Bootyful Love ~ A Koujaku x r...

By Area11Dennise

47.4K 1.5K 356

I've had this idea in my head for a long time now, so here it is! It's my first DMMD fic, just so you know. I... More

Data 1 ~ Meeting
Data 2 ~ Moving
Data 3 ~ Allmate
Data 4 ~ Rhyme
Data 5 ~ Work
Data 6 ~ Thoughts
Data 7 ~ Hairdresser
Data 8 ~ Tea
Data 9 ~ Trust
Data 11 ~ Locked
Data 12 ~ Meet Again
Data 13 ~ Confrontation
Data 14 ~ Festival
Data 15 ~ Love

Data 10 ~ Taken

2.6K 85 7
By Area11Dennise

~ Your POV ~

When I finally awaken, my vision is still blurry for the most part. I can't move, but I'm not handcuffed. I think the drug caused me to be paralyzed. How long it will last, though, I have no idea. Oh well. Not being able to move isn't even that bad; I don't feel like moving is a good idea in the first place. Besides, I'm laying on some kind of bed, perhaps a futon, so it's comfortable here. I'm happy I can still move my eyes, though. Handy for inspecting this room.

In any case, the things I can see around me look nice. The room is dimly lit, and the colours I can make out are mostly red. There's posters or paper of some kind on the wall, but I can't make out what's on them. Over in one of the corners, I see my bag. I try to move my arm, but it won't budge. "Great, my stuff's here but I can't get it." I think. I sigh and decide to look around te room some more. The furniture reminds me of Koujaku's apartment. Koujaku.... I wonder if he knows I'm gone.

As I wonder that, the door slides open. I try to move my head, but that proves impossible so I just stare in the direction of the door. I can see some kind of silhouette and try to see who it is. The person is too far away so I can't see him clearly, but the colour blue sure does pop out in the dim lighted red room. "Ryuuhou..." I say, and notice my voice sounds really weak. "Ah, you're awake. It's nice to see you again, little (Y/N)." Ryuuhou says, in his calm tone. I hear him coming closer, and I can see a little more of Ryuuhou's appearance as he moves.

As soon as he reaches the mat I'm lying on, he sits on the floor next to me. I want to move away because he's a little too close for my liking, but I'm still paralyzed so I'll just deal with it. Ryuuhou flashes a smile at me. "Did you sleep well?" He asks. "Of course I didn't, I'm drugged in case you've forgotten." I say a little impatient. That makes Ryuuhou chuckle. "Ah, I guess that's true, isn't it?" He says amusedly. "Can I ask what you're going to do with me?" I ask to which Ryuuhou hums a bit. "Well, I can only speak for myself, because I have no idea what those twins might be up to. But I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm just here to watch you, order from your father. And I must say, you're doing really good." Ryuuhou explains, and my eyes widen again.

Crap, I forgot all about that. My... Father.... Why would he be on this island? And more so, why would he want me here? You don't just kidnap your own daughter. "Ryuuhou... What does my father want with me?" I ask and Ryuuhou hums again. "I wonder... Yes indeed~" He says and seems to have fun. "You know, (Y/N), if I were to do something with you, I'd carve my flower onto your back. I'm a tattoo artist, you know." He changes the subject. "But I guess you having my flower wouldn't really benefit either you or me, so I suppose I'll leave you be." He continues hapily. I get a little frightened of the way he talks about his job, while Ryuuhou seems to light up when he talks about it.

"But last time sure was my masterpiece. The flower blooming in his back... Oh Koujaku, how I wish I could finish what I started." Ryuuhou tells himself and my head shoots up a little when he mentions Koujaku. The drug must be wearing off, seeing as I can move a little. My sight's also slowly returning. "Did you just say... Koujaku?" I ask, and Ryuuhou chuckles. "Ah, I knew you would be interested." He says. Ryuuhou grabs my chin and turns my head towards him. "But I'm afraid that will have to wait for another time." Ryuuhou lets go of me and stands up. "I shall take my leave now. Goodbye for now, little (Y/N)." He says, walking towards the door. "W-wait! Ryuuhou! What did you do to Koujaku?!" I try to stop him and stretch out my hand, but he's already left the room. I let my hand fall and feel helpless.

