How Love and Friendship Start...

By FallingAngelFromSky

7.3K 104 18

Darren Criss met his co-star Chris Colfer while having their taping in Glee. What will happen to these boys a... More

How Love and Friendship Starts (CrissColfer FanFic)
Good Time
Lazy, Lazy Day (Part 1)
Lazy, Lazy Day (Part 2)
No Ideas
Epic Failness
The Friendship Blooms
Original Song Episode Taping (Part One)
It's Been How Many Years.

The Beginning

1.1K 10 3
By FallingAngelFromSky


I’m just new here. After so many auditions I did for this, finally, I will be a part of Glee. It’s my first day in taping. According to Bradley Buecker, I will play the character of Blaine Anderson. Hmm...  sounds interesting in my part. Today is the first taping day to me. I arrived early in the location where the scene will be taken. Mr. Buecker called me to his place where seven other boys was sitting, and holding their script. From there, I saw Riker Lynch, Telly Leung, Curt Mega, Titus Makin Jr. Eddy Martin and Dominic Barnes. Those guys were quite familiar to me because I already met them in the studio were we first recorded our cover for Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream.

   “Hey, Darren! It’s nice to see you again, bro!” Riker exclaimed, looking at me.

I smiled back. “Yeah. Sounds nice.”

“Welcome to Dalton Academy Warblers.” Telly joked, causing each of the boys laugh.

“It’s nice to be a part of it.” I answered.

I was still looking at my co-stars’ faces, trying to remember each of their names. I ended up staring at a guy in a black uniform, same with the other boys I already met, having a brownish-black hair, boyish hairstyle and in white complexion. I tried to recall his face, maybe that I already saw or met him somewhere, but I wasn’t. He was reading his script when Bradley spoke.

 “Well, I guess you already know them, Darren. These are Riker, Telly, Titus, Curt, Eddy, Dominic...” he said, pointing each of the boys. He stopped for a while to the last one, then pointed it again.

“And, this was Chris.” He introduced, gesturing to the last guy sitting beside Dominic.

He looked at me, and then he smiled warmly. I couldn’t help but to smiled back. He suddenly stood and offered his hand to me.

  “Nice to meet you, Darren. I’m Chris.” He introduced, still smiling.

Because of that, I had a chance to look at his eyes. Blue-grey colored and innocent type. They are so expressive and meaningful. Because of that, I was amazed by his beautiful features.

“It’s nice to meet you, too, Chris.” I answered.

We stood there, frozen for quite sometime. I could still felt his warm hand touching my hand. From the first time I took his hand, it was like having electricity in it. And that altered my senses.

  “Oh well, guys...” Bradley said, clearing his throat.

Chris and I were surprised, and suddenly, Chris removed his hand from mine. He went back to the sofa, and then sat on it. Bradley gazed at me, handing me the same uniform what my other co-stars’ are wearing.

  “Darren, this will be the uniform of this academy. The Dalton Academy Warblers, I mean. What Telly told a while ago. Now, wear it and the scene will start as long as you are finished.” Bradley commanded me.

I took the uniform and went to the door.

  “Thanks.” I said, before leaving the room.

Bradley half-smiled.

“Yeah. Proceed.” He answered.

Someone in the Wardrobe Department escorted me to the dressing room. The uniform that was given to me was color black, and detailed with red in its collar, which, is a perfect color combination. There’s also a tie. After I wear my first wardrobe, I went back to the room where I saw Bradley talking to the camera men. When I look around, I saw some of my co-stars sitting, eating, talking, etc. While the others were busy screwing up their lines. When Bradley saw me, he quickly went towards me.

  “Oh, and Darren... I forgot to tell you that your hair needs gel-application. Well, is it okay?” he asked.

“That’s okay.” I said, while fixing my coat.

Bradley smiled as he calls someone. The girl in the make-up department walks toward us and she smiled at me. She guided me in the other side of the room. There was a large mirror, some make-ups, hair blowers and everything.

She let me sat on the chair in front of the table. I could feel the sticky gel landed my hair. As I look at my reflection in the mirror, I saw Chris smiling at me. As usual, I smiled back. I saw him stood from his chair and went to the chair beside me.

   “Ooh... so much gel uses.” He commented, looking at my hair, too.

“Yeah. Sticky.” I answered.

“Sticky gel means hell for me. I hate using it. But of course when needed, I don’t have any choice.” He said, with a laugh.

It only took five minutes for that gel application. Finally, I stood and sat beside Chris. Chris handed me another set of the script.

