Fix You {Liam Dunbar #1}

By Suem11

104K 1.6K 670

Isabelle Argent, still reeling from the loss of her sister, Allison, watches over Beacon Hills alongside her... More

Extra: Alternate Chpt. 12 Peter Scene


6.4K 105 30
By Suem11


That was all Deaton could say when he was presented with a young Derek Hale. Isabelle, Lydia, Stiles and Scott had brought him to the vet clinic as soon as they had returned from Mexico.

"Wow?" Stiles repeated. "Wow as in, 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what do do' kind of well? Cause that's the kind of wow were hoping for..."

"I think you might be overestimating my abilities," Deaton looked at him with wide eyes. Isabelle didn't think that was possible; most of the reason they were all still alive was because of the veterinarian in front of them. He was a druid, and he knew all about the supernatural world...just not about Aztec temples and time travel, it appeared.

"He's cold," Lydia observed. Her hand was in Derek's. "Really cold."

"Do you think it's permanent?" Scott asked his boss.

"I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate," Deaton shook his head, still astonished. "This is well beyond my experience."

"So, what do we do with him?" Stiles said.

"Get him a backpack and bring him with us to school tomorrow?" Isabelle suggested. "Spring break is over; people might just think he's new."

"I hope that was a joke," Lydia looked at the girl.

"It might be best to leave him with me," Deaton said, sending Isabelle an odd look, "he'll be safe here."

"You mean from Kate?" Stiles questioned.

"If she is alive and she's what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate," Deaton said.

"We don't even know what she is," Isabelle pointed out.

"Whatever she is, why would she want to do this to him?" Lydia wondered out loud, her eyes stuck on the young boy in front of her.

"Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be any good for anyone but her," Deaton guessed. He glanced over at Isabelle, "My apologies."

"Not necessary," Isabelle shrugged.

"You guys should probably go home," Deaton said after noticing the dark circles under Isabelle's eyelids. "He doesn't look to be in any danger, so maybe the rest of you should get some sleep. It is a school night....and you all need to start taking care of your own lives again."

"Someone should stay with you," Scott said.

"I'll stay." Lydia was the first to speak. "My grades are fine...despite missing a few classes..."

"I'll stay, too," Isabelle offered. Lydia frowned.

"Go home, Iz," she shook her head. "You haven't slept in days."

Isabelle scoffed, about to say that days was an exaggeration, but Lydia cut her off by saying, "And I know that because I live with you, so don't even try denying it."

"I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing you were here, anyway," Isabelle shook her head. Lydia sighed, knowing that the girl's mind was set.

"I guess Iz and I are staying," Lydia told Stiles and Scott. Isabelle smiled.

"No," Stiles argued. "I am not okay with this."


"Text us if anything happens," Scott nodded at the girls, then latched on to Stiles's arm and walked out the door.

"Nope, still not okay with it. Not going anywhere," Stiles shook his head, then stumbled as he was dragged away. "Alright, just cause you're stronger..."

Isabelle snorted, shaking her head at Lydia and Deaton. The veterinarian walked over to a shelf and came back with a stethoscope, pressing it to Derek's chest.

"How's he doing?" Isabelle asked after a moment of silence.

"His heart rate is alarmingly high," Deaton glanced up.

"He is a lot warmer now," Lydia noted. Her hand was still in Derek's.

"I'm going to try something," Deaton said, reaching over his table and grabbing a small blade. "I want you to keep holding his hand if that's okay." Lydia nodded, though her eyebrow raised slightly at the sharp object.

All three of them seemed to hold their breath as Deaton slowly drug the blade along Derek's arm, leaving a small cut. They all widened their eyes in alarm as the cut disappeared almost instantly.

"That looks like it healed really fast," Isabelle looked to Deaton, "even for a werewolf."

"That was unusually fast." Deaton agreed. Lydia frowned.

"What does it mean?"

"I'm not sure," Deaton sighed. "Let's try something else. Isabelle, grab me a five milliliter syringe, will you?"

"Sure," Isabelle nodded, moving across the room to find what he asked for. Deaton followed, searching a different table with multiple vials on it. She didn't want to ask what he was planning on injecting Derek with, so she kept her eyes on the syringes in front of her.

"Guys..." Lydia croaked out. Isabelle whipped her head around to see claws protruding from Derek's hands.

