After: Chapter 2- Time For A Rescue Mission.....Again.

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The vampire snarled and tried to lunge towards Andy, but was held back by the handcuffs Joe had placed on the right wrist of the vampire and then attached the other end to a set of prison bars, enabling the vampire to escape, despite his efforts, and still he tried to break free of the cuffs but nothing worked. This was good for the hunters- they needed the vampire alive for now.

Joe had taken Andy's knife and had gone down the corridor to search for any more vampires that could potentially attack them; the last thing they needed was an ambush of vampires and even though the place seemed deserted, with the exception of Joe, Andy, Patrick and the vampire police officer, Joe had gone anyway for security measures. As for the other two, Andy had given Patrick the gun, as he had the best aim, and he pointed it towards the vampire with a steady hand, while Andy stood close by, arms folded over his chest and stood perfectly still, looking down at the vampire. The vampire's eyes flickered between Patrick and Andy, his facial expression clearly showing he was scared, not of the hunters, but the gun, but tried to cover it up by snapping his fangs towards them. There was burning hatred in his eyes.

Andy sighed. He would give anything to just kill the vampire there and then, but they needed him alive. He was the only one who could possibly tell them where Pete was.

This should be fun....

"Ok then," Andy spoke, his voice tight and serious, "here's how it is going to work. You're going to tell us where Pete is or you get shot." He motioned towards Patrick and the gun before he cocked his head to the side. "Understand?"

The vampire hissed and attempted to throw himself at the two of them, still the handcuffs kept him back, his wrist now bloody from the harsh contact with the metal. Despite the fact they didn't need to, both Andy and Patrick jumped back on reflex, but still Andy laughed at the vampire's attempts.

"Keep trying," Andy chuckled. "It's not going to work."

The vampire snarled again, as if he were a wild animal. "You think you can torture me into telling you anything?" The vampire laughed. "I'm not telling you jack-shit!"

Patrick's head turned towards Andy, and Andy's head turned towards Patrick's; they looked at each other for a second: Do it.

As if he had read Andy's mind, Patrick shifted his aim a few inches downwards and pulled the trigger, the bullet going through the vampire's leg.

The vampire screeched in pain as the bullet pierced his flesh. Both the sound of the gunshot and the vampires screams were enough to make Andy want to cover his ears with his hands, but he remained strong and focused. As for Patrick, he swallowed and squinted his eyes at the sickly sight of blood coming from the wound in the vampire's leg. You would think for a vampire hunter, they'd be used to things like this, however there were some things you never got used to.

"Now you know we're not bluffing." Spoke Patrick, still with his arm raised as he pointed the gun. "I suggest you answer his question."

Andy moved closer towards the vampire, but still with enough distance that the vampire couldn't reach him. His eyes narrowed. "Where is Pete?" He said the words slowly.

The vampire hissed from the pain of the bullet. "You bastard!" He said, spitting the words.

Andy shrugged. "I've been called worse."

Patrick sighed. "Enough with the name calling! Tell us where you've taken Pete!" Patrick's voice was full of anger.

Instead of answering, the vampire just growled and kept his mouth shut.

Patrick took aim again, this time for the vampire's arm, and fired.

The screams and cries of pain from the vampire were louder than the first and seemed to echo all around the corridor, sending Andy's ears ringing but again he remained composed. He clenched his fists together as he exchanged a look with Patrick- he knew what they were both probably thinking. We can't do this forever! The more time we waste, the less time Pete may have! We need to find him, and fast.

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