The One

By stay_CALM_5sos

956 68 24

I smirk and touch mine, it feels like I've just been kissed by an angel. "Wh-why...why me?" She asks me stil... More

Chapter 1: Why Me?
Chapter 2: I'm Here for You
Chapter 3: I'm Home
Chapter 4: The Window
Chapter 5: The Run
Chapter 7: What Are You Doing Here?
Chapter 8: Honk!
Chapter 9: The Feeling
Chapter 10: "Thank You."
Chapter 11: She's the One
Chapter 12: Facebook
Chapter 13: Spill it Out

Chapter 6: "I Saved Your Ass."

49 6 2
By stay_CALM_5sos

Hello again my loves! :)

Another chapter to my book!

I just want to thank all you guys that have been reading all my chapters!

It means a lot :D

Well here you go!!


I wake up to the smell of disinfectants and medicine.

Where am I at?

I slowly open my eyes to see where I'm at.

I'm at a hospital. Great.

What happened to me?

I quickly try to get up but I fail completely.

Why does my neck and body hurt so much?

I look around the room, there's flowers on the side of my hospital bed and and monitor on the other side recognizing every beat that my heart makes.

Its night time, night time?

In the corner of the room there's Janely sitting on an olive colored couch, slouched and sleeping.

Her hairs a mess, it looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep at all.

Why am I in the hospital??

I try to get up again but this time my chest gives out a really sharp pain that sears right through me that stops me.

I wince and let out a cry.

Quickly and sleepily, Janely shoots up from the bed and runs to my side.

"Oh my god you're awake! Doctor! She's awake! Someone!" She yells out, her voice cracking .

Just then, a nurse comes in running with a clipboard.

Janely starts to tear up and tears stream down her face.

"W - what's going on? Janely?" I ask.

"I thought you would never wake up again...." she says still crying.

The nurse checks my heartbeat rate and my lungs with the stethoscope.

The metal thing stings my skin with coldness.

"Her vital signs seem to be good."

"What's going on?" I ask again.

"Honey, you got hit by a car about a week ago." Janely told me sniffing.

"I-I did?!" I ask in shock.

I got hit by a car?! How?

I try to remember...

"Remember that night you went for a run?" She asks me, "Lianne told me you went out."

I do remember...I went running and I saw a guy on the street....he didn't want to move and the car was coming at him.

Wait...the guy....what happened to him?

"What happened to the guy?" I ask staring into Janely's deep brown eyes.

"He's fine, just a broken arm that's all. But you honey, you went into a short acoma and you had a fractured rib and arm." Janely tells me.

I look down at my arm, its in a cast. Great.

"So I've been in an acoma for a week?" I ask in shock.

"Yes, I was getting worried Adara, and so were your friends and Lianne." She tells me as she points to the flowers in a vase beside me.

"Hayley brought the flowers for you." She continues.

"Oh.." is all I say.

Janely gets closer to me and fixes my messy hair, a motherly thing that all mothers do.

"You did a good thing Adara, you saved his life. But you know that was dangerous right?" She says still touching my hair.

"Yeah...I know..but I didn't want the guy to get hit..." I explain.

"I know I know, you are too nice Adara haha" she laughs.

"I guess..."

"Well I think you need some rest now. I'll just sit back here and wait till the morning." She tells me.

I actually do feel sleepy.

I then rest my head back on my pillow and my eyes get heavy.

I let them fall and out goes the world again.


I wake up and no one is in the room.

Its morning and I take a quick glance at the room, there's two little olive couches to the corner of the room, one where Janely sat in last night.

Just then, a nurse comes in and checks up on me.

"Hello Adara, how are you feeling today?" The nurse asks me.

She looks about 25, so young. And her red hair flows down in beautiful salon made curls.

Her blue eyes look into mine.

"Umm..I feel okay I guess. Nothing bad." I say.

"Okay. That's good!" She says all excited.

She then looked at my monitor and wrote stuff down on her clipboard.

"Here's the girl that saved your life." Another nurse says as she makes a motion by the door to tell the person to go inside.

Wait she's standing by my door. Is it the guy?

Omg what if he's here to get mad at me for breaking his arm?

I mean I saved his life, he should thank me at least and then get mad at me.

As soon as I thought of that he walks in, I swear my heart beat machine was gonna malfunction cuz of how fast my heart was beating.

The guy that I saved, that I pushed to the side, that I got hit by a car for, was JOSH HUNTER.


This must be a dream. Yup its a dream. This is TOTALLY a dream.

I pinch myself secretly, nope I'm still here, this isn't a dream. Its real!

He walks in, casually just observing me, one arm in a blue cast and the other hanging loose to his side.