"Get back," Isabelle widened her eyes, trying to keep her voice quiet. She looked up to meet Lydia's eyes. "Lydia, get back." Lydia nodded, backing away carefully as Derek rose to a sitting position and slid off the exam table.

"Derek?" Deaton said gently. "Are you alright?" The wolfed-out Derek looked towards Deaton, and Isabelle took the distraction as an opportunity rush to Lydia's side. She pushed the banshee behind her, and Lydia couldn't help the small laugh that came out of her mouth.

"You should get behind me," Lydia objected, pushing Isabelle behind her. Isabelle sighed, tugging Lydia back.

"Lydia," Isabelle said, "which one of us is armed and knows how to fight?" She heard a defeated sigh behind her.

"Fair point," Lydia finally said. They turned their attention back to their unstable wolf-friend, seeing that he was in a panic.

His fangs were out, and he was pressing his hands to his ears.

"He's overwhelmed," Isabelle muttered as Deaton backed up to them, standing in front. "Maybe if we just stay quiet—"

"AHH!" Derek roared suddenly, jumping towards them and slashing his claws out. Deaton cried out in pain as his arm was met with claws. He fell to the ground and Lydia rushed to his side.

Isabelle stayed put, waiting to see if Derek would attack again. Her fingers hovered over the knife in her pocket. Derek looked at her a moment before fleeing the room.

"Well that idea didn't work," Isabelle sighed. "I'll take the blame for that one."


"I don't think he's just younger in his body. I think he's younger in his mind, too." Deaton explained.

Scott and Stiles had come back to the vet clinic after Derek had gone all crazy and run off. The claw marks on Deaton's arm turned out not to be as bad as they felt, and Isabelle had helped bandage his arm up.

"He didn't recognize any of us," Lydia shook her head with a sigh. "He looked like he was scared out of his mind."

"Rightfully so," Isabelle defended.

"So, you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared...where do you go?" Stiles asked, looking at each of them for help.

"A wolf goes back to its den...but Derek lives in a loft." Scott frowned.

"Not when he was a teenager," Isabelle shook her head. "My money's on the Hale house."

Deaton pursed his lips and nodded in agreement. "He wouldn't remember the fire-it wouldn't have even happened yet. I think you're right."

Stiles and Scott started to run out the door, and Lydia rolled her eyes. "Hold on," she ordered, stopping both the boys in their tracks. She gave them a stern look, "Say you do manage to catch up to him, what are you going to say? That his whole family is dead?"

Scott considered it with a sad frown. "I guess I'm going to have to."

Lydia gave him her famous are-you-serious look. "Okaay...good luck with that."

"She's probably right, Scott. Maybe you shouldn't, you know? At least until we figure out how to get him back to normal." Stiles suggested.

"I can't lie to him," Scott shook his head, making it clear that it wasn't even an option for him.

"Okay...I'll do it," Stiles offered up, hardly missing a beat.

Isabelle snorted, and Stiles looked at her sharply. "Stiles, you're the worst liar I've ever met. And you're not that great at telling the truth either."

"Rude," he muttered, then crinkled his eyebrows together. "Wait, what is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, I don't know," Isabelle said sarcastically, "Does Malia know her father is actually Peter Hale?" She had been going along with that secret for a while now. Her, Allison, and Lydia had found out from Peter that he had a missing daughter and had put the pieces together months ago.

Stiles just shook his head at her. "She's better off not knowing."

Isabelle scoffed. She couldn't exactly argue that, but Malia deserved to know who her father was. "Whatever you have to tell yourself."

"I don't think any of us can lie to Derek..." Scott interfered, getting back on track, "he can hear a heartbeat rising. When we find him, we have to tell him the truth."

Isabelle nodded firmly. "Alright, let's go."


They didn't have to go that far to find Derek, as the police caught up to him first. They ended up at the police station, where the elusive Derek Hale sat chained to a bench. Isabelle hated herself for thinking it, but she couldn't help but notice how the young version of Derek was even cuter when he was awake.

Scott and Stiles were in Sheriff Stilinski's office, no doubt being yelled at, while Isabelle studied the newly young boy in front of her.

Derek gave her an uncomfortable frown in return. "Can you stop looking at me like that?"

"It's just so weird," Isabelle shook her head. "How old do you think you are?"

"I know I'm sixteen." he retorted, rolling his eyes.

