Void // Billie Eilish

By bisexauI

802K 21.3K 110K

-Sequel to Horns- *Description contains Book 1 spoilers* It's been 2 years since Billie has seen or even hear... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Two (and a half)
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine


21.2K 616 2.8K
By bisexauI


'Leaked Photo Fuels Speculations: Does Billie Eilish Have a Secret Girlfriend?'

An anonymous source says they found the picture on a lost cell phone in a popular nightlife district of Detroit, MI. The source says they recognized Billie on the home screen immediately, and we agree that it's either Billie herself or an uncanny doppelgänger. Considering the fact that the phone was found the morning after Billie's show in Detroit, it would be a pretty wild coincidence if it's not her. The picture on the home screen shows Eilish in bed with another woman, who we now know is Alexis Ackerman...

"How the fuck do they know my name?" I stop reading to ask, my eyebrows furrowed. "What the fuck? My face is barely in the picture."

"I dunno, they're annoyingly good at finding shit like that out," Billie replies and I groan as I lean back against the wall.

So, apparently someone found my phone that I lost when I went clubbing with Grey, and instead of calling someone in my contacts to give it back like a normal fucking person, they took a picture of my home screen and sold it to the tabloids. While the picture isn't totally definitive the way it would be if we were kissing or something, it's still pretty clear that we're more than friends.

Billie took that picture when we were in bed together one morning when she slept over at my place. Her head is resting against the pillows and she's scrunching her nose cutely while my head is nuzzled into her neck and my arm is wrapped around her protectively. We were actually both naked when she took the picture, but luckily the sheets and our limbs or covering everything so you can't tell in the picture.

"Why couldn't that bitch just give me my phone back instead of pulling this shit?" I grumble.

I've only been awake for a few minutes, but we woke up to Billie's phone going off only to find texts from a shit ton of people with this article attached. Definitely not how I wanted to start my morning, but at least I woke up next to Billie to make up for it.

"Because when you're in the public eye people forget to treat you like a normal person," Billie mumbles sadly, and I turn to look at her with a sympathetic frown.

Recently Billie's been getting more frustrated than usual by the fame side of her career, completely understandably of course. For a little while she got good at brushing things off, but it's gotten to the point where she can't go to a corner store to grab a bag of chips without being mobbed, and she's exhausted.

"I'm sorry, this is my fault," I mumble and she shakes her head.

"No, it's not. It was going to come out one way or another, it was inevitable," she assures me and rests her head on my shoulder with a tired sigh.

"How do you feel about it?" I ask softly and rest my head on top of hers.

"I don't wanna go public," she says honestly. "Not that I don't love showing you off, because I really do, but not with everyone. Because once everyone is involved, shit gets messy. Entitled assholes think they have a say in my personal life and try to dictate it, people make up shitty rumors to get some clicks, it sucks. I don't want another thing that might get between us."

I frown and pull her even closer to me. "This isn't going to get between us, nothing can," I assure her and kiss the top of her head.

She nods slightly in agreement and snuggles closer to me. "When my parents get here we're gonna talk about what I should do about..." she trails off and sighs. "Well, you know. We're gonna get lunch with Finneas to talk about it all together, and I want you to be there."

My heart flutters a bit at that. The fact that she wants me there when she makes a huge decision that can change her whole future makes me feel good.

"Of course, baby. I wouldn't miss it."

We stay in the bunk for a while and cuddle while we scroll through Billie's instagram and twitter to get a sense of people's reactions to the picture and what it could mean. Most people are excited about the concept of Billie having a girlfriend, and Billie slowly perks up as we read on.

Eventually she gets dragged away from me to do some choreography practice with Kian, and I decide to go get Grey and Ash to entertain me before meeting up with Billie and her family for lunch. Neither of them answer texts about where they are so I start looking around the venue for them, but can't find them anywhere.

Eventually I realize they're probably outside smoking or something so I tuck my hands into my pockets and walk put of the building to get. I chuckle when I exit and see the hoard of fans already waiting outside again, along with a few paps who weren't there before.

Normally when I walk by groups of fans and press they ignore me, after all I'm a nobody, but this time is different.

