Survival of the fittest✔️

By AnotherFangal

243K 11K 3K

BTS Apocalypse AU In a world where half the population are living and half are the living dead, you need to b... More

1. The Apocalypse
2. Interrogation
3. Information Revealed
4. Arguments
5. Warnings
6. Scars
7. Scouting
8. Discussions
9. Midnight run
10. Trust formed
11. Everything's changed
12. Dull travelling
13. Unexpected Refuge
14. Teasing from both sides
15. Worried
16. Oh shit
17. Messy Return
18. Scouting
19. Gasoline
20. Burning
21. Pointless graveyard
22. Town
23. Hand her over
24. A safe place to rest
25. Close call
26. Storytime
27. Hope
28. Group meeting
29. Deep talk and new clothes
30. Bonding time
31. Into you
32. Truck Chase
33. Long journey chats
34. Dark night
35. Storytime with Jin and Hobi
36. Oncoming horde
37. No bullet in the head today
37. A little push
38. Taehyung's advice
39. We're not alone
41. Don't jinx us
42. Just keep swimming
43. No such thing as luck
44. Almost lost
45. Escape story
46. Innocence killed
47. Rooftop camp
48. Jealousy
49. Emergency Exit
50. Baehyun
51. Woo
52. I think we're even.
53. B
54. This is the end.
55. Final destination

40. Ji-booty

3.2K 164 43
By AnotherFangal

(25th June)

Everyone spread out trying to find the Service door that would, hopefully, lead to safer travelling through this horrible tunnel. As you predicted, Jungkook went with you as you explored but you didn't mind. 

"You alright?" he checked in with you as you flashed your torch on a patch of wall hoping to see a door. 

"Yeah, you?" you asked glancing back at him to check he wasn't lying. 

"Good as I can be," he nodded helping you search. 

"Hopefully we'll be out of this mess soon," you smiled comfortingly and he nodded.

"Yeah, I don't like this place."

"Neither, I feel like we're being watched." 

Jungkook checked behind him again and it made you feel more paranoid.

"Let's just hope we can find this bloody door soon," you sighed more to yourself than him. 

"What if we don't find it? We're screwed."

"I think we'll have to walk through the middle of the tunnel. Increases our risk of finding some dead friends." You told him not looking at his as you searched for a door.

"God I hope we find it."

After another minute of searching, you started to think it wasn't on his side of the wall, "Hey oppa, I don't think it's on this side." You turned around and found yourself face to face with him, he leaned down and kissed you deeply for a moment before pulling away. 

"What was that for?" You asked feeling confused but happy. 

"You make me feel safe. I just needed to relax for a moment." 

You felt yourself blush and was grateful it was dark, you took your hand in his as Yoongi's voice called out to everyone. "I found it!" You pulled him over to where Yoongi was pulling at a handle on the wall 

When the two of you arrived the door opened with a loud creak, you peered inside and saw more darkness but it was leading to a set of metal stairs leading upwards.

"Nice one," Jimin praised Yoongi who smiled, he had a soft spot of Jimin. 

"I hope this is right," Namjoon sighed leading the way and was quickly followed by everyone else. You ended up in the middle with Taehyung in front of you and Jungkook behind you. 

The metal stairs clanged as everyone jogged up them eager to find, even a small bit, of safety. A skeleton was lying midway up everyone walked straight past it seeing it wasn't a Biter but you noticed it was wearing a boiler suit. Maybe the person worked here. You spotted a key hanging on its belt, you picked it up muttering sorry to the skeleton. It would probably be useful for something if it was hanging around his neck. Maybe it would unlock a hatch or door you needed to get through.

"Why?" Jungkook questioned and you didn't need to ask to know what he was talking about. 

"You never know when we may need a key," you replied getting out of breath, there were a lot of stairs. 

Namjoon suddenly stopped forcing everyone else to stop causing you to almost crash into Taehyung. 

"I know we all love it here, but why have we stopped?" Jin asked sassily from in front of Taehyung.

"The door at the top here is locked, we're gonna have to go back," Namjoon sounded disappointed. 

"You guys are useless," you muttered walking past Taehyung, Jin, Jimin and Yoongi to reach Namjoon. You used the key you found and it worked straight away unlocking the door. 

"Very funny," Namjoon muttered rolling his eyes which only caused you to chuckle and follow as he opened the door and took three steps inside. Before either of you could react a Biter loomed out of the darkness and threw itself on Namjoon knocking him over so it was on top of him. 

