Book 2: City of Ice and Fire...

By pokemonshadowhunter

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BEWARE OF THE COLD DARKNESS, ONLY AN ARROW CAN PIERCE ITS HEART Arrowheart (Alec) and siblings have just bec... More

Chapter 1: Coming to a Decision
Chapter 2: Sparkpaw of HunterClan (Clace) (Malec)
Chapter 3: Simon's Interlude
Chapter 4: Training in the Sandy Hollow
Chapter 5: Sharing News
Chapter 6: A New Mission (Clace)
Chapter 7: A Tunnel with a Surprising Destination (Malec)
Chapter 8: Meanwhile In HunterClan...
Chapter 9: Unwarranted Assault Aka when The Malec Ship sails
Chapter 10: Battle at the Silent Forest (Malec)
Chapter 12: Reuniting with a Friend (Malec)
Chapter 13: Why does the Mundane have to come along? (Malec) (Climon)
Chapter 14: Rain and Loss (Malec)
Chapter 15: A Story of Lost Dreams
Chapter 16: Arrowheart is Annoyed (Climon) (Malec)
Chapter 17: How to Conquer Fear (Malec)
Chapter 18: Silverpaw it's been so long (Malec)
Chapter 19: A Secret Meeting at FourTrees
Chapter 20: Vultureclaw is acting Suspicious and he's not the Only One
Chapter 21: WolfClan is finally here! (Malec)
Chapter 22: Escape from the Shadows
Chapter 23: The Journey Home...Is Filled with Peril (Malec)
Chapter 24: You Can't Save Everyone Arowheart (Malec)
Chapter 25: Welcome Back to the Land of Confusion
Chapter 26: The Werecats Howl at the Moon
Chapter 27: The Reason Why Monsters are DANGEROUS (Malec)
Chapter 28: Terrible News
Chapter 29: The Sharper the Thorn, The Deadlier the Secret (Clace)
Chapter 30: Sparkpaw has a Dream
Chapter 31: New Destiny and the Frozen Stream
Chapter 32: Heart to Heart (Malec)
Chapter 33: Its Time to Take Back Sunning Rocks
Chapter 34: Victory!
Chapter 35: Prey Problems
Chapter 36: Who is to blame?
Chapter 37: Wake Up to the Sound (Malec)
Chapter 38: Reconasaince
Chapter 39: Battle on the Frozen River
Chapter 40: Alderpaw Cuts it Close
Chapter 41: Forest Clash
Chapter 42: Blood Transfusion (Clace)
Chapter 43: Reunited (Malec)
Chapter 44: Celebration (Malec, Clace, Sizzy)

Chapter 11: The Mortal Stick is Taken

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By pokemonshadowhunter

*****Nightrose's POV*****

It is later in the evening when Frondleap sneaks back into HunterClan camp. The tom acts as though nothing was out of the ordinary, murmuring a few greetings to Petalfall, Ashwhisker, and Badgerstripe as he passes them on his way to the fresh-kill pile.

He hasn't even been hunting today! Nightrose tears at the grass from her spot beside Dawnpaw. She'd been ranting to the pale apprentice about Frondleap's lack of responsibility ever since she'd returned to camp with Stripepaw and Smokepaw. The two apprentices were now sharing a sparrow outside the Apprentice's Den, across the clearing they were like two gray smudges against the green of camp.

If any cat in HunterClan would understand just how aggravating Frondleap could be it would be Dawnpaw. The healer apprentice had once planned to be his mate until she found out he was cheating on her, which then led her to go down her rightful path in life as a Medicine Cat. The two she-cats were currently hunkered down outside the Medicine Den, both eating the remains of their prey. Nightrose had a vole lying at her paws, while Dawnpaw was eating a squirrel.

"I just don't understand how he can think shirking his responsibilities is okay. My mother would have my ear for that if I did, and I'd feel so ashamed too." Nightrose growled. She aggressively claws another piece of meat from her vole; the meat is stringy compared to usual, likely a result of her aggressive tugging at the fresh-kill.

"Well, we can't say he has the same parents as yours." Dawnpaw mutters, her light blue eyes focused on her squirrel.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nightrose asks her friend.

"I'm just saying, Frondleap's parents died when he was just a kit against the rogue army. It's understandable that he didn't have much parental guidance in his life, unlike you and Arrowheart who've had both your parents your entire lives." Dawnpaw tells her.

"So your saying he acts this way because he doesn't have parents?" She inquires.

Dawnpaw looks up to meet her gaze steadily. "No. That doesn't excuse what's he done. We all have choices to make that are only ours to make. The only difference for Frondleap is that he had no parental figure to steer him away from making those bad choices, so he never learned better early on. And here we are now." The healer mews.