"Alexis!" a voice shouts and I stop walking, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as I look around for the source of the voice.

My eyes land on a man walking towards me holding a camera, and they roll when they realize it's no one I know, just some pap trying to get my attention.

"Do you have anything to say about the photo?" he asks as I turn back around to walk away again.

"Nah, I'm good," I reply as I start walking, and I groan when he follows me, his camera too close to my face for comfort.

"It looked pretty intimate, tell me about your relationship with Billie Eilish?"

"Billie Eilish? Is that the dude from Green Day?" I ask dumbly and he huffs in frustration, but continues to follow me. "Quit following me."

"Is she cheating on Devon with you or cheating on you with Devon?" he ignores my request and I clench my jaw in frustration before spinning around to face him.

"I said fucking quit following me," I snap and get in his face, which makes him smirk smugly.

"Maybe answer one of my questions seriously and I'll go," he replies without budging and it takes everything I have to not punch him.

I'll be totally honest, sometimes I really miss getting into fights. Punching someone who deserves it is a very therapeutic feeling, and holy shit this guy deserves it. But if I get into a fight I'll get my ass tossed back in jail, so I just clench my fist.

"Dickhead, maybe get a job that doesn't require being a lame ass fucking stalker," I spit and push him away from me, which makes him stumble backwards and almost fall over before he catches himself.

"You could've broken my camera!" he shouts angrily and I laugh.

"Next time I will, now back the fuck up," I snap and he opens his mouth to reply, but before he can two security guards from the venue grab him.

"We told you to stay on the other side of the street," one of them says gruffly and they start pulling him away from me while I just smirk smugly and wave at him.

As they lead him away I turn around again and walk around the building towards the back lot. Eventually my friends come into view, and I can smell what they're doing before I see the actual joints in their hands.

"Y'all getting high before work?" I ask and chuckle when they both snap their heads towards me in surprise.

When they realize it's me they both relax and lean back against the wall again.

"Shit man, you scared me," Grey chuckles and holds out the jay to me when I reach them.

I hesitate for a split second but of course cave and take it from him, bringing it to my lips for a long drag. I instantly feel more relaxed, and for a brief moment all my stress vanishes. Billie being pregnant, having paps up my ass, my financial situation, everything just melts away for a moment.

"Saw the news about the leak," Ash says and watches me as I exhale. "Sucks that someone would do that."

"Yeah but there isn't shit I can do now so I'm not gonna worry about it," I say with a shrug and pass her the jay. "Could be worse, they could've found the pictures in my phone. No way of denying we're together if those get out."

Yeah, no one else is allowed to see those pictures.

"You're gonna have paps on your ass now. Everyone wants to know all about the girl in bed with the Billie Eilish," Grey jokes and I shake my head slightly in amusement.

"I fucking hope not. I already shoved some fucker today. It would not take much for me to deck a pap, and then my ass is going back to prison for assaulting someone on probation," I say with a laugh but quickly shut my mouth when I realize Ash doesn't actually know about my past.

I told Grey a bit about my history a few weeks into tour, albeit because I was drunk and had no filter. I don't mind that he knows though, he's a good guy and I trust him enough. He doesn't know all the details, not even close, he just knows I was behind bars for a while for some shit I got unwillingly dragged into.

"Back to prison?" she asks with a cough, having gasped in surprise while taking a hit. "Probation?"

Grey lets out a low whistle. "Dumbass," he mutters under his breath and I give him a look.

"Look, it's not as bad as it sounds. I just got in some trouble in high school," I explain and scratch the back of my neck. "I'm not, like, a psychopath or something."

"What'd they book you for?" she asks and I pause.

"Mind your business," I end up replying, and even though I'm not really joking I force a playful smile so it isn't weird.

"I bet it was tax fraud or money laundering or some shit. You're, like, the smart kind of criminal," Grey jokes and I notice Ash eye me skeptically before laughing along, in a way that seems fake.

Great, now she's going to start treating me differently. Grey's right, I am a dumbass.

"Isn't it a bad idea to smoke if you're on probation? It ain't legal here, plus even if it was you're still 20," Ash pipes up when I go to take another hit, and I just shrug.

