Fall Out Boy- A Little Less S...

By YoungBloodFoBfan

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This is a fan fiction based on the music video "A Little Less Sixteen Candles A Little More 'Touch Me'" by Fa... More

Before: Chapter 1- Request Denied
Before: Chapter 2- When Enemies Become Friends
Before: Chapter 3- Unusual Behaviour
Before: Chapter 4- Things Just Got A Hell Of Alot More Complicated
Before: Chapter 5- Working Progress
Before: Chapter 6- Leave It To The Experts
Before: Chapter 7- Killing Vampires 101
Before: Chapter 8- Sometimes, It's Best To Do What They Say.
Before: Chapter 9- Lets Try Not To Screw Up Even More
Before: Chapter 10- What Doesn't Kill You Just Pisses You Off.
After: Chapter 2- Time For A Rescue Mission.....Again.
After: Chapter 3- When All Hell Breaks Loose
After: Chapter 4- Payback's A Bitch
After: Chapter 5- Too Early To Celebrate Yet
After: Chapter 6- When Friend's Become Enemies
After: Chapter 7- Remember Me As I Was Not As I Am
After: Chapter 8- If I Don't Wake Up Dead
After: Chapter 9- How Many Times Do We Have To Go Through This?
After: Chapter 10- Cause We Don't Know When To Quit
Bonus Chapter- Patrick's Awakening

After: Chapter 1- A Not-So Success

1.4K 43 19
By YoungBloodFoBfan

NOTE: These are now the events after the 'A Little Less Sixteen Candles A Little More "Touch Me"' music video. If you haven't seen the music video, you will need to watch it before continuing to read.

 The blaring sound of police sirens filled Pete’s ears even before he could open his eyes.

Pete’s entire body ached even when he wasn’t moving, as if he had been slammed by a large hammer all over and he felt the moist feeling of blood and sweat covering him. He was tired, like the darkness was trying to take back over and cause him to fall back unconscious, but he knew he couldn’t let it and used all his inner strength to keep himself awake. Pete’s head was throbbing with pain. What the fuck just happened? When he tried to think, his mind just came up blank.

The noise echoed all around him, sending his ears ringing- the sound was unbearable and he lifted his arms up to cover his ears with his hands, however, he froze in shock when he felt a nipping at both his wrists as he tried to pull them away from each other. He tried multiple times, using all his strength, but there was clearly something holding his wrists together.

This is not good…..

And that’s when Pete decided to open his eyes- and wished he hadn’t.

Both of his wrists were bound together in strong metal cuffs, with no way of getting them free on his own. He lifted his head up to get a look at his surroundings when the tip of his head came into contact with a metal surface above him and two doors at either side of him with windows and seats in front of him two figures sat there, one of them turning a steering wheel. As Pete looked outside the window, streets and houses were moving past him in a blur, except he was the one moving instead.

He was in a car. Bound. With no way of escape.   

No, no, no, no…Pete’s mind began to race with panic as he thrashed around in his seat, trying to break free, but the restraints around him were too strong even for a vampire and nothing he tried worked. Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Pete cursed out loud.  His breathing became heavy as the throbbing in his head began to settle and more and more memories of recent events came back: fighting off the attacking vampires, jumping to attack William- but there was nothing there. There couldn’t have been, could there? But by the time he had jumped on William, he remembered his fist colliding with the metal of the car rather than flesh and bone right before being grabbed by a number of hands and pulled to the ground unwillingly, fingers attempting to cling onto the car but failing as he was hit multiple times before finally blacking out.  

William’s still alive…he knew it was the truth; he knew he hadn’t killed him. They had all tried so hard but it hadn’t been enough. They had been winning until William had managed to escape- Pete hadn’t managed to kill him for a second time. And now, he was caught.

They’d lost.

For fuck sake! I almost had the bastard! Pete growled. His head turned to look out the window; it was chaos outside, with many vampires dead as well as humans who had got caught up in the fight, with dozens of police cars all around, sirens blaring as the police attempted to keep things under control. Pete’s eyes scanned the scene in front of him- there was no sign of William anywhere but a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach made him know that he wasn’t dead, that he was still out there somewhere. However, William wasn’t the only people Pete was looking for.