  “Have you read it?” he asked.

“Yeah. While on my way here.” I answered, looking at the paper.

I took the script even that I already memorized it. I just want to sit beside Chris at that time.

“Thank you, by the way.” I said, while pretending that I am reading the script.

“Thank you is my middle name. Don’t worry.” Chris answered, imitating a female voice.

Yet, another fascination of Chris to me. This time, I was talking to his voice. Yeah, like a said, it was like a female one. If you are in my case, trying to listen to Chris’ voice without seeing his face, you probably imagined a girl talking to you. And I found it absolutely great and awesome.

    Because of that, I wasn’t paying attention to the script, or even the words written on the paper. I do not understand it, either. My mind was focusing to Chris’ voice until now.

“Oh... well, maybe you’re Blaine Anderson here?” Chris asked, looking at his own copy of the script.

I looked at him and smile. “Yes.”

“That’s just too nice. I’m playing Kurt Hummel.”  He introduced.

“Such a nice name.” I commented.

Suddenly, Bradley Buecker walked in our direction.

   “Darren, Chris... We will start the scene now. Better leave the room, proceed downstairs, and the camera was there.” Bradley said, looking at us.

Chris stood, and smiled at Bradley.

“Oh... okay.” He simply answered.

Finally, I stood, following him outside. And we proceed downstairs. The camera was panning at us right now. Bradley was sitting in his black chair imprinted the words DIRECTOR. He was looking at our direction. Seconds passed, I heard him shouted.

  “1... 2... 3... Action!”

The camera starts rolling. The scene was about Blaine and Kurt’s first meeting, and it was done on the stairwell. I was supposed to rush at that time, acting to be late for our practice. When Kurt, which was played by Chris, stopped me.

“Oh, excuse me! Um, hi, can I ask you a question? I’m new here.”  He said, looking at me.

I looked back and smiled at him.

 “My name’s Blaine.” I introduced.

I offered my hand and we shook hands.

“Kurt.” He answered, smiling.

We smiled at each other for seconds. Then Kurt asked me.

“Oh, well... what’s going on here? Why is that many students was rushing?” he asked, looking at the other Dalton Academy students who was rushing to go upstairs.

“Because there is an impromptu performance of the Warblers today. Do you want to go?” I asked back.

Kurt looks at me. I know that this was actually a yes. Smiling, I took his hand to have our shortcut in the hallway where the Warblers are waiting.

  “Ok, cut!” I heard Bradley said, shouting, enough for us to hear.

Chris and I made our distance to each other when Bradley walks to us.

“That’s a good start, Darren. Now, proceed to the room now and the first song was playing.” He said, looking at me. Well, this was it. The song we recorded, two or three days ago. An acapella and boys version of Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream.

I went to the door to prepare for my on-cam performance of the song, and Chris was looking at me. I saw Bradley went back in his seat. Then I felt Chris tapped my shoulder.

  “Good luck, you can do it.” He smiled, encouraging me.

“Thank you so much.” I answered, smiling back.


 We now entered the room. Bradley was shouting again to start the scene. When I heard the word “action”, I know it was the right signal for us to start. When we reached the room, it was filled with so many students from Dalton Academy including the Warblers. I looked at Chris and smiled at him as I fixed his collar. I walked straightly to the other Warblers. Seconds passed, the intro music played.

You think I’m pretty, without any make-up on

You think I’m funny, when I tell the punch line wrong

I know you got me, so I let my walls come down, down...

And down to the chorus, I sang together with my co-Warblers. We also had simple dance steps, which, the other students joined by just clapping their hands. I looked at Chris’ eyes, and he smiled. That made me feels so much confidence. Another batches of scenes we made with the other Warblers, coffee shop scene, etc. We just finished the scenes needed for that day.

“Yeah, guys. That’s for today. Have a great day and... nice performance to all of you.” Bradley said, congratulating each of us for the great scene we did all together.

“We should be thankful to our newcomer, Darren. He saves our day!” Riker said, tapping my shoulder with a laugh. Telly joined him later.

“Yep. I agree. I agree.” He said.

“It’s not just me. We did our best today. After all, we’re functioning right.” I answered.

“Oh c’mon Darren... you’re so humble as ever. But, anyway, you are right. Just like Chris did.” Dominic commented, looking at Chris; who was busy texting. Hearing his name, he suddenly dropped his phone in shocked. I was surprised. Oh... or I should say, we are all surprised. Damn, Chris’ was kinda clumsy.

