. We started running again as my clothes stuck tightly to my body.

“You should be a freaking Olympic swimmer.” I said catching my breath.

“I’ve been told. Don’t worry Ela, we’re almost there.” He said throwing a look over his shoulder at me. We made a couple more turns before turning onto the street of Reed’s house. There were cars in front of his house. I saw the van and we were about to make a run for it when we heard the front door open.

“Shit!” Reed and I said in unison. We saw people walking Reed’s dad out of his house in handcuffs. Reed looked at him before looking at me.

“Is he really that bad of a guy?” He asked looking at me.

“I don’t know Reed. I don’t know. Not everyone who works for the Circle are ‘bad’ guys.” I said looking at him. He nodded. We started running, hoping we’d make it to the van.

“Stop them!” I heard a familiar voice say. I heard footsteps. I saw Reed get taken and I felt someone come up behind me. I flipped him knocking him out cold. But it was already too late. They were already taking Reed away. I ran after them.

“Reed!” I yelled. He struggled through their grip. I ran up to the guy and kicked his legs causing him to fall. He let go of Reed, but we were stopped by a sight I really was not expecting.

“Agent Kingsley? Vanessa?” I said looking between them.

“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at school.” She said sternly. “And in Italy of all places. The place you got taken. Oh when mom…” She rambled on.

“This is your important mission? This?” I asked for some reason feeling betrayed.

“Yes. And you’re with a fugitive. Reed Jacobs, you’re under arrest for being apart of the inner circle.” Vanessa said while Agent Kingsley handcuffed him.

“No!” I said trying to stop him. Vanessa pulled me off. “He’s not apart of them! He’s not! I know. I gave you people the fucking list with all the names and his wasn’t on there!” I yelled.

“We don’t know that. He might have been recruited by his dad!” Vanessa said shaking her head.

“No! That’s not how this works. He has his rights! He can’t be arrested just because his dad is apart of the Circle. It’s a law! You guys legally cannot do this!” I pleaded.

“Yes, we can and we are.” Vanessa said looking at me.

“If you want to arrest someone arrest me! I’m the one who worked with the Circle all summer. I did. I killed people. I did. Reed is not apart of this. Reed is innocent. Let him go and take me.” I screamed.

“Ela no. I can handle it.” Reed jumped in.

“Reed no! I’m not going to let them arrest an innocent person.” I said looking at him.

“It’s already done, Daniela. You can’t do anything about it.” Vanessa said.

“Shut up! Just shut up!” I yelled at her. I turned to Reed and hugged him. “I’m gonna get you out Reed. I will. I promise. I need you to trust me now more than anything.” I whispered before releasing him.

“I trust you.” He said nodding. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he’s in protective custody and they go easy on him.” Agent Kingsley whispered to me.

“Thank you.” I whispered back. “I’ll see you soon.” I said to Reed. He smiled before Agent Kingsley walked away with him. 

“Ela…” Vanessa said causing me to look at her.

“Don’t speak to me. You’re not going to arrest me, the guilty party, because we’re related, but you’re going to arrest Reed, the innocent part, because of his dad. Way to protect the world. Arresting the innocent and releasing the guilty.” I said before walking away. I got in the van and looked at Jess. She just smiled and nodded.

“I know. You tried.” She whispered as a tear fell down her cheek.

I'm so so so sorry for not uploading in forever. I'm really going through a lot right now, but I wrote anyways. I hope this was a good chapter. My head's not straight right now. Anywho, OMG they took Reed. But OMG Reed and Jess are a thing now. Like what? How long is it going to take for them to get Reed back? Who knows? Guess we'll find out soon.

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