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56.7K 2.3K 1.3K

โ—‡COMPLETEDโ—‡ Legolas X Reader: "The tower of Cirith Ungol was but a faint memory far off in the east that loo... Mais

1: Bestowed Gifts
2: A long Expected Party
3: Strangers In The Night
4: Mushrooms!
5:Mind Intruders
6: Rivendale
7:Meetings and Watery Run In's
8: Lead The Way
9: Monsters and Cabbage
10: Yellow Flowers
11: The Mines
13: Secrets and Say What!
14: This Can't Be Happening!
15: Hell And Back Again
16: Fate Of Merry And Pippin
17: Smoulder
18: Thuringwethil and The Took
19: Rohan
20: Follow Your Heart
21: Out of The Gloom
22: The Case Of The Yellow Boots
23: Part Of This World
24: Battle Of Helms Deep
25: Golden Eyes
26: The Trials Of The Valar
27: Seven Stars Of Doom
28: The White Tree
29: The Grey Havens
30: New Story Now Available

12: Battles and Blushes

2.1K 95 44

Gimli rushed forward to the illuminated room, with no concern of what may be lurking around the corner. 'Typical dwarf!' You followed suit behind everyone else, trying not be get left behind again....That was terrifying.

"Oh...Oh no!" You heard an anguished cry sound from the room Gimli  ran into. looking  over Legolas's shoulder, you set your eyes upon a heart breaking site. A bereaved Gimli was slumped over the degenerated tomb of Balin, the son of Fundin and brother of Dwalin. Even though the dwarf passed away before you were probably even born, you felt a slight heart ache as you thought back to reading the Hobbit and how these were actual people.

"Come Gimli, we must go." Aragorn tried to reason with the dwarf, but he wouldn't listen. To the other side of the tomb, you noticed Gandalf scooping up a dust covered book from a decaying corpse next to it.

"They have closed of the north entrance, we are stuck here. We cannot get out. Drums in the deep, they ...They are coming." Gandalf trailed of as the writing became more and more frantic. You shuffled around behind the group, in fear of what was going to happen next. You opened your mouth to say something, but you were cut off. Crash! A loud clanging noise made the whole group jump and turn around to be greeted by the site of Pippin cringing at the sound as whatever he pushed down the hole in the ground. And when everyone thought it as over, the chains got dragged down as well causing a high pitch shattering noise.

"You fool of a took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity." Gandalf seethed at the poor red cheeked Hobbit. If you ever experienced an awkward silence, imagine it one hundred times worse. Just after Pippin squeaked an apology, you heard it. It was faint at first, a deep drumming noise coming few and far between, but then it picked up. The drums thudded with such speed and depth you had mistaken it at first for your heart beat. Shrill shrieks echoed of the walls as foot steps pattered and clomped closer to the tomb room.

"Barricade the door!" Everyone jumped up into action, grabbing old spears and boulders to block the door. Boromir shoved himself against the door to take a peek outside.

"They have a cave troll!" He yelled just in time for the door to burst open revealing a massive green scaly face that almost scaled the height of the room.

"Stay behind me." Legolas said to you, drawing his bow.

"Let them come! This is one dwarf they don't want to mess with!" Hollered Gimli as he swung his axe whilst standing on the tomb. Your breathing picked up as you clutched your short sword with your eyes trained on the onslaught in front of you. The troll rammed into the doors again, but this time with a successful result. The doors flung open, with a hoard of Gundabad orcs on the other side.

"We didn't say come in!" You yelled at the beasts. More and more swarmed into the room like bugs, prowling like tigers and grunting like pigs.

"Fight!" Aragorn roared whilst swinging his sword at a particularly large orc with dreadlocks. You swung your sword at snorting green one that rushed at you with a wooden club, slashing its leg.

"Sorry!" You yelped as it tumbled to the ground in pain, sending dust up. To put it kindly...you were crap at fighting. You ducked a couple strikes and jabbed your sword into the stomach of a small goblin who squealed and crumbled like paper, narrowly missing Boromir. You turned around to earn a fist to your jaw. You fell back, clutching your jaw in pain. You looked up to see the assault came from an Uruk Hai, it was tall with thick inky red skin and piercing yellow eyes. And guess what? It was lurching right at you! You swung your sword up, just in time to block the attack, causing a spark to fly from the metal. You grunted as it kicked you in the stomach, pinning you down. It raised its sword above its head to finish you off. Oh god no! You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt a force come down On you. You gasped and flung your eyes open. You looked down at your body to see thick red blood pooling around you...But it wasn't your blood. The Uruk-Hai was sprawled out on top of you, with a large wound oozing blood from it. Did Legolas save you? You looked up to be greeted by the site of none other than Boromir wielding  a blood soaked sword. If you were honest, you were sort of disappointed it was not Legolas that saved you, but you were happy to be alive none the less!

