Her BTS Kim Seokjin FF

By BT21AreCool

23.6K 1K 57

Y/n is the really sweet, quite girl who always gets her school work done and has been crushing on her Korean... More

Character Introduction
1- Back To School
2- P.E?
3- They left....Again
4- Meeting The Neighbors
5- The Rest Of Movie Night
6- Breakfast, Lunch or What?
7- Shopping
9- His Helper
10- Confessions
11- Sick Day
12- Getting Caught?
13- Assembly
14- A Couple Days Off
15- Shopping- A Reunion
16- I Quit
17- Drinks? Truth Or Dare?
18- Shower
19- Theme Park
20- Work
21- Date
22- America
23- BTS?
24- Concert
25- The End Is Nearing
26- The End

8- Bad Day Turned Good

912 41 8
By BT21AreCool

"Ughhh, I can't be bothered for school today" You said rolling off Jin, he's automatically become your snuggle buddy
"I wish we could stay here all day too but we need to go" He sighed
You both got out of his bed and made your way to the bathroom, brushed your teeth and did you morning routine, you decided to help Jin with small things, like tying his tie, while tying his tie, you were staring up at his plump lips, a little too long because he noticed
"Juicy right" He licked his bottom lip mockingly
"Shush, let's just go" You then pulled him downstairs by his tie
"Ohhh what happening here?" Hobi wiggled his eyebrows at you two, causing all the boys to look
"Nothing, we're going now, see you guys later" He pulled you to his car
You guys entered school side by side and all you could here was your fellow peers whispering, you and Jin just went on with your normal day. It eventually rolled around to 3rd period, Korean.
The lesson was 37minutes in when your phone started ringing, you walked over to Jin's desk and asked to be excused as it was your parents and he agreed as he knew your situation with them, you stepped out the classroom with him following
"Mum, dad, how come you're calling me?" You smiled to Jin, after hearing those words, your smile dropped
"Hello?" You heard a woman speaking over the phone, you couldn't say anything so you shoved your phone into Jin's hand for him to speak
"Hello?" Jin spoke
"Hi, I was just saying to Miss L/n that her parents are in prison for embezzlement and all their assets have been seized and their accounts are frozen, this is because all their stuff was most likely bought with counterfeit money or the money they embezzled, after arresting them we found out they have been doing this for almost 20 years, alongside scamming and conning innocent people out of their hard-earned money, it's very likely they won't step foot out of this prison again" The officer finally finished speaking
"Thank you for calling, can we visit?" Jin quickly replied
"Of course, visiting hours are between 2pm and 6pm" The lady finished the call
"Give me one minute" Jin said to you and rushed into his classroom
"Free period for the rest of the day" He said while grabbing his car keys and phone
After 20 minutes you pulled up outside of the prison
"Hi, we're here to see Mr and Mrs L/n" Jin spoke
"May I know your relation to the inmates?" She asked
"I'm their daughter and he's my husband" You spoke for the first time since the call
The officer asked Jin for both your full names and gave you guys a sticker stating them
"You may go through, they're waiting for you" She pointed to the door on her right
Jin nodded thank you and led you through
"Well well well, lookie who we have here, the thing that ruined our lives" Your mum spoke
"What happened, why are you here?" You cried
"Look at her, already crying, you weak bitch" You dad spat
"Wh-what, you were never like this to me before, I mean you weren't always the nicest but never like this" You stared weakly
"Who's that?" Your mum shot a dirty glare to Jin beside you
"How dare you bring him you whore" You dad looked you two up and down
"Oh look at that, they even have the same surname" You mum pointed out
"You disrespectful slut" Your dad went to smack you across your face, you closed your eyes waiting for it to happen, but it never did, you opened your eyes to see Jin's hand wrapped around your dads wrist, stopping him from hitting you
"Look ok, I know you're her parents but what the fuck is wrong with you? Calling her names, trying to hit her" Jin shoved your dads hand down
"You bastard, who do you think you are?" Your dad went to hit him
This turned into a full-blown fight between the two, you stood their crying asking them to stop while your mum was laughing at you. During the fight you could hear your dad badmouthing you and Jin defending you while hitting your dad twice as hard as he was hitting Jin. Both Jin and your dad went to punch at the same time, it seemed as everything stopped when their hands collided, causing the fight to stop as you screamed so loud the guards came rushing in pulling them apart
"Don't bring him with next time" You mum shouted while you examined Jin's hand
"Next time? You seriously think I'll ever come back? You've never been there for me, ever, it was always about work, Jin and the rest of the guys have been there for me more the past few days than you have been my entire life" You shouted back crying
"Of course you're spending all your time with boys you slut" They replied
"Show your daughter some basic fucking respect you old bags of shit, this is the last time you'll ever see her, is this how you want it to end? With you being the worst fucking people in her life? You're her parents, act like it, at least for a minute before parting ways forever you useless fuckers, I, of all people know what it's like to leave things on bad terms like this, just ask my parents, they're in here too" Jin lashes out at them
You both storm out after your parents just stood there,
"We need to go to the hospital" You sniffled
"I'm fine as long as you're fine" Jin looked into your eyes while holding your wet face with his free hand
"I'm not fine, you might have broken something because of me" Multiple tears fell down your face
"And I'd do it all again if that meant protecting you" He wiped your tears away
"Just please, let's go to the hospital, I'll really be ok if I know you're ok" You smiled as more tears fell
He finally gave in and headed toward the hospital
"HEEEEEELP" You screech as you walk in
Everyone came running to the living room where you and Jin were
"What's wrong?" Namjoon panicked
"Jin broke his finger because he was protecting me from my dad in prison today" You cried again
"Hey Y/n, I told you not to cry anymore" Jin laughed wiping your eyes again
"WHAT" Yoongi exclaimed
"Aish I'm tired, we're going bed, it's been a long day" Jin pulled you off the his room
"Thank you so much for today, you have no idea how much it means to me that I have someone like you in my life" You hugged him
After awhile of hugging, Jin moved your head so you were looking up at him, he then moved his so he was facing down to you and he pulled you into a kiss, you rised to your tiptoes as he slouched down a bit to reach closer to your tiptoe level as the kiss deepend,
"I think I love you" Jin rested his forehead against yours when you both parted from the kiss
"I think I love you too" You breathed out
"That was the best kiss I've ever had" Jin hugged your small frame
"I have to agree, that was the best kiss ever, even though I've never kissed, I just know" You giggled and he chuckled
He kissed you again
"There, I'm also your second kiss..... and third" He said between kisses
You both got changed into pyjamas, you were in Jin's t-shirt and he was in his boxers, as it was really warm that night,
"Sleep well" Jin said when you snuggled up to him, he went to kiss you on your forehead but instead kissed your open eyeball, you both burst out laughing, eventually waking up the whole house

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