Koujaku, what did he do to you?

~ Koujaku's POV ~

Anger. Anger and worry. Those are the only things I'm able to feel right now. Not only because (Y/N) was kidnapped, but also because I have to work together with that punk in order to get her back. "Koujaku.. I know you don't like the idea, but it's really the only way to get (Y/N) back." Aoba tells me. He does have a point. I should be able to bear with this, it's for (Y/N) anyway. "Right." I say with a little sigh. "Do you have any clue on where she could be?" I ask to which Aoba nods. "When I went to her house to get her for work I saw that her Allmate was also gone. If we're lucky, it's still somewhere close to her." He explains.

I nod. "We'd be lucky if it's still close to her. Anything else?" I ask. Aoba holds up a piece of cloth with familiar tag art on it. My eyes widen. "I found this." Aoba says with a little frown on his face. The tag art on the piece of cloth was definitely Morphine's. Which means the only place she could be would be somewhere in Platinum Jail. "Morphine... Did she get taken to Platinum Jail?" I ask. Aoba stays silent. "I sure hope not. But until we locate her Allmate this is our best guess." He says, walking over to the punk, who's already busy with his computers.

"Noiz, do you think you can find (Y/N)'s Allmate somehow?" Aoba asks, and the kid starts typing like a maniac. "What type is it?" He asks, still typing on. "I believe it was fairly new. She bought it about a week ago. A tiny yellow bird." Aoba says, as the kid opens another screen to find the type Allmate. I look closely at what he's doing before sending out a message to (Y/N)'s Coil, hoping she still has it with her. "Found it. It's in Oval Tower. Platinum Jail." The kid says and I get just a little bit of hope. Getting her out of there was going to be a challenge for sure, but I'm sure we can do it.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go to Platinum Jail." I say. "Koujaku, I get you want to get (Y/N) back as fast as you can, but you have to think clearly. How are you going to get in there? You need an invitation." Aoba explains. "Even so, I-" I'm interrupted by the sound of my Coil. It seems I got a message from an unknown person. I open the file and what I see surprises me. "It's... An invatation for Platinum Jail." I say, and Aoba stands next to me to see.

"Mister Koujaku, you are hereby invited to Platinum Jail, Japan's Number One Entertainment Facility for the following reasons: Getting back the love of your life. We hope to see you soon. ~Platinum Jail Staff" It reads. "What the hell, are they making a fool out of me?" I say, irritated. "Seems so, but at least you can get in now. That's great news, Koujaku." Aoba explains. I sigh. That, too, is a good point. I ignore the invitation and nod. "Well, alright then. In that case, I should get going." I say, to which Aoba nods. "Alright. Be careful, Koujaku." He says. I nod. "Don't worry. I'll be back with (Y/N) before you know it. Later, Aoba, punk." Is the last thing I say before leaving Heibon.

Hold on, (Y/N), I'm coming for you.

~ Your POV ~

After Ryuuhou left the room, I decided to sleep for a bit. I woke up about half an hour later, or it seemed like it anyway. I was happy when I woke up, because I was able to move again. I had to get to my bag before I did anything else. I did need to support myself against the wall since I was still weak, but I wasn't gonna complain. I finally got to my bag and was happy to find all of my things inside. As I look on my Coil, I see I've recieved a message from Koujaku. I open the message as fast as I can.

"(Y/N). I'm worried about you, where are you? Aoba told me you were just gone. Were you kidnapped? I don't know if you'll even get this message, but take this from me, I will find you. -Koujaku" The message reads. I smile once I've read it. But he does have a point; Where the hell am I? Neither Ryuuhou or Virus and Trip mentioned it. I decide to send Koujaku a message back, just to make sure he knows I'm okay. "Koujaku, I'm okay. To be honest , I don't know where I am. These guys called Virus and Trip took me here. Ryuuhou's here too and he talked to me a bit. I'm a little afraid, but I'll manage. I hope to see you soon. I love you. -(Y/N)" I press send.

