Little cheerleader | World Tr...

By Tanyn1

715 11 4

Ello, so basically this is world trigger x OC. For the plot, I am following the manga and I'm also going to a... More

Welcome to my story!
Chapter 2 | Part 1

Chapter 1 - I'm a neighbor too.

264 5 3
By Tanyn1

One day, a gate to another world opened in Mikado City. "Neighbors" That's what they eventually called them. These invaders from another dimension trampled everything in the vicinity of the gate, spreading terror throughout the city. The neighbors' technology was different from that of their world. Mikado City's weapons were ineffective. Everyone believed it was only a matter of time before the city was destroyed. And then a mysterious group suddenly appeared. They repelled the neighbors and said, "Leave them to us. We've prepared for this day for a long time." They were an organization that independently studied neighbor technology and fought to protect their world. The border defense agency, or "Border" for short.

"AHH!" I screamed after looking at the time. I overslept. I quickly got up and cleaned up my room. Or well, not exactly my room. But the forest. I stuffed all my school supplies into my bag and took off in a hurry for school. Not caring about who saw me, I ran almost as fast as I can. Let me just say, I run fast. Finally, I ended up at the school. I ran to my classroom and took my seat, listening to the conversation that my classmates were having.
"I took this battle shot with a telephoto lens." The teen with slightly curly hair said. His friend looked at the picture for a few minutes and then said, "WHOA, THE NEIGHBOR'S HUGE!" I held in my laughs. I looked at the next group, "Did you hear that Border recruited her boyfriend?" She whispered to her friend. Her friend replied, "For real?! Wow!" In a cheery voice. I looked towards a group of boys. "I wanna join Border too! TRIGGER ON!" His friends responded in a joking manner, "Yeah right!" and, "Don't bother." I let out a giggle from his friends' reaction, not even believing in him. It was cute.
All the conversations in Mikado City revolved around Neighbors or Border. They've been the talk of the town for a while. Heros that protected the city. 'Maybe I should join Border.' I thought with a small smile on my face.

I heard a large bang in the seat behind me, Osamu Mikumo sat there. He was one of my first friends in this class. He was sorta uptight and responsible. But, he cared about people when he needed to. I turned around to see what happened. His head was hit by a supply bag, the clowns threw it at him. The supply bag landed on the desk after hitting his head. Osamu picked up the supply bag and rubbed his head. "Hey Osamu, ignore those fools," I told him in a concerned voice. Osamu tends to ignore them, but when he does, it makes them more annoyed. So he ends up engaging them. Osamu looked at me and said, "I can't, Aiko. You know that." He is selfless to a fault at times. But, that just makes him even more of a hero. I gave him a slight nod and watched to see what he would do. "Haha, you suck!" Clown number one laughed. "You were supposed to catch that." Clown number two said. Clown number three pushed the owner of the supply bag, while the owner yelled, "GIVE IT BACK!" In an anxious voice. "Hey four-eyes, fork it over." Clown number three said. Osamu looked back at the owner of the supply bag and stood up. He walked past the clowns and gave the supply bag to the owner. "Th-thanks." The owner stuttered out. Osamu walked back and took a seat. Clown number one said, "Sooo cool.." while whistling. "Dude, what a downer." Clown number two. I glared at the clowns and banged the desk, "Shut up." They got scared by the banging sound, what fools. Osamu had a slight sweat going down his face, while he held in laughter at what I did. I turned back around and set straight.

A few girls started talking, "Where's the teacher?" One of the girls wondered. "I bet she's taking care of the transfer student." Another one of the girls responded. "Oh yeah." I looked towards another group. "Nobody transfers into Mikado City." A guy with parted head hair said, "I can see people transferring out. Maybe they're in Border?" Osamu looked towards them with a serious face, his lips were slightly parted. His eyebrows perked up in interest.