Nightrose rises to her paws, her appetite momentarily forgotten. "You're right about one thing: we have to make our own choices. He chose wrong, and if parental cats can't make him understand then I will." She heads over to where Frondleap is sitting alone a few tail lengths from the fresh-kill pile. If Dawnpaw offers up any protests, Nightrose ignores them.

*******Goldenclaw's POV*******

Goldenclaw surges over another tussock of grass doing his best to keep up with Brother Zachariah. The Silent Brother moves like a snake in the undergrowth, his lightning quick movements coming from speed and familiarity of the place he calls home. Stalks and reeds whip at the golden tabby's face as he runs, at one point a hanging branch almost thwacks him in the face.

The Silent Forest is filled to the brim with chaotic sounds of battle. Goldenclaw and Jemsong run past a few fighting cats as they go. The warrior would've liked to join the brothers who are fighting, but he reminds himself that it's Frostfang their after. The only way this will end is if we force the Circle to retreat. And the only way that'll happen is if we attack Frostfang head on.

The trees shake violently with the breeze, several leaves cascading to the forest floor in an almost vicious tangent. Goldenclaw can't count just how many different types of trees he sees here, the tops of them too hard to see with how quick they were going.

He did however notice all the flowers in the place, dots of color scattered all over the forest floor. The most common color, oddly enough is blue. How is that? Hardly any flowers are blue to my knowledge.

One day he'd made the mistake of hanging out with Dawnpaw all day back when Dustcloud was punishing him. He'd expected a quiet day of herb gathering, as whenever he'd been around the pale apprentice before she'd been nothing but soft spoken and gentle. Boy was I wrong!

As it turned out, herbs made Dawnpaw very excited, so much so that she talked animatedly about them the whole time they were foraging for them in the forest. I now know that horsetail and dock can be made into a poultice to keep our infection and heal wounds, catmint is for coughs, and borage leaves help queen's produce more milk. She'd shown him a lot of herbs that day, yet he hadn't seen any blue flowers amongst the mix.

As if he'd read his mind, Jemsong answers his unspoken question. + The blue five petal flower is known as the Blazing Star. It's used to heal the very worst coughs. It also was an omen from StarClan that there needed to be five clans in the forest.+

Goldenclaw felt a ripple of surprise at that. Who knew one plant could be so important? He wonders this without saying a word. For the rest of their journey to the falls, they remain silent. Instead of talking, the two toms focus on moving as fast as they can through the thick undergrowth, occasional shafts of sunlight warming them through the dense trees overhead.

*****Arrowheart's POV*****

As it turns out, the other side of the house wasn't lined with more houses right thereafter. No, there was something much worse for them to deal with. Arrowheart and his companions stare at their newest obstacle with expressions of fear and anxiety.

Just past the front yard was a giant stretch of blackened pavement. The smell of burnt rubber and musty dirt fills the air. A huge Thunderpath lies ahead of them, with loud monsters zooming across it with lightning fast speed. The metallic creatures were moving so fast that they were almost nothing but blurs to the naked eye, yet he could still see Twolegs riding along inside the monster bellies. Arrowheart felt his fur spiking in horror.

"How can Twolegs let themselves get eaten by monsters? Do they really have that little sense?" He asks his companions.

Sparkpaw shrugs. "While I can't say anything for the second question, I can say that monsters aren't actually real so twolegs aren't really being eaten. They're just riding along inside the cars, or er monsters. I've been in one myself once, it wasn't that bad." She tells them, her gaze fixated on the yellow monster passing by.

Arrowheart notes that the thing has a black checkered pattern on it, though he can't fathom why that would be. Why is it yellow? It looks like a bee? Why are Twolegs so weird? Twolegs were oddly like ants he'd noticed, just running around without a care in the world. The almost hairless creatures were just so aimless and random, and he was unsure if he'd ever understand them.

He felt increasing unease at Sparkpaw's words, though he knew that was not her intention. "I don't think I'll ever understand that. How could you just-" he cuts himself off when he feels a soothing presence at his side. Patchfur was padding around him, the warlock's tail sliding gently along his back. The soothing feeling this provided had the intended effect of Arrowheart's fur falling flat, though his ears remained pressed to his skull.

"It's alright Arrowheart. The less you think about it, the better of you'll be. Let's just get this over with." Patchfur gestures to the ThunderPath.

Sparkpaw watches the two toms interacting with curious eyes. Arrowheart is thankful she doesn't ask any prying questions, because right about now he was still on edge enough to go as far as to claw her ears off. Not literally, but then again, Sparkpaw would wish her ears were clawed off after she was forced to listen to my long rant session.

