Daddy Wooseok | Kim Wooseok


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A melancholic night that brought two sobbing hearts together in the most.. unexpected way possible. Consequen... More

Chapter One: The Night
Chapter Two: Consequence
Chapter Three: Blessing... or maybe not.
Chapter Four: Daddy Hangyul?
Chapter Five: Different Worlds
Chapter Seven: Daddy Wooseok
Chapter Eight: Eavesdropped
Chapter Nine: Save Me
Chapter Ten: Disgrace
Chapter Eleven: Reality
Chapter Twelve: Courage
Chapter Thirteen: Home
Chapter Fourteen: Intoxicated
Chapter Fifteen: Family
Chapter Sixteen: Who's doing what?
Chapter Seventeen: Lockdown
Chapter Eighteen: What Happened?
Chapter Nineteen: Shit Happens
Chapter Twenty: Never Over
Chapter Twenty One: Unfathomable
Chapter Twenty Two: Trust
Chapter X

Chapter Six: Whispers, Gossips

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After that happened, wooseok never talked to yuri again unless needed. And unlike before, they bump with each other at school more often yet both act as if they don't know each other. But their stares and the way they look at each other won't lie.

"Yuri, I'm gonna go withdraw my allowance first. Will you be okay here alone?" Nayeon asked yuri while putting her stuff inside her bag pack.

"Yes, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Get going now." Yuri smiled at nayeon before nayeon left in an instant.

"Guess it's you and me again." Yuri whispered to herself while stroking her tummy as if talking to her baby inside.

"Mommy will take care of you, okay? You don't have to worry. We'll be okay." 

She stood up and grabbed her bag before going out of their classroom. It's their lunch break and everyone left already, that's why she's left alone in the classroom. She headed downstairs having decided to eat lunch in the cafeteria. Hangyul and her were still in touch but she doesn't want to bother him all the time. 

Yuri was carefully heading downstairs when she saw a familiar figure standing below the staircase, waiting for her. It was no other than Kim Wooseok.

Their eyes met and as usual, wooseok stared at her coldly like how he usually stares at everyone. But when it comes to her, it's somehow a bit different. Whenever wooseok lays his eyes at yuri, it gives off the vibe as if he has a lot to tell but can't even utter a single word. His eyes tell a story despite giving an uninterested look.

When yuri was about to take another step down, a group of wooseok's fangirls behind yuri suddenly ran into his direction, bumping her. She felt her foot slipped so she tried to grasp the rails in the stairway but it was too late. Yuri prepared herself from falling as wooseok ran to her direction, pushing away all the fangirls who are blocking his way.

Just when yuri is about to fall into wooseok's arm, someone pulled her from above preventing her to entirely fall down. Yuri opened her eyes as she took a closer look into the person who just pulled her above when she lost her balance.

"H-hangyul?" Hangyul pulled yuri firmly into his chest making yuri's eyes grew wider in surprise. She didn't know what hangyul was up to but they are too close right now and the students gasped when hangyul pulled her closer.

"How many times will I have to tell you to take care, yuri-ah?" Hangyul said with his soft voice. He sounded so caring.

Wooseok let out a heavy sigh when he saw that once again, hangyul came into yuri's rescue when it could have been him. He tried to look away because he can't seem to explain why he feels uneasy with what he's seeing right now. He managed to turn over his glance at the girls who pushed yuri not too long ago.

"Who told all of you to run in the staircase? You almost pushed someone down. What's wrong with all of you?" Wooseok sounded pissed which put the girls into complete silence.

"S-sorry... we just want to see you up close." One of the girls answered.

"The stairs are no place for you to run after each other. Quit playing around." It seems like wooseok is being rude but he is not. Actually, that's how he really is. He never really wanted this kind of attention in the first place so people are quite aware that he pushes people away most of the time.

Silence ruled over the place while hangyul and yuri proceeded continued heading downstairs. When they finally got close to wooseok, wooseok whispered something to hangyul.

"You just happen to pull her first before I caught her." Wooseok said with a stain of tease in his voice.

"Why do you suddenly care right now?" Hangyul retorted, also trying to piss the shit out of wooseok. 

Yuri started to feel the tension as the two guys started facing each other. She tried to separate them but she can't, given that wooseok and hangyul are stronger than her. 

"C-can you please stop? Everyone's looking at us now." 

Indeed, the students won't take their eyes off the three of them and they are starting to stir up a scene. Yuri is concerned about how their schoolmates will deduce this scenario. They might end up concluding the wrong things that will just get them in trouble.

Wooseok and Hangyul are both deep into roasting each other, completely ignoring the glances of everyone around.