After a while, the teacher pulled a student in the classroom, his hair was all over the place. He walked to the blackboard and wrote his name. Yuma Kuga is what it spelled. I wonder where I heard that name before, maybe in the neighborhood. He opened his mouth, "I'm Yuma Kuga!" He said in an excited voice. "I may be short, but I'm 15 years old!" He slightly bowed, "Apologies for my tardiness." The assistant teacher explained more about him, "He's been living overseas. It's his first time living in Japan, so let's all help him out." Classmates started chattering, "Is he foreign?" One classmate asked. "No, he just lived abroad." Another classmate answered. The clowns whispered to each other. Clown number one opened his mouth and yelled, "Hey, he's wearing a ring! Isn't that against school rules?!" The room's mood seemed to darken, "A ring...?" The main teacher looked at Yuma's finger and noticed that he did indeed have a ring. "Oh, right. Accessories are a no-no." The assistant teacher said. All Yuma did in response was a simple hm? The main teacher reached his hand out. "Take it off. Now. I'll hold onto it." Yuma looked up at the main teacher with a duck face, "What..? I can't. Besides, she's wearing a ring too." He pointed at me. I gasped in surprise, "I suppose I am, but I was allowed to by the principal." The main teacher ignored me and questioned Yuma, "What do you mean? Hand it over." He yanked at Yuma's hands, "No, I mean it. For real." Yuma replied. The teacher yelled at Yuma, "ACCESSORIES ARE FORBIDDEN! THOSE ARE THE RULES! YOU'LL HAVE TO FOLLOW THE RULES TO ATTEND THIS SCHOOL!" Yuma had a shock in realization and walked towards the door. "I'll give up then... Sorry for the trouble." The teacher was shocked as well, "HUH?! HEY! Hold on here!" Osamu raised his hand, "Excuse me. Maybe he has a reason why he can't take it off." Yuma and the teachers looked towards Osamu. "A reason..?" The main teacher said while the assistant teacher said, "Mikumo." I raised my hand as well, "It's like how I have a reason why I wear my ring. It's a memento of my family." The clowns chattered, "Four-eyes again. Mr. White Knight." Two of the clowns said. The teacher looked towards Yuma, "What is this ring, anyway?" He questioned. "It's a memento of my father," Yuma said in all seriousness. Two of the clowns talked again, "The manga you confiscated yesterday was a memento of my grandpa! So is the video game you took last week." The main teacher yelled at the clowns, "Quiet over there!" He looked towards Yuma, "Such an excuse is inappropriate..." Yuma's eyes looked more serious, "It's true. It's a memento of my late father." The teacher shivered and sweat dripped down his face. "Fine.. if you say so. Ms. Mizunuma, wait a moment." Ms. Mizunuma said, "Sure. Study hall everyone. Mkumo and Aiko, help Kuga get settled." Yuma grinned at us, he reached out his hand. "Nice to meet you." Osamu shook his hand and said, "Nice to meet you." I shook his hand after Osamu, "Nice to meetcha!" I said with a giant grin. 
Osamu and I helped Yuma get settled, and then we all went and worked on our own things. The classmates surrounded Yuma, "Why is your hair white?" One of the classmates questioned. "It used to be black. Somehow it turned white." Osamu looked towards Yuma with slight sweat going down his face. Suddenly, a roll of paper hit the back of Yuma's head. Yuma rubbed his head and looked back. The clowns looked distracted. They continued throwing paper at Yuma's head. Osamu looked back towards the clowns after noticing the paper. Osamu and I stood up and said, "Hey-" but we were interrupted by Yuma, "Say. What's this? What's your point?" Clown number one repeated some of what Yuma said, "What's this?" He repeated while laughing. Clown number three smirked, "Just a little hello. A japanese welcome." Osamu slammed on the desk, "HEY, CUT IT OUT! YOU SHOULD BE EMBARRASSED." Clown number one once again repeated what someone said. Throwing a manga at Osamu, "I'm not talkin' to you." Clown number three said. "You're embarrassing." Clown number two said. I glared at the both of them, "Shut the fuck up." I cursed. Osamu pushed his glasses up, while Yuma looked serious. "I see. A little hello." Yuma said while rolling up one of the papers. He flicked the paper at clown number three's forehead. I smirked at how much strength was used, clown number three flew back. "Huh?!" Clown number one yelled. Crashing sounds were heard as one of the clowns yelled at Yuma, "What's your problem?!" Yuma grinned, "Hm? Wasn't it just a little hello?" The clowns looked scared, while all the classmates laughed. Osamu looked shocked, while I was just bursting out in laughed. Yuma was grabbed by one of the clowns, "You messing with me, Shrimp?!" Yuma glared at the clown, "Don't make up stupid lies. You wanna be my friend or what?" The clown yelled, "SAY WHAT!?" Osamu said, "You guys..." trying to clear up the action. Ms. Mizunuma walked in, "Hey, we're still in class. Get back to your seats!" I high fived Yuma, "Good job!" I smiled. He grinned back, "Thanks." His grin is always so derpy looking." Osamu let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't give those guys the time of day." Osamu told Yuma as we were on our way home. "Why not?" Yuma asked. "It only gets worse if you fight back. You make them lose face, and now they'll want their revenge." Osamu is always so worried. "Personally, I think you should of fought back, so good job!" I whispered in Yuma's ear. Yuma smiled towards me but continued talking to Osamu. "Hm... then what should I have done?" Yuma asked Osamu. "Well.... give them a verbal warning, or ignore them." Osamu is always so passive. "Is that what you do in Japan? In all the countries I've been in if you don't fight back, they keep picking on you." Osamu looked surprised. That's how it was in the Neighborhood, it was always like that. I sighed, thinking about my homeland. "Well..." Osamu started but was interrupted by the clowns surrounded with more people. "Hey, Shrimp. Let's take a walk." The leader of the clowns said. "Not like you have a choice." Another of the clowns said. "Sure thing." Yuma said, Osamu looked shocked at his response. ONe of the clowns shooed Osamu away, they didn't even notice I was there. "You're not invited. Go home and clean your glasses." Osamu looked scared. "Wait up! Let him go. It's too many against one. I'm not going to stand by and let that happen."