He was fond enough of the ginger she-cat (not that he plans to tell her anytime soon) but that doesn't mean that she doesn't drive him to the edge of insanity sometimes. Her Mundane friend was even worse, constantly asking Arrowheart twenty questions or rambling on about some likely insignificant thing he didn't understand.

Forcing himself to be calm, the Shadowhunter gives a jerky nod. "Alright then. Let's head over to the ditches." He tilts his head towards the stretch of dipped ground right before the ThunderPath. "Once the ThunderPath is clear, I'll give the signal to go."

"Sounds like a plan." Patchfur agrees. Sparkpaw offers a similar affirmation, her expression indicating she is eager to get moving.

He goes to focus his attention on to Sparkpaw. The ginger she-cat perks up when she notices his sharp blue gaze is on her. Patchfur doesn't look the slightest bit surprised that Arrowheart has something to say specifically to Sparkpaw and it makes the young tom pleased that the former MagicClan cat is so good at reading him already.

"I'll go wait over in the ditch for you two. Don't keep me waiting long, I'd hate to get the stench of burnt rubber on me forever. After all, how would any cat be able to smell a certain Shadowhunter on me then." Patchfur says this last part with a wink.

Arrowheart feels strangely flustered by the other tom's remark. This feeling only continues to grow when the bicolored tom moves over to him and touches noses with him briefly before padding away with graceful strides. He watches his boyfriend grow with what he's certain must be a longing expression.

Arrowheart would much rather remain with his boyfriend then hang back to explain safety procedures to his apprentice. Then again, if it were up to him he and Patchfur would be alone for as long as they'd like with no special mission or apprentice getting in the way of them being together. But I can't always get what I want, can I? He sulks inwardly.

"Arrowheart, what is it?" Sparkpaw asks her mentor. The small ginger she-cat is standing a little off to the side of him, thankfully not obstructing her mentor's few of Patchfur. He watches the warlock bunker down in the safety of the appointed ditch before responding.

"As I'm sure you already know, ThunderPaths are extremely dangerous." Sparkpaw opens her mouth to reply but he cuts her off with a whisk of his long black tail. "And while I'm sure you've crossed ThunderPaths before back in TwolegPlace, I doubt they've ever been this big. So I want you to stick close to me the entire time. Are we clear?" He says this with all the authority he can muster, looming over her like a leering shadow against the daytime sky.

"Yes, we're clear." Sparkpaw responds quickly. It had looked like she'd wanted to add on to that, but wisely the apprentice hadn't said anything more.

Arrowheart dips his head in approval. "Good. Now follow me." He pads over to the ditch where Patchfur's hunkered down, Sparkpaw's light footfalls sounding in the grass behind him.

The monsters on the path are loud and obnoxious, the constant gusts of wind they leave in their wake ruffling Arrowheart and his companions' fur. He sends a silent prayer to StarClan and the Angel, asking them to protect them when they cross this monstrous ThunderPath.

He hadn't told Sparkpaw and Patchfur, but he'd never seen a path this huge. The Shadowhunter was unsure if they would be able to make it across, though it wasn't like they had any other choice. Even though the scents of monsters and road were overpowering here, he could still smell the faint scent of peat and heather, a sign that WolfClan had to have passed by here at some point.

If WolfClan can do it, then so can we. It is this thought that fills him with enough determination to begin scanning the road for the perfect opening to jet across.

******Nightrose's POV******

Nightrose felt her anger continue to grow as she strode over to Frondleap's side. The golden brown tabby tom had selected a mouse from the pile, his white paws just about prancing with glee as he heads over to Ashwhisker. Nightrose notes with a streak of worry that Vultureclaw is also headed in that direction. The last thing I want is for him to get involved with this, there's no telling what he'd do if he found out about Frondleap and Watertail.

Determination is what makes her move quicker, stopping Frondleap moments before he meets Ashwhisker outside the Warrior's Den. The gray tom is lounging underneath the arching overhang of the den, his often muddied paws clean for once, though Nightrose doubts that will last for long. She keeps the conversation to the point, stopping Frondleap in his tracks.

"We need to talk." Seeing as he's about to protest, she cuts him off with a tone that offers no room for whatever he'd been about to say. At any rate, it would've been hard to understand regardless, what with the plump mouse swinging from his jaws. "NOW." She just about growls out.

Frondleap reluctantly nods, dropping his mouse to follow her. Not wanting to be overheard Nightrose leads them to an alcove right behind the Medicine Den. She and Goldenclaw had discovered the mossy overhang back when they were just kits trying to play Emberstar vs. rogue. Arrowheart would occasionally join in the fun, her studious littermate preferring to follow around Badgerstripe to learn more about being a Shadowhunter.