"Are you alright Lady Y/N?" Boromir asked whilst helping shove the beast off you.

"Yeah, thanks Boromir." You said whilst standing up, brushing of the dust and dirt with achy hands. You looked around the room, the orcs were beginning to disperse in number, between the dead and the ones that started to flee in fear, there were almost none left. In all the commotion with the Uruk-Hai, you hadn't noticed Legolas had already taken down the Cave Troll. You and Boromir made your way back to the other members, being careful not to trip on any corpses. That is something you have not lost though, you have kept your clumsiness and you feared you would keep it for life.

"Cabbage?" You called out, wondering if the little Pixie was alright. You scoured the room with your eyes until you noticed a glow coming from under a pile of rocks. You rushed and lifted the rubble off, revealing a pissed looking fairy. You were about to say something, but Cabbage had a different idea. He stuck his tongue out at you and roughly clambered back into your hoodie pocket. Well then, you thought.

"That is a kingly gift!" You heard Gimli say, talking about the shirt Bilbo gave to Frodo.

"Now everyone is accounted for, we better get going." Gandalf called out and headed out the door, his staff lighting the way.

"How is there more!?" You groaned as the Fellowship was quickly being out numbered by orcs. The orcs flocked to all sides the great hall, screaming and screeching. The worst thing about it was the stench the orcs emitted from their writhing excuses for bodies. You didn't bother getting out your sword because you knew you had to run for it any moment. Boom! The orcs stopped in their tracks to look behind them. In the darkness a flickering orange light glowed behind a pillar. It all happened so fast, the orcs took off at an inhuman speed. They scattered like flies, climbing up the stone Pillars and hid in crevasse in the walls.

"A Balrog Of Morgoth!" Legolas yelled as Aragorn unsheathed his sword. The Balrogs footsteps shook the walls as they got closer and closer, heating the room up.

"Swords are no use here, run!" Gandalf roared, taking off down the great stone hallways. You sprinted as fast as you could, just trailing behind Gimli, whom you wished would hurry up. The fellowship flew down the concrete steps, and through winding hallways, but no matter how fast they ran, they could hear the cracking of the whip and the heat slowly rising. Gandalf came to a sudden halt at the front. You were now in the biggest hall yet, it must have been the size of at least three football fields, the problem? The bridge was missing a large chunk so it was a long jump over. Of course mister perfect hair managed to take the leap over. He beckoned Gandalf over then Gimli.

"Not the beard!" The dwarf grumbled as Legolas pulled him up by the beard. Then it was your turn. You took a step forward and gulped. Looking down, you could see the drop go on for ages, in fact you couldn't see the bottom! You held your breath and leaped. Your eyes shot open when you felt arms wrap around your waist, pulling you away from the edge. Legolas. He continued to help the others until they were all over. Then it arrived. Bright flames blinded you and you felt as though you were going to burn up. On the other side of the bridge, a flame engulfed giant approached with a massive flame covered whip wielded in its enormous claw. Gandalf pushed forward, staff in hand.

"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass! The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass!" He roared, at the demon as it took one more step forward.

"You Shall Not Pass!" The whole room lit up, sending the shadows flying back. The Balrog roared, swinging its whip, blinded by Gandalf's light. It stumbled forward, and fell into the dark pit below the Khaza-Dum bridge. You held your breath as Gandalf took a step forward, pleased with himself. You wished you could tell him to run, to get away from the edge but you knew it was vital for him to go to the Valar. A crack echoed through the room as you saw a firey whip latch it's self onto the wise man's ankle, dragging him backwards. You turned around to see Frodo rushing forwards trying to save the wizard, but Boromir restrained him.

"Gandalf!" Frodo yelled, his voice breaking. Gandalf clutched the edge, puffing out hair from his face.

"Fly you fools." Gone. Gandalf was ripped from the edge and dragged into the darkness.