"It would be if they actually bothered to check up on me, but they don't except for preset meetings," I answer and pass her the joint again before looking around at our surroundings.

The only perk of this place is that it's out of view, but everything else about it is gross. It's dirty and smells weird, and there isn't much in terms of a view. Just the wall of the building next door and a bunch of dumpsters and chain link fencing.

"Y'all wanna move this to the park or so sum?" I ask and push off the dirty brick wall behind me. "I feel like I haven't explored any of the cities we've visited."

"Too public, shits not legal here," Grey says and I roll my eyes.

"No one actually cares about weed anymore, it's fine," I insist and grab his free hand to pull him off the wall too. "Come on! We're always either at a venue or on a bus, lets do something!"

He gives in easily with a shrug, and Ash does the same. They check their phones to find somewhere to go while I silently whine about having lost my own phone, then we all start walking together towards some park that looked nice.

"Just tell me when it's noon because I gotta go to a lunch thing with Bil," I tell Grey for the 800th time and he groans in annoyance.

"Bitch, I know! I already set an alarm, calm the hell down."

I can acknowledge that I've most definitely been annoying, but I can't help it. I haven't gotten a new phone yet so I can't check the time and I really can't miss this lunch with Billie, so I've been pestering the hell out of him.

Eventually we reach a beautiful park near the city center, and after looking around it for a little while we sit down in a semi-secluded place under some nice trees. I let out a relaxed sigh and look around at our surroundings while Grey lights another jay, feeling much better than before.

"Now this is what I really needed," I say and lean back against the tree behind me.

"This is definitely nicer than the alley behind the venue," Grey agrees and takes a drag before passing it to me.

We spend a little while chatting and relaxing while passing around a couple of joints, until all of us are pleasantly high. Of course that isn't enough, so Ash sparks up another one while I look up at the bits of sky I can see through the trees.

She passes it to me, and I'm just taking a drag when the crunching sound of leaves under boots makes my head snap to the left, where I see two police officers quickly approaching us.

"Shit!" I exclaim and immediately jump up from the ground and take off, not bothering to risk looking back.

"Stop right there!" one of the officers shouts but I don't listen, running faster as I weave through the trees.

I hear footsteps gaining on me and I panic for a second until I glance to my side to see that it's Grey running next to me now.

"Told you it was too public!" he pants as we run as hard as we can together in a random direction, hoping for the best.

"Stop!" the voice shouts again, a little further back than it was before.

"No!" I shout back simply and me and Grey both laugh while we keep running. Eventually we exit the park and keep running down the street, keeping our eyes open for a way to ditch the officer.

I don't know where Ash went off to, but hopefully she got away from the other police officer.

"Faster!" I tell Grey and grab his arm, pulling him along as I sprint towards an alley down the block.

We turn into and charge down it. I take a second to glance over my shoulder, and when I don't see the officer I decide to take a chance and hop the fence next to us.

"Gimme some warning, shit!" Grey hisses as I quickly climb up it and hop down onto the other side.

He scrambles up and over and we both hide in the bushes while we struggle to catch our breaths. A moment later we hear another person running down the alley, clearly the officer.

"I lost visual on them," he says, out of breath, followed by some chatter on a walkie-talkie. "Patrols in the area be on the lookout for a young female with dark hair and a tattoo sleeve wearing jean shorts and black shirt and a young hispanic male wearing a grey shirt and jeans."

"Filipino," Grey corrects under his breath, and I slap his chest to tell him to shut the fuck up.

We both cover our mouths with our hands as his footsteps get closer, and I can see him a moment later through the gaps in the fence as he walks by the bush we're hiding in.

He mutters to himself before eventually leaving the alley, and Grey and I both let out sighs of relief while slumping back in our spot.

"Jesus Christ, that was so stupid," Grey mumbles and runs his hand over his face. "I hope Ash got away, she took off in the other direction when you bolted."

"She probably did, she's fast," I say and run my hand through my disheveled hair. "What time is it?"

"12:10," he says after checking his phone and I curse. "Right, sorry. The alarm went off by the way."