"Why do I care? Well, why shouldn't I?!" Wooseok whispered in a harsh tone as he glared at hangyul.

Yuri feels burdened seeing hangyul and wooseok turn to each other like this. She can't help but put the blame on herself since hangyul and wooseok are good friends and now they're not in good terms because of... well let's be honest. It's because of her.

"Why shouldn't you? Well you just--"

Hangyul stopped talking when he felt yuri grasped his arm tightly as if telling him to not talk any further. He, then, sighed upon realizing that he almost let the truth slip out of his mouth, in front of everyone.

"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to bawl it out... I'm sorry." Hangyul apologized and yuri nodded. What's important is that the truth remained discreet.

"L-let's just go." Yuri said. Hangyul took one last stare at wooseok and held yuri's arm.

Hangyul tried to pull yuri away from the scenario when wooseok suddenly held yuri's other arm. What wooseok did made hangyul lose his grip into yuri's arm, letting her go. While yuri, on the other hand, was pulled beside wooseok.

"What the--"

Hangyul was surprised at how fast things happened. He immediately held yuri's arm once again and tried to pull her away from wooseok but wooseok just refuses. In no time, they were both holding yuri's arms as if playing tug.

More and more people are gathering around them, being curious as to what the commotion is about. Yuri, feeling burdened by the situation pulled her arm away from both of them.

"Both of you, stop! I don't know what's running in your minds right now but it's best if you should leave me out of it. I don't want to get involved with any more issues. I'm so tired." Yuri said and started walking away from both wooseok and hangyul.

"Yuri! Yuri, wait!" Wooseok kept calling yuri but she just continued walking away. When he was about to follow yuri, hangyul blocked his way.

"Eunbi's probably looking for you right now. Your fiance is coming at any moment so I think it's best if I'll follow yuri." Hangyul said before leaving wooseok behind with all the disappointment in his face.

The students around started whispering when hangyul left.

"Are they fighting over yuri? What a lucky girl!"

"Maybe yuri's just being a flirt. Wooseok has eunbi already."

"How I wish I was in her place. Did you see how wooseok and hangyul held her a while ago?"

Wooseok was aware that most people around are talking about what happened earlier so he can't help but give them a scary glare which made everyone around shut their mouth.

"Can you stop gossiping? All of you don't even have the slightest idea of what's going on. How can you easily judge?!" Wooseok yelled then turned his back away from them. 


On the other hand, eunbi is on her way to meet wooseok supposedly but she can't contact him. Wooseok is not answering her calls and she's been calling her since their lunch break started.

"Where could he be? That guy is really stubborn most of the time!" Eunbi grunted. Wooseok doesn't listen to her most of the time and that makes eunbi pissed. She thinks wooseok should at least try to accept things but to no avail. He was always hesitant with the thought.

"That was intense. I almost thought they were fighting over yuri."

"But, wooseok looks so concerned for yuri. I wonder what's going on."

Eunbi's attention was caught when she overheard two students talking about wooseok. She's not familiar with yuri but these past few days, she noticed how wooseok seemed to be so affected when it comes to her and to be honest, it bothers her a lot.

"Hey! What are you talking about just a while ago? Where's wooseok?" Eunbi said as she put the two students talking to each other to a halt. 

"U-uhh, eunbi..." The two girls were flustered and were unable to speak right away.

"Are you deaf or what? What are you talking about and where is wooseok?" 

"He was at the other building a while ago." The girl said as she pointed out on the building just across the cafeteria.

"What was he doing there?" Eunbi can't seem to figure out what will wooseok do on that building when in the first place, his classroom is not there.

"W-we don't know. It looks like he's waiting for someone and oh... hangyul was there too." One of the girls answered cautiously trying not to stir up an issue. They don't want the gossip to come out of their mouths.

"Waiting for someone? What the hell." Eunbi started making her way to the building across. She can't understand what's running through wooseok's mind and she's overthinking.

Eunbi's footsteps are heavier than usual especially when she saw wooseok approaching her direction. She knows that she should not be acting like this but she's afraid that something might be going on without her knowing. She already considered herself lucky for getting to marry wooseok soon and she's pretty much willing to do everything just to keep it that way.

"Where the hell have you been wooseok?" She asked.

"Why do you care?" Wooseok answered and he passed through eunbi, completely ignoring her.

"What's wrong with you? We should be having lunch together! And what are you doing on the building across? Care to share?" Eunbi asked one after another. Wooseok's eyes narrowed with eunbi's questions. He is not in the mood to argue right now and she's going into his nerves.

"I've had enough of this day already, eunbi. Please don't add up." Wooseok whispered to eunbi. He tried to remain calm as he talks to eunbi given that he doesn't have any reason to turn over all his frustrations and disappointments to her.