"So, what's this about? Can we make it quick? There's a delicious mouse that's calling out my name." Frondleap casts a longing glance in the direction he'd left the mouse. Nightrose has to restrain herself from cuffing him around the ears. She puts this frustration into choosing her next words carefully, as one wrong word could mess the confrontation up with nothing to be gained as a result.

And so she states the obvious. "You didn't take Stripepaw out after the Dawn patrol today." Nightrose murmurs. In the shadow of the alcove it is hard to read facial expressions. In the case of Frondleap, the lighter color of his pelt helps a little with distinguishing his emotions. She can see the ripples of exasperation sweeping his brows, the downturn of his hungry grin.

"Is that all? So what if I ended training a little early today. After all the complaining Stripepaw did yesterday about taking care of the Elders, it serves her right." He mews.

Nightrose ponders over his words. While it wasn't right for Stripepaw to complain, that didn't mean that she should lack in training the following day as punishment. All apprentices complain at some point; it was a discouraged behavior but it happened regardless. She doubts that is the real reason as to why Frondleap chose not to train his apprentice today, but she wants to hear the truth from him, not just her own assumption.

"But what about the other two times? Stripepaw says this is the third time you've ended training early this week. And don't even bother telling me it's because your punishing her for this or that. The apprentices are only almost a moon into their training." Nightrose says.

"Oh, so you think you have it all figured out do you? Why don't you tell me then why I've been so absent." He growls. The tom's fur has started to fluff up, his eyes are narrow now as he gazes at her. Remaining undeterred by this act of intimidation, Nightrose goes to lick a forepaw clean; her brown eyes never leave Frondleap's ruffled form.

When she's licked the paw clean she responds; Nightrose had taken at least a minute to lick her whole paws clean, the silence having the intended effect of rattling the older warrior. "What I, what I KNOW is that you're in a relationship with Watertail." She says this nonchalantly, as if this isn't news.

It is true that it isn't news to her as she found out a couple moons back. The memory still causes a flare of anger inside her everytime she thinks about it. Considering Watertail is Wishstar's daughter, she's surprised that the pretty She-cat doesn't have more sense. How is she still with that slime ball? Surely she must know he's a two timer? Yet he broke Dawnpaw's heart and she still defends I guess anything is possible.

Frondleap looks a bit panicked now, his eyes widening. "Keep it down! Keep it down! If anyone hears you..." He trails off.

She does roll her eyes this time around, unable to hold her annoyance back. "Of course I know about that. I may not like you whatsoever-"

"As you've proved in abundance lately." Frondleap mutters under his breath. His white paws are like tiny splotches of cloud against the dirt. Nightrose hears his words, but selects to ignore them.

"But that doesn't mean I want to be the cat who ruins your life. Not that you haven't carelessly done that with other cats already." She doesn't say who she's referring to, but by the further narrowing of Frondleap's eyes she knows he comprehends that Dawnpaw's being referred to here.

"I didn't ruin her life, if anything I pushed her onto the right path." He says defensively.

"She could've found the path as a Medicine cat without you cheating on her." Nightrose growls. "What you did was in no way okay whatsoever. How Watertail is still with you is beyond me."

"She's with me because we love each other. And nothing you say or do is going to keep me from being with her." He all but snarls.

Nightrose shoots him a disgusted look. "I have no interest in getting in the way of your relationship with Watertail. All I'm saying is that you better be a better mentor to Stripepaw. Because if you aren't, then the next cat who will confront you won't be me, it'll be Blossomstar. And I doubt she'll be as kind on the matter, nor as likely to forgive when she finds out what you've really been up to." With that she pads away, leaving a disgruntled Frondleap in her wake.

*****Sparkpaw's POV*****

Sparkpaw would be lying if she said that she was ready for what came next. The ThunderPath stretches like an endless river of hot obsidian stone. Cars zoom by on it so quickly, so fast that she can hardly see the Twolegs sitting inside. Ever since she and Arrowheart had headed over to the ditch the apprentice had remained plastered to her mentor's side. Sparkpaw may have been born in the TwolegPlace, but she'd never seen a ThunderPath this terrifying before.

Arrowheart and Patchfur were gazing at the ThunderPath with mild trepidation, eyes narrowed against the wind as they scanned for an opening. At least, that's what she assumed they were doing; Sparkpaw was too busy freaking out internally to ask. How in the name of the Angel are they going to find an opening here? Wouldn't it be better to find a safer, easier way across. She asks this question to Arrowheart, the tom's firm response not doing much to settle the bundle of nerves in her chest.

"We can't try to find another way, otherwise we might lose WolfClan's scent. It's faint enough already without us wasting extra time finding an easier way across." Arrowheart tells her.