Isabelle rolled her eyes back at him. "Great, you're still a sassy little-" she bit her tongue, stopping herself. Shaking her head, she sat down on the bench next to him, though she scooted as far away from him as she could. "Let's just not talk."

"Isabelle, hey!" A new voice spoke up.

Isabelle looked up, a smile rising on her face when she caught sight of her favorite deputy--Jordan Parrish.

The first time she had met him was the night Allison died. All of them had been brought into the station for questioning, but Isabelle had spent most the night on the bench outside of the sheriff's office, staring numbly into space.

Parrish, who had just moved to Beacon Hills, sat with her most of the night, bringing her hot chocolates that she couldn't bring herself to drink and telling her everything was going to be okay. Isabelle would be forever grateful for it, but she couldn't help be a little embarrassed each time she saw him. His first impression of her happened during the single worst night of her life.

It seemed like he didn't hold it against her, though, for he always greeted her and asked her how she was doing whenever she was passing through the station. He didn't even ask it with the pitying look that Isabelle hated, he just asked because he was a genuinely kind person.

"Parrish," Isabelle nodded with a smile. "Good to see you."

"You too," he grinned back. "How's it going? Excited for school?"

"Oh, of course," Isabelle snorted. Jordan laughed, and Isabelle shrugged. "I'm doing alright, thanks. How about you? You get enough paperwork there?" She nodded towards the large stack of files in his hands and he shrugged.

"Can't complain, it's part of the job," he smiled, "I'll see you later, Isabelle." With a parting nod, he continued on his way to his desk.

"Bye," Isabelle smiled gently, watching him walk away. He was such a nice person that she felt a little bit calmer in his presence--

"That your boyfriend?" Derek's voice cut into her thoughts. She jumped a little, nearly forgetting that he was next to her, then scowled.

"No! Idiot," she said, the calm leaving her at once. "I thought I told you not to talk to me."




Eventually, Scott and Stiles were done being yelled at, and they came to talk to Derek, who still didn't know who to trust.

"You want me to trust you?" he sneered at Scott. "Where's my family?"

Isabelle's heart broke a little, and she looked away from him, which he seemed to notice.

"There was a fire, and..." Scott started, eyes full of conflict. "...they're not here anymore. They're fine-just had to moved out of Beacon Hills."

Isabelle widened her eyes slightly at his lie, but quickly made her face blank as Derek looked at her for confirmation. She nodded at him, feeling like she was going to be sick when she told him, "We're going to take you to them as soon as we figure out how to get your memories back."

He sighed in relief and nodded. "Okay."

Stiles gestured for Scott and Isabelle to step aside with him. "We'll be right back," Isabelle assured Derek, who had started following them.

Once the were in their little huddle, Scott looked at the two with worry. "I should not have done that. I just lied my ass off."

Stiles shook his head and put his hand on Scott's shoulder. "Hey, your ass is fine." Isabelle furrowed her nose and gave him a weird look, but Scott seemed unphased with their conversation. "You saved him from a ton of unnecessary pain," Stiles continued. "We'll figure this out in a day or two...he'll go back to being old Derek-everyone's happy. Except for Derek, who's never happy."

He looked to Isabelle, waiting for her to laugh, but she kept a straight face as she held a hand up. He high-fived it, knowing that it meant she approved of his joke.

"Things just seem to go better when we tell the truth." Scott shook his head. "Are you guys going to be okay if I go..." he hesitated. "If I go talk to the guy we should have gone to before."

Isabelle tensed up, knowing all too well which guy he was referring to.

"Peter?" Stiles mouthed. At Scott's nod, he cringed. "I hate that guy. I'll take Derek to your house."

"Don't let him out of your sight," Scott told him, then turned to Isabelle. "I'd ask you to come along, but-"

"But what?" she cut him off. "Why can't I?"

He sighed quietly, reaching down to the girl's hand and unfolding her fingers. He took out the knife she had been clutching and held it up pointedly. "Because... you'll kill Peter before we got our answers."

Stiles gasped at the sight of the knife, looking at Isabelle accusingly, but Scott seemed rather calm about it, probably expecting her to have some sort of weapon on her, and knowing that it would come out at any mention of Peter Hale.

"I-" Isabelle sputtered, looking between them. "I don't know where that came from."


Stiles and Isabelle made their way to Scott's house, Derek following obediently and staying quiet while Stiles babbled on about something. Isabelle knew it was okay not to listen, knowing he did this a lot and it was how he organized his thoughts.