Ugh I look like crap right now. Why now?

I kinda smile but not too much. Just a little smile.

"Do you know her?" The nurse asked.

"Ummm..I think so, she goes to my school I think, the nerd right?" He asks me.

Jerk, I just saved your life and this is how you recognize me as?

I wish you got hit by that car.

"Yeah that's ME." I say sarcastically and my little smile drops into a thin line.

"Then yeah I do know her." He smiles at the nurse.

Omg that smile..

I swear the nurse blushed a little at the smile he gave her.

Does he have that affect on all women? Gosh he is such a beauty...

Stop it Adara.

"Well I will have you two catch up on things I guess. Cmon Rachel." She calls the other nurse who was still writing things on my clipboard.

So that's what her name was.

And Rachel looks up from her clipboard and smiles at me.

"I will check up on you later." She tells me and follows the other nurse out the door.

Now it's just me and that jerk, ugh no.

"So umm..why did you come and visit the NERD for?" I ask all serious emphasizing on the word nerd.

"I just wanted to see who broke my arm." He says.

"Really? Not even to come and say, 'Thanks Adara for saving my life'." I say in my best guy voice.

"So that's your name, Adara..." Josh says letting my name just hang in the air.

"Yeah that's my name." I say and just stare at the 'amazing' white wall right infront of me.

Then silence...

We just are lost in our own thoughts until he asks

"How long do you have to stay in the hospital? "

"I don't know, they never told me. I just woke up from a short coma yesterday. " I say.

"You were in a coma? " he asks

"Yes, cuz I saved your ass." I tell him .

"Oh right yeah. Thanks" he says and smiles.

I smile back and I feel my face start to feel heat.

Oh no, no , no not now face, not now...

Just then some middle aged woman comes running into my hospital room, she seems to be in her late 30.

"There you are! I was getting worried about you Josh!" She says and hugs him.

"Um yeah I'm just visiting the person that pushed me away from the car." He tells her.

"Oh? You mean the person that SAVED YOU LIFE?" She says really loud.

"Yeah that's her." He says and points to me.

She turns to look and me and smiles.

She walks up to my bed and comes to hug me.

"Thank you so much my dear, you saved my son! I don't think I can ever repay you for this." She tells me.

"You're welcome." I say and smile back at her.

"Did you thank her Josh?!" She yells at him.

"Yeah i did." He says and puts his non-broken hand in his pocket of his jeans.

"Good." She tells him, "Oh I'm sorry I never introduced myself, I'm mrs. Hunter, Josh's mother."

"Hello mrs. Hunter, I'm Adara." I tell her.

"Oh that's a really pretty name!" She says , "Nice to meet you!"

I smile.

"You seem much more friendlier than your son." I tell her still smiling.

"Haha that is because I am!"

I laugh and then wince because my ribs give a sharp pain again.

"Oh are you okay? Do you want me to call the nurse? " She asks, her face full of worry.

"No no its okay, I'm good..." I tell her forcing a smile.

"Oh okay then are you sure? I don't want anything bad to happen to you. " She tells me.

"Yes I'm sure. " I say


"Do you know when you come out of the hospital? " mrs. Hunter asks me.

"No they haven't told me yet." I tell her.

"She comes out in about a week, she still needs to recover from her rib injury." Rachel, my nurse, says as she walks in.

"Oh good! Okay! " mrs. Hunter says

"Why? " I ask her.

"I was thinking of having Josh take care of you after you are done recovering. Help you with things even though he only has one arm right now." She says.

Omg nooo.....

"Umm...I think I'm okay, I can hand--"

"No he's gonna take care of you, it's the least we can do. " she interrupts, "He needs to repay you after what you did. "

Josh heard what she just said and his eyes go wide.

"No mom I can't! My friends and I have plans! " he yells out.

"Well your friends can wait. She more important than your friends right now she saved your--"

"I don't care if she did! I have plans with my friends! Did you not hear me?! I have PLANS!" Josh yells out to his mom, "I don't want to take care of her! She's nothing to me!"

And with that he storms out of the room.

Is that what he really thinks of me?


"I'm so sorry Adara, I'll go and talk to him. He really didn't mean that. " she tells me and runs to go and find Josh.

I'm just speechless and shocked.

I'm nothing to him?! I just saved his damn life and I'm nothing to him?!

I wish he really did get run over by that stupid car.

I risked my life. MY LIFE!

It's official, I hate Josh Hunter with all my guts.


Sooo? :)

Yes she hates Josh Hunter now.

He's rude man...rude..

I would slap him lol

Well wait till the next chapter to see what's next!

Remember, vote, share, and comment your thoughts! :)

-Erika ♡

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