You Have To Save Her

By fangirl3r5

48.8K 1.2K 147

Sequel to Supercorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena Luthor. More

You Need To Forget About Me
You Lena Luthor Will Always Be My Kryptonite
Wait She Is Breathing Right
What Have I Done
I Almost Died!!
I'm So Sorry
That Was Awkward
Go To Hell
Psychotic Mothers
Love Of My Life
Wait For Me
I Don't Deserve You
I Will Always Come Back
Um Sorry?

A Killer

1.9K 55 3
By fangirl3r5

     After a few hours I decide to go to her last known location. Which happens to be an abandoned building. I head there and don't see anything outside, so I head inside. I hear a tapping sound so I pull out my gun and follow the noise. I see Kara tied to a chair. "What happened? Are you okay?" I ask her frantically as I untie her.

     "It's nothing. Everything is fine. I just need to find her." She tells me while rubbing her wrists. "It's obviously not nothing. Tell me what happened." I tell her. "Later. I have to find her." She tries to walk out, but I step in front of her. "Stop. We will figure this out together. Come back with me." She just shakes her head and walks past me. "Please Lena is worried about you." I tell her and she stop for a second. "Tell her I love her and I'm doing all of this for her." She says then walks out the door.

     "Great. That didn't sound too good." I say to myself and make my way back to the DEO. As soon as I walk in I spot Lena pacing. I walk up to her and she stops to look at me. "Did you find her? Is she okay?" She asks me. "I did find her." She looks around probably looking for her. "Well then where is she?" "She kind of left. She is very persistent on taking care of Lillian on her own." I tell her. "Is she going to kill her?" She asks me after a moment of silence. "Of course not. She wouldn't do something like that." I tell her, but I'm not sure at this point.

    "I can't let her do this alone. I won't just sit here!" She says while heading for the door. "Stop. We will go together. Whatever she is going to do she will regret later." I tell her and grab my things and follow Lena out the door.

     "Do you know where she is?" I shake my head in response. "She disabled her tracker on her suit." "Where do we start then?" She asks me. "Let's go to her place. See if she left anything behind." I tell her and we make our way to her place hoping to find something that will lead us to her.

     I open the door and everything is messed up. Papers are all over the floor and furniture is smashed and broken all over the place. "Be careful glass is everywhere. Don't cut yourself." I tell Lena and she nods. "Who did this?" Lena asks. "I think Kara did." I say as I look at the only thing that is not torn in half. Lena follows my gaze to a picture of Lillian with a knife through the picture, pinning it to the wall.

     "Well that can't be good." I say to myself. "I think I found something." Lena says from the kitchen. I go to her and see her looking at a map of the city. "She circled this. It's L-Corp." She says. "Why would she go there?" I ask her. "Maybe Lillian needs something and Kara is waiting for her." "Let's go. I don't think we will get there in time to save her." She nods and we head out to the car and make our way there.

     "I need you to promise not to get mad if I tell you something." Lena says while I make my way to L-Corp. "What did you do?" I ask her while taking my eyes off the road to look at her. She pulls a medium sized knife out of her coat. It is glowing green. "Lena are you crazy? Why do you have that?" I yell at her. "She would never forgive herself if she killed someone out of anger. She would want me to weaken her so I could stop her. It's not like I'm going to kill her." She says and puts it away.

    "You should have told me sooner." I tell her as I relax a little bit. "We only use it as a last result if we can't talk her down." I tell her and she nods. We arrive at we jump.out of the car and head up to Lena's office. We walk in and see Lillian and Kara staring at each other waiting for the other person to make the first move.

     Kara didn't hear us come in so she starts walking toward her. "I'll kill you for this. I'm done with you." She says. "Lena will hate you. You will be just like me. A killer." She says with a smirk. "It will be worth it." She says and grabs her and shoves her up against the wall and brings up her fist to punch her. "Stop! What are you doing?" Lena says and pulls her fist away from Lillian's face. She turns aroumd shocked to see us both here. "You should go. I don't want you to wach this." Kara says and focuses her attention back on Lillian.

     "Listen to me. She isn't worth it. Don't go down to her level. Hand her over to your sister and we can go home and forget about tonight." Lena says trying to reason with her. "I'm sorry I can't do that. She will never stop. I'm doing this for us." She tells me. "Please. I can't be with a killer. It's me or her. Kill her and we're done." Lena says while a tear slodes down her face.

    She drops Lillian to the ground and fully turns around to Lena. "I really do love you. Even if you don't believe me I am doing this for you. Even if you never forgive me. I want you to be happy even if it isn't with me. You will never be happy until she stops coming after you." Kara says. She pulls Lena into her and kisses her probably for the last time. I see Lena reach into her coat and grab the knife. "I love you too." Lena says once they break apart.

    Kara turns around and grabs Lillian by the neck and walks toward the balcony. Lena pulls out the knife and hides behind her back and walks behind Kara. "I'm so sorry. I can't let you do this.Please forgive me." She says into Kara's ear. "For what?" Kara asks her as she turns around. "This." She says as she stabs her in the thigh. She drops Lillian on the ground and looks at Lena in disbelief. Lena tries to resch for her but Kara backs away and her face contorts into one of pain and discomfort.

     She backs away from us as I handcuff Lillian to the desk and knock her out because I just know she was going to say something to make this situation worse. Kara slides down against the wall as she looks at the knife. "Get away from me." She says and looks at Lena. "I'm saving you. You are not a killer. I love you." Lena says and walks closer to Kara. "I wanted to save you." She continues to walk closer to her. "You didn't save me. You hurt me." Kara says and Lena stops right in front of her.

     She gets on her knees in front of her. "I know, but please let me help you." Lena says eyeing the knife that is the cause of her pain. "Why, so you can stab me in the back. Oh wait you already did that." Kara says and puts her hands on the knife. "I can do it myself." She says while looking at Lena. Lena turns her head not wanting to watch her pull it out.

    Kara reaches to her and turns her face towards her. "I want you to watch all the pain you caused me." She says and roughly pulls out the knife. She screams out in agony as blood gushes out of her leg. "See. I'm  fine and I don't need you." She says and stands up. She tries to walk but faints and Lena moves over and puts her head in her lap. "She hates me." Lena says as she moves the hair out of her face.

    "She is just being too stubborn to truly see what you have done for her. Just give her a few days." I tell her as I try to patch up her leg and stop the bleeding as much as I could. "Help me get her to the car so we can take her to the DEO?" I ask her and she nods. We both put an arm around our shoulders and drag her out to the car.

     "What about Lillian?" She asks me. "I will call an agent to.come collect her and lock her up. We need to get Kara back now." She nods and she sits in the back with Kara while I drive back to the DEO.

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