"We're going to wait here for Scott," he suddenly addressed Derek." "We're going to sit quietly. We're not going to call or talk to anyone."

"Do I talk to her?" Derek pointed to Isabelle.

Stiles glanced at her, considering the question. "Uhm, at her discretion." Isabelle smiled, holding back a snort.

"Do I talk to you?"

"No." Stiles shook his head, unlocking Scott's front door and shoving Derek through. Isabelle came in after them, making sure to lock the door behind her.

"Fine...good." Derek retorted as Isabelle started catching up to them. "Who's going to talk to him?"

"Ah!" Stiles jumped backwards, causing Isabelle to ram into him. She angrily shoved him forward and looked around him to see...Rafael McCall. Scott's father. Who abandoned Melissa and Scott when he was five.

"Oh..." she awkwardly trailed off, not knowing what to do. Rafael looked like he had a bag of food with him.

"Are you getting taller?" Stiles angrily asked the man, pulling himself together.

He looked down at the three teenagers with a frown, then shook his head. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're waiting for Scott," Derek answered.

"Yeah, so am I." Rafael nodded, holding up the take-out bag. "We're supposed to have dinner...I brought extra. You guys hungry?"

"Yeah," Derek nodded happily, and Isabelle fought the urge to roll her eyes.

Stiles made a squeaking sound in the back of his throat. "No, we're not hungry."

"I'm starving," Derek looked at Stiles, then at Isabelle. "Would you like to join me?"

"Um, sure," Isabelle muttered, causing Stiles to look at her with wide eyes. "It smells good," she muttered to him, shaking her head innocently and taking a seat at the table with Derek.

"What's your name?" Rafael asked Derek as he set the food out on the table.

Derek almost started to say his name, but Stiles beat him to it.

"Miguel!" he exclaimed. "My cousin Miguel...from Mexico. So..."

Rafael looked impressed, and he began speaking to Derek in Spanish. Isabelle bit her lip to hide her laughter, and Stiles gaped at the man in fear. Then Derek shocked them all by replying in Spanish.

Isabelle looked at him, slightly impressed.

"Fantastic," Rafael smiled, then glanced over at her. "Egg roll?"

Isabelle gave him a small smile for the sake of being civil and grabbed an egg roll. "Sure, thank you."

Stiles eventually joined them at the table, and they all settled in with heaps of food.

"So, uh, Miguel," Rafael started, obviously trying to make their 'foreign' friend feel comfortable. "What did you say your last name was again?"

"Uh," Stiles spoke before Derek could. "It's Juarez. Cinqua...Tiago."

Isabelle paused mid bite and looked over at him. He looked back at her and shrugged helplessly. She rolled her eyes and continued eating, watching the hilarious scene unfolding.

"That's a mouthful." Rafael widened his eyes. "How do you spell that?"

"Phonetically." Stiles answered, his mouth full of food.

Isabelle snorted, almost spitting food out of her mouth, but she quickly composed herself.

"Mr. McCall, you're an FBI agent, right?" Derek asked, ignoring Stiles and his ridiculous answers.

Stiles and Isabelle looked at each other across the table. "He's low level," Stiles shrugged casually. "Very low level...he doesn't even have a voice."

"So, do you investigate murders?" Derek continued.

"Sometimes...when it's a federal crime." Rafael nodded, though he seemed a little concerned about the turn the conversation was taking, as were the other humans.

"What about fires?" Derek asked. They all froze.

"Fires?" Isabelle exclaimed, trying to change the point of attention. "I do smell smoke, maybe you burnt your cooking, Rafael!" She laughed nervously.

"It's takeout," Rafael frowned in confusion. Stiles gestured for her to get Derek out until Rafael looked at him suspiciously.

"Derek," Isabelle snapped her head in his direction. "Will you go--help me find--the bathroom?" Before he could answer, she grabbed his hand and drug him to his feet.

"Wow," he observed. "You're freakishly strong."

"I-uh-lift stuff," she shook her head, getting him out of there as fast as possible. She brought him to Scott's room and left the door open a crack, knowing Stiles would be finding an excuse to follow them any second now.

When she turned away from the door, Derek was right in her face, but she stood her ground.

"So, you lied?" he asked. He didn't seem surprised or even that mad.

"I didn't lie..." Isabelle denied, causing him to raise his eyebrows and cross his arms. "We just didn't say the whole truth."

