Pregnant With My Alpha's Baby...

yanababyluvu द्वारा

642K 17K 1.6K

say that you find your mate and he's hot and your Alpha! Say that he accepts you and your just so happy!. S... अधिक

Pregnant with my Alpha's Baby
Chapter 1:: Introduction
Chapter 2:: The Fight
Chapter 3:: Embrassing Much!
Chapter 4:: New Kids
Chapter 5:: New Friends
Chapter 6:: Hang out/Chill Out Day
Chapter 7:: Some Drama.... Feeling some type of way
Who do ya ship
Chapter 8:: That Women and That Oooooo Moment.
Chapter 9:: Finally Have he made his decision
Chapter 10:: Us Time.
Chapter 11:: Party
Chapter 12:: Mad or Nah.
Chapter 14:: Receiving some Good Or Bad News
Chapter 15:: Tattos & StarBucks
Deal Breaker?
Chapter 16:: Bear Vs Snake
Chapter 17:: Being A Bit Friendly?
Chapter 18:: Alexia
Chapter 19:: A Nice Visit
Chapter 20:: Bring Up The Past.
Chapter 21:: Digging Deeper
Chapter 22:: Left to Train
Chapter 23:: Fancy Party
Chapter 24:: Taking Your mind off things or People
Chapter 25:: Ultra-Sound
Chapter 26:: Kali...As In Kalifornia
Chapter 27:: Team Spirit; Izayah
Chapter 28:: celebrating Izayahs Birthday with his Crazy Siblings
Chapter 29:: He's Back
Chapter 30:: Alexia's Manipulating
Chapter 31:: Teddy Bear
Chapter 32:: Suspicious Person
Chapter 33:: Mall
Chapter 34:: Sneaky Mate
Chapter 35:: manipulative Sneaky Alexia
Chapter 36:: Beaware Of Her
Pro-Nouncing Names
Chapter 37:: Stuff just got more good
Chapter 38:: Date
Chapter 39:: Whose the new neighbors?
Chapter 40:: Gracie, Marcie, Alexia, Hakeem
Chapter 41:: The Note
Chapter 42:: Meeting
Chapter 43:: Marking
Chapter 44:: Giving Birth
Chapter 45:: So You Think You Have It All?
Free Question
Chapter 46:: Everything May be alright for now
Chapter 47:: Was it All Lies and Gossip?
Chapter 48: Romantic Beast
Chapter 49: His decision
Chapter 50: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 51:: Three Months Later

Chapter 13:: The Competition Has Begun

17.8K 528 126
yanababyluvu द्वारा


Marceline's POV

This whole week I have been home.

Well actually it haven't been a full school week yet.

Today's Friday. I think my mom left already. Maybe I can finally go down stairs.

Okay the thing is.... I haven't told my mom I haven't been going to school.

I know it's bad to be skipping Any days while being in High school but hey.

Out of nowhere my bedroom door slammed opened and I saw my mother hands cross across her chest.

I had gulped.

"Marceline Wendy Rivers , Why are you here at home and not at school for these past few days" my mother says.

"Well uh , Uh um" I say trying to think of an Excuse.

"Your School just called me. But Tell me the real reason?" She says.

Dammit... I can lie to anyone else but my mother.

"Uh..." I cleared my throat.

"Wendy , Listen I just thought I'll take a break from school ya know... don't wanna over think myself" I say.

Shit shit shit.

And yes my mother's name is Wendy.

She had sighed.

"Marceline, Sweetie make a better excuse next time... but I'm serious. Why have you been avoiding school?" My mother says.

I had sat up and took a deep breath.

"I'm...actually uh..Avoiding someone" I say truthfully.

"Who and Why are you avoiding this person?" She says.

"Alpha Liam and Because He cheated on me" I say looking down.

All of a sudden my mother screamed and ran and hopped on my bed.

"O.M.G! When did you two start dating and why would he do that?"

"About Uh 2 weeks ago ... and I don't know. "

"Tsk tsk tsk...why would he Cheat on my beautiful Daughter" My mother says.

I groaned.

"Okay never mind that. How'd you too meet?"

"Well , Actually ... Threw Mate Bond" I say.

"Ahhhhhh!!!! My Daughter is the Alphas Mate!!!!....Congrats!" My mother says happily.

"" I say.

"Sorry" she says smiling still.

"Ah , Go to school... you Better be ready in 20 minutes...and no later. I'm dropping you off" she says.