"NO!" Frodo shrieked, tears pouring from his eyes. You bit your tongue to stop yourself from shedding tears. It was all a blur, You could hardly remember Legolas dragging you down the bridge and through the last hallway to the outside. You knew Gandalf was going to be ok, but the Hobbits reactions shattered your heart into shards. You all stopped on the grey rock terrain just outside the mountain. You saw Merry and Pip hugging each other, Sam was on his knees and Frodo looked so lost, it looked as though he didn't have any emotion at all. That happens sometimes, you go through something terrible and come out feeling everything and nothing at all.

"Legolas, Boromir, get them on their feet." Aragorn called out as he looked over the land scape.

"Give them a moment for Pity's sake!" Boromir replied with a weak voice.

"By night fall these lands will be swarming with orcs. We must reach the forest of Lothlórien! Now we must leave!"

The rest of the journey to the forest was a silent one. No one talked or even made eye contact. The sun was beginning to set in the distance, sending golden and red rays over the sky and cooled  the temperature. It had been around three hours since the mines and everyone was beginning to accept what had happened. Your legs were feeling heavy with every step you took and your jaw hurt like hell. To your relief you could see a forest coming into view. It had a silver glow to it, and further on you could see glowing lights. I wonder if they have any Pixie food there? You thought since Gandalf was the guardian of the food. The Fellowship had now entered the forest. The smell of lavender wafted through the air, causing everyone to relax, especially Legolas who was beside you. You guessed he was reminded of his home here.

"A dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark." Everyone whizzed around to see a group of elf archers pointing their bows at not only Gimli, but everyone.

"Celiborn, we are friends." Aragorn said to the leader. He had long blonde hair like Legolas, but he was a bit older and chunkier.

"Very well." The archers put down their weapons and beckoned you follow them. You were lead through beautiful forest, the trees towered high, but the sky was still visible, on the ground silver mist wrapped itself through trees and little pixies fluttered about, with Cabbage joining them. You smiled as you heard faint singing on the wind as the pixies flew towards it.

"If you like it here, you should see Mirkwood." Legolas whispered to you, staring your smile while you weren't looking.

Gimli's snores filled the air, annoying Legolas with every breath he took.

"What are they saying?" Merry asked whilst pushing Cabbage off his lap and onto Pippins. Legolas turned around and listened to the elf singing in the distance.

"I have not the heart to tell, for Gandalfs death is still to near." Was all he said. You were currently leaning your back against a tree, with your legs sprawled out in front of you. You drew pencil stroke, upon pencil stroke, but nothing came of it so you sighed and shut you drawing book, shoving it back into your bag. You stood up and decided to investigate. Whilst Wandering around the forest, you found was relatively peaceful. The only noise was the crunching of leaves under your feet and the songs in the distance. You ducked under a dangling branch, to reveal a silver lake. It was surrounded by trees as the night sky reflected itself In it. Your breath was taken away by the stunning body of water as it twinkled like white diamonds. You walked a bit closer and took a seat near the edge. You closed your eyes as you enjoyed the fresh air and lack of orcs. You then opened your eyes and looked up at the sky, spotting the brightest star immediately.

"Beautiful isn't it, Cherry Blossom?" You turned around to see Legolas take a seat beside you.

"Yeah, it really is." You said and looked of into the distance. You felt him move closer to you, close enough to have his hand brush over yours. You held your breathe trying to ignore the close proximity.

"I wasn't talking about the lake...I was talking about you." You turned your head to face him. Me? What do I say? Does he mean it?

"What-" Before you could finish, he crashed his lips onto yours. You froze in shock, but slowly melted into the kiss as he wrapped his fingers into your hair. You both away, blushing like mad.

"I think I love you Cherry." He whispered, staring into your eyes. You were lost for words, your head was still spinning. He loves you?

"I think I love you too." You said smiling, causing him to grin.

"So, do you wish for us to court?" He asked you. You couldn't believe it, was asking you to be his girlfriend!

"Yes!" You grinned as he leaned In again and kissed your cheek. By this point you were sure you looked like a red stop light. You opened your mouth to say something but Legolas disappeared, Into the water. You shot and looked behind you to see Cabbage fluttering behind you with a smirk on his face.

"Cabbage!" You laughed as your blond elf resurfaced, out the water laughing his perfect face of. You had heard him laugh before, but not like this, this was full of joy. You rushed down to help him out of the water, but he had other plans. He grabbed your arm and pulled you in with him. You splashed into the water as he flung some water at your face.

"Oh its on now!" You warned and splashed him which he found highly amusing. Stupid elf!

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