Osamu fell on the floor, "That's it?! For real? Some hero he was! Unfreakin' believable."Osamu barely managed to lift himself off the floor, "It's not fair to gang up on someone." Yuma had his normal duck face on, "Isn't that how fights work? Why'd you follow me, four-eyes? You're weak." Yuma questioned. Osamu wiped off his nose, "That's enough out of you! Don't you understand this is the forbidden zone. Only border is allowed here. WE'll be done for if there's a neighbor attack." One of the clowns kicked Osamu, "We know what the sign says. You think we can't read? Huh? It's deserted. That's the idea! Are you going to beg for help. Come on. Help meee!" Osamu coughed on the floor. One of the clowns followers asked Yuma, "Your friend's in trouble. Why not help him?" Yuma questioned what he said, "Help him? Me? Why? Four-eyes decided to stick his nose into this. He has to do something about it." I glared at Yuma. No one notices me, so I'm trying not to get involved. I grabbed Yuma's sleeve, "Please.. help him." I begged. Yuma looked at me and grinned, "He got himself into this, why aren't you helping him? You're here too." The clowns started laughing, "Haha, this guy's so heartless! You've been dumped. He's inhuman." Yuma was wondering what he said, the bully grabbed a stick. "Hey, bleach-head. This is still your problem." I got scared, I don't want anyone to be hurt anymore. "As much as I'm mad at four-eyes, I'm way angrier at you!" I walked in front of Yuma and grabbed the stick. I caught it with almost no effort. "Please stop hurting people!" I yelled at them. They glared at me, "Oh, the ghost talked." Yuma walked towards the clown and grabbed his arm, Yuma stomped on the clown's foot. His foot nearly looked indented. The clown fell back screaming. I walked towards the bully and kicked his stomach, accidentally using too much strength. The bully coughed up blood. Yuma glared at the clowns, "Is it my turn now? Or maybe.. is it over?" The clown looked scared, "Guys.. GET HIM! CLOBBER HIM!" The clowns started charging, however the alarm for the neighbors went off. I mean, they are technically trion warriors. I made a few of them a while ago. "Gate detected. Coordinates margin of error: 7.66. Those in the immediate area should exercise extreme caution."The trion warrior started moving out of the gate. I glared at the trion warrior. A bamster. Yuma and I opened our mouths. "Ooh, A bamster." Osamu looked scared, "It's a neighbor! Run!!" He yelled. "H-Hey, It's coming this way!!" The clowns yelled. "Oh good, it went the other way. Let's get outta of here, four-eyes." The leader of the clowns yelled, "Wait... My.. my foot!" He seemed to not be able to run away, The trion warrior opened his mouth and raised the clown. "Waahh!" The clown yelled. All the other clowns started running away, "Hey! It ate him!" Osamu started to take off running, "I'm going to go help them. You take cover, Kuga!" Yuma questioned Osamu, "Huh..?" I grabbed Yuma's sleeve. "You can't stop him when he's like this. He is selfless to a point." He nodded, "HEY! IT'S THEIR OWN FAULT! THEY WENT INTO THE FORBIDDEN ZONE! WHY ARE YOU GOING TO HELP THEM?!" Osamu kept running but looked back at Yuma. "BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I BELIEVE IN DOING!!! TRIGGER ON!!" Osamu transformed into his trion body. "H-HELP! HELP MEEE!" The clown in the trion warrior's mouth yelled. Osamu let out a battle cry as he hit the armor of the Bamster. "Run!!" Osamu yelled. Osamu won't be able to pierce the bamster's armor with his power. "He's in border?!" Yuma asked what looked to be a trion warrior, possibly one of those multitask ones. "Not enough power. He will not be able to pierce the bamster's armor." The trion warrior said. "WHOA!" Osamu yelled, he was thrown off of the bamster. I started running towards the bamster. Behind me I heard Yuma talking to his trion warrior. "Replica. Can I use my trigger?" Replica replied, "I can't make that decision." I transformed into my black trigger. Replica continued talking, "Only you can." I looked back towards Yuma and he transformed into a trigger as well, looks to be a black trigger. He ran towards the bamster. "Let's go, Replica. Bound!" Replica responded, "Roger." I wasn't going to be the only not doing things. I ran towards the bamster and kicked his head, his head hit the floor with a large bang, but that wasn't enough power to defeat him. I broke some of his armor. "Boost! Double!" Yuma yelled and got ready to punch the bamster. "HIIIIIYAH!" A large bam happened as Yuma hit the bamster. I walked towards Osamu as Yuma landed on the floor.