"I want to talk to Scott," he shook his head at the girl.

"He'll be here soon," Isabelle tried to keep him calm, though he was starting to look angry. "He just had to go talk to Pe...someone."

"How soon?" he demanded, stepping closer.

"Shortly, okay?" Isabelle exclaimed. "Man, you're an annoying kid." He frowned and Isabelle felt a little bad.

She sighed. "Look, stay here, okay? I'll get a phone or something." She started walking towards the door, then second-guessed herself on leaving him alone. "Actually-" She turned back around, but he was already gone.



After Derek's disappearing act, Isabelle met up with Lydia, who had apparently found a man's body earlier today, mangled in a rest stop bathroom.

It was Kate. And now that Derek ran away, Isabelle couldn't help but think that was Kate's doing as well.

"What does she want in your family's vault?" Scott asked Peter, who, sadly, was on their team for now and off-limits for Isabelle to kill at the moment, though it was taking all of her willpower to not attack him then and there.

She couldn't pinpoint the exact moment that Peter Hale became her least favorite person in the entire  world, but it probably started around the time he chased her and her friends around as a big alpha werewolf, bit Scott and clawed her aunt's throat out right in front of her face. He also had a knack for throwing them under the bus to save his own skin, and he was psychotic.

"She wants control." Isabelle guessed. "She couldn't control herself when she was human, I can only imagine her lack of control now." She turned to Peter with a grimace, "Is there anything in your vault that can give a were...whatever-she-is, control?"

He gave her a sadistic look, knowing that she hated him and wanted to beat him up. Then he frowned, a thoughtful look on his face. "Control... the Triskelion."

"What's that?" Stiles waved his hands impatiently.

"Let's go find out," Isabelle growled, picking up her gym bag and walking out the door. Stiles lept away fearfully, knowing that there was for sure one crossbow in that bag.


The Hale family vault was under the school, apparently, which meant a secret door, which meant they needed a Hale...and all they had, unfortunately, was Peter. They technically had Malia as well, but Isabelle certainly wasn't going to be the one to tell her that the sociopathic ass that was Peter Hale was her biological father. 

Scott, Peter, Malia, and Isabelle got to the school first. Stiles and Lydia had taken the jeep and Stiles had mentioned running home to get his "good bat", whatever that was.

As the four of them ran towards the school sign, Malia suddenly came to a halt. Isabelle stopped with her and turned around.

"What?" she questioned her, seeing the look of confusion and fear on her face. Scott and Peter stopped ahead of them and turned around as well.

"Did you catch a scent?" Scott asked Malia.

"It's the same one," Malia spoke, looking around in fear. "The same one as in Mexico."

"What?" Isabelle whispered, eyes widening. "The big thing that stalked us for over an hour?" Malia nodded. Scott gave them a look of surprise.

"One of them came after us in the church ruins," he admitted. "I don't know what it was."

"There was one on the road, too. They couldn't have followed us here," Malia looked at Scott, fear on her face.

"But they could've been brought," Scott realized. "By Kate."

They all looked around at each other, letting it sink in. Isabelle opened her mouth to speak, but stopped when a low growl cut through the air.

"Oh," Peter groaned in annoyance. "I've heard that sound before. Did it have an animal skull over it's face?"

He looked towards his daughter, his expression less-hateful than when he looked at the rest of them. Malia glanced at him uncomfortably. "I think so."

"What are they?" Scott asked.

Before Peter could explain, the clunk of heavy footsteps coming from the small tunnel by the parking lot caught everyone's attention.

Slowly, they all turned around to see a huge monster stomping towards them. His face was, in fact, covered by an animal skull. Isabelle recognized it immediately, even though she had really only gotten a small glimpse of it in the desert.

Suddenly, Malia lurched forwards with a growl. Isabelle grabbed her arm and quickly yanked her back.

"Are you crazy?" Peter asked her.

"There's just one of them," Malia growled, still trying to run forward.

"And that means we have a chance," Peter scowled.

"To beat him?"

"To survive." And with that, Peter turned around and ran up the stairs.

Scott, Malia and Isabelle all looked at each other briefly before taking off after him. Usually, Isabelle wasn't one to run from a fight, but she knew nothing about this Berserker, and she knew she didn't stand a chance, even with a werewolf and a werecoyote on her side.