Patrick, Andy and Joe were no where in sight either.

Where the hell are they? Did they manage to escape back to the warehouse? Did the police get them? Are they-

He didn’t want to finish his thought. But as much as he dreaded it, for all he knew, it could be true.

Pete caught the sound of voices in front of him and turned his attention to back inside the car; the two police officers in the front two seats of the car were mumbling to each other, what about, Pete couldn’t quite make out.

They can’t keep me here. They have to let me out.

“Hey!” Pete shouted at the police officers. “What the hell is this? You can’t just arrest me! What the-“

Pete was interrupted as the police officers spun around to face him- his blood went cold and he stayed deadly silent.

Both police officers eyes were as sharp as daggers as they glared towards Pete, their skin a bone white colour and the flash of deadly fangs produced from their teeth. They weren’t just police officers, they were vampires.

“Shut the hell up!” Hissed one of them as they both turned their backs away from him and continued to drive the car.

Pete shrunk back in his seat. William had said that the vampires did have a large influence in the community, that they practically ran the city, but now he knew exactly how powerful- even the police, those who were supposed to protect the city from danger, were vampires.

He turned his head to look back out the window, the street was full of police officers and those Pete could see the faces of, he noticed fangs pointed from their mouths.

Pete felt the trickle of blood coming from his bottom lip and realised he had been biting down on it, fangs piercing it and causing beads of blood to form. Although he didn’t need to breath, he felt like he couldn’t.

Oh shit….

William was still alive. Joe, Patrick and Andy were gone. As for Pete, it was unlikely these two vampire police officers were going to take him to the police station to be arrested- they were taking him somewhere else.

He was in a lot more trouble than he first thought.

I’m screwed.


“Ow! Get the hell off me you asshole!”

Andy struggled to break free of the vampire police officer’s grasp as he thrashed his body around in the hope of being able to wriggle free, but the vampire behind him had both Andy’s arms pinned behind his back and had strong hold of him.

He wasn’t the only one with the same problem; just ahead of him, Joe was being held in a strong grasp by another vampire police officer, Joe’s hands handcuffed behind his back as he tried to move around to break free, but the vampire just chuckled in mockery of Joe’s efforts, his fangs bared. As for Patrick, he was the only one out of the three who was not attempting to escape, more to the point, he couldn’t- he was too weak from blood loss where a group of female vampires had pretended to be human and when Patrick had gone to protect them, they had bitten him. Although he was still conscious, he didn’t have the strength to fight back.

The vampire that had a grip on Andy hissed, baring its fangs close to Andy’s throat. “Be fucking quiet! You vampire hunters think you’re so good, don’t you?” The vampire seemed to smile in evil delight. “Well now look who’s better now.”

Andy swallowed but remained brave. All three of the hunters were being pushed down a long corridor of a police station by vampires, their hands pinned behind their backs and unable to get away no matter how much they shook around, trying to escape. While fighting the vampires, the three of them had been grabbed by police officers and had been arrested, where they were then brought down to the police station only to discover the officers were also vampires. They had been caught and had all their weapons taken away from them and no matter how much they had tried to fight, the vampires had gotten the upper hand and it looked like there was no way out.

Andy felt the vampire’s nails dig in to his arm and he bit back from groaning out in pain. He was being forced to walk forward by the vampire who had hold of him; no matter how much he tried to keep his body ridged and keep his feet firmly in one place, the vampire was too strong and he felt his feet being dragged across the floor as he was being pushed forward down the what seemed to be the never-ending corridor. Andy noticed Joe trying to do the same thing, and also failing, and of course, Patrick wasn’t having much luck either.

Just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse…..they fucking did. Andy thought.

“If you’re going to kill us,” Joe hissed between his teeth, “do it and get it over with already!”

Despite Joe couldn’t see him, Andy shot him a look, but only for a slight second. He’s right. We’re vampire hunters; there is no way that they’re not going to kill us. So what’s stopping them for doing it right now? Whatever it was, Andy was grateful for it.