Patchfur agrees with him too, though does try to reassure her a little. "Biscuit, Arrowheart wouldn't have us doing this if he didn't think we could all get across safely. And we can't try going farther up or down the path for easier passage. The road and trees are too unfamiliar to find our way back to this area on the other side. Once we find WolfClan, we need to be able to retrace our paw steps. So this is the best way to do that." Sparkpaw wants to comment that Patchfur might only be agreeing with Arrowheart because they're both acting so couple like now, but decides she's better off not saying a word. I'm fighting a losing battle here anyways.

Arrowheart's blue eyes narrow. "There should be an opening after this blue monster passes. When I say run, we run." The black furred warrior crouched low to the ground, ready to spring out onto the hard path within a moments notice.

Patchfur copies the movement as does Sparkpaw. Prickly blades of undergrowth brush at her underbelly, making her feel uncomfortable. The ditch they were in was mostly sodden with mud and what looked to be some kind of mold.

Patchfur had taken the liberty of finding them the driest spot to squat down in, but she'd much rather just stand out in the open. It must be a kittypet thing from growing up, though she just couldn't imagine a twoleg or monster veering off the ThunderPath to get them. The whole idea seems ridiculous an absurd.

"3.....2......1.......RUN!" Arrowheart yowls out loud and clear. Sparkpaw is somewhat stunned by the loud projection of his voice. She was unsure if she'd ever heard her mentor be that loud.

The three HunterClan cats hared across the stretch of road, their tails streaming behind them. Patchfur was in the lead, his bicolored pelt a strange contrast to the leafy foliage on the other side of the road. Arrowheart was right behind him as Sparkpaw brought up the rear. There were no Monsters immediately after the car Arrowheart had pointed out, so this was likely their best chance to cross the smooth, hot black ground. Blood roars in her ears as she runs, her heart beat pounds on overdrive.


The sound of another car approaching struck at her ears. The noise had been so loud it had startled her, causing her to stumble. Her paws fell out from underneath her, sending her crashing onto the hard ground. She looks up with fear to see the approaching Monster.

The car's big, blank yellow eyes were blinding with their rays of artificial light, the car's grey exterior murky like dirty rainwater. Black rubbery tires send the thing quickly over the hard road. The car's movements are unrelenting, as is the blaring car horn.

Her heart feels like it's about to explode out her chest; Sparkpaw's body is numb with fear. She cannot move the fear strikes within her so deeply. Sparkpaw closes her green eyes, ducking her head down as she prepares for the end.....






********Arrowheart's POV********

............Except it doesn't come. She doesn't see it, but Arrowheart and Patchfur both found fast that Sparkpaw wasn't behind them. The two toms had internally flipped out at the sight of Sparkpaw sprawled out on the heated surface of road.

There had been no discussion, no decision to be made. Like lightning, Arrowheart races back over the path. Used to the soft forest floor, it is almost certain that his paw pads ache with the effort of moving over the hard surface. Sparkpaw's mentor doesn't stop running though, keeping his movements as fast as he possibly can.

The Shadowhunter hauls Sparkpaw up by the scruff, her ginger fur and skin snagging in between his teeth. To an onlooker, it would've looked like he was holding a big orange cheeseball of odd proportions.

The warrior shoots forward off the ThunderPath as fast as he can; Sparkpaw hangs limply in his jaws, her small form trembling all over. He moves with all the speed he can, his paws seemingly flying over hard ground.

Arrowheart focuses on Patchfur's bicolored form....except, in his haze it doesn't look so two colored anymore. Here and there, faint flickers of a different color seem to appear. Am I imagining things?

Unable to question what he's seeing, as he's too tired for curiosity, the two HunterClan cats find themselves crashing to the ground once they're fully across the ThunderPath. Arrowheart is gasping for air, having been hardly able to get any oxygen with Sparkpaw hanging from his jaws.

The cold air feels like ice shards stabbing at his throat but he can't find it in himself to care. He looks at Patchfur, the strange (but beautiful illusion) of his fur being more than just black and ginger had disappeared. Groaning inwardly at his frazzled mind, Arrowheart continues to take in gulps of air.

His heart had been racing like it never had before when he saw Sparkpaw stuck on the ThunderPath. The stories his mother told them about her brother dying on one these roads had come back to his mind unbidden.

There had been no thought nor hesitation when he ran back over the ThunderPath to get her. If he was being honest, Arrowheart was stunned that he managed to get to her in time, in those last few moments his heart had been beating so fast it had felt like it was about to give out.

So it was an interesting comparison when it was legs that gave out instead of his heart. He crashes onto the grass with a small thud, Sparkpaw flung a few yards away from him. Patchfur was at his side immediately to make sure his boyfriend was alright. The soothing feeling of Patchfur lapping at his ear fur calms him down, lowering his heart rate back down to normal.

