Healer • J. AVERY


481K 9.3K 718

Yvonne Grey a kind and forgiving person that has lost the hope in real love and searching for the one to love... More

〘003 〙


8.5K 172 9

Gazing down at the papers that were in her hands, Yvonne strolled down the hall as she heard herself being called by her sister that was standing next to Christina. At the nurse's desk. 

"Can I speak to you for a quick moment?" Questioned Meredith, motioning for Yvonne to walk over and listen to what she wanted to ask her.

Yvonne sauntered over towards the two,  smiling at Christina who was smirking.

"What are you smirking for?" Asked Yvonne, eyeing the Korean woman that pursed her lips.

"Kissing under the moonlight is way more romantic." Chuckled Christina, nudging Meredith in the arm when they saw Yvonne getting red.

"Exactly- wait what?" Stopped Yvonne, catching on to what Christina was on about.

"Derek may or may not have spilled something?" Clarified Meredith, as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear with a small smile.

"No, Yang I already know what you are gonna say." Mumbled the younger Grey sister, pressing a finger to Christina's lips before she could say any word. "And it's not like we had sex?"

"I'm just going to stop you right there." Remarked Meredith, giving Yvonne a disgusted look and so did Christina. "For my well-being"

"And so do I." Meddled Christina, pointing a finger in the air.

Meanwhile, the three of them were lost in their conversation. Yvonne watched down the hall as she saw Jackson getting out of the locker room.

It didn't take long for the female to leave her sister and friend to talk as she strolled over to his side and wrapped her arms around his waist before she placed her head on his chest.

"You make me feel like I'm not alone. Like I don't want that to go away... I don't want you to ever go away." Muttered Yvonne, loosing up her arms, gazing into his eyes. "Okay?"

"Hey, I love you, I'm not going anywhere, believe me." Murmured Jackson, kissing her forehead as they started wandering down the hall.

Slightly sneaking into the lab, Yvonne tried to close the door without making a noise as Bailey was explaining everything.

With a closed door, Yvonne went to sit next to Jackson after giving a small wave to April.

"Okay, use reflective listening. Repeat the patient's feelings back to them." Standing in front of the room, Bailey was frowning with concentration at the book that was in her hands. "Yvonne Grey since you are late, give me an example?"

Yvonne tilted her head in confusion but answered anyway. "I hear that you're concerned about the surgery. Let me explain the risks?"

Bailey nodded.

Feeling a nudge on her shoulder the blonde turned around, meeting a laughing Alex. "I can see you like vegetables. After surgery, you might become one."

When he finished the sentence, the room was filled with loud laughs at the joke that didn't make any sense.

"Karev maybe if we used our brains you wouldn't come up with these stupid jokes?" Interfered Bailey, raising an eyebrow at the man. "Exactly."

The only response she got was an eye roll. "Jokes. Don't make jokes about patients. Not in front of them, not even in private. Yang?"

"What if the joke is really funny?" Tried Christina, biting the end of her pen before Jackson let out a small laugh at her behavior.

"It's not. Neither was that one." Retorted Bailey, giving her a deadpanned stare that made her surrender.

"I'm terrible at coming up with metaphors. I can never come up with them." Stressed Charles, already before the day even had begun.

"Why? Because you're as dumb as a box of hammers?" Questioned Christina, looking behind her at the boy that was biting the side of his thumb.

"See, that's a good one. You're an ass, but that was a good one." Mumbled Charles, pointing at Christina while Bailey just shook her head at the two after her pager started beeping.

"Follow me, now."


Everyone joined Owen and Richard in the ambulance bay.

"Alex, did you get Izzie's message about the divorce papers?" Mentioned Yvonne, standing next to him with a frown.

"I did actually but I got to find them first before sending them back." Muttered Alex, giving her a sad smile, appreciating her worrying.

Nodding at one of her best friends the blonde caught a glance of her sister walking by.

"Congratulations Karev." Winked Lexie, walking by the both of them.

"She does care, Alex, believe me." Admitted Yvonne.

"Eve, that's ridiculous we're not a thing." Denied Alex, not believing what she was trying to tell him. "We never were."

"Then make it a thing or stop whatever you're doing." Demanded Yvonne, walking towards the ambulance that arrived, followed by a large truck, police cars, and a fire truck.