"Damn it, Grey," I huff and start to get up but he pulls me back down. "Jesus, what?"

"You can't just walk around right now, people are looking for you," he points out and I roll my eyes.

"It's fine, Grey. They're not looking that hard " I insist, but he does t let go of my arm.

"Alexis, don't. It's not worth it, if you get caught you won't just get a slap on the wrist, you'll go to jail," he reminds me and I let out a defeated sigh.

"I can't miss this lunch with Billie," I mumble and he gives me a look.

"You can't have lunch with Billie if your ass is in prison," he argues and I slump back to where I was sitting a with sigh.

"Can I call her on your phone?" I ask hopefully and he shakes his head.

"I don't have her number."

"Fuck," I mutter and lean my head back. "I'm not waiting long."

He opens his mouth to respond but quickly shuts it when we hear something in the alley. We quickly realize it's a car and I scoot further out of view as we listen to it slowly move down the alley.

My suspicious are confirmed when it passes by us and we see that it's a patrol car. It's very obviously looking for someone, and that someone is very obviously us.

"Jesus, why they so serious?" I whisper and Grey watches the car like a hawk before responding.

"Dude, this isn't California. Shit's like a class one drug here," he reminds me and I let out a sigh.

The two of us wait there for a while, until Grey thinks it has been long enough to move. We hop back over the fence and leave the alley tentatively, making sure we can't see any cops or patrol cars before actually walking out onto the sidewalk.

We make our way back to the venue through backstreets and alleys, trying to avoid any place that may have a cop who heard our descriptions nearby.

When we finally get back to the venue I get hounded by paps on the way in, but just ignore them all as we make our way past security and inside.

"There you two are!" Alice, Chris' assistant exclaims and quickly runs over to us. "Chris is pissed, and rightfully so."

"What? Why?" I ask and she huffs, her bangs flying up out of her eyes from the puff of air.

"Don't play dumb, we know you two were with Ash," she says and I frown. "Luckily the police don't, and Ash didn't say anything, so you're fine."

"Police?" I ask and Alice nods.

"They attested her at the park, Chris had to pick her up from the station," she says and narrows her eyes at us. "She got off because she wasn't the one holding the weed and Chris paid some people, so she's lucky. So are you two, but still in trouble."

"We wer-"

"Save it, Chris will chew you out himself after the show. Now get to work to get ready for soundcheck," Alice cuts off whatever Grey was going to say then turns around and stomps away.

"Fuck," I mumble and shake my head at myself. "I gotta go find Billie," I say before walking off to look for her.

I walk around for a bit with no luck then push open the door to her green room, finding her in there with Finneas and Maggie.

They all look up, and Billie scoffs when she sees me then immediately looks back down at her phone.

"Finally showed up. Only a few hours late, good job," Billie says sarcastically and my chest aches because she sounds so hurt.

"Billie let me explain, I was just-"

"Smoking weed and running from the cops like a fucking dumbass," she cuts me off and I shut my mouth. "You knee this lunch was important to me, Lexi. You couldn't just be sober for one second and be there for me?"

The disappointment in her voice hurts more than anything. I hate knowing I let her down like this, and I hate thinking about what she must think of me at this point.

"I'm sorry, I don't have an excuse," I mumble and hang my head.

"It's whatever, my bad for expecting so much," she replies bitterly and I flinch slightly because her words hurt.

"Billie, you're being a bit harsh," Maggie chimes in, surprising me.

There isn't any bad blood between Maggie and I, in fact we get along really well, but I've always been on thin ice with her since she found out I was dealing all those years ago, so I really didn't expect her to come to my defense.

"No I'm not! I needed her and she fucked off to smoke weed!" Billie argues back and throws her hands up in frustration.

"But whatever, it's fine. If you actually have any interest, we all talked for a while and figured out what I'm doing," she says and I look at her again, finding her still looking at me with eyes I couldn't possibly read because of how many emotions are swirling around in them.


"I'm not keeping it."


not edited yeet

*tyler the creator voice* ayo

what does oh mean? is she happy? disappointed? is billie going to stand by her decision?

is alexis spiraling or just a dumbass?

predictions, general thoughts, questions, etc are appreciated

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