"It's okay Arrowheart. Take your time, I'm going to make sure Sparkpaw calms down." The warlock turns and pads over to Sparkpaw.

Through slightly blurred vision Arrowheart can see the she-cat is still trembling quite a bit. He haphazardly rises to his unsteady paws, going over to Patchfur's side. His boyfriend is sitting before Sparkpaw, one front paw outstretched with sparkling blue light spewing from it. Magic Arrowheart thinks, his own azure gaze focusing on the peculiar light. This energy comes from Patchfur, it is who he is. Arrowheart instantly decides that he loves it, even if his understanding of magic is limited.

Shadowhunters know warlocks to be the most dangerous the shadow world has to offer. The magic in their paws is just too big of a treat for most cats to ignore, perhaps that was the reason that Frostfang had been so keen on targeting them back during the Uprising. Arrowheart finds that absurdly horrible, letting fear take the reigns of how you act. Not that the piece of foxdung would ever admit to it.

"Sparkpaw, are you feeling okay?" Patchfur asks the little apprentice. The she-cat was rising back onto her paws now, her green eyes wild.

"Y-Yea. I'm alright." She tells Patchfur. Her gaze slides to Arrowheart. "Thanks for saving me. I'm not sure what happened, one minute I was running, the next I tripped and fell." She mews.

Arrowheart shrugs. "It happens to the best of us. Just make sure you go in front of me next time. If I hadn't been quick enough, we'd be having to scrape you off the pavement." He mutters. The tom tries to remain aloof around Sparkpaw, but fails miserably in this today. He continues to keep Sparkpaw pressed between him and Patchfur once they leave the ThunderPath behind them and travel further into the new stretch of woods. Ahead of them lies the sweet scent of heather and musty peat.

*******Goldenclaw's POV*******

Goldenclaw follows behind Brother Zachariah up the craggy spires of the falls. He takes them two at a time, not once feeling fear at the enormous drop to the ground below. Roaring water cascades from the river above, slamming fierce white blue water into the ground below. The water was so fierce it was almost as if it was trying to drill a hole within the earth.

It was a strong contrast to the smooth river that stretches away from the falls like a winding snake. Goldenclaw feels a flicker of unease as he spots a part of the river below that is covered in burgundy red. The figure's dead corpse is impossible to recognize from this high up, but Goldenclaw still mutters out the proper respects for the dead, as does Jemsong.

"Is there a plan for when we get up there?" Goldenclaw grunts as he leaps to another ledge.

Jemsong is only a short distance ahead of him, the brother's ombré fur making him half ghost, half shadow against the grayish brown hillside. Up here they can see the setting sun dipping below the horizon, it's brilliant reddish pink rays painting the forest with fading light.

It wouldn't be much longer before the stars would start to appear. Goldenclaw wonders if StarClan is already watching the chaos; the ancestors must've welcomed quite a few Silent Brothers into their ranks today. The prospect of all the death below unsettled him, so he focuses on climbing up the several spires.

+ It is an old saying that actions speak louder than words. In this instance, where the Circle attacked us, they forgot something very important.+ Jemsong tells him through projection.

"And what would that be?" He asks Brother Zachariah.

+ The Silent Forest is the land of the Silent Brothers. We are the ones who know this terrain, and we will use this knowledge to our advantage. And the best way to do that is to ambush them where they'll least expect it.+

"So we're going to sneak attack them." Realization dawns in Goldenclaw's golden eyes, excitement fizzling in his pelt.

+Yes we will. So follow me. Up ahead there is a secret entrance for us to use to get into the Cave of Speaking Stars. Be quick Goldenclaw, and as silent as you can.+ Jemsong leaps one more ledge.

When he lands, the Silent Brother presses his paw on the side of the cliff on a bluish stone. The second he touches the stone it lights up like a star fragment, a prism of brilliant colors. Goldenclaw joins him on the ledge, watching as the stone grows bigger in size, until it opens into a secret tunnel. Wordlessly the two move inside the tunnel, their paws making light footfalls on the cold earth.

******Time Skip******

The Cave of Speaking Stars was just as Goldenclaw remembered it. Tiny fragments of glittering crystal were imbedded into the ground; witch light rune stones were fitted into the walls. Goldenclaw didn't know how Brother Zachariah was doing it, but the stones weren't lighting up at all as they passed by them. He determined that it must be some special Silent Brother trick.

+ We'll be at the statue soon, so keep quiet and wait for my signal.+ Jemsong didn't wait for the young warrior to agree, keeping his movements hurried.