"There will be consequences if you don't use what you've learned today." Snapped Bailey looking at every Resident before firemen came running around the ambulance.

"What the hell is going on?" Wondered Alex, watching the chaos that was happening.

"The yearly circus came to town." Retorted Reed, with crossed arms after the truck is opened, revealing a 700-pound man inside.

"No, just the elephant," Jackson joked, receiving a smack on the arm while Yvonne was trying not to laugh.

"Avery, you are off the case."

"Are you kidding me?" Snorted Jackson, while Yvonne gave him a mocking smile but he just huffed and walked away.

"Hey I'm not trying to ruin everything but you might need a bigger hospital." Laughed the man with the response of every Resident just blinking their eyes at the ambulance, as firefighters and policemen help to unload the man from the truck.


The man has ended up in the trauma room, but everyone is having difficulties examining the man because of his weight.

Reed glared over at Christina while making an X-ray.

"Now I understand the sensitivity training." Admitted Meredith, eyes focused on Reed as she was still doing her task.

"Yeah, no fat jokes." Agreed Christina, nodding her head.

"Or circus jokes, none of them." Denies Yvonne, waving her finger in denial.

"Grey and Yang you are off this case." Blurted Bailey, pointing at the door so they would get out of the room.

"But I said NO circus jokes?" Tried Yvonne, to maybe try and stay in. "As in unacceptable to make any."

"And I said OFF the case."

"I tried?" Mumbled Yvonne walking out through the door as she saw Jackson standing on the opposite side of the door with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Don't smirk!" Laughed Yvonne, knowing she looked ridiculous trying to change Bailey her mind after her comment. "That was a good case and I'm no longer on it."

"Neither am I just for an elephant joke?" Exaggerated Jackson, shrugging his shoulders. "You were even smiling with my joke" he whispered.

When she still said nothing, he brushed his mouth against the hollow of her temple. "And then I got kicked off."

"Or—" He traced the line of her cheekbone. But she had reached up and pulled him down to her, and the rest of his words were lost against her mouth. He kissed her gently, carefully, his arms circling her, gathering her against him.

"Lovebirds I hate to interrupt this but since you were kicked off do you want to follow me toward the ER?" Offered Teddy, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Anything is better than being kicked off a case for circus or elephant jokes?" Admitted Yvonne, peering up at Jackson as she shrugged and followed Teddy.

Strolling into the ER, Yvonne held out her hand for the chart before Teddy gave it to Jackson which left Yvonne waiting with an empty hand and a flabbergasted face. "Seriously?"

"Nancy Temple complained of dizziness and nausea since waking." Informed Jackson, giving the chart back to Teddy meanwhile Yvonne bonded with the patient's daughter.

"Mommy threw up twice so I made her come here, that's okay right?" Worried Kelly, the daughter while staring at Yvonne with two worried eyes.

"Of course sweetie, I'm proud you did." Claimed Yvonne, she shoved the girl's hair back away from her face. "Don't worry."

"Okay I think we should do E.K.G. and the reason why is because heart attack symptoms are different in women than in men, so sometimes they look like stomach problems. Like you are having now. We'll prepare you to bring you the cath lab." Explained Teddy, smiling at the woman.

"What will happen to my daughter? We're here alone from Miami and we're supposed to fly back tonight?" Retorted Nancy, watching her daughter laughing with Yvonne.

"Doctor Yang will call your husband and she'll also take care of Kelly until the tests are done because she loves kids." Enthused Teddy, pointing at Christina that looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Can't you ask Yvonne, she's way more easy and better with kids, she could practically have her own?" Begged Christina, tilting her head at Altman and hearing Jackson sighing.

"It's patient sensitivity day and I'll page you when I'm ready." Began Altman, giving the chart to Christina before leaving.

"What are you doing with me?" Seeing Teddy pushing the bed down the hall, Yvonne gazes up at Jackson. "I'm an ex-druggie, I was a mom but my daughter died probably because I didn't deserve her, I escaped in alcohol and I was assaulted so why do you want me?"

"Because I want a life with you, and I want to stand by you while we fight the storms that we'll be facing. Eve, I know that my life didn't start with you, but I want to end it with you."

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