"You've had enough? What have you been doing anyway?!"

"Come on, eunbi! You sound like a crazy woman!"

"Why can't you just tell me what happened earlier and what are you doing on that building?!"

"Choi Yuri of Business Management is flirting with wooseok!" Eunbi and Wooseok were taken aback when they heard someone interfered with their conversation. 

"What? Who's flirting with wooseok?" 

Eunbi's tone suddenly became serious. Her fists are curled in a ball and she is gritting her teeth. As for wooseok, his eyes infuriated with anger. He doesn't care if people would try to speak ill of his name but what's driving him mad is the accusation thrown at yuri. He knows that yuri is not flirting with him at all.

Wooseok looked at where the voice came from and when he saw who spoke out, he immediately gave her a death glare. He slowly walked closer to where the girl is standing making the girl take a few step backs due to fear.

"You... based from what nayeon told me, you're the girl who pushed yuri last time right?"

Yes, indeed. It is Shanon Williams. 

"What made you say that yuri is flirting with me?" Wooseok asked. Shanon remained silent and she can't even look at wooseok in the eyes.

"Because she is! She is flirting with you and hangyul at the same time that's why the two of you are not in good terms right now! Choi Yuri is--"

"Shut up!" Wooseok's voice resounded around the area as he yelled in defense of yuri's name. He raised his arm as if he was about to hit shanon's face but put it down immediately upon realizing that he's being carried away from his emotions again.

"Be thankful that you're a girl. I don't hit girls," Wooseok whispered to shanon. 

Shannon started walking away from wooseok and fear is bare on her face.

"What the hell was that? Why would you flirt with someone else?! For pete's sake wooseok, I'm here and I exist stop being a jerk!" Eunbi yelled.

"Are you out of your mind?! I hope you're not forgetting that we are together, only because of business, eunbi! Not because we're intimate with each other or whatever! You can't decide for my heart, for how I feel! You can't. No one else can, but me!"

Wooseok stormed off. He knows how much of an issue this scene can be and that's what he hates the most. People pay a lot of attention even with his tiniest movements and he finds it suffocating. Like he doesn't have privacy and it sucks bigtime not being able to enjoy his life without other people talking about it.




I don't know how else can I vent out my emotions. I'm not the type of person who usually gives a damn about everything but somehow when it comes to yuri, it feels like it's an exception.

I don't know why am I feeling like this right now. Even I, can't understand my own emotions. I know that I shouldn't react like this because, in the first place, I'm the one who second thought about accepting yuri and our child and I won't even pretend that I'm fine with what I told nayeon. I admit that at that moment, I was just burdened and was unable to think properly.

Seeing hangyul take care of yuri makes me uncomfortable knowing that I should be in his place if only I am brave enough to face everything. I don't know. Ever since that night, I started to feel some sort of a connection with yuri although up until now, my thoughts are still in chaos.

This might be a bit embarrassing to admit since I'm a guy but does every single one of you thinks that only girls are the ones who can't move on from their first... you know, experience. Yes, yuri was my first and I can't seem to get it out of my mind. I know that I have a flirty side with me although I push people most of the time. But when it comes to those things, I don't do it just for fun you know. I'm not that type of flirty.

I wonder where yuri went when she ran away earlier. I hope hangyul managed to catch up with her so nothing bad will happen to her again or else I'll blame myself.

I still have a lot of things to take into consideration but I want to make a way for things to be okay. This might sound selfish but... I want to be a father to that child. I want to fix things between me and yuri. 

Maybe we started out in the wrong way, my mind will sometimes subconsciously tell me that I'm just feeling this way towards yuri since I have this responsibility for her but no. I'm not even regretting what happened between us and for some reason, I'm thankful that I don't get to face this situation with any other girls. Yuri is understanding, smart, clever and even though she tries to act all normal most of the time, I know that she still cares about me after all. 

Her eyes and her actions speak. And that's why I try my best to convey my feelings through my eyes too. I have read somewhere that people who use their eyes to communicate are sometimes the people who get to express what's truly inside their hearts. Eyes never lie, they said.

I felt stupid that I never noticed yuri before. We are just around each other for years now but why does it seem like I've never seen her around? She never told me anything about how she feels but still did things for me. I might look cold but who wouldn't melt with that?

And what is she thinking? That our worlds are not meant to fit with each other? Too bad, I don't care about those worldly standards. My heart gets to choose who it chooses. But for now, I still have to fix everything accordingly.


A/N: Thank you for reading this story. This is an advance update since I'm not sure if I can update tomorrow and on monday since I have a lot of things to do. Anyway, I'll still do my best. Thank you once again!

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