The tunnel was unusual to what Goldenclaw had went through before (not that he'd been through all that many). There were several dips and rises, the twists and turns would likely be confusing to even the most experienced tunneler. Jemsong navigated them with ease though, and it made Goldenclaw wonder just how long the ombré furred tom had been a part of the brotherhood.

He must have been here for a very long time. I wonder what made him become a silent brother? Maybe Patchfur will know. He did say he knew him before. He was taken out of his thoughts by the sound of clamoring voices up ahead. One in particular made his hackles rise, golden tabby fur spiking up with anger. Frostfang.

"This rightfully belongs to us. As the rightful cats of the Angel, we need the Mortal Instruments to do our bidding, so don't stand in our way." The frost white tom says in an even tone.

Goldenclaw and Jemsong peak there heads out of the tunnel to see the scene laid out before them. Frostfang already has the Mortal Stick in paw, the Mortal Moss hanging from a tendril wrapped around his neck.

He couldn't be certain, but it was likely that there was enchantment on this necklace like thing to keep the Moss tightly bound to him. Not choking tight but tight enough that it sat as a comfortable weight atop his chest. It was a splash of green color on his throat, the ever wet bundle soaking the older tom's chest.

Scars ran up and down his flanks, some were fresh pink, the others a faded silver. Goldenclaw notices that none of the scars are spewing blood. I'm going to change that. He flexes his claws eagerly, imagining shredding the white Warrior's pelt (he refuses to call that monster his father!).

Surrounding the Circle leader is four of his entourage. Sourdough's brown and cream fur is strangely fluffed, not fully but in tiny spikes like bits of salt sprinkled on say....a pretzel. His sister Sour Cream is beside him, her cream colored fur and flinty green eyes narrowed on their opponent.

On Frostfang's other side is Wire and Dot. The two she-cat's are watching the angry cat before them with mild disinterest. Dot's green eyes are the same as they were the last time Goldenclaw saw her: carefully blank, as though her soul wasn't even there. Though the flickering purple light around her paws explain how Frostfang and his gang got up to the Cave of Speaking Stars.

Magic makes a lot of things a lot less complicated, as does the will to get things done. And by the look of things, Frostfang is willing to do whatever it takes to reach his goal.

Beside him, Jemsong is focused on the cat the Circle Shadowhunters and Dot are cornering. The tom's speckled yellow pelt is impossible to not recognize, even with the dark rivulets of blood spilling from him. Goldenclaw winces at a particularly deep gash on the side of the tom's neck, the injury was clearly a bit mark wound, a patch of pale yellow skin remains in the center of it, though that too is beginning to darken with blood.

He can't last much longer... The tom was already swaying on his paws, his body like a ship in turbulent waters, lost at sea. Goldenclaw wills Jemsong to give the signal soon, he doesn't think he can stand by and watch for much longer.

+ I am a Silent Brother. It was decreed long ago that the Mortal Stick is to be in the Cave of Speaking Stars unless a trial needs to be held or the Inquisitor or Consul needs it. It does not belong to filth like you.+ Phillip projects with rage, his speckled yellow pelt fluffing up.

He was crouched low to the ground, his sewn shut eyes and mouth would've likely been brimming with rage if it had been possible. The runes of quietude stood out starkly on his cheeks like black racing stripes.

"Frostfang, let me finish him. The Circle need not deal with this waste of space any longer." Wire says with a manic grin, her thin silver tail lashing behind her.

Frostfang gives his companion a darkly amused smirk. "Not now Wire, you're much too eager for bloodshed. It's a bit disconcerting, and I know you've already killed six brothers already." Jemsong tenses slightly at those words; Goldenclaw doesn't need to look down to know the brother's claws are unsheathed. "Sourdough and Sour Cream, you've stuck by my side most the whole time. You deserve the chance to kill a fleabag, so go right ahead."

"It would be our pleasure Frostfang." Sourdough says. His sister murmurs her agreement too, though her voice is much softer so Goldenclaw strains to hear. What I wouldn't give to renew my runes right about now. The marks on his pelt had returned back to their original state a short time ago, the Angelic power laying dormant underneath his skin.

The two twin cats are padding towards Phillip with malicious intent, hungry green and grey eyes glistening with delight at getting to finish the brother off. They are about a tail length away when Jemsong finally gives the signal.

+ Now. +

Not needing to be told twice, Goldenclaw darts into view. The golden tabby slams into Sour Cream with such strength that she's quickly falling backwards onto the glittering floor. Her brother yowls with alarm as his sister is attacked out of the blue, only to be caught off guard when Jemsong slams into him. The two Shadowhunters work the food named cats away from Phillip. The speckled tom gives them an appreciative nod for helping him out, panting out small gasps of air.