“W..What?” Chris asked, looking at each of us.

Dominic, Curt and Eddy went to Chris’ seat and playfully pushed him to the floor. Telly was laughing hysterically, just like what Riker was reacting. Well, I was just sitting, looking at Chris.

“Ugh. You should join us here, little Kurtie. You’re a Warbler, anyway.” Dominic said.

Chris looked at them in strange look. He got his phone and began texting again.

“Duh. I am joining you, really. I was just texting someone.” He defended.

Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing. There’s a message alert in my inbox. When I read the message, it was like this:

        God, Darren. Thank you so much for today! Nice meeting you by the way, AGAIN. – Chris :D

I looked at the screen of my phone for a while. Maybe I was just taken my blind spot for a while. But the name says so, its Chris.


I replied. When Chris received my message, he laughs. I saw him typing words in his phone.

        Of course, we are! I’m glad to hear that.

I smiled as I read it. Great. We’re now friends; well actually, I already know that we are.

Telly and Titus looked at both of us. From Chris to me, then from me to Chris. It was weird and pretty hilarious, really.

“Ooh. So, our boys were texting.” Titus said, clearing his throat.

The boys Dominic, Eddy, Curt and Riker looked at us, also. Telly went beside me and saw the message I am reading.

“Aha! Darren’s texting Chris... and we didn’t know that!” Telly exclaimed.

“You’re only facing each other. Why don’t you say it aloud instead of texting it? You’re just wasting your loads, anyway.” Riker commented.

“That’s private.” Chris and I chorused.

Then the boys began staring at us again.

“Really? What private talks are those, huh?” Eddy asked, gazing to me.

“Yeah. What was that? Asking the favorite movie of Chris? His favorite food? Coffee?” Dominic asked.

“Or maybe... you’re going out with Chris tonight!” Riker exclaimed pointing me, laughing.

“Or... Darren... you’re just curious about Chris’ diet. His favorite song? Movie? Book?” Titus asked this time. Each of them was asking me somekinda questions who weren’t the real topic of Chris’ and I’s conversion thru text.

“What?” I just asked them, looking at them.

“In short....Our boys were on the stage of getting to know each other!” Curt explained.

“Hey! Why you’re asking Darren that kind of question?” Chris interrupted them.

Dominic and Eddy laughed at his innocence. Oh, I was laughing, too.

“’Cause when we asked you, you only denied it. And Darren will never lie to us.” Riker answered.

“Stop pushing Darren, or else...”

“Or else what?” Eddy teased.

Chris didn’t answer them. He went blushing, and it made him walked out. The boys were still laughing at him. I didn’t know what to do. Should I follow him or what? It’s just a funny business, but I guess, Chris didn’t like that.

“Why you said that?” I asked them.

Dominic, Telly and Curt looked at me surprised.

“It’s just a funny act.” Riker said.

“I know. We are having our funny business, but Chris didn’t like that. See? He walked out.” I said, following him outside. I didn’t care if they would give it another meaning. I just want to follow Chris. I saw him seating on the bleachers, outside of the set.

“Um. Hey.” I called.

Chris looked at me before he answered.

“Hey.” He answered.

I sat beside him to the bleachers.

  “Why you walked out? The boys were having their funny business.” I said, explaining everything to him.

“I know that.”

“Then why you walked out?”

“’ Cause I hate that kind of teasing.”

I laughed. Really, Chris was like a child. He’s too innocent.

“They’re not teasing you.”


“Haha. They absolutely not! They were just curious about the messages.”

I saw Chris smiled again. And it made me feel better now. I held his hand and we ran back to the set. Just what we did previously. Holding his hand while running maybe the good way to start.

“Where are we going?” he asked.

I smiled. “We have to leave.”

“Why? Where are we going?” he repeated.

“You asked too much. Easy, ‘kay?” I replied.

When we get back, the boys were looking at us. Each of them say sorry, but Chris ended up laughing at them. Why? Because he already know the reason.

  “Bye guys! See you tomorrow!” Chris said, grabbing his bag to the sofa.

The boys looked at him for a while. “You’ll go home now?”

Chris smiled and looked at me. “No. But ask this guy where we are going.”

Dominic laughed. “Yeah. Take care, guys.”

“See you tomorrow!”

Then I pulled Chris’ hand and we walked outside of the academy together. I used to drive alone, but now, I’m not. Chris will be with me. It’s just a nice feeling.

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