The three of them ran across the sidewalk, Malia in front, until Malia suddenly held her arms out to stop herself. Isabelle was close behind her, and Scott was close behind Isabelle. They both slid to a stop, bumping into each other and holding each other up.

About twenty-feet in front of them, there was the berserker, waiting. Scott grabbed Isabelle's arm and they quietly backed up, almost running into another berserker.

"Scott. It's both of them," Malia hissed. "They're both here."

"Where the hell is Peter?" Scott asked as they started running up the west staircase.

"I don't know, he just took off!" Malia shook her head. They ran up one flight of stairs, one of them close on their heels.

"Where's the other?" Isabelle exclaimed, glancing behind her. She turned around and ran into Malia, who was backing up.

"There he is," Isabelle panted, looking around to see that the two Berserkers had them trapped on the small stairs. She glanced at her friends nervously, holding her crossbow up straight, aiming it at the one at the top of the stairs.

Scott leapt over the railing, coming up behind the other one. He clawed at it, but nothing was hurting the berserker.

Isabelle fired off an arrow, and it stuck into the berserkers chest, but it didn't seem to notice or show any sign of pain.

"What the hell?" she muttered, getting scared. How do you fight off un-fightable things?

She glanced behind her at Malia, who had been scratched in the leg pretty bad. She didn't seem to be able to stand, so Isabelle stood in front of her as she drug herself backwards.

She continued to shoot arrows at the Berserker that was gaining up on them, but she got distracted when Scott was thrown down next to them, almost crushing her. They were cornered now.

As Isabelle looked over at Scott, one of the berserkers kicked her back, sending her to the ground roughly. She growled in pain as the wind got knocked out her lungs.

Just when it seemed like things were hopeless, Kira showed up. She went at both of them with her sword, but made the mistake of looking back at Scott. That was when one of them hit her in the face, and she landed on the ground next to the other three.

"Well," Isabelle muttered, trying to ease the tension as the berserkers gained up on them. "We tried."

All of a sudden, Derek ran up, still in his young body, and fought the Berserkers. He dodged every punch they threw at him, and even managed to land a few punches himself.

Then there was a long howl, and the Berserkers ran off.

Isabelle, Scott, Malia, and Kira slowly made their way to their feet, looking at the boy...or man in front of them.

"Derek?" Scott asked slowly.

He turned around, and Isabelle felt a slight wave of disappointment as she saw that it was just regular, thirty-year old Derek, and not the friendly teenager who had tried to hit on her. Oh, well.

Derek looked at them, and his eyes flashed yellow...not red.

Isabelle's jaw dropped in surprise, but Scott shook his head at her and she closed it.

"Heyyy, Derek," Isabelle greeted. "Know who we are?"

He looked at the young girl for a long time before simply rolling his eyes. Isabelle almost laughed. "Good to have you back."

She turned to Kira, Scott, and Malia. "I'm going to go check the vault. You guys get Derek in the jeep...if Stiles and Lydia even made it here, maybe he lost his bat, I don't know..." she trailed off, realizing it wasn't important.

She ran towards the vault entrance, seeing Stiles and Lydia running there, too.

"You're okay," Lydia sighed in relief, shooting her a small smile.

"I'm okay," Isabelle nodded at her, squeezing her arm.

The three of them ran down the stairs, coughing as they inhaled smoke. Peter was in the back of the vault, staring in an opened safe. He was mumbling to himself like the crazy person he was.

"What's the point of having a secret vault if you still put everything in the safe?" Isabelle wondered out loud.

Lydia held up a hand to silence the girl and leaned forward to hear what Peter was mumbling about. He was saying something about someone taking something.

"What did they take?" Lydia asked carefully.

"Bonds." Peter turned around, his face full of anger and regret. "Bearer bonds. They took them all."

"Bearer bonds?" Stiles repeated. "Are you saying you got robbed? This was a heist. Somebody planned this."

"Was it Kate?" Isabelle asked quietly.

Peter's head snapped towards her and he shook his head. "She fled as soon as the smoke cleared." Isabelle nodded, feeling slightly disappointed.

"How much did they take?" Lydia asked Peter.

"A hundred and seventeen."

"You have an entire underground vault for a hundred and seventeen dollars?" Isabelle gaped. Peter gave her a glare before rolling his eyes.

"Thousand?" Stiles guessed next.

Peter shook his head. "Million."

A/N: Okay, I think I got all the non-Liam stuff out of the way, so let the fun begin!

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