It is Wire who is the first respond to their presence, her green eyes lighting up with abject rage. "Frostfang, your traitor son is here...with his mange pelt ally." She eyes Jemsong's odd fur patterning with disgusted eyes. Wire doesn't see the Silent Brother for what he is, unique and special amongst the other cats in the brotherhood.

"I can see that. Hello son," He says to Goldenclaw. "I wish I could stay to chat, but I really must be going. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other very soon." Frostfang gestured to Dot. The tortoiseshell cat opens a swirling purple doorway right behind the rogues, her eyes remaining blank.

"No. You're not getting away this time." Goldenclaw snarls.

The golden tabby lunges at Frostfang, his claws outstretched. He finds himself coming up empty pawed, as the white tom slips away into the portal. Though he is not left without conflict as moments later Dot is attacking him, purple energy sparking from her paws haphazardly with no purpose whatsoever.

She manages to knock him off his paws, but only briefly. Laid out on his back, he can faintly see Jemsong battling back Sourdough and Sour Cream into the portal. The ombré colored tom moves with grace and prestige of a skilled fighter. Meanwhile, Wire streaks over to Phillip, tackling him to the dirt. The wiry framed cat had a bloodlust in her eyes that couldn't mean anything good.

"No!" He shouts.

With fury filling his veins he slams himself upward, forcing Dot to spring back from her spot hovering over him. Not wanting to badly hurt the somehow possessed warlock, he deftly knocks away another claw swipe to the side of his face.

Then he tackles her into the wall, her tortoiseshell fur feeling lifeless and dull underneath him. It was a stark contrast from the luscious, soft fur of before. Using a move Dustcloud had taught him, he presses down on the she-cat's pressure points, effectively stunning her for the next hour.

Once he's certain Dot is down for the count he races over to Phillip, ignoring Jemsong who had just successfully made Sourdough and Sour Cream retreat. Wire is raining down blows in all directions onto Phillip. With what little energy he has left, the Silent brother tries to hinder her progress but to no avail.

Anger bubbling in his chest, Goldenclaw bites down hard on one of the She-cat's hindquarters to forcibly drag her away from the yellow speckled tom. Metallic liquid floods his mouth and Wire's angry screech makes his ears ring, but still he perseveres.

Wire staggers back, trying to take a swipe at Goldenclaw as he tugs her. The she-cat gets floored, her paws going out underneath her. This though is not before Wire gets a claw in; the rogue's claws score across his ear making blood well up instantly. The attack wasn't enough to remove any of his ear, though it was likely that he would end up with a silvery scar later.

"Get out of hear and never come back!" He roars at Wire. Goldenclaw's tabby fur is fluffed up as much as possible, in the attempt to look like a menacing lion. Wire doesn't seem that effected by his rage, though she does slide up and run off to the Portal. The purple mirror of light winks out existence as soon as she enters it, leaving Dot behind in the aftermath.

Goldenclaw ignores the rogue's disappearance, feeling a great disappointment that he didn't get to shred his father to shreds (haha wordplay). Instead he goes over to Phillip, Jemsong a Silent shadow behind him. What they find is utterly heartbreaking....






Brother Phillip is dead. The yellow speckled tom's flanks had stilled now, beginning to grow cold as the body became increasingly limp. A great sorrow fills both Goldenclaw's and Jemsong's eyes at the sight of all the wounds littering Phillip's body. It was clear that Wire ravaged blows upon him in such a fashion that his death was slow, agonizing and painful. The damage is so gruesome it makes Goldenclaw regret letting the wiry framed she-cat leave (though that is the way of the Warrior Code).

"This shouldn't have happened." Goldenclaw mutters. In his mind he was taken back to the day his mentor had died. At least Dustcloud had died a quick and honorable death. Phillip's death was honorable, but it was in no way quick.

+ That is true though it doesn't change what happened.+ Jemsong responds to him. The Silent Brother then goes over to his fellow brother, his movements heavy with sorrow.

+ This Silent Brother was the first to accept me into the Silent Forest. He was a lifelong friend that was kind to me and shared in my deepest sorrows. Even though he didn't understand the relationships I used to have, and all that I have lost, he still did his best to be there for me. Ave atque vale. May the Stars light your way home my dear friend. Take care of him Stormwind.+

"Ave atque vale Brother Phillip." Goldenclaw murmurs softly, unsure of what else to say. For the next couple minutes, Jemsong and Goldenclaw stand together side by side, drowning in their grief. Eventually, they tug themselves back to reality, Goldenclaw rushing to find the companions he had brought with him earlier.


A/N: WOW this chapter was mega long. I'm not sorry though. Tell me in the comments what y'all think. If there's a POV you'd like to see more of (or haven't seen at all yet) that you'd like to see, let me know and maybe I'll work it into the book. Stay tuned for next time!

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