The vampire who had a grip on Joe seemed to groan in annoyance. “Trust me, you little bastards, nothing would make us more than happy than to sink our fangs into you and rip your throats out!”

“Then what the hell is stopping you?” Andy asked. It was a bold move, but he knew he had to make it.

“Our master,” said one of the vampires, slyly, “want you alive. For now…” he said that last part with what Andy could only imagine as a smile on his face.

Andy shuddered at the sound of the vampires voice, the words he spoke; 'our master'. That means William is still alive! Damn it! He knew what that meant: they'd failed Pete, they'd failed each other,they'd-

It was if someone had turned on a light in Andy's mind, making everything clear. Wait a minute! Where is Pete? Andy turned his head to look around. There was no sign to say he'd been caught with the rest of them...

"Hey! Where the hell is Pete?" He asked.

The vampire behind him sniggered, but didn't say anything.

It made Andy's blood run cold. "Where the fuck is Pete? What the hell have you done to him?" Andy screamed. If William wasn't dead, there was no telling what had happened to Pete...

The vampire who had hold of Patrick spun his head around to face Andy, growling and flashing its fangs in Andy's direction. "That little bastard is gone. He's finally getting what's coming to him."

Shit. This was a lot worse than Andy first thought.

As the vampires continued to push the three hunters down the corridor, Andy felt a sharp nip at his right leg, causing him to hiss out in pain. At first, he thought it was the vampire's boots kicking him, but this felt was too sharp to be shoes. Until he remembered:

The knife that was under his trousers and strapped to his leg.

Andy smiled to himself. Payback time, bitches.

With that, using the vampire's behind him to help push him up, he jumped up and lashed out with his legs, kicking the vampire in front of him in the back and causing the vampire, taken by surprise, to fall forward and let go of Patrick in the process- who only just managed to dodge to the side to avoid falling over along with the vampire. The force of Andy's jump caused the vampire who had hold of him to loosen his grip in surprise, meaning Andy could push his body forward and jump his way out of the grip of the vampire; the vampire snarled and lunged back for Andy, but Andy was faster and I one swift movement, retrieved the knife strapped to his leg before spinning around, sending the blade in an arc motion as he did so and sliced the tip across the vampires throat. The vampire staggered back, gurgling as he chocked on his own blood before falling to the ground.

With one vampire dead, Andy turned his attention to the vampire who held Joe; the vampire turned its body toward Andy but had little time to react as he left his heart wide open and Andy struck out with the blade, sinking it deep into the vampires chest, piercing its heart. The vampire's eyes flew wide open, and Joe just had time to wriggle out of the vampires grasp before it fell down dead just like his fallen companion.

Andy whirled around to face the final vampire, but unfortunately, the vampire had had time to recover and was now pointing a gun directly at Andy. Shit! He panicked slightly and made a split-second decision, ditching the knife, he quickly reached forward and grabbed hold of the vampire's hand, forcing them upwards, the gun barrel now pointed away from Andy, his muscles aching as the vampire tried to pull the gun back down. Andy knew he had to act, or get shot- he lifted his right leg onto the wall of the corridor and, still holding onto the vampire to help, used the wall to push himself off the ground where the swung around in mid-air to the vampire's back, away from gun point, and rested on the vampire's shoulders. From there, Andy lifted his arm and brought his elbow down hard onto the back of the vampire's neck, who cried out in pain and fell to the floor, dropping the gun as he did so. Andy just  managed to jump down to his feet to avoid landing on top of him.

Joe gave a laugh of triumph as he and Patrick were stood close to each other, Patrick shakily trying to unlock the handcuffs on Joe using the keys from one of the dead vampire's body. Andy turned to look at his fellow hunters, eyes meeting and exchanging unspoken messages of praise towards Andy and concern towards the other two, before Andy turned his head back towards the vampires; they were all dead- except one.

The vampire left alive groaned as he groggily tried to sit back up. Andy's eyes fixed upon the gun a few feet away and he swooped his hand down to retrieve it, cocked it and pointed the end directly in the vampires face-It was full of hatred and defeat.

"Now," spoke Andy, slyly. "Let's try this again...."

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