Yuma opened his mouth, "Hey. You okay, four-eyes?" I growled. Yuma seemed to forget I existed. Osamu answered Yuma, "My name isn't four-eyes. It's Osamu Mikumo." I raised my hand. Yuma looked towards me, "My name is Aiko!" Yuma grinned, "Okay, Osamu and Aiko." I was still standing, but Osamu was sitting on the ground. Yuma reached his hand out, "You charged in there all cool and stuff, but even with a trigger you're weak. However, Aiko.. what was that trigger?" Yuma questioned. "I have a black trigger, cool right?" I grinned at Yuma and he grinned back. Osamu asked what happened to the others, "They all got away." Osamu let out a sigh of relief, "Good." Yuma kept his grin on, "What a weirdo. You could make easy work of those guys with your trigger." I looked at Yuma and Osamu, I set down while pouting. I wanna be involved in the conversation more too. Osamu picked up things and turned off his trigger. "It's forbidden to use a trigger against civilians. Besides, that's not how I do things. Your trigger... so you're in border too." Yuma lifted his hand and look at his ring. "I'm not in Border. This is my dad's trigger. My late Dad. "If I die, go to Japan. My friend is in an agency called Border." That's what he told me. So I came here." Osamu had a moment of realization, but mostly still thought the wrong thing. "I see. So your dad was in Border." Yuma got his duck lips on. "Nope. His friend is in Border. Dad had nothing to do with it." Osamu looked confused, "That can't be. Only a Border agent can have a trigger." I decided to step into the conversation, "You're a neighbor right? I saw you talking to that trion warrior earlier. Our world rules doesn't mean anything to this world's rules. I'm a neighbor too!" Yuma grinned, "So you're a neighbor too? That means you came from the other side too. Osamu, only Border agents can have a trigger in this world, right? I came from the other side. I'm what you call a neighbor." Osamu looked surprised as he looked at both Yuma and me. "What?!" I nodded, "We're neighbors. The things you call neighbors are trion warriors." Osamu looked even more surprised, he once again yelled what.

While writing this I realized that I need to add more scenes where she acts involved. I will try to do that for the next chapters! Thank you for reading!

3007 words!

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