"NAMJOON!" The others called but you were the closest so you kicked it off him but before you could kill it another four ran out of the darkness. One of them tackled you to the floor and snapping at your face and neck. You pushed as hard as you could against it to prevent it sinking its rotting teeth into your skin. Its hands were flailing and scrabbling to get as close to your face as possible. You kicked it and pushed with all your might but it didn't budge.

Fear pumped through you as you felt its hot breath on the side of you face when it was pushed off you and stabbed in the head. You didn't move for a moment breathing deeply from fear, Hobi appeared out of the darkness. "You alright, Y/N? It didn't get you did it?"

"No, just a bit winded," you shook your head taking his outstretched hand and pulling you to your feet. You put your hands on your knees as Hobi rubbed your back comfortingly, "Thanks oppa."

"No problem," he smiled putting his knife away. 

You looked around and saw the last Biter being stabbed by Yoongi. Everyone looked alright, just a little bit shocked, no one had expected Biter's to be trapped inside here but looking back the room must have been locked for a reason and that was clearly it. 

"Everyone alright," Namjoon asked sounding winded too. 

"Yeah," everyone but you replied so Hobi replied for you still rubbing your back soothingly. 

"She's just a bit winded." 

You grabbed your water out of your bag and took a small sip the cold liquid making your throat beg for more but you couldn't use it all at once. 

Jungkook appeared in front of you a concerned look in his eyes, "You okay?" You nodded putting your canteen away and standing up straight. 


"Yeah, there wasn't enough of them to attack me by the time I got in here. I'm glad you're alright."

"You too," you nodded putting your water back into your back.

"If everyone is alright we need to keep moving there is a vent here we can go through. We best not be here when more of them turn up." 

"You sure you're alright? You looked like you hit the floor pretty hard," Jungkook asked again in a lower voice as Hobi moved away.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'll be even better when we're out of here." 

"Same," he agreed, "Let's keep going." 

The two of you followed the others into the vent that was in a corner of the room on the floor, it was only now that you managed to see what was in the room. It was just a simple storage room full of mops and empty buckets. 

Jungkook wanted you to go in front of him so you crawled in after Jimin and Yoongi was after Jungkook at the back. Inside the vent was so small everyone had to ARMY crawl along the floor you were glad you didn't get claustrophobic, you felt sorry for Tae and Jin, their broad shoulders would be very inconvenient at this moment. 

"Being small is very helpful now," Jimin chuckled, you laughed too. 

"Do you think this will hold all of us?" Yoongi shouted from the back in a wary voice. 

"I hope so," Namjoon shouted in response from the front sounding like he was trying to convince himself too.

"That's comforting," you heard Yoongi mutter darkly but you agreed with him if this collapsed you were all screwed. 

"I hate this," Jungkook sighed from behind you after sneezing from all the dust. 

"Not much further," Namjoon called as the vent slopped up a little more making everyone's job a bit harder.

"How do you know that?" Taehyung spoke from somewhere in the line but you weren't sure where he was. 

"Because I can see another vent in front of me," Namjoon called back as everyone stopped, "I just need to get it off the wall. Gimme a second, guys."

"Don't be looking at my ass now, Y/N," Jimin joked making light of the situation which is exactly what you needed, a laugh. 

"Sorry, oppa. I just can't help it. Ji-booty is so good."

Jimin burst out laughing that quickly turned into a squeak and low chuckles from behind you suggested Jungkook and Yoongi were laughing too. 

"Ji-booty," Jin laughed sounding like windscreen whippers cleaning a car windscreen. Jin's laugh made you laugh more than your comment and you had to wipe tears out of your eyes when everyone quietened down again. 

"Hey, Jin hyung," Jungkook called after 5 seconds of dead silence, "Ji-booty."

"God," you sighed as Jin started windshield laughing again. It was honestly contagious. 

"Oh, shut it you lot," Namjoon said but you could hear the amusement in his voice. You liked how you managed to join the only group of guys alive who would laugh in a situation like this. Stuck in a vent with very little moving space giggling about a silly word. Nice.

A bag and a clattering signalled Namjoon had managed to get the vent grid off the other side, you gladly crawled until you were out and the sight on the other side made your mouth fall open...

Can anyone else hear the picture at the top? Jin's laugh is bloody great.

Lotta love,


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