"Okay" I say.

She had left out and I had Picked up my phone.

Me: sweetie I'm going to school today no questions asked.. mom found out.


ItsDarwenBish: kay see ya in a few.

I had put my phone down and went and took my shower and had got out my light blue crop top that read.

Princess. And a pair of black pants and my black boots.

I had curled my hair ends and put on some black eye liner and some clear lip gloss and some Cherry Blossom perfume and Cherry Blossom Lotion.

My door had swung open.

"Ready--- oooh. Now don't you look good" my mother says.

"Well Why thank you Wendy" I say.

"Marceline" she warned.

"Just kidding" I say.

We had left out. She had pulled up to the school and I got out.

"So him what he's missing..." my mother says.

I nodded and started walking a little than stopped when I heard my name.

"Oh and Marceline" my mother says.

I had turned around.


"Make up with Liam sometime. Hearing about you and him. Is exactly watching the past over with me and your father. I don't want you to end up like me and your father." My mother says.

I slowly smiled. Than nodded than left into the school.

I was on my way to class until I heard my name. I had turned around and saw Veronica.

"Marceline your back!" She says as she gave me a big hug.

"Hey Veronica" I say.

"Why haven't you been here all week" she whined.

I giggled a bit.

"Hey! You too ... get to class!" A worker said

Me and Veronica had hurried to our classes while giggling.

I had opened the classroom door and all eyes fell on me.

"Glad to have you back Marceline" the teacher says.

"Thanks" I say.

As I took my seat. Grrrr. Why do me and Liam have 4 classes together. Why do we have this class together.

I felt someone watching me.

I turned and saw Liam just staring at me.

Heh, this will teach him.

I had faced forward.

"Class we are going to be a new project. In ever group they'll be 4 people. This project is due in 2 weeks. You can do it at each others houses, after school , before school and at lunch. The choice is yours"

The teacher explains.

"Oh and I will assign each group"

The class had groaned.

"Marceline, Kenneth, China and Liam"

My mouth dropped. Why would she. Grrrrr ...

She said the other groups.

"Okay , get with your Groups"

Everyone had got with there groups.

"Marceline, you look beautiful today" Kenneth said.

I smiled "thank you Kenneth".

I heard a growl from Liam. We all turned and looked at him.

"Ken, Kenneth what ever the hell your name is.... Back off she's mine" Liam says.

For some reason him being an Asshole to him is a bit sexy. Wait why?!?

"Oh , really?...well uh last time I checked you two don't seem much of a couple...Oh wait .. Marceline are you two dating" He says.

"NO" I say "Yes" he says.

We said it at the same time. The hell After catching you cheating hell no.

"She said No so She's not yours" Kenneth said.

Woah Kenneth got some Balls going against An Werewolf and not just any werewolf an A.L.P.H.A.

Liam had growled.

"Liam, Stop it" I mind linked him.

"Now you want to talk to me!" He screamed threw the mind link giving me a little headache.

His eyes had turned black.

I had quickly touched his arm.

His eyes turned back.

"Are you Crazy!?. These Humans Can't see that your eyes change black" I say.

He looked at me with those beautiful Crystal Blue eyes. I started getting lost in them.

"Liam! Marceline!" The teacher said.

We turned and looked at her.

"I'm sorry this isn't the titanic so you can let go of his arm and start working" the teacher says.

We had started working.

Finally class was over.

Everyone rushed out and I was the last to step out.

As soon as I got out the classroom someone grabbed me and lift me up on there shoulders.

"Put me down!" I screamed.

Nobody really paid attention to me being carried like this.

Finally we got into a room and the person had finally put me down and closed the door.

It was Liam and I just looked around. We are in the janitors room.

He had pulled the light switch on and he was just looking at me.

I sighed.

"So first you get angry because a guy gave me a compliment, Second you kidnap me , third you won't say anything but just look at me" I say.

"I don't like it" he finally says.

"What? Don't like what?" I say confused.

"What your wearing, how you look today... your bring to much attention to your self" he says.

"Liam I have to go" I say pushing him a bit but he didn't move one bit.

"I'm not moving until you talk to me" he says.

"Your being Childish" I say.

"I'm not! You are" he yelled.

What crawled up his ass and died.

"You have no right getting mad at me!" I yelled.

"You cheated on me with my own best friend. I loved both of you!" I screamed in his face.

Now shaking a bit.

I had slapped raised my hand and slapped him across his face.

He turned his head and his eyes were black.