After I send the message, I get Pash out of my bag. I start her up and her eyes open. "(Y/N)! Are you okay?" She asks. I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. Do you know where we are?" I ask. "Oval Tower, Platinum Jail." Pash says. Platinum Jail? That thing I always hear people talk about on TV and in the streets? I put Pash on my shoulder. "Alright. In any case, we should go out of this room. I'm getting a headache." I say to which Pash nods. "Understood. Be careful, though." She warns and I nod. I slide the door open and I'm surprised it's not locked or something. Maybe I'm not as captive as I thought.

The interior of the rest of the building is very boring. It's white everywhere, with big iron doors in every hallway. I decide to leave the many doors be, since I have no idea what kind of stuff would be in there. I just go along with every open door that brings me to another hallway. I see an elevator and get curious. I get in and gasp when I see the view from here. I'm pretty high up, but that just gives me the chance to look all over this place. I get why it's popular. From what I can see, it's very pretty. The elevator starts moving even though I haven't pressed a button. I look down to see the buildings get smaller and smaller as the elevator rises.

Soon, the elevator stops at the top floor. I let out a little sigh and exit the glass elevator. I'm now in another boring white hallway with only a single door at the end. I gulp and start walking towards the door confidently. "This floor looks so important... Who or what do you think is behind that door, (Y/N)?" Pash asks and I gulp again. "I think I might have an idea..." I say and continue to walk through the seemingly endless hallway in silence. After what seems like an eternity, I reach the iron door. It has a nameplate with "Toue" written on it. I take a deep breath once more and knock on the door. Without waiting for a response, I enter the room.

The room is empty, except for the fact that there's a single person in here. "My, you're far too impatient, (Y/N)." I hear the person say. His voice is so familiar. He turns around and I can finally see his face. "Haven't I ever taught you to wait before you walk into a man's office?" He asks with a smile. "Not funny, Tatsuo." I say, calling him by his first name. That makes him laugh a bit. "Oh dear little (Y/N). Since when did you start calling me that?" Toue asks and I scowl at him a little. "Oh I don't know, maybe since you decided to kidnap me? I mean, what the hell is wrong with you?!" I ask, wanting to get answers out of him.

Toue starts walking towards me. "Please, come a little further in, (Y/N). I've been dying to see my little girl again." He says, avoiding my questions. "Don't ignore my questions, Tatsuo! Why did you have me kidnapped?" I ask again. "How have you been? I hope the trip wasn't too rough on you." He says, ignoring my question again and trying to engage in normal conversation with me. "Listen up, old man, stop fucking around with me! I've had enough of this! Now answer my question, dad!" I struggle getting the last word out of my mouth.

This man... He's not the nice man he used to be. He's not my awesome dad. He was so different when he was married to my mother. He was always happy, we were happy. But then, one day, he just... changed. Like something inside him just snapped. That's why my mother decided to file a divorce. He wasn't the man she loved anymore. And of course, he couldn't take that either, so he went crazy and appearantly moved to this island. Ever since then, my mother's been extremely careful whenever I decided to go out. That's why I didn't tell her I was moving to Midorijima.

However, the fact that I had just called this man my father seems to please him. "(Y/N), don't you see? Everything that you have right now is because I helped you get it. Your house, your Allmate, that you got to move in the first place, everything. I did it all so we could be re-united." He explains. "Even if you did it so you could see me again, why didn't you just come to visit me at my house? Why have me kidnapped?" I ask, getting impatient. "Because I know how your mother treated you after I left. And I was afraid you wouldn't want to see me after everything your mother told you." He says as I chuckle at his responses.

"You have no idea how much I actually wanted to see you after you left. I would've met you anyway, I wanted to talk as adults. But now you did this... I will never agree to talk to you again. We're done here, I'm leaving." I explain, before turning around. "Stop right there, (Y/N). You're not going anywhere. Wether you want it or not, you're staying here." Toue says, and I feel someone grab my shoulders. Before I even get a chance to fight back, another cloth is pressed against my mouth. "Tell the twins and Ryuuhou I gave them a go ahead. I'm done here." Toue tells his assistant, who had also entered the room now. "You... Coward... I hate you.." Is the only thing I can get out before I faint again.

Koujaku, please tell me you're close, I want to get out of here!

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