He had slammed me against the wall and pinned my arms above my head as his breathing raised.

I looked him in his eyes.

"Go Ahead! " I yelled in his face.

"Hit me! I know that's exactly what your going to do.... hurt me more" I say as tears started falling.

He sighed.

"Marceline I would never hit you... but you shouldn't want to hit me either" he says.

I wish he'll let me go.

He had let go and had hugged me.

"Liam, let go of me" I say threw tears.

"Forgive me" he says kissing my forehead.

"No... I won't .... you don't get it" I say. He had let go and I made a run for it to the girls Bathroom.

I had quickly wiped my face.

And redid my makeup.

Than went to my next period class.

All day today Liam Just Kept looking at me with Guilt all today.

The Last bell rang and I had rushed out side. I was about to get on the bus until I heard my name being called.

I turned and saw Mason. As usual he have a lot of girls looking at him.

I had ran and hugged him tightly.

"Would you like some Ice Cream". He says.

I nodded as I let go.

I had got in the Car and so did he.

He had drove off.

"How come You don't ever drive Ethan and Ashton?" I say.

"Because Idiots Aren't Allowed in my Car. They may make my Car slow" Mason says causing me to laugh.

"Thanks Mason" I say.

"For what?" He says confused.

"Making me smile and Laugh. I needed it. I wasn't having such a good day today" I say.

He had smiled than ruffled my hair.

"No problem, it's my Job" he says.

I smiled.

He had went and got me some Ice Cream than We pulled up to the house.

"Your not getting out?" I say as I licked my ice cream.

He shook his head.

"I have business to take care of... be a good girl and do your homework" he says. I pouted.


"Fine" I say as I got out.

I waved to him and he waved back.

I had went in the house and did my homework.







Mason's POV

I had drove off. I didn't want to tell her I'm going to go see Alpha.

I don't want her sad.

When she's sad , I'm sad.

After 30 minutes I finally pulled up to the pack house and got out and just walked straight into the house.

I saw an Women.

"Excuse me miss" I say.

"What the hell do you want" she says turning around but softened up when she saw my face.

"Oh my apologies... What can I do for you Sir" she says blushing and winked.

"Yes , Where is Alpha Liam's Office" I say.

"The last door down the hall and if you need anything please feel free to Ask me" she says.

I nodded. Than went down the hall and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A male voice yelled.

I opened the door than closed it behind me and took a seat in the front.

"Who are you?" He says.

"My name is Mason , last name isn't needed. I'm Marceline's Step Brother" I say.

"Okay, So why are you here?" He says.

This kid is starting to annoy me.

"Here on Behave of Marceline" I say.

He nodded.

"Your her mate ... so start acting like her mate. Stop making her cry, stop making her sad. Because Guys like me will come and take her away from guys like you in a blink of an eye." I say.

He growled.

"What are you trying to say?" He says.

"Do you even know anything about her?..... do you even know her favorite color?"

"It's Pink"

I chuckled "It's Purple. She hates Pink... probably one of the reasons why she hates you now.

He growled.

"My point is That if you don't man up than I'll replace you....Marceline means the world to me.... I've been in love with her since I first got to know her" I say.

"And how long since" he says.

"Ever since she was 9" I say.

He chuckled.

"Your one sick Bastard... Aren't you like 20 or 21... a gap between you two

And I think you have it so planned out in your head but I know your wrong.... Because she's Mine and I' Damned if I let her fuck up.preverted Step Brother still her away from me" he says.

"Oh , Well see" I say.

"Yeah well see... Let the Games begin..." he says.







Liams POV

After he left I just went upstairs.

Fuck he may even have a chance with her.

Dammit , but I won't lose. I will win her and her heart.

I had got my phone Out and clicked on Marceline's Contact.

Me: "hey, I'm sorry about today. It was wrong of me to do that to you. If you hate me that much than you deserve to. I know I'm a screwup but today wasn't the day. And I apologize for that. I love you Marceline.


I quickly unlocked my phone.

1 new message: Marcie.

Marcie: I don't hate you...but if you keep texting me back than I'll murder you.

Ouch....well I guess This is love. Damn I need to find a way to make her forgive me.

And if she gave me the chance to explain than she'll know the truth about that night.









An/ So What do you think happened that night for Liam to end up sleeping with Bridget?

Who do you think is going to win the race to Marceline's heart?




Date: 10/19/14

Time: 10:14 pm

Everyone's Babeee ;)

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